Measuring Up Podcast
Business & Economics Podcasts
Peter Millard & Andy MacLellan chat about life behind the wheel of a small commercial joinery / carpentry business.
United Kingdom
Peter Millard & Andy MacLellan chat about life behind the wheel of a small commercial joinery / carpentry business.
#049: Back on the Tools
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast. Loads in today's episode including: The world is a bit nervous about the Coronavirus A bit more electric car talk... so... why are they so expensive again? Benefits for charge network members Crazy overzealous drone regulations in the UK Business is booming and the sky hasn't fallen down Peter's been back on the tools... how you slow down when you're not doing this every day Spraying of projects... some final thoughts? Painting MDF edges... again Andy's still obsessed with farming Storage ideas from small apartments Will Andy be using MDF for his future renovation? Patreon supporters can subscribe to the weekly show by copying the 'Audio RSS Link' from Patreon to your podcast player of choice. Thanks for your awesome support! https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Tractor Stuck in the Mud World's Most Extraordinary Homes YouTube channels being hacked Never too small channel - 45sq m dutch apartment, lots of plywood A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#047: IP Ownership of Things We Make?
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast. Loads in today's episode including: House selling woes Coffee and alcohol Drones Password management and security Peter's been refreshing a hand plane The January YouTube lull Who owns the Intellectual Property rights to the designs of things we make? Patreon supporters can subscribe to the weekly show by copying the 'Audio RSS Link' from Patreon to your podcast player of choice. Thanks for your awesome support! https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Peter's plane shaving video Andy's drone video on Andy Mac Drums A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#045: Our Typical Days
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast. Loads in today's episode including: Andy's had his first drone flight More Instagram scam woes Continue chat about electric vehicles House buying... is something finally happening? Start of year routines and getting back to work What were our typical days like when we were both full-time woodworkers? Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Tomorrow's World house of 2020 video Range test of Mavic Mini drone Steve Ramsay on Ted's Woodworking scam Economics of Sweden video A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#043: We’re in the Christmas lull!
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast. Loads in today's episode including: Happy New Year! We're in the Christmas lul and we're now TV critics Microphones Impact Drivers Soft close and Christmas DIY Christmas Board Games (Linkee, Jenga, Risk, Destination, Go) Peter's buying planes! Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Andy's impact driver vid Peter's planer vid A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#041: Fitted Furniture in Deep Alcoves
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast and a very Merry Christmas from Andy & Peter! On today's show: Cables on power tools can ruin perfectly good tools New toys we want for Christmas Posh speaker cables and stupid interconnects Electric vehicles - what's the worst that could happen? Andy doesn't have a truck any more - what next? What to do with fitted furniture in deep alcoves? Buying timber - a few things to consider Does Peter need to get rid of his super van? Tax on UK self employed folk - is it so bad? Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Pilot forgets to land plane Ian Samson - electric vehicles on YouTube Newcastle Clean Air Zone (CAZ) A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#039: Batteries and Cybertrucks
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast! On today's show: Andy is getting old and falling to pieces Venice flooding and clever wellies A brick laying question for our listeners? Can you earn money as a hobby without becoming self employed? Cash vs accrual accounts The time served thing... case closed? Black Friday Makers Central is back? Instagram MLM scams - stop following scammy channels! Tesla Cybertruck - the Marmite truck? Love it or hate it? Electric vehicles... when will the infrastructure be sorted? Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Peter's Venice video A Maker's Eye - Peter's second channel Dan Pattinson table vid UK Business Forums Andy's video about trading allowance Government HMRC trading allowance link Andy's apprenticeship video Tesla Cybertruck Solid state battery technology A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#037: Think of the Children!
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast! On today's show: Peter's back from Venice and it was REALLY flooded! Holidays, when you're ready to come home? Behind the scenes... nothing is real! Why are makers making less YouTube videos? Dry fitting woodworking prior to on-site assembly How do we remember to bring everything on jobs? Lists and grab bags! Drill bit storage - can this ever be resolved? Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Steve Ramsay on less YouTube videos A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#035: Bad Instruction Manuals… and Disneyland!
Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast! On today's show: Andy's very excited about Disneyland... and the channel tunnel! French roads... where are the cat's eyes? Peter's planer / thicknesser and strange return policies Clever IKEA design Bad instruction manuals Audio casting and Bluetooth Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Badger Workshop Walt Disney Imagineering on YouTube Imagineers Podcast Essex Makers official on Instagram FenceDogs V-Slot extrusion A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#033: Strangest Handyman Jobs?
Welcome back! Later on in the show we're talking about some of our strangest encounters back in the days of doing handyman work. We're also chatting about modern lives where information is fed to us via new mediums such as YouTube, podcasts and social media. Is there life after YouTube? How do you go back to working a normal job when you're 'YouTube famous'?? We've also got some really exciting news for you all - the show is now weekly for all Patreon supporters! If you don't want to do the Patreon thing you can still listen to the usual show every 2 weeks but we're ditching the aftershow in favour of a proper extra weekly show instead. Patreon supporters can listen to the weekly show at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: Casey Neistat chatting to Ethan & Hila about YouTube fame A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#032: We’re Early!
Peter and Andy are off to be media tarts at a special YouTube event so we're recording the show a bit early this week. We're covering all sorts today including procrastination and working without distractions (in Costa), Peter's gone back to using a roller and hates it, we chat about price conditioning and setting expectations for your clients. Not to mention VAT, tax evasion and MFT hole spacing. Patreon supporters can listen to the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Awesome people we talked about today: CGP Grey Viva Frei (drum video) Giving VAT a different name EU VAT thresholds Keith's awesome MFT video Zoe Wilson stone carver QEST - Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust Essex Makers on Instagram Paul Cunningham Hardwood offcuts shop Never Too Small Mustie1 96mm hole spacing MFT And the 32mm system in general Marco Arment podcast microphone review A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#031: Ch ch ch changes!
We're back for Season 4 of the Measuring Up Podcast and we have so much to tell you! It's only been a few months since the last episode but some pretty major changes are afoot in terms of where we take this whole 'YouTube thing'. We also have a bit of a chat about affiliate marketing and the total lack of preparedness most UK businesses seem to have for this essential sales funnel... and on a related note, we so often hear horrific stories of cowboy builders. Since people are starting to realise that all reviews are fake, how can customers actually find good trades people? Patreon supporters can listen to the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Morpeth Electric Bicycle Company A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#030: Humility as a Woodworker
It's our last episode of Season 3! Join us as we try to get through some of the topics we planned to talk about in the first season. Here goes: YouTube and viral randomness, painting tables, humility as a woodworker, Peter nearly becomes a DJ, Andy's making SketchUp videos, losing and misplacing stuff, Andy didn't have a tape measure, best and worst parts of woodworking, how many battery platforms do we have, budget tools versus premium tools, making doors before carcasses, do we care about the next man in, lack of time to play with new tools, tools we couldn't live without and (phew!)... dust control! Plus more on the aftershow including Andy's tin foil hat YouTube theories, available at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Peter's paint video Andy's 'Getting the Design Right' video Andy's 'Favourite Tape Measure' video Fools with Tools Podcast Peter's Aldi Vacuum / Inner Tube video Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#029: Do Instagram care about Copyright?
Loads to talk about today! Peter's bedside tables are finally out of his workshop and Andy has had some interesting adventures with a viral post on Instagram. This has highlighted a real problem on the platform, do Instagram care about copyright? And what exactly is the Instagram "Hi" scam? Other topics of the day include lath & plaster, who'll train the apprentices, Peter's new fancy biscuit jointer and crazy build requests. Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Andy's Instagram gate vid Peter's new Lamello vid Lath & Plaster repair vid Restoration Couple lath repair vid McClark Bespoke Joinery Thorsen Joinery Cunningham Custom Creations J. Jones Carpentry Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#028: Soundproofing Workshops & UK New Builds
We're back to normality after Makers Central... well, not quite. We're chatting more about new build housing issues in the UK - from crazily poor standards of construction through to what Andy found hidden in the wall of his new build house. The UK housing industry is broken and we don't know how to fix it. Will the Japanese show us how it's done? Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Andy's Soundproofing 101 vid Branding irons Peter's table feet vid What Andy found in his wall vid Japanese house building article Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#027: Peter and Andy finally meet! Makers Central 2019!
It's Makers Central 2019 and we have an exhibition stand to run! Andy's heading down and Peter's heading up to Birmingham for the maker event of the year. It's also the first time Andy & Peter actually get a chance to meet in person! Excuse our voices, they're broken from the first day on the show - but we do get a chance to natter a bit more about apprenticeships and difficult customers. Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Big shout out to Fools with Tools Podcast! Other podcasts mentioned: Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe 99% Invisible Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#026: The UK Housing Problem
All the usual chit-chat about the day-to-day happenings in a small joinery workshop. We've got a bit more follow-up on the topic of apprenticeships and what it means to be 'time served' in the 21st century. We're also talking about the joys of linseed oil based paint and, briefly, how to fix the entire of the UK's housing problems. Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: UK house prices Luminary Unsplash Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#025: Alcove Units and Saying ‘No’ to Customers
Peter's back to the grind after a bit of well deserved time off in Venice and Andy chats about the alcove install he's been working on. We're also discussing how to say 'no' to customers? What happens when you're asked to do work that you just don't want to do? We're talking about the importance of having a presence on Google My Business and poking a bit of fun at the MDF-haters out there. Is it time for clear finishes on MDF to celebrate the material's natural beauty? Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: New limited edition T-shirts available until 30/4/2019 Discount code for the above on Patreon Google My Business Freebird Interiors McClark Bespoke Joinery Thorsen Joinery Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#024: Are We Joiners, Carpenters or Cabinet Makers?
We're chatting about the difference between a cabinet maker, joiner, carpenter and a carpet fitter. On a more serious note, is your business being held back by bureaucracy and constant barriers? Being self employed is hard enough and it seems to be a constant uphill battle dealing with red tape. On top of all this we're chatting a bit more about trades people not being allowed to live in new-build houses due to restrictive covenants preventing vans from being parked on your own driveway. Bit more woodworking talk in today's show - Andy's even ditching the MDF and switching to oak. Oh, and Peter might not be allowed to drive in London any more! Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Peter's Toxic Fruit Video Andy's EU VAT MOSS scheme explained Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#023: Inside Baseball
OK, we're getting a bit geeky about YouTube today but bear with us. We're chatting about how a single viral video can transform a YouTube channel overnight from a hobby to a job. We're also talking about video editing software and why, when you're locked in to a platform, switching to something else is easier said than done. We've got some more follow-up on MDF and it's mythical dangers. AND we now have official merch! Link below. Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: Our new official merch! Secret Trapdoor in the Canal vid Andy's Small Business Toolbox channel PhotoPea, free alternative to PhotoShop Sara Dietschy & MKBHD Adobe Premiere VS Final Cut Peter's Console Table vid series Startup Podcast from Gimlet on Spotify Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Official Merch on Teespring Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast
#022: Special Delivery!
All sorts in today's show. Andy's MDF story, how accurate do you need to be in woodworking? Vans vs trucks, roof racks, Are trades people allowed to live in new houses? Bigger workshops, Makers Central, phew... AND we're asking the question, does the hysteria surrounding the dangers of MDF put it in the same bracket as the anti-vaccination and flat-earther brigades? Let's have a chat about it! And of course, don't read the comments - we chat about some of our favourite YouTube comments in the aftershow on Patreon. Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast Links: World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality (2010) - Selected Pollutants (PDF download) Makers Central 2019 Colin Furze Bob Clagett Jimmy DiResta Nick Zammeti Ainsley at Chalet Le Camigane, Alpe D'Huez Music - Silver by Riot A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/ Follow Us: Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube Subscribe to Measuring Up Podcast on YouTube Help Support the Show on Patreon Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at https://measuringuppodcast.com Useful Resources Page Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter Instagram: @measuringuppodcast