RN FM Radio
Boulder, CO
Are You Ready for a Natural Disaster? EPS 256
With all of the recent natural disasters happening all over the world it really gets us thinking about what we would do as a nurses during an event like this. Something like this can impact us on a smaller scale like a short-term power outage, or can occur from a much larger event like hurricane Irma or the earthquakes in Mexico that has a more extensive wake of problems.
Are you prepared?
Are you going to be at the NNBA conference in November? We are, and we've got a pre-conference...
Nurse Wubbels and the Utah Incident EPS 255
The nursing world is reeling from revelations about the incident that occurred in Salt Lake City earlier in 2017. Nurse Alex Wubbels was wrongfully assaulted, manhandled, handcuffed, and detained by Salt Lake City police when she dutifully stood her ground and protected the privacy rights of an unconscious patient.
A video of the incident went viral when it was released by Wubbels' attorney, and we are so shocked and dismayed about how this went down.
Are you going to be at the NNBA...
Great Content and Great Sound?
We've got a "major" announcement. The trifecta 4.0 is still going strong. So strong that we've apparently burned out our mics.
We strive to bring you valuable content how you want and when you want, but part of that value is providing in a way that sounds good. Be sure to tune in on this brief update on what's happening.
Are you going to be at the NNBA conference in September? We are, and we've got a pre-conference event we'd love to invite you to. The Power of Podcasting.
Tim Raderstorf, Nurse Innovator Extraordinaire EPS 254
Tim Raderstorf, MSN, RN has the honor of serving as the first Chief Innovation Officer at The Ohio State University College of Nursing, where he's also a Clinical Instructor of Practice and a DNP student.
His true passion lies within the development of novel commercial innovations to enhance patient outcomes. His latest invention, a visual communication tool for the healthcare team, will be piloted in the Emergency Departments of the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and The James...
Are Nurses in Danger? EPS 253
What are the dangers, violence, and injuries faced by nurses every day? The most disturbing story we've heard in a long time is that of a nurse who was held hostage, attacked, and repeatedly raped by a patient who was an inmate receiving medical care. The inmate was eventually killed in the standoff, and support for this nurse has been pouring in from around the country.
Tune in to find out, and be sure to check out the latest segment of #stumpsean.
This show is sponsored by Nabee...
Why the heck are we nurses, anyway? EPS 252
And, we're back! The new trifecta is finally here for it's first full episode and we're just getting started. Have you ever been asked about why you became a nurse? Ha! if you're a nurse, then we bet you have.
Keith, Ashley and Sean dish about why they became nurses, and Keith's story involves a very famous backside and we're not talking about a Kardashian on this one. Tune in to find out, and be sure to check out the latest segment of #stumpsean.
This show is sponsored by Nabee...
We're Back on the Pulse of Nursing! EPS 251
You're tuning in to the teaser episode with the BRAND NEW Trifecta at RNFMRadio and we're going out on a limb here to say that we think you're going to love 'em. Nurses, we know that you've been feeling a little under represented and we can't continue to let that happen.
We've got a new show format that we think you're going to fall in love with. This is just a small taste of what's going down at RNFMRadio and we can't wait for our full-scale launch happening later this summer. Stay tuned...
Even the Great Things Must Have an End
RNFM RADIO is coming to an end as you know it. However, this platform is way too awesome to let it go completely. The show will still exist, the content will be off the hook, and the show will better serve the nursing community.
We can't wait for you to tune in to this next iteration of THE leading podcast by nurses and for nurses. Stay tuned and stay subscribed because we'll hit you up very soon with the brand new launch of RNFM Radio.
Are you going to be at the NNBA conference in...
Investing in Your Podcast EPS 250
We've been doing this podcasting thing well before it was cool. Hey, we are cool! You know what's even cooler? Tuning in to today's episode to learn more about the power of podcasting and taking the next steps into leveling up your podcast.
Are you going to be at the NNBA conference in September? We are, and we've got a pre-conference event we'd love to invite you to. The Power of Podcasting.
Need helping launching a podcast or taking it to the next level. We also have a podcasting...
Developing the Idea and Building the Business with Tiffany Kelley EPS 249
Find out which is harder. Developing an idea or building the actual business around that idea. Right here with Tiffany Kelley, PhD, RN. We're also discussing the actual spark behind building her business and her top three skills that she feels are essential to be a successful entrepreneur.
You don't call or write anymore. Pop over to the Facebook listener group and let us know how you're doing.
Today's Show Notes
Website: www.nightingaleapps.com
Nightingale Apps
You're now in Business. Have you Built an Email List? EPS 248
We're making a list. We're checking it twice. Going to find out who's targeted twice.
Are you building your email list and if so, how? What are you doing with it? In this episode we get into our inbox of the how, what, and most importantly the why of an email list.
You don't call or write anymore. Pop over to the Facebook listener group and let us know how you're doing.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
RNFM Radio...
Reaching Your Customer by Building Your Avatar EPS 247
We all love having conversations in our business, especially with our avatar. However, do you have any idea who your avatar is? What or who is an avatar? On this episode we get down to business on some of the nuts and bolts that it takes to build your avatar.
You don't call or write anymore. Pop over to the Facebook listener group and let us know how you're doing.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
RNFM Radio...
What's the Best Type of Intelligence for Your Business? EPS 246
What is the square root of your business, and does that really matter? We're going deeper on the various aspects of intelligence in your business and what it means to you when it comes to building and scaling your endeavor.
You don't call or write anymore. Pop over to the Facebook listener group and let us know how you're doing.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
RNFM Radio...
Launching a Podcast for Your Business EPS 245
Why are we focusing on launching a podcast FOR your business instead of it being your business? Well, after today's show you'll realize that a podcast is an extension of your business and a great way to do some content marketing.
Yes, it can BE your business, however after years of doing this ourselves we realize that it is a funnel for so many are other services that we do individually and as a company. We've got a few of the why components right here on this one.
You don't call or write...
We're Still Going Facebook Live with Sean Dent Pt. 2 EPS 244
In this follow up with Facebook Live and Facebook Video with Sean Dent, we get down to the actual recording aspects and the post production. After finishing up this two-part series on Facebook video, you'll be ready to get going with this platform in your business.
You don't call or write anymore. Pop over to the Facebook listener group and let us know how you're doing.
Today's Show Notes
Sean's Platforms:
On The Web
On Facebook
On Twitter
On Instagram
On Snap
Pulse Media...
We're Going Facebook Live with Sean Dent Pt. 1 EPS 243
Facebook Live is what we're discussing on this episode with Sean Dent, and the value you'll find in this first part of the two-part series is all the prep involved before you even hit that record button. Is all of this prep necessary? Well, we bet that after listening to this episode you'll feel much better about taking the next step with utilizing Facebook video in your business.
Speaking of Facebook, pop over to the Facebook listener group to chat it up with a bunch of other podcast...
Should You Have a Strategic Partnership in Your Business? EPS 242
On this episode we get into a few details on establishing strategic partnerships in your business. We discuss what a strategic partnership is and whether this would be the best option for your business based on a few criteria.
We'd love to hear from you over at the Facebook listener group.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
RNFM Radio Platforms:
Co-hosts: Kevin Ross,...
Your Blog is an Extension of Your Business EPS 241
In this episode we're continuing to build on episodes 239 and 240 as we talked about owning your expertise, and one of the primary products is blogging and/or writing.
We've got tips discussing the why, gaining access to your audience, and even discussing the starting mindset around monetization of your platform and brand.
Oh, and we mentioned our amazing Facebook listener group for Pulse Media Network.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Starting to Define Your Product or Service EPS 240
In episode 239 we talked about owning your expertise, and one of those tips we mentioned (tip #5) was that you need to develop a product or service, but how to define that?
Well, in this episode we take a dive on solving a problem, doing it differently, an overview of a market analysis, and getting paid for it.
Oh, and we mentioned our amazing Facebook listener group for Pulse Media Network.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Facebook Page
Increase Your Influence and Authority EPS 239
It's time to start owning your expertise so that you can level up your influence and authority. We've got five tips to build on so that you can start getting actionable with leveling up in your business. Start with owning it, declaring it, and a few more tips to get you that much closer to being that thought leader we know you are.
Today's Show Notes
Pulse Media Network Platforms:
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
RNFM Radio...