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Autism Conversations in the School (PED)

Education Podcasts

Welcome to the Educator Voices podcast series, which was designed to provide discourse on evidence-based practices that support the education of students with an autism spectrum disorder. For more information regarding these podcasts, and/or if you would like access to additional resources and supports, please check out the Autism Programs’ portal: You can also send us an email at


United States


Welcome to the Educator Voices podcast series, which was designed to provide discourse on evidence-based practices that support the education of students with an autism spectrum disorder. For more information regarding these podcasts, and/or if you would like access to additional resources and supports, please check out the Autism Programs’ portal: You can also send us an email at



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Educator Voices: Multi-layered Systems of Support Part 2

“Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) is New Mexico’s comprehensive overhaul of the Response to Intervention (RTI) that improves support systems by removing administrative barriers to providing timely evidence-based supports and focuses on holistic student success through robust family partnerships.” ( Please see the website above to access information about New Mexico’s Multi-Layered Systems of Support. You may also download the Implementation Guide. ( These documents will give you comprehensive information about MLSS for all New Mexico students. From the viewpoint of the special educators who participated in this podcast, there are salient points that make a difference for all NM students. 1. MLSS focuses on Positive Behavior Supports for all students. These supports are listed on pages 13-39 of the Implementation Guide. 2. [MLSS is] “a coordinated and comprehensive framework that uses increasingly intensive evidence-based academic and behavioral supports that address student needs as evidenced by student data.


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Educator Voices: Multi-layered Systems of Support Part 1

“Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) is New Mexico’s comprehensive overhaul of the Response to Intervention (RTI) that improves support systems by removing administrative barriers to providing timely evidence-based supports and focuses on holistic student success through robust family partnerships.” ( Please see the website above to access information about New Mexico’s Multi-Layered Systems of Support. You may also download the Implementation Guide. ( These documents will give you comprehensive information about MLSS for all New Mexico students. From the viewpoint of the special educators who participated in this podcast, there are salient points that make a difference for all NM students. 1. MLSS focuses on Positive Behavior Supports for all students. These supports are listed on pages 13-39 of the Implementation Guide. 2. [MLSS is] “a coordinated and comprehensive framework that uses increasingly intensive evidence-based academic and behavioral supports that address student needs as evidenced by student data.


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Educator Voices: Supporting Indigenous Students in Native Education Settings

Participating in culturally responsive teaching requires a teacher to view their classroom as a learning environment in all aspects and not limiting educational lessons to typical academic subjects. Providing a culturally responsive classroom settings in Native American communities requires the school staff to invite and support local community members to become part of the school environment. Teachers need not be afraid to ask and learn about the local pueblo/tribes' traditions. As educators we must remind ourselves that it is okay to ask questions and learn about the traditions and customs of our students and their caregivers.


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Educator Voices: Establishing Instructional Control

Establishing instructional control is an integral step in creating an effective classroom. Creating a structured, reinforcing classroom environment is not only an excellent way to quickly build rapport with students, it can also foster a learning atmosphere with less challenging behavior and more time spent on-task. This podcast describes the seven steps as described by Robert, Schramm and Megan Miller (2014).


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Educator Voices: Antecedent Interventions

Some evidence-based interventions are actually many interventions that work together to serve the same purpose. An example of that is antecedent Interventions which we will talk about today. Antecedent interventions are designed to alter the environment before a behavior occurs. Almost anything that prevents a behavior from happening is an antecedent intervention.


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Educator Voices: Addressing Challenging Behaviors

Some Evidence Based Practices focus on the reduction or elimination of behaviors that interfere with a student’s ability to participate in school, home, and community settings. Extinction is a strategy based on applied behavior analysis that is used to reduce or eliminate unwanted behavior. Extinction involves withdrawing or terminating the positive reinforcer that maintains an inappropriate interfering behavior.


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Educator Voices: Functional Communication

An important Evidence-Based Intervention for almost all children with ASD is Functional communication. Every individual (regardless of disability) needs a way to communicate that allows them to get what they need or want in a way that is acceptable and understandable to the wide world beyond school, therapy and home.


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Educator Voices: Prompting

Prompting refers to providing assistance or cues to encourage the use of a specific skill. Sometimes the instructor provides one or more prompts. Sometime the prompts are part of the material used (such as a stop light). As teachers, we do a lot of it without even thinking about how and what we are doing. Prompting is an essential tool but must be used thoughtfully. The end goal is always independence.


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Educator Voices: Planning for Transition

Transition is a topic that is most often addressed when students are in middle school preparing for the transition to high school and what our students will do when they are no longer our students. However, as most teachers and parents know, significant transitions occur throughout the school years. In my experience of an educator, this topic is one that although extremely important is sometimes neglected. In some cases, the focus on transition may fall into the category of “too little, too late.” Our discussion of transition issues will focus primarily on what transition means to students and families. We’ll also talk about how every teacher, regardless of level can help to facilitate transition.


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Educator Voices: 11 IEP Considerations for Students with ASD

The 11 IEP Considerations for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder help IEP teams consider some essential issues when developing an individualized education program for students with ASD. These considerations were developed to address parent concerns about the provision of services to students with ASD. The 11 Considerations were adopted into New Mexico law in July 2011. They apply to all students with an educational eligibility of Autism Spectrum Disorder, regardless of needed level of support. Although some students with ASD may appear to require fewer supports than others, it is important to address critical skills in social, behavioral and organizational skills for all students with ASD. Implementing the 11 considerations do not require specific credentials; it does, however, require general training about autism and access to information about research-based practices. Many of the considerations may already be included in the IEP; the checklist serves as a tool to make sure all areas of concern are addressed.


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Educator Voices: Preference Assessment

It is important to think about how to determine what is actually reinforcing for students. In order for something to be reinforcing, the delivery of that item/activity, etc. must increase the likelihood that a behavior will happen again. Reinforcement is all about motivation! We must have effective reinforcers (things that will motivate our students to learn to do those things that will benefit them in a variety of ways. While there are some things that may seem obvious, what actually reinforces an individual can be confusing and hard to figure out. Sometimes we hear teachers say, “there is nothing that reinforces them” or “it worked for a while and then it stopped.” In this podcast, we’re hoping to help you “listen” to your students in a variety of ways – They’ll most likely tell you how to motivate/reinforce them!


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Educator Voices: Data Collection

Although teachers are required to collect data related to academic development as well as interfering behaviors, collecting information without using it to make instructional and/or environmental changes may be frustrating and does not make the best use of valuable time. In this podcast, we will discuss ways in which data can be easily collected and then used to make decisions about teaching strategies and more! Rather than being a time sink, data collection, used wisely, saves time - not only ours as instructors but our students' as well. Making good decisions makes the best possible use of their learning time!


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Educator Voices: Reinforcement

Reinforcements and rewards – what’s the difference and what’s the big deal? You may be aware that it involves giving kids what they want in order to encourage them to do what they don’t want but understanding some of the subtleties will make a big difference in how successfully you use both reinforcement and rewards! Join us and our guests to learn from their experiences.”
