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Focus on the Family Canada - Daily Broadcast

Focus On The Family

Providing a faith-filled perspective on all aspects of family life


Langley, BC


Providing a faith-filled perspective on all aspects of family life




19946 80A Avenue Langley BC V2Y 0J8 1.800.661.9800

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Making Lasting Memories with Your Grandkids

Susan Yates is a grandmother who wanted her grandchildren to love God and love each other. How can you love someone well if you don’t know them? Thus, 'Cousin Camp' was born - growing every year from just five grandkids to 21! Yates has a gift for creating fun, faith-filled family events. She seeks to help others build intentional gatherings with their own unique family.


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Dealing with Emotional Disconnection in Marriage

It’s not uncommon for men to struggle with emotional intimacy in marriage and other relationships. Jim Turner, a former pastor, was one of those men, until his wife left him, and a friend challenged him to take a closer look at himself. He thought love was all about doing things, checking off the right boxes. After allowing godly men - and his children - to speak into his life, Jim experienced a dramatic transformation. Jim is remarried and has learned to experience life more fully and be relational in all his connections. Through this conversation, men and women will find help and encouragement in their marriage.


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Godly Rhythms to Help You Live Life to the Full (Part 2 of 2)

Are you living life on empty? Licensed counsellor Debra Fileta highlights ways to “fill up” physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In a 6-part process that Debra calls “Soul Care,” she goes through the life and rhythms of Jesus to discover how we can care for our souls. Instead of living unsatisfied, we can experience renewed energy, purpose, and strength to serve others like never before!


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Godly Rhythms to Help You Live Life to the Full (Part 1 of 2)

Are you living life on empty? Licensed counsellor Debra Fileta highlights ways to “fill up” physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In a 6-part process that Debra calls “Soul Care,” she goes through the life and rhythms of Jesus to discover how we can care for our souls. Instead of living unsatisfied, we can experience renewed energy, purpose, and strength to serve others like never before!


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Listening to the Heart of Your Kids

Becky Harling offers practical ways you can intentionally listen to your child. From learning to give her a voice to the importance of non-verbal communication to teaching him how to make wise decisions, you’ll see how listening is one of the most important components of parenting.


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Learning Your New Role as the Parent of an Adult Child

Once your child becomes an adult, your relationship will inevitably change. In this dynamic presentation, Dr. Jim Burns helps parents of adult children see how they can help, or hurt, this evolving relationship. As a parent transitions to the role of a coach, they can interact with their adult child in ways that minimize conflict and maximize godly influence.


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Living with Contagious Joy in Christ (Part 2 of 2)

Life is hard, but God is good. And author Brant Hansen reminds you that you can make a conscious effort to choose joy in your life. You can have joy because your hope is in Christ, and He holds the future. You’ll learn to laugh at yourself, serve others better, and practice gratitude, as you trust the One who gives eternal life.


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Living with Contagious Joy in Christ (Part 1 of 2)

Life is hard, but God is good. And author Brant Hansen reminds you that you can make a conscious effort to choose joy in your life. You can have joy because your hope is in Christ, and He holds the future. You’ll learn to laugh at yourself, serve others better, and practice gratitude, as you trust the One who gives eternal life.


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Taking Steps to Live out Your Dreams

Kathi Lipp suggests that women need to spend time journaling all the things they’ve ever wanted to try and then seek God’s will as to which goals are worthy of pursuing and which can be eliminated. A woman may have only 5, 50, or as many as 500 ideas, but as the Lord shows her what’s in her best interest to pursue, she can move forward with great joy and confidence.


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Restoring Hope to Your Marriage

Ron and Opal Erickson discuss the marital struggles they experienced as the result of an affair, and describe how God repaired their marriage. They also talk about their music ministry and their efforts to help heal troubled marriages as aÂHope Restored host couple.


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Simple Ways to Organize Your Home and Family

Kristi Clover offers moms encouragement as she shares practical guidance for finding joy through home organization and efficiency in a discussion based on her book M.O.M.: Master Organizer of Mayhem.


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Simple Steps to Improve Your Marriage

Authors Matt and Lisa Jacobson describe how seemingly minor decisions can impact on your marriage and offer practical suggestions to help your marriage thrive.


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The Beauty of Raising a Child with Special Needs (Part 2 of 2)

Amy Brown, Sara Clime & Carrie Holt are all raising children with special needs — which means they are lonely, exhausted, fearful and hopeful, and at times deal with doubts in their faith. But all three also acknowledge God is in charge and it’s only by His power are they able to love and raise their children well.


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The Beauty of Raising a Child with Special Needs (Part 1 of 2)

Amy Brown, Sara Clime & Carrie Holt are all raising children with special needs — which means they are lonely, exhausted, fearful and hopeful, and at times deal with doubts in their faith. But all three also acknowledge God is in charge and it’s only by His power are they able to love and raise their children well.


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Deepening Your Relationships with Thoughtful Conversation

Communication is a gift from God to build solid relationships with each other. Dr. Heather Holleman examines different components of conversation—from casual and emotional to sharing the way we think and believe. She gives you the tools you need to effectively communicate and spread God’s love with those around you—and even strangers you encounter. You’ll learn how to add graciousness to your conversation so you can have stronger, warmer connections.


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Reasons to Believe in Jesus (Part 2 of 2)

The Rev. Canon J.John highlights a few of the reasons Christianity is attractive – its historical accuracy, the opportunity to be forgiven and the fact that the Christian faith really works.


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Reasons to Believe in Jesus (Part 1 of 2)

J.John explains what makes Christianity stand out among other world religions, starting with the fact that Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies! He also explains how Jesus is the answer to the problem of our sinful nature, and shares how he has seen Jesus answer desperate prayers


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Navigating Midlife Transitions in Your Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

Every marriage goes through some predictable and unavoidable transitions like “baby makes three” and then the “the empty nest”. Other transitions also come along that will significantly impact your time, energy, and your relationship with your spouse. On this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Bill and Pam Farrel help you learn how to handle these transitions and offer ways you can approach them to strengthen your marriage. They offer some tools to help you identify those transitions and come out stronger on the other side!


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Navigating Midlife Transitions in Your Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

Every marriage goes through some predictable and unavoidable transitions like “baby makes three” and then the “the empty nest”. Other transitions also come along that will significantly impact your time, energy, and your relationship with your spouse. On this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Bill and Pam Farrel help you learn how to handle these transitions and offer ways you can approach them to strengthen your marriage. They offer some tools to help you identify those transitions and come out stronger on the other side!


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Instilling God-Given Qualities into Your Children

Parenting can be a fun adventure but it’s also inconvenient at times. Moms & dads need to prioritize what’s most important for their family and be intentional about nurturing the God-given character traits in their children – things like joy, creativity, playfulness, curiosity, and more. Family life can also be messy, and that’s a good thing where you work through issues and problems together and grow in the process.
