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Out of the Past

Burt Weissbourd

Inexplicably, Cash has become troubled, depressed, irrationally angry with his friends, and worried unaccountably about the safety of his daughter and grandson. Callie suggests he see Abe Stein, the therapist who helped her son, Lew. Reluctantly, Cash agrees, and the two men begin to explore his largely forgotten past—particularly the story of his parents, who died in a car accident when he was seven. They examine his distant memories, his barely recalled dreams, his feelings about the daughter he didn’t know until she was twenty-five, having a new grandson. It appears that there is some basis for his depression, his irrational anger, but something does not fit. As the horrors from his past come alive in the present, Cash and Callie must assemble their most trusted allies: Andre, a prosthetic-legged Afro-Caribbean mercenary; Itzac, the “Macher,” perhaps the largest diamond traders in the world; Seattle Detective Ed Samter, a proven partner; and now Abe. Therapy raised dormant, burning issues from his past, but nothing has prepared Cash for the enemy he’s about to face in Out of the Past, the exciting third Callie and Cash thriller… This time, he must take on the unthinkable… Author - Burt Weissbourd. Narrator - Keith Brown. Published Date - Wednesday, 03 January 2024.


United States


Inexplicably, Cash has become troubled, depressed, irrationally angry with his friends, and worried unaccountably about the safety of his daughter and grandson. Callie suggests he see Abe Stein, the therapist who helped her son, Lew. Reluctantly, Cash agrees, and the two men begin to explore his largely forgotten past—particularly the story of his parents, who died in a car accident when he was seven. They examine his distant memories, his barely recalled dreams, his feelings about the daughter he didn’t know until she was twenty-five, having a new grandson. It appears that there is some basis for his depression, his irrational anger, but something does not fit. As the horrors from his past come alive in the present, Cash and Callie must assemble their most trusted allies: Andre, a prosthetic-legged Afro-Caribbean mercenary; Itzac, the “Macher,” perhaps the largest diamond traders in the world; Seattle Detective Ed Samter, a proven partner; and now Abe. Therapy raised dormant, burning issues from his past, but nothing has prepared Cash for the enemy he’s about to face in Out of the Past, the exciting third Callie and Cash thriller… This time, he must take on the unthinkable… Author - Burt Weissbourd. Narrator - Keith Brown. Published Date - Wednesday, 03 January 2024.



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