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What the Hell Happened to Them?

Film & TV News

An introspective and confused look at the movies and life choices of Adam Sandler, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Julia Roberts, Jack Nicholson, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carrey. Discover where their careers fit into the evolving landscape of the last few decades and learn how they themselves have affected change.


United States


An introspective and confused look at the movies and life choices of Adam Sandler, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Julia Roberts, Jack Nicholson, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carrey. Discover where their careers fit into the evolving landscape of the last few decades and learn how they themselves have affected change.





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Minisode - Pod People: Browser Bananza

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Adam Sandler, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Julia Roberts, Jack Nicholson, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, & Jim Carrey. In this edition of "Pod People," Patrick interviews Valerie Royer about ways to win at trivia night (i.e. the podcast she records about going down some niche and/or inane internet wormholes). Should you give it a listen? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in August 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, nicholson, sandler, roberts, rock, johnson, whoopi, goldberg, carrey, murphy, royer, missouri, browser, bananza


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Reign Over Me

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Adam Sandler (again). Patrick and Joe take a trip down memory lane and discover they don't like what they find. In an attempt to white wash history, the WTHHTT team decides to clean up their old podcasting mishaps. Will they be successful? Find out on this week's remixed episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in May 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Reign Over Me' available on DVD, Blu-ray, & 'Unknown Binding' (ooh, sultry): https://www.amazon.com/Reign-Over-Me-Blu-ray/dp/B000SKATEY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CEXC3E7F20ZI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.r_91Bj4b5VusOJybMnFgy1BJMAypFnKCTTinvYgIJUJheXVyZH_RoW9GQ_2egK9F9h_nExbak8urpmno4MQ667VSoI-H6ryXQWxmm2USOM4.PVRcuPyPdZq5p17qxgqYC2DlESQgiHXivIR-OB7NLlA&dib_tag=se&keywords=reign+over+me+blu+ray&qid=1715820868&sprefix=reign+over+%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1 Clips from 'Reign Over Me' Music from "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley and "I Wonder" by King Geedorah feat. Hassan Chops Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, sandler, syzygy, reign, over, me, tyler, nine, eleven, marvel, therapy, shadow, collossus, falcon, cheadle,


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Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Adam Sandler (again). Patrick and Joe take a trip down memory lane and discover they don't like what they find. In an attempt to white wash history, the WTHHTT team decides to clean up their old podcasting mishaps. Will they be successful? Find out on this week's remixed episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in March 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Click' available on DVD, streaming, and a 'Choice' Blu-ray: https://www.amazon.com/Click-Blu-ray-Kate-Beckinsale/dp/B000HT3JNY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2442DPIX1NPU8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5LZzLboi8ImO1kUT8WtacnYRkQRpDCb61AbqBfWJ9Lrh2G7laWNBkthojEobEKWHPR0qR8UJ1qFDZMN-DjYpZqJM4Bjfcd_OUm7k1B7aROBM3xbfK48h0w4HdY18syDw8PMrBEZUcndv18Sj1tF6fbSeqLA1JZRmhtSQQg8VW4609BOO5vq9GtphDrGTkM9F_gh3rN03jUI4A0HUo57LdJtIDj2enDcJHiGe3OKLPfM.gEXequGinv7AwTZPCwRwTTnARQICE5NVUCx_GjKoGlM&dib_tag=se&keywords=click&qid=1710131094&s=movies-tv&sprefix=click%2Cmovies-tv%2C134&sr=1-1 Clips from 'It's a Wonderful Life' Music from "Saturn Barz" by Gorillaz "Come and Knock on my Door" by Ray Charles & Julia Rinker Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, sandler, syzygy, click, three's, company, carey, radicals, gorillaz, walken, time, travel, bed, bath, beyond, dratch,


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Itsy Bitsy Spider (+ In Living Color)

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. After Patrick is assaulted when leaving his home one morning, he ponders buying a gun. Lev takes him to the shooting range, but they get distracted by clowns along the way. Joe tries to stop his co-host's projectiles enthusiasm by lobbying the NRA to swear off guns. Will he be able to do what centuries of congress couldn't? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in August 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'The Distinguished Gentleman' is available on Youtube (free of charge): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwP5KEzx5zc Music from "Humpin' Around" by Bobby Brown Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, itsy, bitsy, spider, living, color, wayans, grier, foxx, fox, simpsons, clinton, humping


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The Distinguished Gentleman

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Patrick is inspired by this week's movie to run for president. Lev cons him into getting the campaign manager job. Joe, hurt by Patrick choosing Lev over him, throws his political clout towards the Ross Perot campaign. Can the perennial third candidate finally win with Joe's help? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in August 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'The Distinguished Gentleman' is available on DVD (in widescreen!) &... that seems to be it: https://www.amazon.com/The-Distinguished-Gentleman-Widescreen-Edition/dp/B003D75Y44/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1AXT55Q3UI9VE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HwuNhiXDcqNEryROiGUiGlpTYDb77vMyL5C1TtaAP1nRzOBEqs-sLpKWkoYpCNtcYk1WDo2n9SaKzGlyfIXI4bgvitaLzM7k2nmewxldLE4x4NBwtZ83oPqmk-FRXp28-82pXjiALLOUdbP5MetTqPViodeYCXh5P4mpdjTgmZXJ33zJsKhthiv-QiAXJLhtoVrfZQPygw_GEei1YVMfamkQ5M7Hv6tRyS6gTg43nuw.URBvYVB1FiTmi9w4oYyWnJuR_7iuU7ap8TpiSC08JFM&dib_tag=se&keywords=distinguished+gentleman&qid=1722540942&sprefix=distinguished%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-2 Music from "Damn Those Turks" by Danny Baranowsky Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, distinguished, gentleman, washington, capitol, congress, nixon, ebert, email


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Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Joe's long lost uncle returns to tell him (Joe) that he (still Joe) is a jedi. Patrick finds out some news about The Rock that nudges him to the dark side. Lev is just chillin' and having fun at a cantina. Does Greedo try and shoot him? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in July 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Boomerang' is available on Blu-ray, DVD, & Laser Disc (for your hipsterests of hipsters): https://www.amazon.com/Boomerang-Blu-ray-Eddie-Murphey/dp/B09WZ3BK5P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=QQQ6R606MBE7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.b0o3oZti5crVms6Ygz7GKo6ohBe9V51OyOgsR_04R1O_mkyaQ4Zu1nLWqViKB44NQ3ehaQJXWKGWCNy1X0JZCDWB9RSMWSnXlJQfmEngiaIxZqhuzO5mdkqOEycwmtwkcKFwBx192CsOnN2CsclxwoOVSvaOCEI5LokTqgooYxNn1CuMB8ZiBFBHaZti-ihjx3cvlUgmebDHrbmOc1lHYGio17qDU8He99xK9VqST4Q.nqih83B8OiI4ltA1SCd1EP7PGSZJuWh5Tdzi3esGvkk&dib_tag=se&keywords=boomerang+movie&qid=1721341151&sprefix=boomerang+movie%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-1 Music from "Charger" by Gorillaz (feat. Grace Jones) Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, boomerang, jones, grier, lawrence, gibbons, berry, halle, ebert, rock, moana


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Minisode - Pod People: The Clod Cast (but also Sox Talk)

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Adam Sandler, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Julia Roberts, Jack Nicholson, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, & Jim Carrey. In this first edition of "Pod People," Patrick interviews Grant Keller and Dimitri Keogh about their descent into madness (i.e. the podcast they record about minor Pixar characters). Should you give it a listen? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in July 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, nicholson, sandler, roberts, rock, johnson, whoopi, goldberg, carrey, murphy, keller, keogh, clod, sox, pixar, elemental, lightyear


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High Strung

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Joe thinks the flowers in his garden are trying to tell him their secret recipes. In an unrelated event, Lev accidentally dropped his recreational LSD into Joe's soup. Patrick is forced to look at himself in a mirror and hopes it doesn't turn out the same way it did in the movie Oculus. Did things turn out the same way they did in the movie Oculus? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in July 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'High Strung' is available on... VHS..... maybe ? : https://www.amazon.com/High-Strung-VHS-Steve-Oedekerk/dp/6303219136/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1BEMDVWF49E43&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ddenATJCuCK4zElJOig7tX0jkl17svyShZzlA7SB_oWoo157xMvqAWrdfM974Uu9eal2URUlA1JhXhb_Z3wbP9ywWqLpGU3SSP_5iLkNQ2CpTcuxcLHA8mQTJlT-I3BHRuB2US75aUDEE0s63YBserCYjPUIYGN6qR9nTtZYYjD2b4_A76VrFuATccDCGp-PHnOWMxTnBoxnEgDGgSyHJmhK849-7rj7-9vqHIp5Q4A.LA6SCf_B8JVyArHrKvLa77euiLvVE6KQTeHKMIR6C-U&dib_tag=se&keywords=high+strung+movie&qid=1720837368&sprefix=high+strung%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-6 Music from "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Pierce the Veil Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, high strung, oedekerk, odenkirk, godzilla, cereal, sitcoms, anger, death, reaper


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Another 48 Hours

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Patrick gets splashed with some water leaking from behind a 50 year old gate. Joe's fever causes him to turn green, but is Lev's WebMd-based diagnosis of jaundice correct? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in July 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Another 48 Hours' is available on 4K, Blu-ray, DVD & VHS (no director's cut): https://www.amazon.com/Another-48-Hrs-Eddie-Murphy/dp/B0BF3886Z3/ref=sr_1_3?crid=UOHI4PLZO0NU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lP1AAEENItV5kWCOyjKYlUXNVJOUMbHq66ilSIB6WU2wTqS7ZBrTR8lf4Yf6i1b6gWfLvQM8GYs8x_zvZ6qnyXiqpBRqXOBL1iecebTFNmN5RDpcPrK4LIHlRS4JBZUVNQbNafQpfFOBkfitNvxZ7nRYTYXoToNpnFajxYjRnUaqe1VtpET4-BGpIVIeAVjMeRdHh9Pst1yBcJ_0nbihmbSxbyo7ak0Abl8b15p22lQ.nU_9Hwlo6jux7d-lpX4VQ7DvEUfe17R9e_LBm4Sb73k&dib_tag=se&keywords=another+48+hours&qid=1719871384&sprefix=another+48+hours%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-3 Music from "Roxanne" by Arizona Zervas and "Break Loose" by Gramatik Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, another, 48, forty, eight, hours, nolte, celtics, watergate, lear, hill, tubi


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Harlem Nights

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. An unlikely person steps into the soap opera arena and rocks their very system to its core. Meanwhile Susan Sarandon is fighting a bitter divorce battle over her most valuable asset. What does any of this have to do with Murphy or Carey or this podcast? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in June 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Harlem Nights' is available on Blu-ray, DVD & VHS (for you hipsters out there): https://www.amazon.com/Harlem-Nights-Blu-ray-Eddie-Murphey/dp/B09WYYCHN4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32CAZWJLQLRWU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PSZ_O6meP3Tz21RKZzE0_-ZEIeGYuIa-SIBygCBmObG-L0iWEWX7Hf3bw6l56eH5Q2iskBxDdfhMHk-pIgySKpog5y-73KLBPW1hdxyhUHULCcyb7rAa_yjozrI3oSiPslIXIwq_eQ49t_FEgv5cbE09ucLWy41YJ-YO0Lpk_FvFh9QZorNnMYjskIgAzOTKjZySMLDRbjpJFtklogURLrlGXezAi63dbsTgmRjYUPQ.vy9pr2xGxfYC-Tpc9raH6tOWq2Mjmv-HrZg4ZOikTKk&dib_tag=se&keywords=harlem+nights&qid=1719451031&sprefix=harlem+nights%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-1 Music from "Gettin' Money (Sandford and Son remix)" by VCITY and "SnoopTrotter" by Snoop Dogg (or Lion or whatever) Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, harlem, nights, fox, pryor, aiello, spike, bernadette, directing, van, dyke eastwood


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Spanglish - Remix!

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Adam Sandler (again). Patrick and Joe take a trip down memory lane and discover they don't like what they find. In an attempt to white wash history, the WTHHTT team decides to clean up their old podcasting mishaps. Will they be successful? Find out on this week's remixed episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in November 2023. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Spanglish' available on DVD, streaming, and a 'Choice' Blu-ray: https://www.amazon.com/Spanglish-Blu-ray-Paz-Vega/dp/B01LTI05GA/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2S2B2FVHDU4I9&keywords=spanglish&qid=1699335983&s=movies-tv&sprefix=spanish%2Cmovies-tv%2C140&sr=1-2 Clips from 'Rush Hour 2' Music from "Shi Kuretto Karuma SERENADE" by Yasushi Ishii from 'Hellsing.' "On My Way" by Rusted Root Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, sandler, syzygy, spanglish, tea, leoni, cloris, leachman, james, brooks, good, wife, ham, richard, nickerson, paz, vega, rush, hour, rusted, root, on my way, hellsing, serenade, jackie chan,


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Pink Cadillac

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. A controversial sponsor gets the show in trouble. Patrick's attempt at damage control blows-up in his face when he mistakenly drops a double-entendre towards a politically powerful milf. Joe has some new neighbors move in and they might not be what they seem. What barnyard animals do they resemble? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in June 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Pink Cadillac' is available on DVD & VHS (unsurprisingly not on Blu-ray): https://www.amazon.com/Pink-Cadillac-Michael-Gruskoff/dp/B003AWRM9W/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1YABTYFLDO8VB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lM1ibPVrIGPo4EBrZazx2qv-JXiaLyoHX7CPMKTwTeu86Snk-yYSKavxUd7ZTGMwmtfA4EUV1U2unMy1KWIi4XKoG0QrAZbV6EQp7t6N-Vgebge6soegKzaoiP3Ey-6ZOyqw3eKyq-fiwKHpOz9aKSDmOpwWCyGIwp3mxQYWmgV3wDqtQk2_1VYpfES3C4bgBYNPPFBxdvowPdcDAe9dpvsTQCJ75MNM3pArM-x6TcM.x3BM42uysuNd_rglHAluSD3t1tT83f6XTY6T3LEyqrQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=pink+cadillac&qid=1718119928&sprefix=pink+cadillac%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-5 Music from "The Pink Phantom" by Gorillaz (feat. Elton John & 6LACK) Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, pink, cadillac, clint, bernadette, goodman, babe, pigs, frasier, elvis, snl, living, color


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Earth Girls are Easy

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. The best streaming service in the world, Tubi, pops by for a quick visit with some minor day-saving. Patrick and Joe are nearly in a terrible accident, but a well-timed text from Lev keeps the worst from happening. What did the text say? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in June 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Earth Girls are Easy' is available on Blu-ray, DVD, & VHS (but do yourself a favor and watch it on Tubi): https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Girls-Are-Easy-Blu-ray/dp/B0B92MJY2B/ref=sr_1_1?crid=N5N9HNDFW4ME&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AOB4Xg2V2z2eEck_8y_xvNrvsJwNF-sv91Ly4aXrrroXCiznwYEeblnFHavjb4BT9BbjxCpNi6AdQuJSfq3QRn85mUk4xIXsraXQkcF4lwI.aCFBSvMajQW1cH8mvVaVctQn2dGtY4HEjilAYRUEAq8&dib_tag=se&keywords=earth+girls+are+easy+blu+ray&qid=1717827945&sprefix=earth+gir%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-1 Music from "Cause I'm a Blonde" by Julia Brown (and some cat-thing experimental music by some genius) Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, earth, girls, easy, goldbloom, wayans, blondes, davis, ebert, tubi, alien, grinch


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The Dead Pool

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Patrick is the last person to know that a person important to him has been sucked into a black hole. Joe wants to help, but his street racing obligations may not allow him to make it there in time. Lev watches an old favorite show of his and realizes that it doesn't live up to his memories. Which show is it? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in June 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'The Dead Pool' is available on Blu-ray, DVD, & VHS (seemingly only with the other Dirty Harry movies): https://www.amazon.com/Dirty-Harry-Collection-Blu-ray/dp/B001MEJVX0/ref=tmm_blu_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.O5JkqZQkWdso4sQVRBPxog5biXY7hufzZAVaXztMcIP7HeLG3tU6TS0EZTWQHChLnJq_HowuzBpmYxtlXA074e-bdgmMoOP-QoKoWFbMjC4o7YR-amuBi3t9JzVJcY_N83cfUE7GocjeCU5Uxe4_zEEg9NC-XqyOJ43zGyJRHIhGJMtlsfZorElb0dijTwGYdXHgaxAnZiE1OHd7LEQHMwveXGURx3pl3u1D_D8QApQ.r7GWpQvcs0rC2bitpy_T2kqR_5zHk_w_J0MPI3P0wek&qid=1717299596&sr=8-6 Music from "X Gonna Give It to You in the End" by DMX and Linkin Park Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, dead, pool, deadpool, neeson, eastwood, harry, dirty, godzilla, frasier


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Coming to America

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Joe tries to put an end to a yearlong family feud. Patrick thinks he's talking about the game show and tries to warn former host Louie Anderson. Lev has never heard of the game show and decides to watch a few episodes. Does he like Steve Harvey's hosting style? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in May 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Coming to America' is available on Blu-ray, DVD, & VHS (and 4K if you're buying into that scam): https://www.amazon.com/Coming-America-Blu-ray-Eddie-Murphy/dp/B07C9D5P7X/ref=tmm_blu_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.P3W6hA0JDyg7eqsl0HzfHxuhw1O_tc_iBDp3NHsBj9TLMWJ5wIl9QkD9ySotZtRD8jRV9QoNwDFVne9aMwIAgpmQZy7KH055uUNnL7o-vXM_vJGdAd3j0avelX1Nq1t1WBQ2sh-f-dLmC2oaAE-VJMYIspnpOw7g8TBtT4zR0umaw2139vKRjJ2mULyf6xiYxAgnDKrJCEgnLxwQrNChDzc8oith_QeIayAqdOrZFEw.9T8K-YrqUV6tumoANYzd6Au9MQYkkyfn1nO0PuSPRGI&qid=1716743753&sr=8-1 Music from "Miss America" by Styx Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, coming, america, arsenio, wakanda, rock, dwayne, johnson, safdie, blunt


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Beverly Hills Cop 2

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Patrick tells another tale about about his trips to the sitcom tapings, and this time... it's personal. Joe tries to stop a grumpy guy from beating up zombies, but that only makes both of the combatants angrier. Lev could help but doesn't. What better things did he have to do? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in May 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Beverly Hills Cop 2' is available on Blu-ray, DVD, & VHS (and 4K if you're buying into the scam): https://www.amazon.com/Beverly-Hills-Cop-Eddie-Murphy/dp/B00005U5A8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DANPCHIHKDPZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xIuGnsy8VUVVCRHYF2007PyivbJPxm3ZdMeCY4SKdkOyncf56lzsCbCCMgP4cqcrHg4qbhVLk6yew3GvSaPiWOCxY9NdCuQfACp1Vm_MOMHCnuo2MyE1hWG9q25uqyPwQSZ7-f8ZZx4ykxt4NZNLMDoQvmdWNlMmOTg7EvN1l0RNpF5H4WyMqBFZhnnCZRoxH_l0fpkJGN2YQFJPaqjS0Nlo5e0iaifbna64qBYjD0I.2rWIdAlI_7feZwc3PPCqPxEQB0H9Csbwf8UmXOsVUQo&dib_tag=se&keywords=beverly+hills+cops+2&qid=1715834162&sprefix=beverly+hills+cops%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1 Music from "Spanish Flea" by The Modernaires and "Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song Dance Mix" by Dave Girtsman Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, beverly, hills, cop, corman, london, frasier, kelsey, grammer, raw, paramount


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The Golden Child

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Patrick and Joe go on an adventure to dispel an ancient curse, but then get hungry and decide to go home. Will Lev be able to make peace with the lingering curse? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in May 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'The Golden Child' is available on Blu-ray (and theoretically DVD & VHS): https://www.amazon.com/Paramount-Presents-Golden-Blu-ray-Digital/dp/B08JDTNPCN/ref=sr_1_3?crid=250LAHLQTFYCS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M-MNPejiadMVJDF1-z1cl7SMxxhEnHAVCEbQyDrID18k6z7T2d2FLadl_Q76OH8QQfsOlXTw8FVPn0aURSljCFfwiHcUbOdvG88EEGgPv4S6QRf1KxWVBTO5N6epyMoIp3rb3v5o2DbL35pITWgSBd2UVEkAc71Pd0leF_Wbah4hbe0kJ-G4aH104_XjXr2Cmc5oDB9f0iCwogOtWqB-ujT1BQpFLkh_gU0skLu7aEM.eqnKVJRSPjUXpT2t5t5iihNfkwjP0ijH3938daBkS2k&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+golden+child&qid=1715301506&sprefix=the+golden+child%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-3 Music from "Nanyo Domei 1" by Naruyoshi Kikuchi and "New Gold" by Gorillaz ft. Tame Impala & Bootie Brown Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, golden, child, tibet, ebert, maltin, turner, 80s, nixon, watergate, abigail


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Mr. Deeds - Remix!

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Adam Sandler (again). Patrick and Joe take a trip down memory lane and discover they don't like what they find. In an attempt to white wash history, the WTHHTT team decides to clean up their old podcasting mishaps. Will they be successful? Find out on this week's remixed episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in August 2023. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Mr. Deeds' is available on DVD, VHS, & Blu-ray: https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Deeds-Blu-ray-Jared-Harris/dp/B004BH1F1Q/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MXC88E0WWVI5&keywords=mr+deeds&qid=1692631419&s=movies-tv&sprefix=mr+deed%2Cmovies-tv%2C209&sr=1-3 Music from "Lunch Lady Land" by Adam Sandler "Satoshi Nakamoto" by Gramatik feat. Adrian Lau & ProbCaus Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, sandler, ryder, mr, mister, deeds, stewart, french, turturro, sneaky, gallagher, home, alone,


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Peggy Sue Got Married

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. In a surprise to no one, Nicholas Cage derails the whole podcast. But one woman swoops in to set the episode back on the right track. Who is this magnificent savior? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in April 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Peggy Sue Got Married' is available on Blu-ray (surprisingly expensive), DVD & VHS: https://www.amazon.com/Peggy-Sue-Got-Married-Blu-ray/dp/B00C6F624K/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2XUTWE51XITDF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iQsEfIMIsKctHjAsrwYEHTP1wy3J2vlQv9QGZZyE8Y0IRmtL6cqISyVl7NdNsYHR3BWgAInGwd2_Z1wDWnUhaooLdccUGqh3tjPmw1uohucRpL4RBLO1bZX88L69TdvFk1ndqsSTPwQIhxZxgYONWrqeVcgDbTDCWfHGo1wi8-mZ9Aw2ZLtJrEUCoinccnC_PH-d2d90eZL2j3bX0OkZTOe9jyGZfzblh0eYGjpmjlE.aDfNmzlwX3xsZ9WBEwvPyRDv0XqifCeLacEW6lLR8S8&dib_tag=se&keywords=peggy+sue+got+married&qid=1714154348&sprefix=peggy+sue%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-5 Music from "Life is but a Dream" and "I've Got You (Under My Skin)" by The Four Seasons Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, peggy, sue, married, tubi, cage, coppola, 80s, guttenberg, turner, chihuahua, nepotism


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Once Bitten

Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Eddie Murphy & Jim Carrey. Patrick gives some drive-by hate to an old nemesis, but otherwise he is really just phoning this episode in. Lev thinks he's invented a new smoothie, but it turns out to actually be from concentrate. Joe joins a PETA-like organization to protect an endangered coyote. Who is threatening this beautiful creature? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in April 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Once Bitten' is available on DVD & VHS (unsurprisingly not Blu-ray): https://www.amazon.com/Once-Bitten-Lauren-Hutton/dp/B00009PY3X/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1REJ4IUEWF4AU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.H8iZkp6zfNBPituLHBkjoO8d8ZjMNJwSkiese4_1lmLip9nCnFVzsv-Rc7Guw_U7erBisCT6T_2eleJqRJlRxDSaPlEaN_EUpiwDb-11ATftsR364Bq9MHMyKw9iaEuLXbac9tFwdNveRmbWF1ipPhlLgvGMisjCegur7SWPRE7OFvncdwAAqPXle_z6EZW50xVpSh23hozPwB7ZWEXgOgeZeMCSqtyOyswaLRyviQw.unAPf5AFnlbFAaR71hxsW2WZvZmaHKIzgWOb5du1YuM&dib_tag=se&keywords=once+bitten&qid=1713274430&sprefix=once+bitten%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-5 Music from "Like a Virgin" by Big Daddy and "Like a Virgin" by Jim Broadbent, Richard Roxburgh, & Anthony Weigh Artwork from BJ West quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, murphy, carrey, versus, vs, once, bitten, vampires, virgin, 80s, hutton, spiderman, spider, twilight, james, kevin
