Bloody Backwater
Greg Hansen
In the mysterious town of Trident, Texas, two enigmatic figures, Jack Coletree and Tina Jean Plumb, find their paths intertwined by extraordinarily peculiar circumstances. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting residents, Jack and Tina harbor a dark secret—they are both serial killers with an insatiable thirst for blood.
As the duo navigate through Trident, the once-quiet backwater town becomes the stage for a gruesome symphony of murder. Bodies begin to accumulate, and the community descends into a state of fear and paranoia.
When Tina, driven by a desire for a fresh start, decides to leave Trident, she grapples with the challenge of discerning whom she can truly trust in a world tainted by deceit. In a town where appearances are deceptive and alliances are precarious, Tina discovers that the most apparent choices may not always be the correct
As she navigates the treacherous terrain of her own instincts and the complex web of relationships in Trident, Tina is faced with a harrowing realization—the path to redemption and a new life may demand more than just escaping the town; it may require confronting the shadows within herself. In this dark and suspenseful tale, loyalties are tested, secrets unravel, and the thin line between predator and prey becomes increasingly blurred.
Duration - 39m.
Author - Greg Hansen.
Narrator - Alan Braun.
Published Date - Friday, 12 January 2024.
Copyright - © 2020 Gregory A Hansen ©.
United States
In the mysterious town of Trident, Texas, two enigmatic figures, Jack Coletree and Tina Jean Plumb, find their paths intertwined by extraordinarily peculiar circumstances. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting residents, Jack and Tina harbor a dark secret—they are both serial killers with an insatiable thirst for blood. As the duo navigate through Trident, the once-quiet backwater town becomes the stage for a gruesome symphony of murder. Bodies begin to accumulate, and the community descends into a state of fear and paranoia. When Tina, driven by a desire for a fresh start, decides to leave Trident, she grapples with the challenge of discerning whom she can truly trust in a world tainted by deceit. In a town where appearances are deceptive and alliances are precarious, Tina discovers that the most apparent choices may not always be the correct As she navigates the treacherous terrain of her own instincts and the complex web of relationships in Trident, Tina is faced with a harrowing realization—the path to redemption and a new life may demand more than just escaping the town; it may require confronting the shadows within herself. In this dark and suspenseful tale, loyalties are tested, secrets unravel, and the thin line between predator and prey becomes increasingly blurred. Duration - 39m. Author - Greg Hansen. Narrator - Alan Braun. Published Date - Friday, 12 January 2024. Copyright - © 2020 Gregory A Hansen ©.
Opening Credits
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Ending Credits