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The Electric Waffle

Catholic Talk

Katie Prejean & Tommy McGrady, a married couple in their 30's, living in Louisiana, explore things happening in the culture, talk about their Catholic faith and ways to grow closer to Jesus, all while making references to their two favorite TV shows, "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation" and plenty of other shows, movies, songs, and things in the zeitgeist. Join them on their back porch as conversational chaos, and a lot of laughs, ensue.


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Katie Prejean & Tommy McGrady, a married couple in their 30's, living in Louisiana, explore things happening in the culture, talk about their Catholic faith and ways to grow closer to Jesus, all while making references to their two favorite TV shows, "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation" and plenty of other shows, movies, songs, and things in the zeitgeist. Join them on their back porch as conversational chaos, and a lot of laughs, ensue.



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The Scarn: becoming aware of your gifts

Katie & Tommy unpack their time at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM) and explore what it means to be aware of your giftedness and talents, but also learn how to continue growing and improving, ultimately hoping to use those gifts and talents to serve others and the Church. They also debate when is the ideal time to wash a pair of jeans, how to accept compliments from others, and they get pretty excited about their fancy new sound equipment and newest sponsor.


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Things...Things Last Forever: Katie & Tommy's Favorite Things

Every now and then you just need to talk about what you really like: what dessert you'd always choose, what TV show you could watch over and over again, which Saint is your current "saintly best friend," and which church is your favorite place to pray. This episode, Katie and Tommy take a deep dive into their favorite "things," and give info. on how to get some awesome Electric Waffle SWAG sent right to your mailbox this holiday season.


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Cafe Disco: why we all want community

Why is it that we all want to spend time with people, desperately longing for authentic, life-giving community, but are often so bad at building it? And why is it that anytime someone says "this is the way you build community!" we all secretly roll our eyes because we know, deep down, that pre-conceived "programs" don't really work, but that community must develop and grow organically? Katie and Tommy unpack and explore the concept of community in this episode, namely why we long for...


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Flonkerton: Competition in the Life of the Church

Katie & Tommy tackle the concept of competition, exploring healthy vs. unhealthy attitudes about competing with others, especially in regards to ministry, working within the life of the Church, and on social media. They propose that healthy competition is rooted in good community, and we’re only able to be the best we can be when we consider the good of others, even those we “compete” with. They also explore the power of the Litany of Trust, written by the Sisters of Life, which is perhaps...


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For They Were Mummies: the Synod on Young People

Katie and Tommy discuss Halloween & horror films, the culture’s fascination with all things supernatural, the art & importance of dialogue, the way we avoid things that make us uncomfortable and scared, and go into great detail about the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment, including some of their hopes and dreams for the gathering. For more information on the Synod on Young People, follow #Synod2018 on Twitter, subscribe to Ave Explores...


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The Fusing of Two Metals with a Hot Torch

Katie and Tommy talk about marriage in all its ordinariness, mundaneness, beauty, glory, and grace, while also reminiscing about their engagement, some of their favorite things about each other, and how the ministry of presence is so important in married life. In just two years, they've learned a lot (though they're certainly not experts on married life), and they've realized that the most beautiful moments of marriage are often when the smallest, most insignificant things are happening....


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The Dundies

Katie and Tommy are back for Season 2 with a conversation about TV shows, the Emmy Awards, accompaniment in (and out of) ministry, mom shaming, Ad Orientem Masses (spoiler alert: they like them), and the undeniable fear of being vulnerable. Why is it that we desperately desire accolades, approval, and feel the need to broadcast every good thing we've ever done? And why are we so scared to let people get close to us and walk with us on our journeys, when we so clearly want people to see us...


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Episode 10: Are You Better Off?

Katie & Tommy look back fondly on the episodes of Season 1 of The Electric Waffle, contemplating how time is the relentless and cruel enemy of parents, podcasters, and pretty much anyone who wants to reflect on moments past. In all seriousness, how is it the end of August already? Where did the summer go? What did we even do? What have we even talked about? Time, whether circular or linear, is a strange construct, and somehow, we're stuck in it. Sponsored by The Liturgical Institute...


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The Current Crisis

This episode is a bit different than other episodes of The Electric Waffle. There are no clips from shows, there are no jokes making light of the current culture or things happening in the Church. This is a conversation between two people who have found themselves stunned, angered, hurt, and confused by the scandal involving Archbishop McCarrick and the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report outlining the sexual abuse of over a thousand children over decades. There aren't any "hot takes" concerning...


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Episode 9: Little Hydration Packs

After 30,000 miles traveled, 14 ministry events spoken at, the writing of one book of Lenten reflections, and weekly Bible studies at their parish, Katie and Tommy take a few minutes (58 to be precise) to reflect on the ministry in Summer 2018, unpacking how a lot of times we can become attached to the "highs" of a ministry event or conference and never want to return back to the normal ordinariness of a daily faith life. When an event is over, re-entry into daily life can be difficult, and...


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Episode 8: That's What She Said

Mary, the Mother of God, is the most dynamic, engaging, and important person in the Church (other than Jesus, of course), and paying attention to her is...well...kind of necessary. We're meant to listen to her, which means we need to know what she's said. We're meant to go to her with our petitions, which means we need to know what she's said. We're meant to imitate her, which means we need to know what she's said. We're meant to honor her, which means we need to know...well, you get it......


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Episode 7: Webster's Dictionary Defines Friend...

There's an anecdote on friendship commonly attributed to C.S. Lewis: one knows they have found and made a friend when they see the other and think, "Ah! You too! I thought it was just me..." Companionship with others is critically important and necessary to both survive and thrive in life - even the shyest, most introverted people want people they can trust, rely on, suffer with, and take delight in. Even the most extroverted people long for deep, intentional, purposeful connections with...


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Episode 6: I like to be liked

After a literal week of total and complete chaos, both in traveling and on the homefront, Katie and Tommy unpack the culprit of their woes: asking for the virtue of humility and an increase in the virtue of patience. This week's episode unpacks precisely why we should be asking the Lord to give us humble hearts, ways that we can remain humble in the midst of doing good things for the Kingdom, and looks at practical things attendees of summer conferences, retreats, service camps, and programs...


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Episode 5: Date Mike, Nice to Meet Me

Dating is daunting, and kind of, it seems, dying. Men aren't asking women out. Ladies aren't necessarily saying yes even if they are. There's this backwards attitude that a woman can't necessarily pursue a man, and if she does, that makes her a raging feminist or somehow emasculates the guy, who isn't taking initiative in the first place for whatever reason. Katie and Tommy aren't necessarily relationship experts, but they did date one another (successfully) and are now happily married with...


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Episode 4: Treat Yo Self

Having more to do does not make you more successful. Being over-extended does not mean you are actually contributing anything valuable. Frenzied, over-full, chaotic lives don't leave room for Jesus, and when we confuse busyness for holiness, no one, least of all ourselves, win. How can we make time for what's most important? How do we seek, and maintain, balance? What do we need to do to actually incorporate times to "treat yo self" and enjoy life? Sponsored by The Liturgical Institute...


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Episode 3: Erase All Pictures of Ron

Taking a detour from their previously planned episode, Katie & Tommy discuss the evils, pitfalls, and detriments of social media, but don't entirely swear it off either. How can we use social media not just for good in the world, but for good within our own lives? Do we need to detox? Do we need to baptize it? Do we need to burn it all down and blow it all up? The Internet isn't a fad, so it's probably some combination of all three... What can we do to actually make social media, with all...


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Episode 2: Identity Theft is Not a Joke

In a world that says "be this" and "do that" we all look to fit ourselves into boxes and annoint ourselves with titles. But really - who are you? And what really makes you YOU? This episode unpacks the struggles millenials & generation Z face when it comes to identifying who they are, and points out ways to journey through life with Christ by your side, making this "search for identity" not only easier, but fruitful and lifegiving. Also, they laugh about their daughter wanting to ride the...


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Episode 1: Threat Level Midnight

With a 9 month old daughter who just learned to crawl and stand, 3 jobs between them, a chaotic travel schedule, and a new book manuscript due at the end of the month, Katie & Tommy decided "Now is the perfect time to start a podcast!" This quick intro. episode shares the reasons this podcast exists, the goals of these conversations, and quotes two of the greatest shows to ever grace the television airwaves: The Office and Parks and Rec. Sponsored by The Liturgical Institute...
