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Sean Donohue Show


Parenting is hard and messy, but help is here. With videos and teachings enjoyed by many millions, Sean Donohue - the world-famous Family Coach & viral social media sensation - has helped countless parents for 25 years transform their parenting and build connected, healthy homes...and raise amazing adults.Filled with edgy story-telling, intense scenarios and Positive Parenting tools to fill your toolbox, enjoy unfiltered coaching from the man himself.Go Deeper with Sean at


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Parenting is hard and messy, but help is here. With videos and teachings enjoyed by many millions, Sean Donohue - the world-famous Family Coach & viral social media sensation - has helped countless parents for 25 years transform their parenting and build connected, healthy homes...and raise amazing adults.Filled with edgy story-telling, intense scenarios and Positive Parenting tools to fill your toolbox, enjoy unfiltered coaching from the man himself.Go Deeper with Sean at



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Help Your Kids With Transitions Like Back-2-School

Join Sean as he parent coaches you with some great tools on how to thrive with transitions! You don't want to miss this set of tools! Go deeper with Sean at


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Dear Sean, Parent Coaching With You is Bringing Up a Lot of Crazy Dreams and Memories...Please Help

Parenting coaching with Sean can be very intense. Sean sometimes calls it, "The Inner Work" because that is what is required to grow and improve as a parent. And in this work, stuff comes up. Listen in as Sean responds to this emotional mother as she does her "inner work". Go deeper with Sean at


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How Parenting Changes You..and Should Be Changing You | With Jordan

But is it changing for the better or for the worse? Join Sean and Jordan as they share the struggles and psychology of parenting, the stats on how parenting changes us... ...and listen in as they are vulnerable and share how the journey is changing them. Go deeper with Sean at


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How To Have Great Parent Mental Health

When we were kids we likely never spoke the words, "mental health" aloud. For most of us the concept was not a part of our culture back then... For many of us, the adults in our lives never coached us or helped us with our mental health. And now we are parents, and we need good mental health more than ever. We have kids who need us, are watching us, and are learning from us. Join Sean and allow him to coach and inspire you. Go deeper with Sean at


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10 Parenting Affirmations That Will Change Your Mind and Your Parenting

...then bad things will happen. Join Sean as he shares 10 incredible affirmations that you can think about every morning to start your day and set your mind right! Our mind is so powerful and needs good food to fuel it. Go deeper with Sean at


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Parenting Life With Ross Kimball, Star of Jury Duty | With Jordan

This episode is special. Ross Kimball is an actor, keynote, and public speaker coach who...has incredible wisdom and insight into parenting. If you want to laugh and cry and be inspired - enjoy this episode. Go deeper with Sean at


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How to Thrive in the Emotional PAIN of Parenting and Marriage

...and when the pain hits, we often get confused and hopeless. In this intimate episode, Sean shares some golden bits of wisdom and encouragement for those dark days. Go deeper with Sean at


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How To Find the Sweet Spot with your Challenging Child

The Sweet Spot is where you thrive, and your child thrives. You have tried so many things, but when you find the Sweet Spot, everything feels....SWEET. Sean will help you find it in this episode. Go deeper with Sean at


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3 Amazing Parenting Hacks! | With Jordan

Parenting is hard...but with the right tools and approach, it doesn't have to be. Allow Sean and Jordan to coach and support you in your journey and put these 3 PARENTING HACKS into your toolbox! Go deeper with Sean at


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5 Ways To Get What You Want From Your Kids AND To Push Your Kids Beyond Themselves!

Sean has been studying child psychology and motivation for 25 years years. He has worked with some incredible kids and parents who have pushed WAY past their limits. In this special episode Sean will share some of the secrets he has learned! Go deeper with Sean at


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How To Not Let Your Childhood Affect Your Parenting

But we don't have to repeat the patterns and habits and we don't need to continue with toxic generational cycles. We can break them! We can lead our families in health and maturity...but we need the right tools and support. Listen in as Sean empowers and educates you to be a cycle breaker! Go deeper with Sean at


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Back-2-School Tips and Support! | With Jordan

For some kids, Back-2-School is the best time of year...and for's the worst time of year. Anxiety. Social group pressures. Acne. Braces. Frenemies. Academic pressure. New teachers. But good news! We can help our kids with this transition, and all others! Join Sean and Jordan as they coach and encourage you. Go deeper with Sean at


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How to Parent So Your Kids Like You and Listen To You

Allow Sean to guide you on the journey to your child's heart. Go deeper with Sean at


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STOP Playing The Blame Game (and Being Blamed)

Blame can be a coping mechanism for our kids (and for some adults.) But it's not good...or healthy. It can be hard when we feel like blaming someone, or if someone is blaming us! The BLAME GAME is not a fun game to play.... so stop playing it. Listen in, Sean will show you how. Go deeper with Sean at


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Family Life With Social Media Star, "The Dude Dad", Taylor Calmus | With Jordan

..we meet the man behind the comedy. Join Sean and Jordan as they ask Taylor all types of personal and intimate questions about being a parent, being a good parent, the mission fueling his videos, and get tips, tools and tricks that he uses with his children and in his Dude Dad home. Listen and be inspired...and laugh! Go deeper with Sean at


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How to Teach Your Child About Co-Dependency and Healthy Boundaries

Co-dependency is not talked about as much as it should be. It's a common issue that many adults struggle with - and their struggle started when they were young. Join Sean as he helps you raise healthy and adjusted kids who understand the dangers of co-dependency. Go deeper with Sean at


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How to Stop People Pleasing and Avoid Raising Pleasers | With Jordan

There are topics that parenting experts talk a lot about: Anger. Screens. Connection. ...But there is an important parenting topic that is hardly talked about that needs attention: PEOPLE PLEASING. Pleasing can be a destructive habit/pattern in our parenting, our mental health and all of our relationships. And we do not want to foster this trait in our children. Join Sean and Jordan as they teach on this very important subject and share tools and inspiration. Go deeper with Sean at


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How to Parent Like Mr. Rogers

Mr. Rogers had a special skill in reaching and teaching children. Us modern parents can learn from this legend...listen in closely and "Won't you be my neighbor?" Go deeper with Sean at


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How To Create a Home Culture of Healthy Boundaries | With Jordan

If you ask 10 parents, "What are boundaries we need in our homes?" you will hear 10 different responses. Boundaries are everywhere. If you have a chaotic home, you likely have a home that lacks boundaries. Join Sean and Jordan as they tackle this important subject and get the tools and support you need to lead your family into healthy boundaries. Go deeper with Sean at


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5 Tools To Solve Those Painful Patterns in Your Kids!

As our kids age we parents will see immature and unhealthy patterns develop in our children. This is common and normal. No human is perfect, including your kids! How will you respond? How do you respond right now? In this powerful epside, Sean speaks to this intense and important topic and shares 5 powerful parenting tools that we can use today to lead our kids into healthy habits and patterns! Go deeper with Sean at
