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Newbies: New Moms, New Babies


Join us as we guide new mothers through their baby’s first year of life. Newly postpartum moms celebrate the excitement of becoming new parents, as well as the emotional and physical struggles of recovering from childbirth and caring for a newborn baby.


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Join us as we guide new mothers through their baby’s first year of life. Newly postpartum moms celebrate the excitement of becoming new parents, as well as the emotional and physical struggles of recovering from childbirth and caring for a newborn baby.



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The Long-Term Benefits of Reading to Your Baby

Reading books to your baby can be great for bonding or setting the mood before bedtime. What types of books are best for babies? How should parents be reading? And what are some practical ways for making books part of your family's everyday routine? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Importance of Play: Infants Development and Milestones

You are out of the newborn haze and are starting to feel more like yourself. You want to meet up with your girlfriends who have babies similar in age but are wondering how beneficial it is to have your babies hang out? Today we are diving more into baby milestones and how having baby playdates can be beneficial for your little one’s development! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Taking the Stress Out of Baby Milestones

You are out of the Newborn phase. YAY! But now your doctor is talking about baby milestones? When should my child start crawling? Should I be concerned my baby doesn’t babble? Is it realistic to expect my baby to walk by one? In this episode we are going over baby milestones to take the stress out of what to expect! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

Going back to work after maternity leave can bring on a range of emotions for new moms — from anxiety about pumping and leaving your baby at daycare to excitement over feeling more like your old self. So what do new parents need to know as they re-enter the workplace? And what can you do before and during your leave to help you have a smooth transition into this new phase of parenthood? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Tips for Getting Outside With Your Baby

Whether it's the dead of winter or middle of summer, spending time outdoors has so many benefits for you and your baby. So how can you make getting outside a part of your routine? What are some outdoor activities to try with your baby? And what's the best way to prepare for leaving the house? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Easy Nutrition Tips for New Moms

Between all the feeding sessions, diaper changes and general exhaustion of early motherhood, sometimes you barely have time to sit down for a meal – let alone stop and take a hard look at the nutritious value of what you’re about to put in your mouth. What are some simple steps you can take to eat healthier during this busy season of life? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Raising Bilingual Babies

There are all kinds of benefits to being bilingual, and parents who speak multiple languages may want to pass that knowledge on to their children. What are the best strategies for doing so? How important is it to start teaching your kids in infancy? And if you’re not bilingual, can you still raise bilingual children? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Top 10 Cloth Diaper Mistakes for New Moms

How you diaper your baby will impact both you and the baby every day. Cloth diapers have many benefits, but the whole process can often seem more complicated than it actually needs to be. So, what are the most common mistakes new moms make when cloth diapering their babies? Will "one size fits all" actually fit your baby? How often should you change your baby's diaper? And what's the best way to get rid of all that poop? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Understanding Frequencies and Their Effects on Babies

When your baby cries and there’s no end in sight, do you ever wish you had an instant trick to calm him down? There may be natural frequencies you can use at home to help with soothing. But what are frequencies? And what are their healing — as well as soothing — benefits? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Sleeping Tips for Traveling with Baby

Traveling with a baby can definitely have its challenges, and sleep could quite possibly be at the top of that list. So, how do you get your baby adjusted while you're traveling through time zones, or driving long hours in the car? And then once you get to your destination, how do you create the best sleep environment possible... even when you don't have everything you would typically have at home? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Colic: Why is My Baby Crying Constantly?

Babies are supposed to cry, it's how they communicate with us. But what do you do when your baby is crying constantly? Could your baby have colic? What exactly is colic and why does it happen? And what natural remedies can you use to help soothe your baby so you both can get some much-needed rest? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Essentials of Car Seat Safety

A car seat just might be the most important piece of baby gear you buy. So what safety features should you be looking for? How can you make sure it's installed properly? And how tight should the baby's straps be? A child passenger safety technician and experienced moms answer these questions and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Tear or Episiotomy After Childbirth

When giving birth, many women may either tear or have an episiotomy. Learning more about how childbirth impacted your body can make the postpartum recovery process go more smoothly. What are the various degrees of a perineum tear or episiotomy? What household items increase your comfort while recovering? And is there anything you can do to make sex more enjoyable while you heal? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Working Out After Baby

With postpartum bodies and tiny humans in tow, working out looks different after having a baby. How should moms ease back in? What are red flags to watch out for? And how can you exercise with your baby at home? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Know Your Infant Reflexes

If you have a newborn, then you're no stranger to your little one's weird, jerky movements. Thankfully, those crazy moves are completely normal. In fact, these infant reflexes are designed to protect your baby and keep him safe. So, what can you expect as a new parent? What happens during the moro reflex, sucking reflex, and the root reflex? Will your child always have them or will they eventually go away? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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5 Ingredients to Avoid Putting on Your Baby's Skin

Is your baby prone to diaper rashes or eczema? Are you struggling to treat cradle cap or baby acne? Many products that claim to help these kinds of skin issues contain ingredients that can actually aggravate the problem. So how do you know what is safe to put on your baby's brand new skin? And what ingredients should you avoid at all costs? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Benefits of Kangaroo Care

You've heard the phrase skin-to-skin, but what about kangaroo care? How can this intimate way of holding your baby increase bonding after birth? What are some of the other benefits? How can it help with breastfeeding? And how does it ease the struggles many premature and NICU babies face? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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How to Potty Train Your Infant

Most people think of potty training as something to tackle in toddlerhood. But have you ever heard of potty training a baby? This episode is all about elimination communication, a method some parents use with their babies to help them learn to use the toilet at an early age. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Are Pacifiers Good for Babies?

You may know them as pacis, binkies, soothies, or a slew of other names we call that thing that we stick in our baby’s mouth to help them stop crying. In my house, pacifiers often work like magic. But are there actual benefits to using them? Today we’re going to dig into the science of pacifiers and address some of the most burning questions new parents have on this topic, as well as tips for addressing some of the more problematic paci woes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Screen Time for Babies with Ms. Rachel

When you desperately need to take a quick shower or hop on a work call on a day you don’t have child care, you turn on the TV for a few minutes to keep your baby distracted. Then comes the mom guilt because you let your infant have screen time – something you never thought you’d do. But is all screen time bad? What should you be looking for in a show? And what are some alternative activities you can use to keep your baby occupied? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
