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UNsoulmated Podcast (or How to Ruin a Lasting Marriage with a Divorce)

Education Podcasts

NOTE: Days # 1 - 236 are available on this Soundcloud profile. To continue listening to Days # 237+, go to https://soundcloud.com/user-656945584 . The nearly real-time journey of a man coming to acceptance of his soulmate leaving him to be unsoulmated. The reason I started this podcast is because I am that man. I am currently going through this separation as we speak and I wanted to be able to share my experience as it is happening so that I am capturing the true emotions that I am going through as the journey unfolds. This allows for the emotions to be real as they happen vs. how I would remember them later. Whether this helps anyone else who may be in the same position of someone leaving them for another person, I don't know. But it helps me to be able to release this from my own mind. But if it does help or you know someone who could also benefit from this, please let them know about the podcast. Thank you, everyone, for listening. NOTE: On occasion there is language not suitable for work, especially in the early episodes. My apologies, I was much angrier in those episodes. OBLIGATORY SELF-PROMOTION: Please subscribe to my show (www.unsoulmated.com) to keep up with when I release new episodes. I would appreciate any ratings or reviews you can give me. Lastly, if you need someone to reach out to, you can email me at unsoulmated@gmail.com.


United States


NOTE: Days # 1 - 236 are available on this Soundcloud profile. To continue listening to Days # 237+, go to https://soundcloud.com/user-656945584 . The nearly real-time journey of a man coming to acceptance of his soulmate leaving him to be unsoulmated. The reason I started this podcast is because I am that man. I am currently going through this separation as we speak and I wanted to be able to share my experience as it is happening so that I am capturing the true emotions that I am going through as the journey unfolds. This allows for the emotions to be real as they happen vs. how I would remember them later. Whether this helps anyone else who may be in the same position of someone leaving them for another person, I don't know. But it helps me to be able to release this from my own mind. But if it does help or you know someone who could also benefit from this, please let them know about the podcast. Thank you, everyone, for listening. NOTE: On occasion there is language not suitable for work, especially in the early episodes. My apologies, I was much angrier in those episodes. OBLIGATORY SELF-PROMOTION: Please subscribe to my show (www.unsoulmated.com) to keep up with when I release new episodes. I would appreciate any ratings or reviews you can give me. Lastly, if you need someone to reach out to, you can email me at unsoulmated@gmail.com.







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UPDATE ON DAY 237+: UNsoulmated Continues on "UNsoulmated 2"

UPDATE ON DAY 237+: My journal continues via the following locations: If you listen via SOUNDCLOUD, go to: https://soundcloud.com/user-656945584 If you listen via iTUNES, go to: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unsoulmated-2-or-how-to-survive-divorce-by-burning/id1426722406?mt=2 Or simply go to www.unsoulmated.com for all of the links available to listen to the entire show.


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Day 236 (8/7/18) A Case of Five-Year Old She Said / She Said

Day 236. I elaborate further on the peer who "waved" at me via Facebook and his history. In addition, I get a call from my ex for a serious talk about some things that my five-year old daughter told her.


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Day 235 (8/6/18) A Whole New Level Of Attraction Intimidation Presents Itself

Day 235. I get a Facebook "wave" today (the Facebook equivalent to a flirty wink) from someone I would not have expected to get a "wave" from, and it now adds a whole new dynamic I was not prepared for. So now I have to figure out a way to not only break the news gently to unwarranted advances from single women because I am not ready to date, I have to be prepared to break the same news to single men.


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Day 234 (8/5/18) Why It's Hard For Me To NOT Believe in God(INCLUDES: Monk Status Update)

Day 234. There have been times in my life in which I would question why things could happen to me if there were a God who loved me. But then, so many instances in my life happen in ways that is hard to believe is simply coincidence, and these things always bring me back to my Faith.


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Day 233 (8/4/18) Successful at Comedy, Utter and Complete Failure at Dealing With Attraction

Day 233. My first official booked gig is a success and I now have the bug for more bookings. At the same time, tonight's gig also put me in an awkward position that I believe I handled poorly and want to consider ways to be better at those kinds of situations in the future.


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Day 232 (8/3/18) To Kiss Butt or Not to Kiss Butt? That is the Comedy Question

Day 232. There are opposing forces in the comedy community that I am a part of that wants the attention of the local comics: one that can offer more opportunities but less prominent ones, whereas the other offers fewer opportunities but the ones you get are high profile ones. My inner turmoil is to decide which one speaks to me more based on the character of the two organizers.


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Day 231 (8/2/18) The Very Moment When My Beliefs Changed, plus the "Gay Marriage" Comedy Set

Day 231. I look back to the very moment my eyes were opened to my shortcomings when it came to seeing the broader world around me, and I owe that eye-opening moment to my Lost Soulmate. In addition, my new comedy bit on "Gay Marriage" is a hit.


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Day 230 (8/1/18) Your Two Cents are Hardly Worth the Zinc it's Imprinted On

Day 230. There's this guy that I went to high school with. Never really cared for him and I find his comments to often times be annoying and arrogant. Today he gives me some advice on dating and it's the worst advice I have ever heard so I put down my passive personality to ste the record straight with him.


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Day 229 (7/31/18) Being Given Up On is Far Worse Than Being Cheated On

Day 229. Because some people still believe that the traumatic thing about my divorce was that I was cheated on, I discuss the real reasons why my divorce was so upsetting to me, and it isn't because my spouse cheated on me.


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Day 228 (7/30/16) Making Open Mic Emcee Selection a Popularity Contest Isn't a Popular Idea

Day 228. There is a change in the way the open mic is conducted on Mondays now and that is the addition of a voting system to determine who gets guest spots on featured shows. This is already proving to be a possible issue with the potential of people bringing in droves of their family and friends to vote for them.


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Day 227 (7/29018) As Fun As it is To Hate, Healing is So Much More Important

Day 227. During my prayers and meditations the previous night, I feel a feeling I did not expect to be feeling right now, if ever. At first it frustrates me that I am feeling it but then I realize how important it is to my healing that I am feeling that way now.


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Day 226 (7/28/18) Difference Between a Comic & the Homeless: You Feel Bad Laughing at the Homeless

Day 226. I am understanding more how difficult beginning comics have it but am ready to face the challenges that will come with beginning work as a professional comic. I only have to figure out how to care for my children while doing it.


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Day 225 (7/27/18) 15 Year Wedding Anniversary Reflections on An Otherwise Quiet Friday

Day 225. My friends try to be considerate by not bothering on what would have been my 15th wedding anniversary day yesterday but in reality, I wasn't at all sad about it and actually marked it a day of celebrating the freedom of ever having to recognize that day again.


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Day 224 (7/26/18) Are Networks & Studios Getting Tired of All the Accusations Against Their People?

Day 224. More news unfolds for the careers of creative talents such as James Gunn, Chris Hardwicke, and Dan Harmon, all of which were recently accused of bad behavior and having to deal with possible repercussions for their behavior. I talk about what this could mean for the industry. Also, I end with my comedy set from tonight about growing up Asian in a small town in the 80s.


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Day 223 (7/25/18) I Become a Prophet & Get Hit On All in the Same Day

Day 223. My predictions for the satirical site I was previously involved with comes true in an overwhelming way. Then a Friend Request acceptances leads to a completely awkward exchanged with someone I had do not remember who insists I should remember her.


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Day 222 (7/24/18) Marijuana Memories & The Hot Chick Moves On

Day 222. An article about marijuana use reminds me of a tender moment I had with my Lost Soulmate. Also, I get a message from my "Hot Chick" friend that makes me very happy for her.


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Day 221 (7/23/18) Once Upon a Time, There Was a Guy Known as NP Douche...

Day 221. I story about one of my friend's first date with our ol' pal, NP Douche. This is a new story that I had not heard before and now I share it with you all.


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Day 220 (7/22/18) God Created Life to Be Like a Game of Pac-Man

Day 220. Friends reach out to try and cheer me up but some fall for the old trap of giving unwarranted advice. This is usually a pet peeve for me because it can come off as dismissive of your feelings. One friend in particular tries to "fix" everything by giving me a sermon on God and Faith but I find some loopholes in his philosophy.


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Day 219 (7/21/18) 50% of Your Children's Lives Taken Away From You Can Be Quite Depressing

Day 219. When I am alone and the children are with their mother, I risk the potential of giving into my depression. Today was one of those days because it just hit me that I have lost half of the time I would have had being with my children in their early years. That is a lot to lose and isn't fair considering that I was not the one to want to break up our family.


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Day 218 (7/20/18) The Return of "Dating" Anxiety & How James Gunn's Firing Can Teach Us All a Lesson

Day 218. The universe continues to lean in my favor, this time making it possible for me to find an excuse not to meet the young lady that I spoke to the night before, which is a relief due to the stress I was feeling about the possibility of hanging out with another woman right now. In addition, in entertainment news, James Gunn -- writer and director of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY -- gets fired for past comments he made, which is timely in my recent concerns about the satirical website I had...
