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Past-Life Talents and Abilities

Dick Sutphen

DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING. Dick Sutphen guides you into a deep altered-state of consciousness to discover your past-life talents and abilities. Dick Sutphen’s deep hypnotic voice will guide you in to find the talents you have brought over in to this lifetime to increase your abilities once again. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed and listen as you go into a Higher Mind deep past-life meditation. Make certain you are fully awake at the end of this session. Dick Sutphen is a best-selling author and seminar trainer who specializes in bran/mind technology. He instructs medical and other professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar. Author - Dick Sutphen. Narrator - Dick Sutphen. Published Date - Wednesday, 03 January 2024.


United States


DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING. Dick Sutphen guides you into a deep altered-state of consciousness to discover your past-life talents and abilities. Dick Sutphen’s deep hypnotic voice will guide you in to find the talents you have brought over in to this lifetime to increase your abilities once again. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed and listen as you go into a Higher Mind deep past-life meditation. Make certain you are fully awake at the end of this session. Dick Sutphen is a best-selling author and seminar trainer who specializes in bran/mind technology. He instructs medical and other professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar. Author - Dick Sutphen. Narrator - Dick Sutphen. Published Date - Wednesday, 03 January 2024.



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