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EWTN Open Line

EWTN Catholic Radio

Mondays: John Martignoni (Apologetics); Tuesdays: Barbara McGuigan (Chastity/Pro-life issues); Wednesdays: Fr. Mitch Pacwa (Bible and Church History); Thursdays: Patrick Madrid (Church and the World); Fridays: Colin Donovan (Catholic Theology)


Irondale, AL


Mondays: John Martignoni (Apologetics); Tuesdays: Barbara McGuigan (Chastity/Pro-life issues); Wednesdays: Fr. Mitch Pacwa (Bible and Church History); Thursdays: Patrick Madrid (Church and the World); Fridays: Colin Donovan (Catholic Theology)




EWTN 5817 Old Leeds Road Irondale, AL 35210 1-800-585-9396

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Open Line, Wednesday - 12/27/2017 - Mailbag!

Your e-mails are answered on a special mailbag edition of Open Line Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Pacwa!


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Open Line, Thursday - 12/21/2017 - My Burden is Light

How can I lead people out of freemasonry?, How do I fast if I don't eat much?, How do I get my parents back to confession?, How do I get my 7 year old granddaughter to Mass?, and more on today's Open Line Thursday with Fr. Larry Richards!


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Open Line, Wednesday - 12/20/2017 - The Three Magi

Any suggestions on learning Hebrew?, Is there witchcraft in the Book of Tobit?, Why would Satan rebel?, What is the dishonest wealth spoken of in Luke Ch.16?, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Pacwa!


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Open Line, Tuesday - 12/19/2017 - Janet Morana Too

Guest host Janet Morana brings us up to date on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the Feast of the Holy Innocents and its links to abortion, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Barbara McGuigan!


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Open Line, Monday - 12/18/2017 - Jesus had brothers...

Listen in as John Martignoni answers questions on Catholic Apologetics! This week, John answers questions on the perpetual virginity of Mary, whether or not Jesus had brothers, and the topic if ignorance when it comes to the Faith.


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Open Line, Friday - 12/15/2017 - Scandal on Scandal

How is the anointing of the sick different from confession?, Can a Cardinal intinct?, How do you discern your vocation?, Are souls released from purgatory during Midnight Mass on Christmas?, and more on today's Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan!


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Open Line, Thursday - 12/14/2017 - Family of God

How do I get my 15 year old to confession?, How do you place someone in the arms of Mary for conversion?, What do i do in adoration?, How do I pick the best apostolate for me?, and more on today's Open Line Thursday with Fr. Larry Richards!


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Open Line, Wednesday - 12/13/2017 - The Lord's Prayer

How can I deal with the guilt of my sin?, How does the Greek Lord's Prayer literally translate to English?, Do we worship the same God as Muslims?, How do we explain the Holy Spirit being referred to as a he?, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Pacwa!


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Open Line, Tuesday - 12/12/2017 - Janet Morana

Guest host Janet Morana brings us up to date on a Planned Parenthood investigation being done by Priests for Life, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Barbara McGuigan!


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Open Line, Monday - 12/11/2017 - Tension of Free Will

When Jesus died on the cross, why did he say Father why have you abandoned me?, How does the Catholic Church know that a saint is in Heaven?, Was Judas destined to betray Christ?, Why did God put temptation in the garden?, and more on today's Open Line Monday with John Martignoni!


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Open Line, Thursday - 12/07/2017 - Love People and Witness

How can we do a simple act of evangelization?, How can I supplement my daughter's confirmation studies?, How do you start a conversation with people who don't see they're on the wrong path?, and more on today's Open Line Thursday with Fr. Larry Richards!


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Open Line, Wednesday - 12/06/2017 - Advent Reflections

Do I have to be physically present with someone to pray with them?, in Numbers 22:16, why was God mad?, What happened to Adeodatus?, What is the history of the apostolic pardon?, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Pacwa!


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Open Line, Tuesday - 12/05/2017 - Advent and the Gift of Life

What can you tell me about NFP?, How do I deal with the guilt of abortion?, What do I tell a child who was conceived out of wedlock?, Did you know couples who practice NFP have a 4% divorce rate?, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Barbara McGuigan!


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Open Line, Monday - 12/04/2017 - Brethren and Fathers

To those outside of the Catholic Church, how are we to correct them?, How many women were at Christ's tomb?, Why do we stand, kneel, and sit during Mass?, Why are do Catholic priests practice celibacy?, and more on today's Open Line Monday with John Martignoni!


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Open Line, Thursday - 11/30/2017 - Fasting and Praying

How do I convince people to have masses said for the dead?, How do I get my daughter back to the Church if we're not speaking?, How does fasting for people work?, and more on today's Open Line Thursday with Fr. Larry Richards!


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Open Line, Wednesday - 11/29/2017 - The True Food

Why must we attend Mass every Sunday?, Why did Jesus ask us to eat his body and drink his blood?, Why were some rites allowed to keep their form of the Mass?, Was Jesus just a great prophet?, and more on today's Open Line Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Pacwa!


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Open Line, Tuesday - 11/28/2017 - Full Quiver of Children

Jack and Barbara discuss natural family planning and other issues on today's Open Line Wednesday with Barbara McGuigan!


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Open Line, Friday - 11/24/2017 - Mailbag

Your e-mails and texts are answered on a special mailbag edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan!


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Open Line, Thursday - 11/23/2017 - Thanksgiving Mailbag

Your e-mails and texts are answered on a special mailbag edition of Open Line with Fr. Larry Richards!


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Open Line, Wednesday - 11/22/2017 - Fr. Mitch

Open Line Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Pacwa!
