James Abbott

The Japanese candlestick charting method is one of the most amazing ones to date and has stood the test of time, having been used for hundreds of years. The world is in love with these candles for a good reason, as they help every trader at every level of proficiency see exactly what’s going on with the charts at a glance. This is because they’re so visually pleasing and easy to look at, unlike other charts that came before them. As you read this book, you will find that there’s no better way to look at the markets than using Japanese candles, no matter what asset class you’ve chosen to trade. In these pages, you will learn exactly what the candles are trying to tell you, and you’ll become very proficient in candle-speak. Not only that, but you’ll also understand all the pros of using these candles instead of any other charting technique and see how they’re formed. Ever seen a chart before? Worried you won’t get it? You’ll soon find there’s no reason to be concerned about the concept of candles flying over your head — at least, not with this book. You’ll learn everything that makes up a candlestick and how these elements are connected to each other to bring you rich layers of information that can help you confidently make trading decisions. As you read, it’s smart to pull up several charts and try to identify the patterns and candles being discussed, so you can begin getting familiar with the concepts and noticing stuff on your own. The more you do this, the easier it will be for you to spot the patterns and take advantage of them. Decide to be an active learner, and it will pay off handsomely. If you’re ready to master the charts, and use them to make explosive gains in your portfolio, let’s get started. Duration - 9h 31m. Author - James Abbott. Narrator - Ben Herold. Published Date - Saturday, 07 January 2023. Copyright - © 2022 Meryem Publications LLC ©.


United States


The Japanese candlestick charting method is one of the most amazing ones to date and has stood the test of time, having been used for hundreds of years. The world is in love with these candles for a good reason, as they help every trader at every level of proficiency see exactly what’s going on with the charts at a glance. This is because they’re so visually pleasing and easy to look at, unlike other charts that came before them. As you read this book, you will find that there’s no better way to look at the markets than using Japanese candles, no matter what asset class you’ve chosen to trade. In these pages, you will learn exactly what the candles are trying to tell you, and you’ll become very proficient in candle-speak. Not only that, but you’ll also understand all the pros of using these candles instead of any other charting technique and see how they’re formed. Ever seen a chart before? Worried you won’t get it? You’ll soon find there’s no reason to be concerned about the concept of candles flying over your head — at least, not with this book. You’ll learn everything that makes up a candlestick and how these elements are connected to each other to bring you rich layers of information that can help you confidently make trading decisions. As you read, it’s smart to pull up several charts and try to identify the patterns and candles being discussed, so you can begin getting familiar with the concepts and noticing stuff on your own. The more you do this, the easier it will be for you to spot the patterns and take advantage of them. Decide to be an active learner, and it will pay off handsomely. If you’re ready to master the charts, and use them to make explosive gains in your portfolio, let’s get started. Duration - 9h 31m. Author - James Abbott. Narrator - Ben Herold. Published Date - Saturday, 07 January 2023. Copyright - © 2022 Meryem Publications LLC ©.



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