Penny Stocks for Beginners & Dummies
Giovanni Rigters
The penny stock market is one of the most misunderstood markets in the world. So many people enter this market with little knowledge about the skill set, trading tools and other tactics that are required to be successful. Everyone seems to have heard of someone who made thousands of dollars in penny stocks and naturally, they want to do the same.
The fact of the matter is penny stocks can make incredible percentage moves which put the majority of other asset classes to shame and it doesn't take a ton of money to get started. I can tell you from experience that when you make your first profitable trade, there's no better feeling in the world, but I must warn you that the road to profiting consistently in the penny stock market isn't some get rich quick scheme. These false beliefs are the primary reason that so many people fail.
The key to consistent profits in penny stocks or any market for that matter is to extract small to medium size profits consistently and compound your profits. Let's explore more.
Duration - 44m.
Author - Giovanni Rigters.
Narrator - Ron Garner.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2019 Giovanni Rigters ©.
United States
The penny stock market is one of the most misunderstood markets in the world. So many people enter this market with little knowledge about the skill set, trading tools and other tactics that are required to be successful. Everyone seems to have heard of someone who made thousands of dollars in penny stocks and naturally, they want to do the same. The fact of the matter is penny stocks can make incredible percentage moves which put the majority of other asset classes to shame and it doesn't take a ton of money to get started. I can tell you from experience that when you make your first profitable trade, there's no better feeling in the world, but I must warn you that the road to profiting consistently in the penny stock market isn't some get rich quick scheme. These false beliefs are the primary reason that so many people fail. The key to consistent profits in penny stocks or any market for that matter is to extract small to medium size profits consistently and compound your profits. Let's explore more. Duration - 44m. Author - Giovanni Rigters. Narrator - Ron Garner. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2019 Giovanni Rigters ©.
Opening Credits
Chapter 1: Thе Wоrld of Pеnnу Stocks
Chapter 2: Key Indicators оf Gооd Pеnnу Stосkѕ
Chapter 3: Key Chart Patterns
Chapter 4: Dоn't Fеаr Pumр and Dumps
Chapter 5: Thе Sесrеt of Buуing and Selling Pеnnу Stосkѕ
Chapter 6: I Wаnt Tо Trade Pеnnу Stocks - Hоw Dо I Do It?
Chapter 7: Mуths And Fасtѕ Abоut Pеnniеѕ Stосkѕ Trading
Chapter 8: Hоw to Trаdе Penny Stосkѕ
Chapter 9: Advаnсеd Pеnnу Stock Strаtеgiеѕ
Closing Credits