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Alien UFO Podcast


Are we being visited by aliens? Are there craft in our skies that perform manoeuvres beyond human technology? Do people get abducted by ETs? My mission is to investigate all things that are part of the wider the UFO phenomena. Each week I look into a different aspect of this fascinating field and go in depth into the evidence that is all around us. I am looking at UFO sightings, alien abduction, historic cases and other related phenomena. I interview researchers in the field and people who have had very real experiences.Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Are we being visited by aliens? Are there craft in our skies that perform manoeuvres beyond human technology? Do people get abducted by ETs? My mission is to investigate all things that are part of the wider the UFO phenomena. Each week I look into a different aspect of this fascinating field and go in depth into the evidence that is all around us. I am looking at UFO sightings, alien abduction, historic cases and other related phenomena. I interview researchers in the field and people who have had very real experiences.Become a supporter of this podcast:



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UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone?

During the past five decades, psychologist and parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove has been dialoguing with scientists, academics, experiencers, historians, and mystics on the subject of life’s biggest questions, the mind beyond the brain, consciousness, and the nature of reality. His YouTube channel, New Thinking Allowed continues to produce quality content and is growing in popularity and with the help of dedicated volunteers, publishes a quarterly magazine. In this anthology Jeff explores the increasingly compelling subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, or as it’s now termed by NASA: “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.” The book features scientists, historians, and researchers in the genre both past and present, such as Jacques Vallée, Nick Cook, Ralph Blumenthal, John E. Mack, Charles Upton, Whitley Strieber, Daz Smith, Jeffrey Kripal, Greg Bishop, Daniel Sheehan, and a Preface by Bob Davis, Ph.D. Bio Doctor of Parapsychology (PhD, Berkeley) Host, Author, Founder of The New Thinking Allowed Foundation New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university, The University of California, Berkeley, 1980. Dr Mishlove is a past-vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that association for his contributions to the field of consciousness exploration. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. Amazon link


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UFOs Are Here. But What Are They Doing?

In this anthology Jeff explores the increasingly compelling subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, or as it’s now termed by NASA: “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.” The book features scientists, historians, and researchers in the genre both past and present, such as Jacques Vallée, Nick Cook, Ralph Blumenthal, John E. Mack, Charles Upton, Whitley Strieber, Daz Smith, Jeffrey Kripal, Greg Bishop, Daniel Sheehan, and a Preface by Bob Davis, Ph.D. Bio Doctor of Parapsychology (PhD, Berkeley) Host, Author, Founder of The New Thinking Allowed Foundation New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university, The University of California, Berkeley, 1980. Dr Mishlove is a past-vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that association for his contributions to the field of consciousness exploration. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. Amazon link


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UFO Encounters Ep49 | UFO Sightings In History

Why does the term “flying saucer” appear in newspapers fifty years before UFOs were first sighted in 1947? Why did the original witness, Kenneth Arnold, insist he never saw disc-shaped objects at all? Can we find signs of disc-shaped objects through the ages? And have they become almost extinct today? In Saucers, veteran ufologist Chris Aubeck takes the reader on a deep dive into Arnold's own first-hand accounts and, for the first time, presents evidence that we might have been chasing the wrong flying objects all along. For anyone puzzled why saucers once flooded the skies yet scarcely appear now, Saucers sheds new light on the origins of this iconic symbol. No matter where you stand on this controversial issue, this book will challenge your views. There has never been a better time to be informed about how flying saucers became embedded in our culture. Bio His interest in the historical and sociological aspects of unexplained aerial phenomena began at an early age. A student of language and folklore, he has helped compile the largest collection of pre-1947 UFO cases in the world. He has spoken on his research in many articles and on public radio. In 2008 he was awarded a prize for his contributions to the field by the Spanish organization Fundación Anomalía. In 2003 Chris Aubeck co-founded a remarkable collaborative network of librarians, students and scholars of paranormal history on the Internet. This group, known as the Magoniax Project, extends from North and Central America to Russia and Germany. It has accumulated thousands of references, searched media archives in several languages, and gathered hundreds of rare documents, scientific reports, and newspaper clippings from the last 400 years. Amazon link


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Saucers and Alien Contact

In this episode I have two guests. In the first half I talk to Chris Aubeck about his book 'Saucers: Tracing the Origins of Disc-Shaped UFOs'. Why does the term “flying saucer” appear in newspapers fifty years before UFOs were first sighted in 1947? Why did the original witness, Kenneth Arnold, insist he never saw disc-shaped objects at all? Can we find signs of disc-shaped objects through the ages? And have they become almost extinct today? In Saucers, veteran ufologist Chris Aubeck takes the reader on a deep dive into Arnold's own first-hand accounts and, for the first time, presents evidence that we might have been chasing the wrong flying objects all along. For anyone puzzled why saucers once flooded the skies yet scarcely appear now, Saucers sheds new light on the origins of this iconic symbol. No matter where you stand on this controversial issue, this book will challenge your views. There has never been a better time to be informed about how flying saucers became embedded in our culture. Bio His interest in the historical and sociological aspects of unexplained aerial phenomena began at an early age. A student of language and folklore, he has helped compile the largest collection of pre-1947 UFO cases in the world. He has spoken on his research in many articles and on public radio. In 2008 he was awarded a prize for his contributions to the field by the Spanish organization Fundación Anomalía. In 2003 Chris Aubeck co-founded a remarkable collaborative network of librarians, students and scholars of paranormal history on the Internet. This group, known as the Magoniax Project, extends from North and Central America to Russia and Germany. It has accumulated thousands of references, searched media archives in several languages, and gathered hundreds of rare documents, scientific reports, and newspaper clippings from the last 400 years. Amazon link In the second half of the episode Colette Lane talks about her book 'Northern Lights: True Stories of UFO Sightings, Paranormal Activity, Psychic Relationships'. Go along on a journey with the author as she explores the exciting and mysterious realms of the supernatural and psychic phenomena, UFOs, and extraterrestrial activity. This story is based on true events. Lane writes, “I didn’t give UFOs and extraterrestrials much of a thought back then, even after I saw them back in the early sixties and seventies. It was several years later that I started to recall past memories of UFO contact. And although I had been experiencing psychic ability and premonition from as far back as I can remember, it just seemed like a normal part of everyday life. This ability of intuition, ESP, ran very strong on my mother’s side of the family, being Gaelic and Celtic Irish, but also seemed to run on my father’s side. Everyone in my family has been born with this ability to some degree. I have always had a very deep sense of spiritualism knowing that there is something much greater and bigger out there in the universe than just ourselves.” Amazon link


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UFO Encounters Ep48 | A Past Life as a Grey ET

Have you ever thought about what brings us together as humans in this big universe? At the core of it all, it's our shared emotions love, joy, pain. And when it comes to aliens, maybe it's their big heads and long feet? It all started when Dorain was lying down in his house, listening to a meditation guide with his headphones, while his eyes were closed. After 20 minutes of meditation, he felt something he had never felt before - a deep connection between his soul and his body. After that, something strange happened. Dorain woke up to find himself in the body of an alien. But how did that happen? Is it real, or was it just a dream? "Alien Feet" is a fascinating work of fiction written by the talented author Dorian Wells. This compelling story takes readers on a thought-provoking journey that challenges their beliefs and encourages them to seek answers. Why this book: Engaging Storyline: Experience vivid descriptions and detailed world-building that bring the alien environments and advanced technology to life. Universal Themes: Explore profound themes of love, interconnectedness, and the nature of existence that will resonate with readers. Philosophical Insights: Delve into deep philosophical questions about life and death, offering a fresh perspective that challenges and inspires. Unique Perspective: Gain insight into a civilization that harmoniously blends cutting-edge technology with ancient spiritual wisdom, offering a narrative unlike any other book.


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Encounters with the Greys and Interdimensional Beings

Nancy Thames, a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong Contactee of Inter-Dimensional extraterrestrial beings, has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. Her journey, marked by personal struggles, transformed profoundly through her continuous extraterrestrial encounters. These experiences, initially suppressed, were eventually embraced as Nancy began to understand their purpose in her life and for humanity. She has come to the decisive conclusion: it is Time for Disclosure. Her dedication to this cosmic narrative propelled her to create, a platform advocating for open dialogue about extraterrestrial interactions and the greater implications for humanity. Here, she shares her personal encounters, insights gleaned from beings across dimensions, and her perspective on what these interactions mean for human evolution. Nancy's work underscores a collective call to awakening. She stresses that experiences often labeled as "abductions" are, in her understanding, enlightened contacts, part of a broader, benevolent interaction with extraterrestrial entities aiming to usher humanity into a new era of cosmic participation. This mission, conveyed through her writing and community engagement, is driven by a philosophy of unity, spiritual evolution, and the pursuit of truth, extending an invitation to all of humanity to acknowledge and embrace our place within the larger galactic framework.


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UFO Encounters Ep47 | Kenneth Arnold's 'Flying Saucer' Sighting

• Looks at witnesses’ reports as well as the theories of skeptics, revealing how UFOs represent a call from the cosmos to expand our understanding of reality • Explores UFO encounters against the backdrop of visionary experience—angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, and religious miracles • Shares the author’s UFO discussions with late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller, and astronaut Edgar Mitchell In case after case related to UFO encounters and other unknown aerial phenomena (UAP), the same impasse is reached: testimony from witnesses on one side, dismissive responses from the authorities on the other. In the fertile void of this deadlock, however, lie extraordinary possibilities about the nature of mind and matter, spirit and soul, transforming the UFO into a celestial, metaphysical event. Focusing on the possibilities found by exploring both sides of the UFO debate, veteran UFO observer and reporter Keith Thompson shares profound insights and experiences from his several decades of research, revealing that the UFO phenomenon is decidedly real yet perhaps not what either side of the debate expects. He looks at UFOs as a genuine unknown, from outer space or manifesting from hidden dimensions, as well as the theories of skeptics and debunkers who insist that UFOs can be explained as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misidentified phenomena. He explores the modern flying saucer era against the backdrop of visionary experience—angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, religious miracles, and fairy tales—and shows how UFOs are simultaneously physical and spiritual, presenting a form of intelligence capable of altering the perceptions of witnesses. Chronicling his own investigations into the UFO mystery, the author details how he introduced the late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack to accounts of alien abduction and how he was invited by philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller to lobby then-president Bill Clinton to disclose government-held UFO information. Sharing stories from his friendship with astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, among others, the author recounts discussions on how best to interpret UFOs and non-ordinary phenomena of various kinds. Thompson reveals how the UFO phenomenon ultimately represents a call from the cosmos for humanity to open to greater dimensions of reality and recognize that our understanding of the universe is still far from complete. Bio Keith Thompson is an author, independent journalist, talk radio host, former TV talk show host, and former U.S. Senate staff member. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Esquire, San Francisco Chronicle, Idaho Statesman, and the Pacific Sun. He lives in northern Florida. Website Link: X Profile: Amazon link:


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The UFO As A Metaphysical Experience

This week I'm talking to Keith Thompson about his book 'The UFO Paradox: The Celestial and Symbolic World of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena'. • Looks at witnesses’ reports as well as the theories of skeptics, revealing how UFOs represent a call from the cosmos to expand our understanding of reality • Explores UFO encounters against the backdrop of visionary experience—angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, and religious miracles • Shares the author’s UFO discussions with late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller, and astronaut Edgar Mitchell In case after case related to UFO encounters and other unknown aerial phenomena (UAP), the same impasse is reached: testimony from witnesses on one side, dismissive responses from the authorities on the other. In the fertile void of this deadlock, however, lie extraordinary possibilities about the nature of mind and matter, spirit and soul, transforming the UFO into a celestial, metaphysical event. Focusing on the possibilities found by exploring both sides of the UFO debate, veteran UFO observer and reporter Keith Thompson shares profound insights and experiences from his several decades of research, revealing that the UFO phenomenon is decidedly real yet perhaps not what either side of the debate expects. He looks at UFOs as a genuine unknown, from outer space or manifesting from hidden dimensions, as well as the theories of skeptics and debunkers who insist that UFOs can be explained as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misidentified phenomena. He explores the modern flying saucer era against the backdrop of visionary experience—angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, religious miracles, and fairy tales—and shows how UFOs are simultaneously physical and spiritual, presenting a form of intelligence capable of altering the perceptions of witnesses. Chronicling his own investigations into the UFO mystery, the author details how he introduced the late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack to accounts of alien abduction and how he was invited by philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller to lobby then-president Bill Clinton to disclose government-held UFO information. Sharing stories from his friendship with astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, among others, the author recounts discussions on how best to interpret UFOs and non-ordinary phenomena of various kinds. Thompson reveals how the UFO phenomenon ultimately represents a call from the cosmos for humanity to open to greater dimensions of reality and recognize that our understanding of the universe is still far from complete. Bio Keith Thompson is an author, independent journalist, talk radio host, former TV talk show host, and former U.S. Senate staff member. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Esquire, San Francisco Chronicle, Idaho Statesman, and the Pacific Sun. He lives in northern Florida. Website Link: X Profile: Amazon link:


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UFO Encounters Ep46 | Mass UFO Sighting at School

Elizabeth Anglin was a skeptic. Though she had experienced some strange things, and was afraid of aliens for most of her childhood, she considered her fears to be irrational. She didn’t believe friends and family members who said they saw aliens, or had relationships with aliens, or even...had been alien in a past life. She thought they were suffering from stress, or an inability to distinguish dreams from reality. Then, on November 29, 1989, she found herself face to face with an alien in her apartment, and realized this kind of event had happened before. Even worse, she realized that a boy she knew growing up had probably been killed when an abduction experience went wrong, and that aliens can make mistakes…sometimes deadly mistakes. Terrified, she contacted abduction researcher Budd Hopkins, who put her in touch with Dr. John E. Mack at Harvard University. Soon after, she became one of the first abductees to research abduction experiences with Dr. Mack. This is the story of what happened before that research. Bio Elizabeth has spent much of her life involved in exploring the line between intuitive and scientific thinking. Raised by a science educator with psychic abilities and an agnostic university researcher, her understanding of spirit and consciousness is derived from experience, not belief. That experience naturally lead to study, Tibetan, Korean, and Japansese Buddhism, Gnostic Gospels, Spiritualist Studies, Anatomy and Physiology, Cosmology(s) and more. Starting in 1990, Elizabeth researched Transpersonal Psychology through the Center for Psychology and Social Change, now the John E. Mack Institute and became peer mentor for people undergoing extreme spiritual emergencies, especially anomalous extraterrestrial experiences. She appears as experiencer "Anne" in John E. Mack's book "Abduction" and spoke at the Abduction Studies Conference at MIT in May, 1992 and at The Forum at The Macht Building for the Committee of Inquiry at Harvard University in 1995. An award-winning writer as a teenager, she published a full length memoir, "Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood" the first in a series of three regarding her paranormal life experiences. Her next book "Inquiry: Memoirs of an Abduction Research Subject" is in progress for publication in 2025. Searching for a way to heal herself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after a traumatic childhood and young adulthood of intensive research, Elizabeth learned Reiki and quickly began to heal. She became a Reiki Master in 1994 and naturally developed Animal Communication skills at the same time. She founded Mystic River Reiki, and became a Medical Intuitive (1995), Remote Viewer (1996), and Evidential Spirit Medium (1997). Her original intuitive training began through working with the I Ching and the Rider-Waite, Herbal and Haindl Tarot (1991 to 1996). Her intuitive reading skills turned to direct clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient observation and reporting in 1996. While strengthening her intuitive and healing skills, Elizabeth worked as an editor, grants manager and research group coordinator at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, She has also worked as a licensed riding instructor and equine communicator for performance horses and riders. Her strengths during readings are in receiving, interpreting and balancing information from many sources - the physical body, the mind, the emotions, spirit guides, the angels, the Akashic records, parallel lifetimes, concurrent past and future lifetimes, the astral and mental fields, and the probability field. As a multi-event Near Death Experiencer, she brings a grounded personal understanding of the afterlife to her Spirit Medium Sittings. She currently lives in Madrid, New Mexico, an artist's colony on the historic Turquoise Trail south of Santa Fe. She meets with clients by phone, Zoom, or in-person with advance...


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Alien Contact Throughout Childhood

This week I'm talking to Elizabeth Anglin about her book 'Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood'. Elizabeth Anglin was a skeptic. Though she had experienced some strange things, and was afraid of aliens for most of her childhood, she considered her fears to be irrational. She didn’t believe friends and family members who said they saw aliens, or had relationships with aliens, or even...had been alien in a past life. She thought they were suffering from stress, or an inability to distinguish dreams from reality. Then, on November 29, 1989, she found herself face to face with an alien in her apartment, and realized this kind of event had happened before. Even worse, she realized that a boy she knew growing up had probably been killed when an abduction experience went wrong, and that aliens can make mistakes…sometimes deadly mistakes. Terrified, she contacted abduction researcher Budd Hopkins, who put her in touch with Dr. John E. Mack at Harvard University. Soon after, she became one of the first abductees to research abduction experiences with Dr. Mack. This is the story of what happened before that research. Bio Elizabeth has spent much of her life involved in exploring the line between intuitive and scientific thinking. Raised by a science educator with psychic abilities and an agnostic university researcher, her understanding of spirit and consciousness is derived from experience, not belief. That experience naturally lead to study, Tibetan, Korean, and Japansese Buddhism, Gnostic Gospels, Spiritualist Studies, Anatomy and Physiology, Cosmology(s) and more. Starting in 1990, Elizabeth researched Transpersonal Psychology through the Center for Psychology and Social Change, now the John E. Mack Institute and became peer mentor for people undergoing extreme spiritual emergencies, especially anomalous extraterrestrial experiences. She appears as experiencer "Anne" in John E. Mack's book "Abduction" and spoke at the Abduction Studies Conference at MIT in May, 1992 and at The Forum at The Macht Building for the Committee of Inquiry at Harvard University in 1995. An award-winning writer as a teenager, she published a full length memoir, "Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood" the first in a series of three regarding her paranormal life experiences. Her next book "Inquiry: Memoirs of an Abduction Research Subject" is in progress for publication in 2025. Searching for a way to heal herself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after a traumatic childhood and young adulthood of intensive research, Elizabeth learned Reiki and quickly began to heal. She became a Reiki Master in 1994 and naturally developed Animal Communication skills at the same time. She founded Mystic River Reiki, and became a Medical Intuitive (1995), Remote Viewer (1996), and Evidential Spirit Medium (1997). Her original intuitive training began through working with the I Ching and the Rider-Waite, Herbal and Haindl Tarot (1991 to 1996). Her intuitive reading skills turned to direct clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient observation and reporting in 1996. While strengthening her intuitive and healing skills, Elizabeth worked as an editor, grants manager and research group coordinator at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, She has also worked as a licensed riding instructor and equine communicator for performance horses and riders. Her strengths during readings are in receiving, interpreting and balancing information from many sources - the physical body, the mind, the emotions, spirit guides, the angels, the Akashic records, parallel lifetimes, concurrent past and future lifetimes, the astral and mental fields, and the probability field. As a multi-event Near Death Experiencer, she brings a grounded personal understanding of the afterlife to her Spirit Medium Sittings. She currently lives in Madrid, New Mexico, an artist's colony on the historic Turquoise Trail south of Santa Fe. She meets with clients by phone, Zoom, or in-person...


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UFO Encounters Ep45 | Alien Abduction Memories

In this episode I am reading from Byron Lacy's book 'Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee'. Can you imagine the helplessness and fear that a five-year-old would feel when he's first visited by extraterrestrials? How about the look on his parents' faces when he confesses his alien encounter? Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee is Byron W. Lacy's firsthand account of what modern science insists is only folklore. The first encounters come when he is young—with "little men" entering the room as he hugs his teddy bear. They masquerade as cartoon characters to ease his concern, a dancing Captain Hook—minus the hook—joining his comrades. Future visits lead to psychic connections with his visitors. Admitting such encounters takes courage, especially when similar comments by a family member placed her in a mental hospital. But Lacy lays it all out on the table as he details what it's like to be an alien abductee. Chosen: Chronicle of an Alien Abductee isn't just for the disbelievers. It's a free discussion of Lacy’s experience—one meant to encourage other abductees through their own moments of skepticism both from others and within. Bio Byron W. Lacy was born in Burnet, Texas on March 21, 1950. He is a fourth generation Texan. Byron’s Great Grandfather, George W. Lacy, came to Texas in the early 1850’s. George and two of his business partners donated the granite to build the current Texas state capitol. He also started a dog breed which is now called the Blue Lacy and is the state dog of Texas. Byron incorporates stories of his ancestors in his books. Byron started writing poetry while in high school and received great encouragement from his teachers. His first poem was published in a small literary magazine before he turned twenty-one. Byron has had many poems published in literary magazines. He has also published a book of his poetry, THE NIGHT IS A CONSTANT LOVER, and a SiFi novel , HEROES and VILLAINS DOWN THE HALLS OF TIME THE LEGEND OF SPINEY WHEEZER, both available on Amazon. Byron has written a nonfiction book about his experiences titled Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee; also on Amazon. Byron is also a musician and writes and performs EDM (electronic dance music) on synthesizers, and has two CD collections of music on Amazon. In 1976 Byron received a B.S in English. In 1977 he received a M.A. in Graphic art and in 1978 a M.F.A. in Graphic Art. Byron has had paintings and sculptures exhibited in galleries and Museums throughout the United States. Byron now lives in Nacogdoches, Texas where he spends his time writing, creating sculptures and paintings, studying psychology, metaphysics, researching alien abductions, and helping abductees. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Alien Abduction Compilation

This week I have put together a compilation episode that hears from guests who have had alien abduction experiences. I find this aspect of the UFO phenomemnon particularly interesting and I hope you enjoy the episode. Below is info on how to find the guests' episodes and books. 1.Mike Clelland Episode 18 Book 'The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee'. Amazon link: 2. Tina Bird Episode 96 Book 'The Bonded – The Truth About Alien Abduction'. Amazon link: 3. Paul Benton Episode 31 Book 'My Life is a Mystery'. Amazon link: 4. Steve Boucher Episode 61 Book 'Beyond The Extraterrestrial Firewall: An Experiencer's Point of View'. Amazon link: 5. Sev Tok Episode 59 Book 'You Have the Right to Talk to Aliens'. Amazon link: 6. Matthew Roberts Episode 4 Book 'Initiated: UAP, Dreams, Depression, Delusions, Shadow People, Psychosis, Sleep Paralysis, and Pandemics'. Amazon link: Become a supporter of this podcast:


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UFO Encounters Ep44 | Roswell Wreckage and UFO Abduction

This week I'm reading from Dr. Simeon Hein's book 'Black Swan Ghosts: A Sociologist Encounters Witnesses to Unexplained Aerial Craft, Their Occupants, and Other Elements of the Multiverse'. What happens when you encounter a controversial phenomenon that can destroy your career? New bonus feature—Stunning witness video interviews from the book online: links and info provided in the book text. Black Swan Ghosts investigates how our society treats witnesses to unexplained events, unidentified aerial objects, and mysterious beings. It's a topic I once dismissed as weird, fringe, and crazy—something I'd avoid. However, after getting involved in Remote Viewing and getting to know participants in this previously classified government program, I began encountering more highly credible witnesses to these hard-to-explain phenomena. Eventually, the weight of the evidence overcame any doubts I had about the authenticity and veridicality of these subjects. This book investigates why our society is so reluctant to engage and address the critical issues raised by such phenomena. Why are we afraid to take the subject seriously? What are the consequences to the witnesses? Precisely, what kind of universe do we live in? The book contains: Witness stories from a former Air Force and commercial pilot. Children of high-ranking Air Force officials. An Aerospace engineer who worked for NASA's JPL. A former NASA astrobiologist. A nuclear missile security guard from Minot AFB A retired US government remote viewer, and many others. Now includes video interviews on the website with many of the witnesses in the book. Black Swan Ghosts includes witness accounts of a hostile encounter between US Air Force jets and a strange object over Lake Superior in the 1960s; B-52s during the Cold War get scanned by mysterious objects from space near the Soviet border; a former government remote viewer recounts contact with an alien control panel and interview by intelligence agents; campers on Silbury Hill, UK witness strange luminous objects hovering with a secondary sighting by supporting witness; a NASA astrobiologist shows evidence of meteoric extraterrestrial fossils, suppressed Skylab UFO photos, and first-hand account of accidental near-launch of Soviet nuclear missiles caused by huge unidentified disc; a woman and friend have car stall and experience missing time near Mt. St. Helens; a man and friend in the UK see a flying disc and its occupant land at night in the 1970s and then get mysterious phone calls; and much, much more! Bio Dr. Simeon Hein is the director of a research and teaching company, the Mount Baldy Institute, which he founded in 1997, to give people the opportunity to learn Virtual Viewing a type of intuition training that taps into our creative unconscious intelligence. He also studies crop circles and takes people on crop circle tours. You can watch some of his lectures about crop circles. He is an avid acoustic guitarist. Amazon link You can listen to his music here Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Chronicles of an Alien Abductee

In this episode I am talking to Byron Lacy about his book 'Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee'. Can you imagine the helplessness and fear that a five-year-old would feel when he's first visited by extraterrestrials? How about the look on his parents' faces when he confesses his alien encounter? Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee is Byron W. Lacy's firsthand account of what modern science insists is only folklore. The first encounters come when he is young—with "little men" entering the room as he hugs his teddy bear. They masquerade as cartoon characters to ease his concern, a dancing Captain Hook—minus the hook—joining his comrades. Future visits lead to psychic connections with his visitors. Admitting such encounters takes courage, especially when similar comments by a family member placed her in a mental hospital. But Lacy lays it all out on the table as he details what it's like to be an alien abductee. Chosen: Chronicle of an Alien Abductee isn't just for the disbelievers. It's a free discussion of Lacy’s experience—one meant to encourage other abductees through their own moments of skepticism both from others and within. Bio Byron W. Lacy was born in Burnet, Texas on March 21, 1950. He is a fourth generation Texan. Byron’s Great Grandfather, George W. Lacy, came to Texas in the early 1850’s. George and two of his business partners donated the granite to build the current Texas state capitol. He also started a dog breed which is now called the Blue Lacy and is the state dog of Texas. Byron incorporates stories of his ancestors in his books. Byron started writing poetry while in high school and received great encouragement from his teachers. His first poem was published in a small literary magazine before he turned twenty-one. Byron has had many poems published in literary magazines. He has also published a book of his poetry, THE NIGHT IS A CONSTANT LOVER, and a SiFi novel , HEROES and VILLAINS DOWN THE HALLS OF TIME THE LEGEND OF SPINEY WHEEZER, both available on Amazon. Byron has written a nonfiction book about his experiences titled Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee; also on Amazon. Byron is also a musician and writes and performs EDM (electronic dance music) on synthesizers, and has two CD collections of music on Amazon. In 1976 Byron received a B.S in English. In 1977 he received a M.A. in Graphic art and in 1978 a M.F.A. in Graphic Art. Byron has had paintings and sculptures exhibited in galleries and Museums throughout the United States. Byron now lives in Nacogdoches, Texas where he spends his time writing, creating sculptures and paintings, studying psychology, metaphysics, researching alien abductions, and helping abductees. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Tales of Amazing UFO Whistleblower Testimomy

This week I'm talking to Dr. Simeon Hein about his book 'Black Swan Ghosts: A Sociologist Encounters Witnesses to Unexplained Aerial Craft, Their Occupants, and Other Elements of the Multiverse'. What happens when you encounter a controversial phenomenon that can destroy your career? New bonus feature—Stunning witness video interviews from the book online: links and info provided in the book text. Black Swan Ghosts investigates how our society treats witnesses to unexplained events, unidentified aerial objects, and mysterious beings. It's a topic I once dismissed as weird, fringe, and crazy—something I'd avoid. However, after getting involved in Remote Viewing and getting to know participants in this previously classified government program, I began encountering more highly credible witnesses to these hard-to-explain phenomena. Eventually, the weight of the evidence overcame any doubts I had about the authenticity and veridicality of these subjects. This book investigates why our society is so reluctant to engage and address the critical issues raised by such phenomena. Why are we afraid to take the subject seriously? What are the consequences to the witnesses? Precisely, what kind of universe do we live in? The book contains: Witness stories from a former Air Force and commercial pilot. Children of high-ranking Air Force officials. An Aerospace engineer who worked for NASA's JPL. A former NASA astrobiologist. A nuclear missile security guard from Minot AFB A retired US government remote viewer, and many others. Now includes video interviews on the website with many of the witnesses in the book. Black Swan Ghosts includes witness accounts of a hostile encounter between US Air Force jets and a strange object over Lake Superior in the 1960s; B-52s during the Cold War get scanned by mysterious objects from space near the Soviet border; a former government remote viewer recounts contact with an alien control panel and interview by intelligence agents; campers on Silbury Hill, UK witness strange luminous objects hovering with a secondary sighting by supporting witness; a NASA astrobiologist shows evidence of meteoric extraterrestrial fossils, suppressed Skylab UFO photos, and first-hand account of accidental near-launch of Soviet nuclear missiles caused by huge unidentified disc; a woman and friend have car stall and experience missing time near Mt. St. Helens; a man and friend in the UK see a flying disc and its occupant land at night in the 1970s and then get mysterious phone calls; and much, much more! Bio Dr. Simeon Hein is the director of a research and teaching company, the Mount Baldy Institute, which he founded in 1997, to give people the opportunity to learn Virtual Viewing a type of intuition training that taps into our creative unconscious intelligence. He also studies crop circles and takes people on crop circle tours. You can watch some of his lectures about crop circles. He is an avid acoustic guitarist. Amazon link You can listen to his music here Become a supporter of this podcast:


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UFO Encounters Ep43 | Alien Abduction in the UK

This week I'm reading from Andy Russell's book 'Testimony Volume 1: Alien Abduction in the UK'. The phenomena of alien abduction has always been viewed in a very US-centric spotlight despite this being a global phenomena. Testimony looks at the phenomena from a UK perspective, looking at the history of alien abduction in the UK as well as looking at some never previously discussed case studies. Some of these case studies have some unusual aspects which serve to remind us that the phenomena is more complex than we first imagined. Bio Andy Russell has been researching the UFO & Abduction phenomena since the mid-1980s. Andy also spends a lot of time utilizing FOIA legislation to push Governments to reveal their knowledge of the UFO phenomena. Andy has appeared on the TV shows “UFO Hunters” and “Ancient Aliens”. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:


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UFO Encounters | A High Strangeness ET Experience

This week I'm talking to Joseph Stillwell about his book 'Into The Blue: Of Wanderers, Invisible Children And Astral Voyagers'. A detailed first-person account of remarkable experiences, of this world and beyond. This is a collection of personal stories, all true, interwoven in a sequence of increasing strangeness and otherworldly reality. Herein is but one more accounting, among decades of reports of interactions between humans and alien entities, that should give pause to those who believe that our species is unique unto all that exists. It is not! ...."In 2011 I became another of those who have experienced a close encounter with an intelligent, alien entity, not human. Two encounters in that year affirmed in reality a truth of which I have long believed is absolute. Dominion of earth is not exclusive to humanity. We are not alone. There are others, not of this place, and they are here.".... INTO THE BLUE Bio I am Joseph Stillwell, first-time author, inspired to write this book following two close encounters and alien contact, in 2011. I am retired, having worked in emergency services for twenty-three years, the final eleven in emergency medicine. I am an average guy, my wife and I having raised two children, one of whom survives and is golden. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Investigating Alien Abduction in the UK

This week I'm talking to Andy Russell about his book 'Testimony Volume 1: Alien Abduction in the UK'. The phenomena of alien abduction has always been viewed in a very US-centric spotlight despite this being a global phenomena. Testimony looks at the phenomena from a UK perspective, looking at the history of alien abduction in the UK as well as looking at some never previously discussed case studies. Some of these case studies have some unusual aspects which serve to remind us that the phenomena is more complex than we first imagined. Bio Andy Russell has been researching the UFO & Abduction phenomena since the mid-1980s. Andy also spends a lot of time utilizing FOIA legislation to push Governments to reveal their knowledge of the UFO phenomena. Andy has appeared on the TV shows “UFO Hunters” and “Ancient Aliens”. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:


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UFO Encounters Ep42 | Roswell: Crash of Controversy

This week I'm reading from Ronald Kinsella's book 'Illusions: Smoke and Mirrors Of The UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma'. In this book, Ronald Kinsella questions the validity of a number of alien, UFO and cryptid reports which range from the unusual, to the very bizarre, throughout the world. This interrogation is not based on their authenticity, rather, questioning a much darker aspect to their origins and of a seemingly fragmented phenomena. Is it just possible we have been duped by something else? Something far more sinister? Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious? Has it also employed its tactics through the likes of Scrying, CE-5 Initiatives, along with the Ouija Board? And is ‘Skin Walker Ranch,’ – a hotspot for paranormal activity – being used as its playground, knowing that interest of it has certainly arisen? Are we looking at a thing which is as bizarre as the very cosmos itself, and of which understands us and our history to the point of disbelief? Ronald attests that these are merely ideas, and that the reasons concluded certainly do sway strongly towards anonimous and calculated addition to planet Earth. He wagers that his own encounters, perhaps like many, have been instigated by a clever trickster, and of which selects people for a reason he contemplates within the very pages of this book. About the author: Ronald Kinsella is an artist, illustrator and author. He has written numerous books, including science fiction for the mainstream media, some of which are also illustrated by him. He also jointly hosts a paranormal radio show, ‘TWIN SOULS’ along with his identical twin brother, which is part of a global network. He has also appeared on national television. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Smoke and Mirrors Of The UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma

This week I'm talking to Ronald Kinsella about his book 'Illusions: Smoke and Mirrors Of The UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma'. In this book, Ronald Kinsella questions the validity of a number of alien, UFO and cryptid reports which range from the unusual, to the very bizarre, throughout the world. This interrogation is not based on their authenticity, rather, questioning a much darker aspect to their origins and of a seemingly fragmented phenomena. Is it just possible we have been duped by something else? Something far more sinister? Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious? Has it also employed its tactics through the likes of Scrying, CE-5 Initiatives, along with the Ouija Board? And is ‘Skin Walker Ranch,’ – a hotspot for paranormal activity – being used as its playground, knowing that interest of it has certainly arisen? Are we looking at a thing which is as bizarre as the very cosmos itself, and of which understands us and our history to the point of disbelief? Ronald attests that these are merely ideas, and that the reasons concluded certainly do sway strongly towards anonimous and calculated addition to planet Earth. He wagers that his own encounters, perhaps like many, have been instigated by a clever trickster, and of which selects people for a reason he contemplates within the very pages of this book. About the author: Ronald Kinsella is an artist, illustrator and author. He has written numerous books, including science fiction for the mainstream media, some of which are also illustrated by him. He also jointly hosts a paranormal radio show, ‘TWIN SOULS’ along with his identical twin brother, which is part of a global network. He has also appeared on national television. Amazon link Become a supporter of this podcast:
