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Listen to free sermons from Dr. Tony Evans on The Alternative. Get more free resources, books, and series from Dr. Evans on






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Poison in the Pot

You may be a good cook, but messing with God’s recipe for living won't stir up anything but trouble. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how worldly ideas and solutions can “poison the pot” of God’s formula for the future.


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When a Nation Forgets God

Forget your keys and you’ll be inconvenienced. Forget your bills and you’ll pay a penalty. But when a person—or a whole nation—forgets God… well, the results are deadly. Find out more in this message as we dig into the topic of ‘When a Nation Forgets God’.


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Water in God's House

Without water, no living being could survive. But, no matter how much it rains, a spiritual drought can be even more deadly. We’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Tony Evans where he talks about what it takes for the people of God to restore the flow of living water to a thirsty world.


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Dry Bones Dancing

Even though we seem to love staying busy, the things we think will “fill up” our lives often leave us feeling drained and empty. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how that can turn into a spiritual dryness that only the Holy Spirit can remedy.


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A Solemn Assembly for Revival

Have you ever tried to get your point across to someone who simply wasn’t paying attention? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how God deals with that problem when he wants to communicate with us, and reveal what we’ll hear when we finally start listening.


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Revival, The Return of God to His People

Crying out to God for revival can seem very spiritual. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why there’s something we should want even more desperately.


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The Separation of Church and State

The world keeps trying to convince Christians that religion ought to be so “private” it shouldn’t show up in public—or even have any influence there. In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at the other side of that debate.


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Loving Your Neighbor

Jesus gave two great commandments that sum up everything the Bible is trying to teach us. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the kind of love God wants us to show others — a love that is both tangible and personal.


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Kindness in the Culture

Despite human failings, God’s kindness should serve as a model for us to follow. In this timeless message, Dr. Tony Evans illustrates how our kindness needs to extend beyond words — becoming actions that reflect the nature of Christ.


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Giving to Your Enemy

Of all the people we can choose to give to, you’d think our enemies would be at the bottom of our list. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a gift we give our enemies that’s actually a gift to ourselves.


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Activating the Golden Rule

The Christian life is about focusing first on God, then on others. But where do our own needs fit into that equation? In a timeless message, Dr. Tony Evans seeks to address that question as he talks about Activating the Golden Rule.


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The Spirit of Unity

God doesn't want believers to all to be the same, but He does want us to be one. In this classic message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at God’s definition of unity and the importance of finding harmony in spite of our human differences.


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Maintaining Christian Unity

It seems like no matter how much the world talks about the value of diversity our differences still separate us. But in a timeless message from Dr. Tony Evans, he explores how and why the church needs to rise above those differences.


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The Power of Oneness

When a team works as a team, they’re stronger and more effective than any of the individual players. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that’s even more true within the church.


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Practicing Christian Love

Do you really love God as much as you say you do, or even think you do? In a classic sermon on Christian Love, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a surefire way to tell.


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Returning to God in Unity

Unity among believers was one of Jesus’ final prayer requests before his death on the cross. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans examines the power of a unified church, and points out why we should all be shooting for a common goal.


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Praying Through a Crisis, Part 2

When we’re facing a crisis, big or small, we have two choices: listen to our feelings, or listen to our faith. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how our choice affects how we pray… and how God answers.


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Praying Through a Crisis, Part 1

We all face hard times in life, but when we’re stopped in our tracks by a real crisis, it’s easy to feel helpless and lose hope. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shares some solid biblical advice on how to cope.


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Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Part 2

Some of the situations we face in life seem insurmountable – and for good reason: they are… without God. In this message, we’ll take a look at how petitioning the Lord is the only way we can overcome the Evil One once he’s set his sights on us.


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Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Part 1

For many people, prayer is just a friendly “thank you” to God before a meal. But in this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how easily it can become your only defense when things get desperate
