The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis** is a powerful narrative that revolves around the harrowing tale of a young man named Gregor Samsa, who, after a night filled with restless dreams, awakens to find himself inexplicably transformed into a grotesque, beetle-like creature. This sudden and horrifying change casts him into a punishingly lonely existence, forcing him to confront the shame and disgrace he brings upon his family. In his new form, Gregor feels like a stranger in his own home, epitomizing the experience of alienation that many feel in their lives.
The story opens with a vivid description of Gregor’s shocking transformation. As he lies in bed, his back now covered in a hard, armor-like shell, he struggles to comprehend his new reality. Lifting his head slightly, he gazes down at his grotesque body – a vast, domed belly segmented and rigid, almost as if it were made from a thick, impenetrable material. The bed quilt, once a comforting presence, now teeters precariously atop him, threatening to slip away and expose the full extent of his bizarre predicament. His legs, thin and weak in comparison to the mass of his body, flail aimlessly before him, a pitiful sight that reinforces his helplessness. This striking imagery frames a profound exploration of human emotions: inadequacy, guilt, and the suffocating sense of isolation that can consume one’s existence.
Duration - 1h 57m.
Author - Franz Kafka.
Narrator - Derrick Foster.
Published Date - Monday, 01 January 2024.
Copyright - © 1915 Franz Kafka ©.
United States
The Metamorphosis** is a powerful narrative that revolves around the harrowing tale of a young man named Gregor Samsa, who, after a night filled with restless dreams, awakens to find himself inexplicably transformed into a grotesque, beetle-like creature. This sudden and horrifying change casts him into a punishingly lonely existence, forcing him to confront the shame and disgrace he brings upon his family. In his new form, Gregor feels like a stranger in his own home, epitomizing the experience of alienation that many feel in their lives. The story opens with a vivid description of Gregor’s shocking transformation. As he lies in bed, his back now covered in a hard, armor-like shell, he struggles to comprehend his new reality. Lifting his head slightly, he gazes down at his grotesque body – a vast, domed belly segmented and rigid, almost as if it were made from a thick, impenetrable material. The bed quilt, once a comforting presence, now teeters precariously atop him, threatening to slip away and expose the full extent of his bizarre predicament. His legs, thin and weak in comparison to the mass of his body, flail aimlessly before him, a pitiful sight that reinforces his helplessness. This striking imagery frames a profound exploration of human emotions: inadequacy, guilt, and the suffocating sense of isolation that can consume one’s existence. Duration - 1h 57m. Author - Franz Kafka. Narrator - Derrick Foster. Published Date - Monday, 01 January 2024. Copyright - © 1915 Franz Kafka ©.
Opening Credits
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Ending Credits