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The Jimmy Dore Show


“ Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America.” -Patton Oswalt


New York, NY


“ Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America.” -Patton Oswalt



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Jimmy Dore's Take on the Harris-Trump Debate!

Thanks to the hardworking folks in the intelligence community, we now have new allegations of Russian interference into the 2024 presidential election. Two employees of the Russian state media network RT, previously known as Russia Today, were indicted, dozens of internet domains were seized for “malign influence campaigns” and a new visa restriction policy was introduced as part of the efforts to check foreign influence. Jimmy and podcaster Ryan Dawson discuss the timing of these indictments and the online commentators like Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson and Tim Pool who have been caught up in the controversy. Plus segments on Candace Owens’ controversial suspension from YouTube and Jimmy’s commentary on the Harris-Trump presidential debate. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!


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Dick Cheney’s Endorsement Of Kamala Signals End Of Democrat Party! w/ Ryan Dawson

In a move that has sent shockwaves through Washington DC, Republican former Vice President Dick Cheney has announced that he plans to vote for Democrat Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election. For decades Cheney has been widely denounced as “Darth Vader” by Democrats for his record during the Bush administration, but now that the new evil of Donald Trump has arisen, even someone as vile and universally loathed as Dick Cheney has become a welcome ally to Dems. Jimmy and podcaster Ryan Dawson discuss this dramatic shift in Democratic Party alliances and what it says about Democrats that they can so readily embrace Dick Cheney, the embodiment of political evil. Plus segments on Barack Obama’s dramatic announcement opposing free speech and the mainstream media getting smacked down for its pro-Democrat bias. Also featuring Chris Hedges, Matt Taibbi, Mike MacRae and Kurt Metzger. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!


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“Am I Racist?” - Matt Walsh Talks About His New Movie w/Jimmy Dore

Daily Wire contributor Matt Walsh joined Jimmy in studio to discuss his new film, “Am I Racist?” A follow-up to his previous effort, “What Is a Woman?”, the film finds Walsh engaging with groups that seek to purge racism from their thoughts. Plu segments on comedian Rob Schneider deftly handling a heckler at a recent standup performance and a discussion of Joe Scarborough praising AOC and other progressives for falling in line and abandoning ideology in favor of trying to help Democrats win. Also featuring Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss!


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“We’re Happy To Know People Are Suffering” - Say Israeli Podcasters

A clip from an English-language Israeli podcast showing hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein discussing the idea of eradicating all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has gone viral online. In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same. Jimmy and Due Dissidence hosts Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular discuss the horrific statements from these “nice” boys, and the double standard on censorship on social media that allows this kind of commentary to be published and monetized. Plus segments on the Canadian government’s crushing of rail workers during a recent labor dispute and former Clinton administration cabinet official Robert Reich’s call for the unconstitutional imprisonment of Elon Musk. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!


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FBI Targets Black Uhuru Movement!

In April 2023, the U.S. government indicted 82-year-old African People’s Socialist Party chairman Omali Yeshitela, as well as Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel — together known as the Uhuru 3 — on charges of “failing to register as foreign agents,” merely for expressing their views on Ukraine. The indictment followed the FBI’s July 29, 2022, raid on Yeshitela’s home and several other homes and offices of Uhuru solidarity movement leaders with flashbang grenades and assault weapons. Jimmy speaks with Yeshitela about the FBI raid on his home, the government’s case against the Uhuru 3 and why the group has been so aggressively targeted. Plus a segment with Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Chris Hedges about his recent bout with censorship by TikTok over his criticism of Kamala Harris.


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Kamala’s CRINGE Interview On CNN Was A Disaster!

After more than a month as the Democratic presidential nominee, Kamala Harris finally sat down for an interview with the media — and even brought her “aw shucks” midwestern bear of a running mate Tim Walz along to help out. The two covered a range of issues, including the border, fracking, unemployment and Walz’s military record with CNN’s Dana Bash. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger can’t get over just how terribly Harris comes across, that she seemed half-drunk or on barbituates much of the time and that even with plenty of lead-in time to prepare the two nevertheless gave remarkably poor answers to even the most obvious questions. Plus a segment on Joe Rogan’s evisceration of Time Magazine for promoting the health and societal benefits of processed foods. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!


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Epic Interview: Jimmy Dore & Benny Johnson!

Jimmy sits down for a wide-ranging and thought-provoking interview from Trump Tower with Turning Point USA chief creative officer Benny Johnson. Plus a segment on British-Syrian journalist Richard Medhurst’s arrest in England on terrorism charges.


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CNN Cuts Off RFK Jr. Speech Mid-Sentence!

CNN was covering Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech dropping out of the presidential race, but as soon as RFK started telling the truth about Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party, all of a sudden the speech was no longer newsworthy and CNN immediately cut away. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why it’s so important for mainstream media outlets to silence RFK and marginalize his candidacy as “quixotic.” Plus segments on the arrest by French authorities of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and presidential candidate Cornel West’s decision to get behind a COVID truth commission. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!


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RFK Jr. SUSPENDS Campaign & Endorses Trump!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made the difficult decision to suspend his campaign, pointing out that the focused, determined, methodical screw job he received at the hands of the Democrats would likely only render him a spoiler candidate taking votes away from Donald Trump and helping hand the election to the very forces undermining his candidacy. Jimmy discusses the themes RFK Jr. brings up to explain why he’s suspending his campaign but doing so in a manner that will allow many of his supporters to still vote for him without assisting Democrats in swing states. Plus segments on RFK’s glowing reception from the crowd at a Trump rally and the forlorn efforts of pro-Palestinian protesters at the DNC to persuade the Harris people to allow a Palestinian to speak at the convention. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!


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PBS & CNN Call Out Biden’s Lies In DNC Speech!

Joe Biden’s speech Monday at the DNC was so full of whoppers that even mainstream media outlets typically in the tank for establishment Democrats like PBS and CNN took note, running “Fact check” pieces on the President. Among his lies included widely-debunked accusations against Donald Trump as well as outrageous exaggerations of his own accomplishments in office. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the parade of lies and fearmongering reflected in what will likely be the last major speech of Biden’s presidency. Plus segments on RFK Jr.s likely announcement that he’s dropping out of the 2024 race and endorsing Trump, Brazilian President Lula da Silva serving as a U.S. puppet by calling for new Venezuelan elections and multimillionaire Michelle Obama hypocritically telling DNC attendees to be “suspicious” of the rich.


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While addressing a group of ardent Israel supporters, Donald Trump made the decidedly surprising assertion that Israel and its US-based lobbying wing AIPAC do not wield sufficient power over American politics. 15 years ago the lobby was much stronger, Trump said, and any deviation from a staunchly pro-Israel position by an American politician would have ended their career. Today, Trump announced without any sense of comedic intent, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sounds like a Palestinian. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Trump’s apparent feeling that Israel should hold greater sway over American foreign policy. Plus a segment on commentator Candace Owens’ surprising recent statements about the founding of Israel and an on-the-street interview from a protest near the Chicago DNC with comedian and Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead about the state of the abortion debate. Also featuring Mike MacRae and a phone call from the British police about possibly arresting Jimmy Dore!


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Here’s Why Gymnasts' Bodies Have Changed So Much! w/ Jennifer Sey

When she spoke out against COVID lockdowns, and specifically the extended school closings in her hometown of San Francisco, Levi’s executive Jennifer Sey says she was driven out of her job and eventually fled California for Colorado. There, she says, she realized that corporate America had no place for her, so she decided to launch her own athletic clothing line. Jimmy and Ms. Sey discuss the uniformity of thought demanded by the corporate system and why she felt she had to strike out on her own. Jimmy and Sey, a former top ranked gymast, open the conversation by discussing the dramatic change that has come over female gymnasts’ physiques in the past 50 years. Plus featuring segments on the Justice Department’s recent successful antitrust lawsuit against Google and the Olympics controversy over Algerian boxer Imane Khelif. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!


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NY Times FINALLY Reports On Hunter Biden’s Burisma Corruption!

The New York Times on Wednesday dropped a bombshell report revealing that Hunter Biden had actively solicited State Department help on behalf of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma while his father was vice president. The information was revealed via a FOIA request of State Department documents that was shared with Times reporters just a week after Hunter’s father dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether they believe the timing of this release and the Times story was merely a coincidence. Plus a segment with former top gymnast Jennifer Sey on the Olympics controversy over Algerian boxer Imane Khelief and another on the huge lie the public has been told about cholesterol and statins. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!


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White House Puts Tulsi On “Quiet Eyes” Terror Watch List!

Former Representative and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has been placed onto a threat list by the TSA. Gabbard is well known for her opposition to Vice President (then Senator) Kamala Harris in the 2020 presidential primary, and for her realist foreign policy views, particularly on Syria. Beginning two weeks ago, Gabbard and her husband have found their boarding passes marked with the “SSSS” designation indicating that the passenger is on a threat list known as “Quiet Skies” that subjects passengers to lengthy “random” searches and tracking by air marshals. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the appearance on Laura Ingraham’s show that likely led to Tulsi’s name being added to the list and what it says about our security state that a prominent politician and member of the US armed forces can be treated this way. Plus segments on Kamala Harris stealing Trump’s big idea to eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers, Hezbollah missiles penetrating Israel’s vaunted “Iron Dome” defense system, a majority of Americans now opposing sending US troops to defend Israel, and the Japanese city of Nagasaki refusing to invite Israel to participate in an event commemorating the city’s bombing in 1945. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from still-president-for-now Joe Biden!


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Israel On The Brink Of DISASTER – John Mearsheimer

Renowned University of Chicago Professor of Political Science John Mearsheimer has given a “gloomy” analysis about Israel’s standing, saying that the Middle Eastern nation’s problems are “deep, unfixable” and getting worse. Mearsheimer made his comment during an interview with Judge Napolitano, saying that ten months into its ruthless war against the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, the Israeli army is worn out, yet it has not defeated Palestinian resistance fighters in Hamas. “Israel is stuck in Gaza,” said the professor. It’s a hornet’s nest from which it had to leave in 2005, he pointed out, adding that Israel simply cannot comprehend that the catastrophic destruction and unresolved problems it has caused in Gaza lie on its border, and also has no hope of defeating Hezbollah in Lebanon or Iran. Plus segments on a top Israeli official lamenting that his country can’t starve two million Palestinians to death, Kamala Harris’s VP choice Tim Walz explaining that free speech doesn’t allow for misinformation or hate speech, NFL teams using facial recognition to scan game ticketholders and the latest Kamala Harris word salad. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from Tim Walz!


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Reclaiming The Founders’ Ideas Of Liberty! w/ Mel K

Jimmy is joined by the eponymous host of The Mel K Show to discuss the subject matter of her soon-to-be-released book, "Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen at a Time.” In this wide-ranging interview the two discuss how the Founders’ vision for the republic can be reclaimed, and control of our own lives can be reasserted from the banks, Big Tech, the pharmaceutical industry, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex and the government that serves them all. Plus segments on U.K. residents being arrested for “unacceptable” Facebook posts and Syrian soldiers retaking oil fields in their own country previously held by the United States forces. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!


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How Did Warren Buffett Know Stocks Would Crash?!? w/ Prof. Richard Wolff

On Monday the Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ both nosedived, recording substantial losses totaling trillions of dollars. Other economic indicators remain poor as well, and despite what alleged efforts the Fed may take, the signs of a coming recession are impossible to ignore. One individual who anticipated the crash was billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who unloaded a substantial amount of his Apple stock holdings just before the crash. Jimmy talks to Economics Professor Richard Wolff about how investors like Buffett help drive crashes, and why crashes like this are typical for a capitalist system and should be expected to happen every 4-7 years. Plus segments on Tulsi Gabbard calling out MSNBC for spreading fake news about Joe Rogan and Kamala Harris, Elon Musk getting “community noted” for the misinformation he spread about Venezuela and who the key players behind the recent Trump assassination attempt may be. Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Ian Carroll, Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano. Plus a phone call from Jeff Bridges!


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“Democrats Are Now The CIA Party!” w/ Ian Carroll

Once the intelligence community as a whole turned against Donald Trump and used their entire bag of tricks to bring him down, Democrats immediately jumped on board. Now the transformation is complete, with the formerly anti-CIA Democrats fully embracing the FBI, the CIA and all other arms of the intelligence industry octopus. Jimmy talks to popular online commentator Ian Carroll about the past 40 years of Democratic Party evolution from critic to passionate lover of all things intelligence. Plus a segment on the European Union’s new head diplomat announcing that she will not negotiate an end to the Ukraine War. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Mike MacRae and Kurt Metzger! And a phone call from JD Vance!


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Trump Admits Venezuela Unrest Is About Taking Their OIL! w/ Anya Parampil

After his time in office, former President Donald Trump lamented that Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro was still in power when the Latin American country had been poised to fall, which would have allowed U.S. interests to swoop in and control Venezuela’s vast oil supply. This is a case of Trump saying the quiet part out loud, revealing that the United States’ interests in Venezuela has nothing to do with the well-being of the Venezuelan people and all about serving corporate interests. Jimmy speaks with Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire author Anya Parampil about Trump’s complicity in destroying Venezuela and the resultant migrant crisis, as well as the media’s ongoing lies about the recent Venezuelan elections. Plus an interview with Patrick Courrielche about his documentary exposing the lies behind the “Sound of Freedom” film and a segment on the FBI director’s refusal to release the results of a police raid on Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan home. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!


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U.S. Is Lying About Venezuelan Election Results Again!

Controversy is swirling over the recent Venezuelan elections — specifically the announcement the President Nicolas Maduro has won another term despite terrible economic conditions, a united opposition and crippling sanctions imposed by the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed the election results, expressed concern that they may be fraudulent and vaguely implied that the United States may “take action” if it’s determined that Maduro didn’t actually win. Jimmy explains how propagandized Americans must be to think they need to care adamantly about whether Venezuela’s elections are fair. Plus segments on Seymour Hersh’s reporting that Obama and Kamala Harris, along with other Democratic power-players, threatened to invoke the 25th amendment against Joe Biden if he refused to step aside and the million-dollar settlement bestowed on anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok by the Justice Department as a payoff for his service to the deep state. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker!
