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The Art of Decluttering

Education Podcasts

Amy Revell is a Declutter Coach and Professional Organiser and wants you to experience freedom from clutter in your head, heart and home! Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Amy Revell is a Declutter Coach and Professional Organiser and wants you to experience freedom from clutter in your head, heart and home! Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



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What's Your Problem?...Maintenance

Today is the final week of our 3 week series called "What's Your Problem?" Discover 3 core clutter problems and the solution for each also! Week three is all about a MAINTENANCE problem... solved by HABITS Championing my favourite catch phrase of "don't put it down, put it away", if you're struggling to keep your decluttered and organised home maintained, the habits you put into practice are going to be game changing for you. Reduce procrastination and just do it... you can do it! Explore today how to solve a maintenance problem through building your habits in your home. I invite you to join my Head, Heart and Home Decluttering Course to further develop the habits needed to maintain a decluttered and organised home I'd love to ask you to leave a 5 star Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Close the Loop Rejecting Busy Three Times a Day Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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What's Your Problem?... Systems

Today is week 2 of our 3 week series called "What's Your Problem?" Learn 3 core clutter problems and learn the solution for each also! Week two is all about a SYSTEMS problem... solved by ORGANISING A great question to ask to start solving this problem is, "where does it belong?" Every item in your home (once decluttered) should have a home, somewhere it belongs. A great organisational system is simple and functional. It doesn't need to be complicated and perfect! Learn the top tips for organisational success in todays episode. Explore today how to solve a systems problem through organising your home. I'd love to ask you to leave a 5 star Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Out or Away Location Location Location Logical Organising Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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What's Your Problem?...Quantity

Sometimes wonder if while you slept someone picked up your house and shook it like a snow globe leaving unidentified clutter everyone? Today we begin a 3 week series called "What's Your Problem?" and provide you with 3 core clutter problems and provide you the solution for each also! Week one is all about a QUANTITY problem... solved by DECLUTTERING A quantity problem is almost always the base of a clutter problem, even if you discover other problems along the way, quantity is usually the first domino to knock over to reach freedom from clutter. You just have too much stuff. Quantity isn't a fixed metric... it's not like there is a magic number of dinner plates and after that number you have a quantity issue. Your quantity is relative to the size of your family, the capacity of your storage and the reality of you circumstances. Explore today how to solve a quantity problem through decluttering in your home. I'd love to ask you to leave a 5 star Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Enough Might As Well Letting Go FOTO: Fear of Throwing Out Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Comparison is the thief of joy... I like to remind myself that just because someone has what I want, doesn't mean they're happy. And it's unlikely that becoming like someone else is going to make me happy either. Comparison traps you in the future and you miss out on all the joy of today Today in the podcast explore what is beneath comparison and you may even find some tips to align your desires to your values rather than what someone else has ☺️ I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Enough Might As Well Because. Really. And Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Breathing Space

Have you ever muttered the words, "I just need some breathing space", or when you've entered a cluttered room, "I can't even breathe in here", or when you're busy doing all the things, "I can't catch my breath"? And equally, when you walk into a spacious and decluttered space, "I can finally breathe again". Explore how being intentional and seeking to create space without guilt can change how you feel in your home. Whether it's space to relax on the weekend or space to put the clean dishes away, space to breathe is crucial. I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Enough Making Do Room to Bloom Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Making Changes

This week I've made some organisational changes in our house and they've shifted the feeling and flow of the spaces I've made changes in. We moved some furniture around, updated our kitchen plastics and reassessed the storage in the boys wardrobes. Do you need to reassess and change an area of storage in your home? Start small and you may find that the flow on effect impacts many areas in a positive way! I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Stocktake Might As Well Because. Really. And Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Cardboard Boxes

Do you have a cardboard box problem? Do you see POTENTIAL in every 'good' box and keep it 'just in case you need it?' Today we're learning to break free from this source of clutter! Whether it's delivery boxes, mailing boxes, gift boxes, product boxes... boxes seem to multiply in every home our team visit. Some boxes just seem 'too good' to throw away and instead they clutter up our homes and wardrobes and garages and spare rooms. It's time to release our hold on cardboard boxes, if you don't have an immediate use for the box, let it go! I also chat through some alternative options for using boxes as well as creative ways to enjoy them before letting them go. I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Stocktake Might As Well Because. Really. And Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mary Poppins Part 2

It's Part 2 of our Mary Poppins mini series. In this two part mini series explore the world of Mary Poppins with me as we glean some wisdom from the pages and screen of her delightful and practically perfect in every way character. This week we explore the below characteristics of Mary Poppins (listen to last weeks episode for the first 4 lessons) 5. She has natural talent 6. She is a problem solver 7. She empowers those around her 8. She comes and goes as needed I hope you're inspired to look at getting organised in a whole new light with these lessons from an iconic character. I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Mary Poppins Part 1 The Minimal Mom Might As Well 5 Home Truths Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mary Poppins Part 1

Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. This and many other lessons on tidying/ organising and decluttering can be learnt from Mary Poppins. In this two part mini series explore the world of Mary Poppins with me as we glean some wisdom from the pages and screen of her delightful and practically perfect in every way character. This week we explore these characteristics of Mary Poppins 1. She makes light of heavy work 2. She has a positive attitude in dreary work 3. She does the right thing 4. She is comfortable being herself Make sure you tune in next week for the final 4 characteristics and how you can embody them to have greater success in your journey to minimalism and intentional living. I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: The Minimal Mom Might As Well 5 Home Truths Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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2 Factor Authentication

Today we explore how you can reduce impulse buying and remain intentional in your purchasing. Think of it like adding 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) to your purchases. Basically you're making it just a little inconvenient for you to purchase things that might just end up as clutter quicker than you'd like. Some ideas that might act as your 2FA - Have a time delay on purchases over a certain amount of money - Have someone else keep your Amazon password (not to control, but to make purchases somewhat inconvenient for yourself) - Unsubscribe from marketing emails so you're not being enticed to buy things you don't need - Uninstall shopping apps from your phone I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: The Minimal Mom Delaying Purchases Opportunity Cost/ Cost Benefit Analysis Consumerism Love It Use It Need It Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Minimal Mom - Dawn Madsen

Today I'm joined by guest Dawn Madsen, also known as the Minimal Mom. Dawn embraced minimalism 9 years ago when her children were young and this decision has had radical flow on effect for their families happiness, satisfaction and connection. We explore what minimalism look like when you embrace it as a family. What the benefits are and what it looks like to start this journey yourself. We even explore what it's like when your minimalism leads to you being able to live debt free and the freedom that brings with it. Dawn reaches over 1 million women each month with her message of minimalism, follow her online to learn from her amazing videos and podcast Minimal Mom on YouTube Minimal Mom Website I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Might As Well Time Will Tell Minimalism Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Close The Loop

There is a special overwhelm that is caused by open loops in your mind. Open loops are things that are mid-undertaking, halfway done, nearly finished, almost there, just need this final thing etc. If you think of every task as having a start, middle and end - and it's not until you actually finish the task that you can close the loop. One of the HUGE barriers to organisation with our clients are open loops. Often these loops are things like "I want to sell that item rather than donate it" and so the item sits for literally months and months because the loop is open but the overwhelm of the steps required to close it are too hard. Learn today what an open loop is, why they're sabotaging your success and importantly how to close them (oh and the incredible benefits of closing your loops). I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Might As Well Enough Time Will Tell Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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When was the last time you got genuinely excited about doing a stocktake in your home? Oh man, it's one of my FAVOURITE things to do, especially in the kitchen. In my house, we call a kitchen stocktake EAT YOURSELF OUT OF HOUSE AND HOME and the concept is we use up as much as we can from our fridge, freezer and pantry over the month of June. One year we saved $1000 in groceries by cooking and eating food which we'd already purchased! The best place to start with a stocktake is your kitchen, but you could do it with clothes, toys, business supplies, office supplies, kitchen plastics... wherever you keep inventory (so basically everywhere) you can do a stocktake for the purpose of knowing exactly what you have and then deciding exactly what you think you'll need in the future. Learn how to do a stocktake in your home, how it can help you save time money and energy (new word... monergy!!) I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Running Out Pantry 101 Opportunity Cost/ Cost Benefit Analysis Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Pareto Principle

Today we explore Pareto's Principle. Also known as the 80/20 rule or law of the vital few. For example, you wear 20% of your clothes, 80% of the time. Kids play with 20% of their toys, 80% of the time. In any given category in your home, are you using just 20% of what you have? does your 20% work hard for you so that the 80% is unnecessary? Practically... could you reduce your wardrobe by 80% could you reduce your kids toys by 80% could you reduce your shoes by 80% could you reduce your serving wear by 80% could you reduce your make up by 80% could you reduce your ornaments or nick knacks by 80% Its also a helpful principle when you're wondering why it's so hard to be a minimalist in an area in your home (or everywhere in your home). it's not that you'll never need the 80%... it's just that you don't need it very often. And that for something you'll need 20% of the time - boy you're keeping A LOT OF THINGS IN THAT CATEGORY. What's wrong with the 80% that they're not making the cut? I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Enough Opportunity Cost/ Cost Benefit Analysis Consumerism Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Might As Well

Kick procrastination to the curb with todays organisational hack... MIGHT AS WELL. It doesn't need motivation. It doesn't need conviction. It doesn't need perfection. It's a lazy girl way of doing things that you'll be glad you did without having to think about them in advance. For example: 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well take out the rubbish from the car 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well take out the jeans I don't wear 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well go through my bathers 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well empty the dishwasher 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm walking past I might as well hang up those clothes 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm think of it I might as well text my friend to let her know I have baby clothes for her 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm walking past might as well pick up the rubbish 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well put the blankets away 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm think of it, I might as well re-order the medications 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well wipe down the bath 🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well restock the toilet paper I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: You Need To Time Will Tell Because. Really. And Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Out or Away

How do you decide if an item is going to be put away or you're going to leave it out? Do you need to see something to remember to use it? Or do you need to put things away so they don't feel like they're cluttering up your space? I'm sure you, like me, have different rules for different items. Toothbrushes - definitely away. Phone charger - definitely out. Consider convenience, regularity of use, who uses items, how easy it is to find them, trip hazards, time spent tidying up etc as you make decisions for items around your home. I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Running Out Making Do Location Location Location Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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It's time to stop aiming for perfection and embrace IMPERFECTION when you're thinking about organising/ decluttering/ setting standards/ creating systems for you and your family. The imperfection you EXPECT is the imperfection you ACCEPT. Are there areas in your home where you can LOWER the standard so it's achievable and maintainable? I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Quitters Day Bigger Living, Smaller Space Filling Your Bucket Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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You Need To

Have you ever stopped to think about what agenda your items might have? If your items talked... how would your item finish this sentence You need to... Wear me Fill me Play with me Read me Cook me Create with me Organise me Use me Clean me Maintain me Sell me Value me Assess if you have the same agenda as your possessions (do you really want to read the book/ wear the jeans/ use the juicer/ ride the skateboard/ clean the outdoor furniture). Allow yourself to be challenged, think differently about your stuff. I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: Binary Decisions Obligation Object Permanence Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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"Enough is enough" "That's enough" "Leave good enough alone" "Close enough is good enough" It's amazing how one simple word can relate so deeply to our relationship with clutter and our satisfaction with our stuff and life in general. This week we talk about how some enough statements can really make you take stock of where you are at and where your satisfaction lies. You Are Enough - Stuff won't make you enough. More stuff, less stuff... you are enough regardless of your things. You've Done Enough - Do what you can with what you have. Every step forward is a step forward (I know... profound!) What Is Enough - What do you need to be happy? How many of something do you need to have enough? I've Had Enough - When you reach peak frustration with clutter it's a good thing as it drives you to make changes When Is Enough Enough - How do you know when you've done enough decluttering? How do you know when to stop? At what point do you reach the equilibrium of satisfaction and enough I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :) You may also like to listen to these episodes: 5 Home Truths Swedish Death Cleaning Making Do FOTO: Fear of Throwing Out Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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5 Home Truths

Todays episode focuses on 5 Home Truths about clutter and it's impact on your home and life. They're harsh... but true. They're not meant to bring any condemnation, they're for you to meditate on and find freedom in how small actions of intention and decluttering can bring such freedom to your life. 1. Most of the stuff you buy is a waste of money 2. Stuff can't make you happy 3. You'll regret living a life impacted by clutter 4. Your clutter is worse than you think 5. Everything you love will one day be lost Today is a great day to join my Head, Heart and Home Decluttering Course! Experience true freedom from clutter by learning all the skills you'll need to create and maintain an organised home. You may also like to listen to these episodes: Memories Letting Go Object Permanence Join our community PatronInstagramFacebookgroupApple Podcast Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
