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Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to Bright Line Living, the official Bright Line Eating Podcast channel. Created by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and neuroscience of eating, BLE is a scientifically grounded program that teaches you a simple process for getting your brain on board so you can finally find freedom from food. This channel covers a variety of topics including food addiction, fascinating science, and how to live a Bright Line life. Check out our Podcast page to learn more.


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Welcome to Bright Line Living, the official Bright Line Eating Podcast channel. Created by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and neuroscience of eating, BLE is a scientifically grounded program that teaches you a simple process for getting your brain on board so you can finally find freedom from food. This channel covers a variety of topics including food addiction, fascinating science, and how to live a Bright Line life. Check out our Podcast page to learn more.



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The Hot Shower Metaphor

People frequently ask me whether they should enjoy their food—how much enjoyment is too much when they consider themselves to be a food addict in recovery? How do they know where the line is? It's a common concern, and you can hear my thoughts in this week's episode. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: The Hot Shower Metaphor | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Why Is There Sugar in Salt?

Recently, I was talking with a friend who doesn't eat sugar or flour and weighs and measures her food. I was traveling in New York City at the time and on the hunt for some salt for my meal while we were on the phone. She told me that she doesn't use single-serving packets of salt, and her reasoning absolutely floored me. Listen to this week's episode to hear all about it. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Why Is There Sugar in Salt? | Bright Line Living | The...


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Showing Up for Family When It Matters

I'm in the San Francisco area right now to be with my family as my aunt passes. I heard a couple of days ago that she had taken a turn for the worse, so I decided to drop everything to fly across the country and be with them. Listen to this week's episode to hear how this experience relates to recovery and the Bright Line Eating journey. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Showing Up for Family When It Matters | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line...


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An Interview with Esther Helga

In this week's very special episode, I'm joined by Esther Helga from Iceland. I was recently introduced to Esther and a community of people around the world who are doing really interesting things in the world of food addiction research and treatment. Listen to hear all about their work. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: An Interview with Esther Helga | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Addiction is a Disease (Yes, an ACTUAL Disease)

I was on the phone with a close friend recently, and she was talking about why we do what we do when we follow Bright Line Eating. Something she said really struck me, and when I realized I hadn't recorded an episode about it yet, I knew I had to rectify that immediately. Listen to hear my thoughts. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Addiction is a Disease (Yes, an ACTUAL Disease) | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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A little while ago, I recorded an episode about Ari Whitten's amazing new book, Eat For Energy. As part of the release festivities, I interviewed Ari for about an hour and we put out a link to the interview for anyone who bought the book. I asked him a question during our interview that is incredibly important for the BLE community, and his answer was so helpful that I knew I'd eventually discuss it in a podcast episode. Listen to hear my thoughts. FOR THIS EPISODE and...


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This week, I want to talk to you about an overlooked factor in fat-loss maintenance, mood, and overall health. It's a super fun acronym called "NEAT," and you can find out what it stands for when you listen to the episode. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: NEAT | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Eight Reflections on 48 Years of Life

Today is my birthday, and I thought since June 29th happened to fall on a Wednesday this year, I would record a podcast on eight reflections I've collected over my 48 years on this Earth. Listen to hear them. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Eight Reflections on 48 Years of Life | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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I've had quite an intense week, and as things started to settle down, I was thinking about the things I do to take care of myself, in particular, my meditation practice. Listen to this week's episode to hear my thoughts and how they might relate to your Bright Line Eating program. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Sanctity | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Three Things Change as Addiction Takes Root

I recently attended the first international conference on food addiction, and the first speaker was especially noteworthy. In this week's episode, I wanted to share some takeaways from his talk. Listen to hear all about it. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Three Things Change as Addiction Takes Root | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Addicted to Quantities

I have to confess something: I am so addicted to quantities. I experience tremendous freedom around sugar and flour, which I'm very grateful for, but I'm struggling with my quantities right now. Listen to this week's episode to hear what has happened to me over the last few weeks. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Addicted to Quantities | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Relapse Prevention

I just had the privilege of doing something really exciting—I traveled to England to attend the first-ever international conference on food addiction. How cool is that? Listen to this week's episode to hear all about it. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Relapse Prevention | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Measuring Fats

I was on the Bright Lifers Accountability Call recently, and someone asked a very interesting question. She wanted to know how to reconcile the difference between how she handles fats at home versus when she eats out at restaurants. Listen to the episode to hear my response to this common experience. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Measuring Fats | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Meal Times and Your Circadian Rhythm

I'm so excited to announce that my dear friend, Ari Whitten, has published an amazing new book. It's called Eat for Energy: How to Beat Fatigue, Supercharge Your Mitochondria, and Unlock All-Day Energy. In this week's episode, I'm going to share with you what he discusses in chapter 2, which is all about the science of how the food you eat (and WHEN you eat it) affects your circadian rhythm. ------------------ PLEASE NOTE: To gain exclusive access to a special interview between Susan and...


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Four Lessons from the Gideon Games

A new round of the Gideon Games starts this week. These games are fun, 90-day contests available to all members that promote accountability, support, and connection. During the first-ever round, I was a participant. This time, I've decided to be a Team Leader, and I'm already learning so much. Listen to this episode to hear my thoughts. JOIN THE CORE MEMBERSHIP: FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Four Lessons from the Gideon Games |...


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Transitioning to Maintenance Without the Bathroom Scale

I was on a coaching call a few days ago and spoke with one of our incredible Bright Lifers who drew my attention to an interesting Maintenance topic that I hadn't covered at all before in an episode. Since we've spent the last couple of weeks in BLE Land talking about all things Maintenance, it seemed like the perfect time to discuss it. Listen to this episode to hear my thoughts. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Transitioning to Maintenance Without the Bathroom...


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The Art of Maintenance

A few weeks ago, while I was battling COVID, our refrigerator ended up breaking. Due to my extreme fatigue and the reality of our unfortunate appliance situation, I ended up ordering takeout for dinner nearly a month straight. Over time, this started to mess with my head. Listen to week's episode to hear what I did about it and how it relates to our Art of Maintenance extravaganza that's happening right now. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: The Art of...


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The Negotiator and the Mediator

I was coaching a Bright Lifer recently on the daily Accountability Call, and she shared an experience with her food that she'd just had at a party. I strongly related to the internal struggle she described, so I decided to record an episode all about it. Listen to hear my thoughts. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: The Negotiator and the Mediator | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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The concept of the "10++" on the Susceptibility Scale has come up twice in my life recently, so I took that as a sign it was time to record an episode on it. Listen to hear my thoughts. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: 10++ | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast


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Borderline Foods

Recently, I was scrolling on social media while I rest and recover from COVID, and I saw someone posting pictures of their BLE food where just about every picture had a waffle in it. Now, I don't know what the waffles were made of, but it got me thinking about an important topic for this week's episode. Listen to hear my thoughts. FOR THIS EPISODE and MORE: Episode: Borderline Foods | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast
