A Tale of two Grasshoppers
Michael Bradley
A Tale of Two Grasshoppers is a heartwarming tale of two grasshoppers, Buzz and Gus, who set off on a journey beyond their peaceful meadow to explore the world. Buzz, the thoughtful and cautious one, and Gus, the energetic and spontaneous adventurer, make an unlikely but perfect pair. Their deep friendship drives them to embrace new experiences, meet fascinating creatures, and discover the beauty and wonder that lies beyond the familiar.
Their adventures take them through lush forests and vibrant gardens. Along the way, they encounter familiar friendly animals such as Bella the bee and Merri the magpie, each offering wisdom, companionship, or a helping hand. Buzz and Gus learn valuable lessons about friendship, kindness, and the excitement of exploring the unknown.
From finding themselves lost in a hedge maze filled with butterflies to riding on the back of swan. Buzz and Gus face challenges, surprises, and moments of wonder. Their adventures are not just about seeing new places—they’re about discovering the strength of their friendship, the joy of sharing experiences, and the thrill of endless possibility.
At its heart, A Tale of Two Grasshoppers is a story of exploration, friendship, and the magic that can be found in the simplest moments when you have a friend by your side.
Duration - 1h 39m.
Author - Michael Bradley.
Narrator - Jessica Anne Bogart.
Published Date - Sunday, 28 January 2024.
Copyright - © 2024 michael james bradley ©.
United States
Michael Bradley
Jessica Anne Bogart
Michael James Bradley
English Audiobooks
Findaway Audiobooks
A Tale of Two Grasshoppers is a heartwarming tale of two grasshoppers, Buzz and Gus, who set off on a journey beyond their peaceful meadow to explore the world. Buzz, the thoughtful and cautious one, and Gus, the energetic and spontaneous adventurer, make an unlikely but perfect pair. Their deep friendship drives them to embrace new experiences, meet fascinating creatures, and discover the beauty and wonder that lies beyond the familiar. Their adventures take them through lush forests and vibrant gardens. Along the way, they encounter familiar friendly animals such as Bella the bee and Merri the magpie, each offering wisdom, companionship, or a helping hand. Buzz and Gus learn valuable lessons about friendship, kindness, and the excitement of exploring the unknown. From finding themselves lost in a hedge maze filled with butterflies to riding on the back of swan. Buzz and Gus face challenges, surprises, and moments of wonder. Their adventures are not just about seeing new places—they’re about discovering the strength of their friendship, the joy of sharing experiences, and the thrill of endless possibility. At its heart, A Tale of Two Grasshoppers is a story of exploration, friendship, and the magic that can be found in the simplest moments when you have a friend by your side. Duration - 1h 39m. Author - Michael Bradley. Narrator - Jessica Anne Bogart. Published Date - Sunday, 28 January 2024. Copyright - © 2024 michael james bradley ©.