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Maxwell Leadership Executive Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Maxwell Leadership Executive Podcast provides leadership training and coaching based on the principles of its founder John C. Maxwell.


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The Maxwell Leadership Executive Podcast provides leadership training and coaching based on the principles of its founder John C. Maxwell.




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#308 Be a Funnel, Not a Filter-Leading Up

In this episode of the Maxwell Leadership Executive Podcast, Perry Holley and Chris Goede discuss the importance of being a funnel, not a filter, when leading up. They explore the concept of funneling information to leaders and the value of having an inner circle of trusted advisors. They also provide insights on leading oneself well, doing one's job exceptionally well, and lightening the leader's load. The conversation emphasizes the need for leaders to be aware of how they are leading and influencing their peers, direct reports, themselves, and their leaders. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#307: Feedback That Drives Inclusion

In this episode, Chris Goede and Perry Holley explore the connection between feedback and fostering a culture of inclusion. They break down a powerful 19-word phrase that delivers a burst of belonging cues and drives performance to new heights. They share insights on how leaders can make everyone on the team feel valued and recognize their unique potential. The episode offers actionable strategies for providing feedback that not only improves performance but also strengthens feelings of inclusion and belonging within a team. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#306: There's No Success Without Sacrifice

In this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of sacrifice in leadership. They emphasize that sacrifice is necessary for success and explore different types of sacrifices that leaders must make. The hosts highlight the need to sacrifice ego, time, control, perfection, pretenses, and power dynamics. They also mention the importance of setting boundaries to ensure that personal time is not sacrificed. The episode concludes with the idea that sacrifice is worth it because of the impact it has on others and the inward reward it brings. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#305: Do You Practice Generous Inclusion?

In this episode, Perry Holley and Chris Goede explore the concept of generous inclusion and its importance for effective leadership. They outline specific behaviors leaders can practice making their team members feel valued, respected, and included in meaningful ways. The two also identify common temptations leaders face that can hinder inclusivity and offer strategies to overcome these challenges. Throughout the conversation, they stress the critical role generous inclusion plays in fostering engagement, collaboration, and positive team dynamics. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at! Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#304: Developing a Professional Development Program

In this conversation, Perry Holley and Chris Goede discuss the importance of building a professional development program for organizations. They emphasize the need to assess organizational needs, evaluate skill gaps, and align future requirements. They also highlight the significance of self-assessment and helping employees become more self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses. The conversation covers topics such as developing a strategy, allocating resources, checking in regularly, and rewarding progress. The hosts stress the importance of continuous improvement and using technology to track and evaluate the program. They conclude by emphasizing the impact of a development plan on company culture and talent attraction and retention. This episode is sponsored by Visit Orlando. Whether for business or entertainment, visit Orlando, where the possibilities for business travel are unbelievably real! References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#303: Leading For-Profit and Nonprofit Teams with Jason Bilotti

In this conversation, Jason Bellotti, a Chick-fil-A operator and author, discusses his leadership journey and the importance of servant leadership. He shares his experiences in turning around a struggling Chick-fil-A store, leading multiple stores, and leading a mission in Niger. Bellotti emphasizes the value of developing young leaders and creating a culture of hard work and building relationships. He also highlights the significance of faith and courage in leadership and the importance of modeling servant leadership behavior. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#302: How Likable Are You?

In this conversation, the hosts discuss the importance of likability in leadership and how it can impact relationships and influence. They explore various characteristics and behaviors that make a person likable, such as positivity, humility, integrity, approachability, and consistency. They also highlight the significance of emotional intelligence and self-awareness in being likable. The hosts provide practical tips for being more likable, including asking more questions, putting away phones, using people's names, smiling, and being interested in others. They caution against behaviors that can kill likability, such as humble bragging, name dropping, gossiping, having a closed mind, and oversharing. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#301: How to Lead an Effective Meeting

In this episode, the hosts discuss how to lead an effective meeting. They highlight that 70% of meetings are considered ineffective and a waste of time. The conversation covers various aspects of leading a meeting, including identifying the meeting leader, stating the purpose of the meeting, creating an agenda, starting the meeting on time, carefully considering the attendees, assigning a note taker, allowing time for brainstorming, encouraging dissenting opinions, and ending the meeting with action items. The hosts emphasize the importance of creating a system for running meetings and communicating that system to the team. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#300: Dealing with a Difficult Employee

In this episode, Perry Holly and Chris Cote discuss how to deal with difficult team members. They emphasize the importance of self-reflection and building relationships with team members. They also discuss the need to address the behavior as unacceptable and set clear expectations. The hosts provide insights on understanding the reasons behind difficult behavior and offer tips on how to handle difficult conversations. They also highlight the significance of having a strong organizational culture and core values. This episode is sponsored by Visit Orlando. Whether for business or entertainment, visit Orlando, where the possibilities for business travel are unbelievably real! References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#299: Managing Impact Over Intent

In this episode, Perry Holley and Chris Goede discuss how to deal with difficult team members. They emphasize the importance of self-reflection and building relationships with team members. They also discuss the need to address the behavior as unacceptable and set clear expectations. The hosts provide insights on understanding the reasons behind difficult behavior and offer tips on how to handle difficult conversations. They also highlight the significance of having a strong organizational culture and core values. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#298: Is Complacency Killing Your Performance

Complacency can be a challenge that kills performance in organizations. It often arises after a period of great success and can lead to a drop in quality of work, reduced productivity, and a lack of initiative and engagement. To combat complacency, leaders can lead by example, promote self-awareness, and provide feedback and coaching. They can also focus on the fundamentals, set clear goals and expectations, and measure leading indicators of success. Additionally, leaders can encourage professional development, promote work-life balance, and celebrate small wins to create a culture that counteracts complacency. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#297: Has Employee Engagement Gotten Worse

Employee engagement has worsened, especially among younger generations. According to a Gallup survey, only 33% of employees were highly engaged by the end of 2023, and this number has continued to decline. Baby boomers have shown increased engagement, while Gen X and millennials have experienced declines. The decline in engagement among younger workers, particularly millennials and Gen Z, is a significant concern. Factors contributing to disengagement include lack of clarity, dissatisfaction, lack of development opportunities, and a disconnect from the organization's mission. Hybrid and remote workers are especially affected by disengagement. To address this issue, leaders must prioritize communication, establish clear expectations for in-person office time, personalize development plans, and value the opinions of younger team members. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#296: What Drives You - Character or Emotion

The conversation explores the topic of whether leaders are driven by character or emotion. It discusses the importance of being character-driven and the negative impact of being emotionally-driven. The conversation highlights the need for leaders to make character-based decisions, be committed rather than convenience-driven, and let action control their attitude. It also emphasizes the importance of being resilient and continuing to lead when problems arise. The conversation concludes by encouraging leaders to assess their own leadership style and seek feedback from their team. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#295: A Simple System for Success

In this episode, Chris Goede and Perry Holley explore a simple system for leadership success inspired by legendary coach John Wooden. They outline the importance of maintaining personal and team conditioning, ensuring mastery of fundamentals, and fostering unity within the team. They provide actionable insights into how leaders can implement these principles to create a winning culture. The episode equips listeners with practical strategies to elevate their leadership and drive remarkable results. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at Get John C. Maxwell's newest book, High Road Leadership!


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#294: Winning the Relationship Game

The conversation revolves around the topic of winning the relationship game and how leaders can lift people up and create positive relationships. The hosts discuss the different types of people in relationships, including adders, subtractors, multipliers, and dividers. They emphasize the importance of intentional encouragement and kindness in lifting others up. The conversation also touches on the impact of relationships on leadership effectiveness and organizational culture. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#293: Mastering the Art of Delegation

In this episode, Perry Holley and Chris Goede look at the crucial skill of delegation, a topic frequently surfacing during coaching calls with leaders at various levels. They discuss how mastering delegation can unleash your team's potential, spread decision-making effectively, and ultimately lead to remarkable results. The episode explores the pitfalls leaders often face, such as the urge to do everything themselves or the misconception that good leadership means being proficient in all tasks. More importantly, Chris and Perry provide actionable steps to improve your delegation skills, from identifying tasks only you can perform to setting clear expectations, checking in without micromanaging, and recognizing your team's good work. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode. Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member Buy John C. Maxwell's book, High Road Leadership Sign up for the Maxwell Leadership Growth Plan


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#292: Cultivating a Culture of Accountability

In this episode, Chris Goede and Perry Holley explore the concept of accountability within leadership teams. They assert that creating a culture of accountability significantly enhances team productivity and engagement, and they discuss strategies for leaders to model accountability. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at Buy John C. Maxwell's new book, High Road Leadership, today at


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#291: Coaching for Growth

In this episode, Chris Goede and Perry Holley discuss coaching for growth and the importance of being a coaching leader. They explore the concept of a culture of growth and how it can boost collaboration, innovation, and resilience. The hosts highlight the key qualities of effective coaches, including assessing the readiness of the team, providing clear direction and support, challenging individuals to grow, exhibiting vulnerability and trust, and celebrating progress and success. They emphasize the importance of intentional effort and personal development in fostering a culture of growth. This episode is sponsored by Visit Orlando. Whether for business or entertainment, visit Orlando, where the possibilities for business travel are unbelievably real! References: Download the FREE Learner Guide Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member


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#290: 5 Trends that Will Define Work in 2024

In this episode, Chris Goede and Perry Holley discuss five trends that will define work in 2024 according to Harvard Business Review. The trends include the hybrid work evolution, push back against “workism,” caregiving policies, generational shifts, and the rise of the portfolio life. They explore the impact of these trends on leadership and provide insights on how leaders can navigate and adapt to these changes. References: Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member at


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#289: Becoming a High Road Leader (Part 2)

In this episode, Chris Goede and Jared Cagle discuss the importance of embracing authenticity as a leader. They emphasize the need for leaders to be honest, open, and vulnerable with their teams, as this builds trust and allows for stronger relationships. They also highlight the significance of prioritizing character over reputation, as character is what truly defines a leader. Additionally, they discuss the power of making choices and the impact it has on leadership development. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and practical advice for leaders looking to enhance their authenticity and effectiveness. References: Pre-order High Road Leadership now and receive $299 worth of bonus content. Download the FREE Learner Guide for this episode at Become a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member.
