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The Baptist Reader Podcast

Baptist Talk

Provide Information, Give Insight, and Edify Believers || Reading and Analysis of Scripture, Historic Baptist Writings, and Doctrinal Truths.


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Provide Information, Give Insight, and Edify Believers || Reading and Analysis of Scripture, Historic Baptist Writings, and Doctrinal Truths.



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2-7 - Real Treasure (Luke 12:13-34)



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1-31 - Securing Freedom (2 Tim 3:16-4:8)



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Episode 53 - Church Persecution, Hate Crimes. False Religious Liberty? Final Various Verses and Analysis.

In our introduction today, we'll discuss the state of Church persecution in America. Did you know there have been over 1,700 violent attacks over the last 19 years? How does the FBI view these violent attacks? Did you know the FBI doesn't consider them hate crimes? We'll also get into the state of "Religious Liberty" -- is it eroding in the United States? In our reading, we'll cover two chapters out of Roy Mason's Universal Church Theory Exploded. This book is certainly worth reading for...


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Episode 52 - Matthew 16:18-19 Peculiar Elements, Context, Keys, etc. Final Questionable Passages, and Analysis

In our introduction today, we are going to discuss the historical, biblical context for Matthew 16, and all the interesting and peculiar elements within the passage, such as the keys, what do they bind and loose? Is Peter the only one with the keys? In our reading we'll cover the final questionable passages and discuss what they mean, especially the circular letters. B. H. Carroll's Notes on Ekklesia Usage in The New Testament, the Septuagint, and other literature:...


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Episode 51 - Matthew 16:18, What or Who is the Foundation for a Church? Analyzing the whole of Scripture. More Q&A, “Difficult” Passages

In our introduction today, we'll begin a two-part exposition of Matthew 16:18. First, we will begin what is the significance of Petros and Petra. How are they related? How does Scripture deal with the terms otherwise? If God's Church has the Rock for a foundation, who or what is that foundation? The whole of Scripture has a certain and clear answer echoed consistently through both Old and New Testaments. We'll also deal with other issues, such as was Peter elevated above others? What did...


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Episode 50 - Where are the Wheat and Tares? What about Replacement Theology? What Ekklesia in the Septuagint? Question and Answer with Dr. Carroll.

In our introduction today, we'll provide some insight on a regularly misunderstood passage of the New Testament, commonly known as the Wheat and Tares Parable. What is being spoken of in this passage and how does that help our understanding of Church and Kingdom? Moreover, we'll discuss the great trouble often reaped by misinterpretation. We'll also biblically deal with the concept of Replacement Theology. What is the Scriptural view? Who are Christians? In our reading, we'll cover some...


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Episode 49 - Is Church a good translation for Ekklesia? Can a town be a Church? Boundaries of definitions. The relationship of Church to Kingdom.

In our introduction we'll hear from a recent article from about whether Church is a good translation for Ekklesia. This will introduce some conundrums to our understandings about where the edge of reason lies. We'll use a town's recent claim to be a church as a springboard into a discussion on definitions. In our reading, we'll discuss some of the errors introduced by the Universal Church Concept, the introduction of the word "Universal" into the so-called "Apostle's" creed, and...


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Episode 48 - What is the Church? An Ungathered Gathering? What does the Bible Teach? An Introduction to B. H. Carroll's Ecclesia (Ekklesia)

We begin by introducing the subject matter for our next, short reading. What is the Church? How does the Bible speak of the Church. Is it an ungathered gathering? Is there a Scriptural distinction between types of Churches? (e.g. Universal or Local?) Where did the concept of the Universal Church come from? It later gained a separate modification of "invisible" – where did that come from? If the Universal Church does exist, how do the rules of Church discipline apply to it? How does Scripture...


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Episode 47 - Prophecy Alert? Red Heifer ushering 3rd Temple? What does The Bible say?

Over the last month, there has been a big stir among Jews and many Christians about the birth of a "red heifer" in the lands of Palestine. Are there prophetic implications? Where does that idea come from? Are we really on the edge of a Third Temple? Should we be expecting another temple? What does the Bible have to say about all these things? What color was the "red heifer" of Numbers 19? We'll examine the actual evidence and give the Scriptural answer. Are Christians anti-Semitic for...


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Episode 46 - Is God's Sovereign Will Predominant? Analysis of Scripture. Does God have Wills in Conflict? Is God Double Minded? Final Reading in History. What did Waldensian Anabaptists believe?

In our introduction today, we'll cover a fascinating subject about God's Sovereign Will. Is it predominant in the world? Does God predetermine everything? If so, what does that do with God's moral will? Doesn't God want people to be moral? How does Scripture help us to understand? In our reading, we'll cover the final bit for Baptist History and cover what Waldensian Anabaptists believed throughout history and Baptist Heritage. Support this Podcast and by becoming...


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Episode 45 - An analysis of Martin Luther's slander of James' letter the Epistle of Straw, What is at the heart of the matter, Reading and Analysis, The Noble Lesson.

In our introduction, we'll cover the issue of Martin Luther's calling the Epistle of James, the Epistle of Straw. What is at hand in this statement? Why did Luther make such a statement? We'll analyze the actual biblical issue and give the answer to the fundamental problem which most face when grappling with the plain reading of James. After our Reading, in analysis, we'll cover the Waldensian Noble Lesson. Support this Podcast and by becoming a Patron!...


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Episode 44 - Revelation 11, The Great City, what is it? Where are the Witnesses slain? Sodom and Egypt, Israel. Homosexuality, Gay Pride. Israel's Future. A Jew's only hope.

In our introduction today, we'll discuss the Great City of Revelation 11, where the witnesses are slain. What is this Great City that is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt? What does the rest of Revelation say? What does the immediate context specify? There is no other place "where their Lord was slain" but Jerusalem of the nation of Israel. This place is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. What does that mean? How does this help us to understand Israel's future? Do we see a taste of their...


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Episode 43 - Solution to Cultural Diversity more Pluralism? What's the real answer? History. What is Government's role with religion & controversy? Islam & Christianity

In response to the US Task Force on Religious Liberty, we look to a recent article by the Daily Signal, where they offer a solution for religious liberty and persecution: Pluralism. What is pluralism? Simply Diversity? Actually not, we'll go to the Pluralism Organization for the answer. We'll look to history for how the United States historically handled the issue of religious liberty and civil responsibility. We'll answer the question about Governments role with religion and civil...


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Episode 42 - 501c3 Churches? Church Muzzling. 501c3 Churches to be taxed. Solution? Reading and Analysis. King Wenceslaus.

We will definitively cover the subject of 501c3 and the trouble that this classification has for God's Churches. What restrictions come with 501c3? Does this hurt or hinder the mission of the Church? And in recent developments even 501c3 churches and organizations may incur a 21% tax for Employee (including Pastor) benefits. What is the solution? What about Tax Exemption? What about the First Amendment? Is there a better way? What should churches do? We will give the answer according to...


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Episode 41 - Fascism. What it means. Its history, proper use, and composition. Fascism in our own day: what is it and what to do about it. Ecumenism, LGBT Agenda, Tax Exemption 501c3, SBC.

We'll discuss the right understanding of Fascism in its proper understanding. Then view its history and composition, in order to understand its proper use. Having done that, we'll review an interesting article which discusses this very topic in relation to what is going on in the Catholic Church. Thence, we'll discuss the relationship with what is happening in the broader religious and denominational context for churches. We'll touch on Ecumenism, LGBT Agenda, Tax Exemption, and the recent...


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Episode 40 - Genesis 9:20-25. What Was the sin of Ham? Why Was Canaan Cursed? How does this fit into the broader context of Scripture? Reading and Analysis. Jon Huss.

In light of last weeks discussion, we'll further our understanding by using what we've learned to understand Genesis 9:20-25. We'll discover what precisely Ham did, when he committed the sin which caused his son, Canaan to be cursed. Many interpretations have been given, but few settle all the issues. Given what we've learned and information discussed in this episode, we will be able to grasp the full issue as we interact with a Theological Article. In our Reading and Analysis, we'll...


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Episode 39 - Leviticus 18, Dr. Dershowitz, Bible Permits Gay Sex? What does the Bible really teach? Reading and Analysis. Baptists did not come out of Reformation.

Recently, there has been an article making numerous rounds on the internet, which makes claims by a "Bible Scholar", Harvard Professor, Dr. Idan Dershowitz, that Leviticus 18 is heavily edited, and that the Bible originally permitted Homosexuality. Is that true? What does the Bible really teach? What is the evidence? We'll examine Leviticus 18 and the rest of Scripture to get at the right view. After our Reading, we'll discuss the fact that Baptists can't have come out of the Reformation,...


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Episode 38 - Oracles in the Bible? An analysis of various Scripture References, Mysticism in Translations. Reading and Analysis. Egalitarianism and True History.

We'll provide analysis and insight into the use of the term Oracle in the Old Testament. How are we to understand this word found 17 times in the King James (along with others) translation of the Old Testament. What is the actual Hebrew word behind this english phrase? Is Oracle a good word to use? Why don't we see the same word (Oracle) in the New Testament? The final and definitive answers will be enlightening and helpful. After reading and Analysis, we'll cover Egalitarianism and its...


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Episode 37 - Oard's Book "Frozen in Time," The Ice Age and the Flood. Next - God and Gender in the News again, Episcopalians. Real Patriarchy and the Biblical Perspective.

A slight review of Michael J. Oard's book: Frozen in Time. An excellent book which covers some fascinating bits of information related to the Ice Age which came at the end of the Flood. Some information from the book and its evidentiary topic: Wooly Mammoth's. Next in our introduction, we'll discuss an old topic recently reintroduced to the News as this week the Episcopal Church is apparently reviewing their "Common Book of Prayer" to have more non-Gender specific references to God. We'll...


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Episode 35 - Romans 13. The Christian and Government. Has God set up every Government? The whole of Scripture. The right understanding of Romans 13:1. Reading and Analysis, Supporting those in need.

Recently there were some comments by a Government Official of the Federal Government of the United States of America, where citation was made to Romans 13:1. Many secular agencies have given commentary on the event and the Scripture, but what's the real understanding of this verse? Our answer must not simply seek to satisfy a theological position, but a textual exegesis. We will examine the immediate context in Romans 13. Then, the whole of Scripture, and what individuals did in both the Old...
