

Saint Thomas More

Dive into "Utopia" by Sir Thomas More, a cornerstone of literature that masterfully intertwines satire, social critique, and philosophical musings within a fictional island society. Published in 1516, this seminal work challenges the conventions of its time, proposing a society where communal living and equity form the backbone of governance and daily life. Through the eyes of the explorer Raphael Hythloday, More paints a compelling narrative of an idealized world, inviting readers to reflect on justice, governance, and human contentment. "Utopia" provocatively questions the societal norms of 16th-century Europe, offering a mirror to its imperfections and urging us to envision a better world. Whether you're fascinated by speculative fiction, intrigued by social and political philosophy, or curious about historical contexts, "Utopia" is an essential read that remains profoundly relevant, challenging us to ponder the potential and flaws of human society. This audiobook was narrated and produced by RAM Studios, where humans and artificial intelligence collaborate to create an excellent listening experience. (The reading is done primarily by AI) Duration - 19h 30m. Author - Saint Thomas More. Narrator - Anna Isaksen. Published Date - Sunday, 28 January 2024. Copyright - © 1516 Thomas More ©.


United States


Dive into "Utopia" by Sir Thomas More, a cornerstone of literature that masterfully intertwines satire, social critique, and philosophical musings within a fictional island society. Published in 1516, this seminal work challenges the conventions of its time, proposing a society where communal living and equity form the backbone of governance and daily life. Through the eyes of the explorer Raphael Hythloday, More paints a compelling narrative of an idealized world, inviting readers to reflect on justice, governance, and human contentment. "Utopia" provocatively questions the societal norms of 16th-century Europe, offering a mirror to its imperfections and urging us to envision a better world. Whether you're fascinated by speculative fiction, intrigued by social and political philosophy, or curious about historical contexts, "Utopia" is an essential read that remains profoundly relevant, challenging us to ponder the potential and flaws of human society. This audiobook was narrated and produced by RAM Studios, where humans and artificial intelligence collaborate to create an excellent listening experience. (The reading is done primarily by AI) Duration - 19h 30m. Author - Saint Thomas More. Narrator - Anna Isaksen. Published Date - Sunday, 28 January 2024. Copyright - © 1516 Thomas More ©.



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