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Fr. Bill's Podcast

Christian Talk

Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest.


Grants Pass, OR


Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest.





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FBP 939 - Faith - It's An Inside Job

Episode 939 (13:02) In this episode: Amazing Parish Summit; Issues while traveling on an airplane; Faith and sin are inside jobs; the miracle of grace can empower us live our faith Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 938 - Lord, To Whom Shall We Go?

Episode 938 (13:09) In this episode: Homilist: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan; Story of a neighbor who found her church changed all the furniture and music; The consistent teaching of the Catholic Church about the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 937 - Jesus: Real Food For Real Life

Episode 937 (10:28) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmondson is preaching' Bread of Life Discourse; When we allow God into our lives, he will ask us to do hard things; This is when many fall away; He is the source of all our hope and joy Graphic by Microsoft Designer AI Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 936 - At Your Wits End? Try God.

Episode 936 (12:09) In this episode: Elijah poured himself out to God at his wits end; Two stories of when I was at my wits end; Bad grade in college physics and almost being homeless in my last year of college; Casey the unwitting prophet; Kept going to Mass and Confession Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 935 - I Am Your Company and Others' You Are

Episode 935 (11:16) Fr. Anthony Hoangphan is preaching. God is not far from us - He is always by our side, journeying along with us and accompanying us. “When two or three gather in my name, I am in their midst" (Mt 18:20), Jesus says. He is inviting us to help others experience Him through our accompaniment. And as the world is increasingly becoming individualistic, the need to accompany one another is most needed now more than ever. We are called to be a source of comfort, consoling, a helping hand to those who are alone in our midst. Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 934 - Welcoming the Stranger

Episode 934 (10:47) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmond preaching; Story about childhood ethnic animus; God often tries to speak with us through the stranger; Are we welcoming the stranger as Christ? Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 933 - Let God's Grandeur Overtake You

Episode 933 (14:35) In this episode: My hobby of Astronomy and astrophotography; Oregon Star Party; Vatican Observatory; Harmony of faith and science; Reflection of how God is in all good things in our lives; The good things of life are a foretaste of heaven Related Web Sites: Vatican Observatory My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 932 - The Way You Train Is The Way You Fight

Episode 932 (10:53) In this episode: Two stories and experiences of death; Chaos and death are inescapable in this world; God is not indifferent or will death and evil upon us; God came down and saved us by getting "into the boat" with us"; We are made for greatness Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 931 - Baby Steps

Episode 931 (11:45) In this episode: The Kingdom of God begins in small ways; Parable of the Mustard seed; Story of learning Spanish and gaining a lot of weight; Our culture of "Demanding Consumers" vs "Faithful Stewards"; Take a measurement of your faith and life now and then check it again at the end of the summer; How did things go? Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 930 - Whose Voice Is It?

Episode 930(12:49) In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaching; His experience of the Camino in Spain; Listening to the voices in our lives; Three voices: God, ourself, and Satan; How do we distinguish whose voice it is we area hearing? Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 929 - The Slow And Patient Work Of Grace

Episode 929 (8:48) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson is preaching; Why did God seal his covenant with blood? It took a long time for Israel to fully enter into the covenant; Christians also have to be patient about entering more fully into God's new covenant; "Mining for conflict," Grace can be slow and require patience Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 928 - Trinity As Family

Episode 928 (13:55) In this episode: Background about my family and our middle brother, Gregory; The session Gregory taught us; We are family when we love as God loves; God is one essence in three persons; Go forth and love others as God loves; Prayer for our fallen veterans and families on this Memorial Day Related Web Sites: Music: “Memories” by AShamaluevMusic My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 927 - Happy Birthday!

Episode 927 (11:31) In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaching; Pentecost is the beginning of the Church, her birthday; The power of the Holy Spirit give us the ability to reach beyond our human weaknesses; The Holy Spirit unites us even amidst our diversity. We are God's gift who are agents of unity Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 926 - Remain In My Love

Episode 926 (9:52) In this episode: Dad's scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast; Mom curing a moment when I was "hangry"; Eating is not just about food. It’s about life and relationships; Jesus wants to feed us with himself; This is how he remains in us when we keep his commandments, love as he loved, and receive him in the Eucharist Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 925 - Remain In Me, As I Remain In You

Episode 925 (11:27) In this episode: Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches; We receive nutrients from Christ and bear fruits; We receive the familiar connection with Christ and his Church; Social media does not offer comfort or familial;You are not lost Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 924 - I Know Mine and Mine Know Me

Episode 924 (11:18) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaches; Reflection on his pilgrimage and vacation to France; Secularism; Hospitality; Chartres Cathedral; Pantheon; St. Etienne du Mont church; God showed up; I'm still here; I haven't abandoned you Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 923 - Sometimes It Takes An Eclipse

Episode 923 (11:20) In this episode: Reflection on the 2024 and 2017 total solar eclipses; How they effected those who saw them; How an eclipse can serve as a metaphor for being open to new things, how Jesus' Resurrection changed his disciples and us Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 922 - The Greatest News Ever

Episode 922 (8:47) In this episode: The faith and death of a childhood friend; Her faith lifted up my family; Why? Because Jesus rose from the dead; This life is not all there is; The Resurrection was no fable, but is attested to in the Bible and non-biblical historians Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 921 - God, Where Are You?

Episode 921 (10:14) In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaches; Have you ever felt alone and abandoned? Did God Abandon Jesus on the Cross? Does he truly abandon us? God is reaching out/emptying himself out for us; What is our response? Offer yourself to God in the Liturgy Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes


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FBP 920 - Remember What Is Written On Your Heart

Episode 920 (11:24) In this episode: How is your lenten observances going? Don't give up if you have struggled or failed; God has written his law of love upon our hearts; All of creation aches; Jesus is the grain of wheat who died and rose so that we could follow Related Web Sites: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes
