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American Wonk


American Wonk is the signature podcast of FREOPP, the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity. On the show, FREOPP President Avik Roy explores the most important national issues of our time—like the economy, health care, technology, pandemics, and the Supreme Court—with the experts and political leaders who know them best.


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American Wonk is the signature podcast of FREOPP, the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity. On the show, FREOPP President Avik Roy explores the most important national issues of our time—like the economy, health care, technology, pandemics, and the Supreme Court—with the experts and political leaders who know them best.





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E67. COVID in 19: Which Countries Have Fared Best in Pandemic Response?

On today’s episode of Covid in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy talk about a new FREOPP report that ranks the pandemic performance of 31 countries, including the U.S. Which countries have moved up and down in the rankings, which country is number 1, and why is Europe having such a tough time? All that and more starting now. Measuring the COVID-19 Policy Response Around the World... Source


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E66. Patrick Ruffini on What’s Next for the GOP

Can conservative principles adapt to appeal to younger generations and minorities? What are realistic conservative policy goals for the 21st century? Is there a future for an inclusive, equal opportunity-oriented conservative movement? Patrick Ruffini from Echelon Insights, a next-generation polling, analytics, and intelligence firm, joins American Wonk to discuss. Patrick has a background as a... Source


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E64. COVID in 19: Everything You Need to Know About the New Vaccine

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity talk about this week’s vaccine news from Pfizer and Biontech. How good is the data? Are more vaccines on the horizon? Will Joe Biden strive to distribute vaccines around the world or prioritize Americans? Source


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E63. COVID in 19: World Health Organization Acknowledges Consequences to Lockdowns

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about the World Health Organization’s new guidance that lockdowns are bad. What took them so long? And with the holidays coming up, Avik explains why his kids will be trick or treating and why he’s even looking forward to seeing his relatives. Source


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E62. Ilya Shapiro on the Politics of the Supreme Court

On today’s episode of American Wonk, FREOPP’s Avik Roy talks with Ilya Shapiro, author of “Supreme Disorder,” a new book on the politics of the Supreme Court. They talk about Amy Coney Barrett and ask: what have conservatives gotten right and wrong in their quest to change how the Supreme Court thinks about the Constitution? Supreme Disorder: Judicial Nominations and the Politics of America’s... Source


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E61. COVID in 19: President Trump Recovers from the Virus

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about President Trump’s recovery from the virus. What really happened, and what do we need to know about the new treatments that Trump has taken? Source


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E60. COVID in 19: The Mismanagement of Data

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about Avik’s congressional testimony on data and COVID-19. Why haven’t we been better at measuring deaths in nursing homes? Why are so many lab tests coming back with false positive results, and what can we do about it? Source


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E59. Robert Bryce and Jim Cooper: The Sierra Club and Environmental Racism

On today’s episode of Power Hungry, FREOPP Visiting Fellow Robert Bryce talks to California Assemblyman Jim Cooper, a Democrat, about a letter he wrote accusing the Sierra Club of fueling environmental racism. What’s going wrong with energy policy in California? Source


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E58. COVID in 19: Biden Claims that Trump is Responsible for 200,000 Deaths

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about Joe Biden’s claim that Trump is responsible for all 200,000 COVID deaths in America. Also, how should we think about COVID’s impact on different ethnic groups? And how would the rollout of a vaccine actually work? The World Index of Healthcare Innovation: wihi.freopp. Source


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E57. COVID in 19: YouTube Takes Down Interview with Trump Advisor Scott Atlas

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about Atlas-gate, the decision of Youtube to censor an interview that Trump coronavirus advisor and Stanford professor Scott Atlas did with the Hoover Institution. What was Youtube thinking? Source


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E56. Robert Bryce and Michael Shellenberger: Why Nuclear Energy is the Path Forward to Reducing Carbon Emissions

On today’s episode of Power Hungry, FREOPP Visiting Fellow Robert Bryce talks to Michael Shellenberger, founder of Environmental Progress, about his new book Apocalypse Never. Is nuclear power our best hope for reducing carbon emissions? They discuss that and more! Source


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E55. COVID in 19: Why Did Trump Downplay the Pandemic Early On?

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about Los Angeles cancelling and then de-cancelling Halloween, and also the claim that a motorcycle rally in South Dakota led to a massive COVID outbreak. Also, why did Trump downplay the pandemic early on? Source


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E54. COVID in 19: Should You Believe Your Positive COVID Test?

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Avik Roy of FREOPP and Scott Immergut of Ricochet talk Nancy Pelosi’s hair salon crime spree. They also discuss a fascinating New York Times report suggesting as many as 70% of people testing positive under PCR tests for COVID are actually negative. Email with your questions, and we’ll answer them on the air. Source


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E53. COVID in 19: Is the CDC Overcounting or Undercounting Deaths?

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Avik Roy of FREOPP and Scott Immergut of Ricochet talk CDC conspiracy theories: are we overcounting or undercounting the number of COVID deaths in the US? And why has the CDC stopped recommending testing for people with no symptoms? Email with your questions, and we’ll answer them on the air. Source


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E52. COVID in 19: California’s Testing Debacle

On today’s episode of COVD in 19, Avik Roy of FREOPP and Scott Immergut of Ricochet talk about the California data debacle: why is it so hard for the tech capital of the world to accurately report its COVID statistics? Will encouraging news on the testing front solve all our problems? Email with your questions, and we’ll answer them on the air! Source


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E51. COVID in 19: What Does Science Say About the Value of Lockdowns?

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Avik Roy of FREOPP and Scott Immergut of Ricochet talk about Day 1 of the Republican National Convention. Joe Biden says that if cases rise again, he would support another shutdown. But what does the science really say about the value of lockdowns? Have a question about the coronavirus or reopening plans? Email and Avik will answer your... Source


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E50. COVID in 19: Biden Calls for National Mask Mandate

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Avik Roy of FREOPP and Scott Immergut of Ricochet talk about Biden’s acceptance speech at the Democratic convention. can the federal government force every American to wear a mask? Should you go see Christopher Nolan’s new blockbuster move in a theater? We discuss that and more in under 19 minutes. Source


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E49. COVID in 19: Scott Atlas Joins Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Avik Roy of FREOPP and Scott Immergut of Ricochet talk about the latest COVID stats — why is California, a lockdown state, seeing a rise in cases while Texas declines? Why are Democrats mad about President Trump tapping Scott Atlas for his Coronavirus Task Force? Catch Scott Atlas on the Uncommon Knowledge podcast here: The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas And The... Source


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E48. Robert Bryce on How to Reduce Energy Costs for All Americans

On today’s episode of American Wonk, Avik Roy talks to FREOPP Visiting Fellow Robert Bryce about juice. No, not apple juice, but the juice that powers our smartphones, our homes, and our cars. Can we keep energy affordable for all Americans while reducing carbon emissions? Listen to find out. Watch Bryce’s new documentary, “Juice: How Electricity Explains The World,” here. Read Bryce’s new book... Source


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E47. COVID in 19: Can the College Football Season be Saved?

On today’s episode of COVID in 19, Scott Immergut of Ricochet and Avik Roy of FREOPP talk about Avik’s Saturday Essay in the Wall Street Journal on school reopenings, what can we learn from the European experience. Also, can the college football season be saved? Will anyone listen to the players? Source
