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Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Hi, I'm Matilde, your host! If, like me, you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother I know you have experienced some degree of abuse as a child, and more than likely these wounds are still controlling your life as an adult… How do I know?? Because I experienced it first hand and went through years of inner work to see the light again! What I learnt in my personal journey and in over 15 years of experience working with women is that: Undealt with narcissistic mother wounds are the source of most, if not all the beliefs that are currently causing you to live a life of struggle, constantly in survivor mode. I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Many women are daughters of narcissistic mothers and experience the same difficulties in life as you do. The good news? You can totally transform your life starting now! In this podcast I share my experiences, reflections and practical content to Support you and Guide you in this moment of Your Life. My invitation is to take what serves you and leave the rest. From time to time wonderful Guests will join me here to share their beautiful message with us. So, if you are ready to take back control of your life and Reclaim Your Fullness, let's go! **No AI was used to create any of the episodes on this podcast, just the good all-fashioned pen and paper, my experience, lots of research and the questions and requests from all of you sharing with me! With Love🤍


United States


Hi, I'm Matilde, your host! If, like me, you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother I know you have experienced some degree of abuse as a child, and more than likely these wounds are still controlling your life as an adult… How do I know?? Because I experienced it first hand and went through years of inner work to see the light again! What I learnt in my personal journey and in over 15 years of experience working with women is that: Undealt with narcissistic mother wounds are the source of most, if not all the beliefs that are currently causing you to live a life of struggle, constantly in survivor mode. I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Many women are daughters of narcissistic mothers and experience the same difficulties in life as you do. The good news? You can totally transform your life starting now! In this podcast I share my experiences, reflections and practical content to Support you and Guide you in this moment of Your Life. My invitation is to take what serves you and leave the rest. From time to time wonderful Guests will join me here to share their beautiful message with us. So, if you are ready to take back control of your life and Reclaim Your Fullness, let's go! **No AI was used to create any of the episodes on this podcast, just the good all-fashioned pen and paper, my experience, lots of research and the questions and requests from all of you sharing with me! With Love🤍



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S2 Ep76: A Real Life Example of the Impact of Mother Wounds from Maternal Narcissism & How to Navigate it

What is the impact of maternal narcissism in your everyday life? How does it affect you? Does it ever get to a point where we are done with all this work?? Today's episode is a little different. I am sharing with you a real life example of how we can navigate an event when mother wounds get triggered and activated. Related episodes: https://audioboom.com/posts/8497948-the-number-1-antidote-to-self-doubt-from-maternal-narcissism https://audioboom.com/posts/8448900-understanding-the-impact-of-mother-wounds-from-maternal-narcissism ✅Check out the links below⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Email your questions at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #mariavsnyder #poisonstudy #meetingtheauthor #anxiety #overcominganxiety #overcomingselfdoubt


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S2 Ep75: The Number 1 Solution to Guilt & Anxiety from Maternal Narcissism in Giving/Receiving Dynamics

Do you feel threatened or uncomfortable when someone is kind with you? Do you barely enjoy a gift before you race to find a way to give something in return? Do you hate to receive a favour because then you feel obliged to return it? Do you feel a wave of guilt when someone does something for you? All of the guilt and anxiety you are feeling around giving and receiving can very well be traced back to the conditioning you’ve received growing up with a narcissistic mother. How do you feel towards your mother when it comes to give and receive? Are guilt, obligation and anxiety ruling the entire interaction for you? In this episode I talk about the guilt and anxiety in the dynamics of giving and receiving, the impact of growing up with a narcissistic mother has on such dynamics and the number 1 solution that has helped me, and all the clients I shared this with, overcome these patterns. Related episode: https://audioboom.com/posts/8424014-how-to-overcome-guilt-with-a-narcissistic-mother 💥All the links you need⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience with Matilde emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #guilt #anxiety #overcomingguilt #overcominganxiety


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S2 Ep74: How Healing From Maternal Narcissism Impacts Your Romantic Relationships

Has the way you relate with your partner changed since you started on this journey of healing mother wounds? Have you found yourself wondering if you are with the right person after all? Have you found you are less tolerant to some of your partner’s behaviours? Are you feeling confused and conflicted about it all? One of the most common questions I get is: Does this mean my marriage will fall apart? Will I inevitably need to break up with them? In this episode I'm sharing how healing from maternal narcissism can impact your relationship with your partner, why this happens, and 4 steps to move though this changes together. Related episode: https://audioboom.com/posts/8552081-does-healing-from-maternal-narcissism-mean-becoming-more-tolerant-to-abuse All the links you need⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #healingrelationship #healingwithyourpartner


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S2 Ep73: 11 Signs You Are Experiencing Spiritual Abuse by your Narcissistic Mother & 5 Steps to Help you with it

Do you feel you may have experienced spiritual abuse by your narcissistic mother, but you are not sure? Are you still experiencing it now in your present-day life? If you have, and maybe still are, you are not alone in this! Spiritual abuse is a real thing! Today we are going to go through the signs to identify and recognise this kind of manipulation and how to deal with it. This type of manipulation is cross cultural and not tied to one particular culture or tradition. In this episode I’m not referring to one religion or tradition in particular, nor the intent of this episode is to speak against any religious belief or tradition. Related episodes you may also want to listen: Episode 65 https://audioboom.com/posts/8529393-3-steps-to-reclaim-yourself-as-a-daughter-of-a-narcissistic-mother Episode 27 https://audioboom.com/posts/8396410-4-steps-to-liberate-from-the-box-your-narcissistic-mother-built-around-you All other important links⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply to join Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #spiritualabuse #spiritualabusesurvivor #spiritualabuserecovery


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S2 Ep72: Going deeper on the topic of Narcissistic Mothers-in-law & Mother/Son Relationship Dynamics with Mark Usher

In this Special Episode with Mark Usher - Relationship Coach for husbands and host of "Be the husband she brags about" Podcast - we go deeper into the topic of narcissistic mothers-in-law, exploring the dynamics of mother/son relationship. The purpose of this episode is to offer clarity and a safe healing space for both husbands and wives involved in this complex triangle, made even more intense when narcissistic traits in the mother-in-law are involved. Get in touch with Mark here⬇ Podcast: https://audioboom.com/channels/5043839-be-the-husband-she-brags-about Men's Groups: https://www.kingsoffreedom.me/heroic-husbands-mens-circles/ Useful links here⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #narcissisticmotherinlaw #mothersonrelatingdynamics #ironjohn


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S2 Ep71: Does Healing from Maternal Narcissism Mean Becoming More Tolerant to Abuse?

Do you measure your healing progress in terms how able you are to manage your mother’s abusive behaviour? Do you feel you should be able to be functioning and adjusted to an abusive and dysfunctional relationship? In this episode I share the 4 phases of the journey of healing from maternal narcissism and what "Managing" truly means. Here are all the links⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #nottoleratingabuse


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S2 Ep70: How to Deal with the Challenges of Having a Narcissistic Stepmother

Have you ever wondered if your stepmother can be as damaging as a narcissistic mother? Do you feel like you’ve lost your father or your other parent since this person came into their life? In this episode I offer an overview of the impact a narcissistic stepmother can have and how to deal with this challenge. All the link you need are here⬇ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Ask questions or share your experience by emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #narcissisticstepmother #theevilstepmother #enablingparent #enablingfather


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S2 Ep69: Why a Narcissistic Mother Wants You to Feel Alone & 4 Steps to Deal with it

How often do you feel completely alone? How often do you wonder if you are the only one experiencing something regarding your narcissistic mother? Are you the only one feeling constantly guilty and anxious, or ashamed, or angry? I want you to know that you are not alone! Yet most daughters of narcissistic mothers feel alone most of the time. I did too! Why? In this episode I cover why a narcissistic mother wants you to feel alone and I also share 4 steps to start healing this wound. Here are all the links you need⬇ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circle here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #loneliness


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S2 Ep68: Dealing with Truth-telling with a Narcissistic Mother

How many times while growing up has your mother told you she knows best? How many times does she still use sentences like: “And that’s the truth.” “I know exactly how these things work.” “I’ve been here longer than you, don’t pretend to know more than me.”?? If you have been brought up by a narcissistic mother, chances are you have experienced some form of truth-telling by her. In this episode we talk about what truth-telling looks like, the impact that this has and how to heal. All the links you need are here⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ To ask your questions and share your experience email at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation


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S2 Ep67: 4 Steps to Break the Pattern of Calling your Narcissistic Mother for Validation

Do you ever feel the need to call your mother to tell her your good news, only to be disappointed with her reaction? Do you feel the need to share with her what’s going on in your life even knowing she will respond in a way that’s hurtful for you? If you do, I get it. I've spent hours on the phone to my mother hoping to get from her what was never going to come, like support and validation. The result was always hurt and disappointment. In this episode I share 4 steps to break this unhelpful pattern of calling your narcissistic mother for validation. Get the support you need by checking the links below⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice Here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles Here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme Here: https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #healingtrauma #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #innertransformation #womencirlces #needforvalidation


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S2 Ep66: No Contact - 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions & the Answers

In this episode I'm answering the 4 questions I get asked the most about no contact. If you are no contact or if you are thinking about going no contact, you need to listen to this. All the useful links are here⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for he 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ And your question and share your experience by emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullnass.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #nocontact #healingmotherwounds #innertransformation #boundarysetting #childhoodtrauma #womencircles


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S2 Ep65: 3 Steps to Reclaim Yourself as a Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother

Do you ever feel like you have no idea who you are? Is this happening more and more since you learnt about maternal narcissism and started your healing journey? Does this feel confusing and uncomfortable? If you are nodding right now, thinking, "Yes, this is exactly how I feel!" I get it. I’ve been there, and still am. And you are so not alone in this! Being brought up by a narcissistic mother stifles the natural development of your identity. As a child you had to learn very soon how to maintain your attachment needs met, prioritising them over authenticity. What does that mean? Listen to full episode to know more and to get the 3 steps to reclaiming yourself and your identity! Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice Here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask question and share your experience emailing Matilde at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisitcmothers #maternalnarcissism #podcast #youridentity #knowyourself #healingmotherwounds #chidlhoodtrauma #innertransformation #narcissisticparents


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S2 Ep64: The 1 Thing You've Yet to Try when Dealing with Your Narcissistic Mother

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything with your narcissistic mother, and nothing has worked? Have you collected enough techniques to fill a book and still no results? Do you feel frustrated, defeated and on the verge of giving up? I get it, as this has been my experience too. But don't get discouraged, as there may be 1 thing you've yet to try, and I share it in this episode! Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wound Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Ask your questions and share your experience with Matilde by emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #podcast #womencircles #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #innertransformation


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S2 Ep63: 17 Signs you are dealing with a Narcissistic Mother-in-law & 7 Tips to Make Your Life Easier

Have you been feeling your mother-in-law's behaviour has a negative impact on you and your family life, but can't quite put the finger on it? Does she intrude in your life constantly disregarding the boundaries you set? Does everyone tell you how lucky you are with such a m0ther-in-law and you feel like the only one to see her true face? If your answer is yes, you might be dealing with a narcissistic mother-in-law, or one with strong narcissistic traits. She here are 17 signs to recognise a narcissistic mother-in-law and 7 tips to make your life a lot easier in dealing with her. Related episodes: here is a guest episode I did a while ago on Mark Usher's podcast speaking to narcissistic mothers in law:⬇ https://audioboom.com/posts/8347937-the-7-deadly-sins-of-narcissistic-mother-in-laws Get the support you deserve here!⬇⬇⬇ Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for the Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience with Matilde by emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #narcissisticmotherinlaw #narcissisticparent #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #podcast #womencircles #innertransformationmentoring


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S2 Ep62: The Number 1 Reason Why No Contact Fails & What To Do

Are you no contact with your narcissistic mother and finding it challenging to maintain it? Are you constantly getting sucked back in? Are you battling with wanting to know how your mother is reacting to your decision but not wanting to break the no contact? And if you are thinking of going no contact, then you need to hear this now. In this episode I share the number 1 reason why no contact fails and what to do to about it. Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for the Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience with Matilde emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #podcast #healingmotherwounds #activenocontact #successfulnocontact #narcissisticparent #boundaries #healthyboundaries #womencircles #innertransformation


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S2 Ep61: Attention seeking or real need with a narcissistic mother's demands? How to tell the difference & protect yourself

Does your mother ever ring you at crazy times to ask for things you know she could easily get done without you? Does she require you to do errands with her you know she could easily do by herself? Does she ever require you to sort and fix things for her, when you have no idea how to, and calling a professional was the only thing to do from the start? Is this constant stream of demands leaving you feeling: 🔸 frustrated because her demands are getting more absurd, 🔸 confused about her behaviour, 🔸 bad about feeling she is an inconvenience to you, 🔸 exhausted because you are running everywhere to satisfy her needs and demands, 🔸 guilty when you can’t, 🔸 exasperated by her not respecting your boundaries… ??? Of course, it is not universal that a mother who needs help with things is being a problem. It’s ok to need help and ask for support. But with a narcissistic mother, this can be weaponize and transform into a whole different thing. It can in fact be a manipulation tactic. In this episode we explore how to tell the difference between a genuine need for support and a manipulation tactic by a narcissistic mother. And I also share 5 tips to protect yourself from it! Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience with Matilde by emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love! #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #womencircles #narcissisticmanipulation #innertransformation


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S2 Ep60: Wedding Planning with a Narcissistic Mother - What can happen & How to deal with

❓Are you in the middle of planning your wedding and your mother is driving you crazy? ❓Are you in a committed relationship but afraid to take the next step as you don’t know how you could possibly handle a wedding with your mother being involved? ❓Was planning your wedding with your mother such a nightmare that you are terrified about planning anything else? ❓Or are you wishing more than anything that your mother would get involved, but she is dismissing your wedding as if it was just another day? There are so many expectations and social pressure and conditioning going on around weddings that it is an intense thing to navigate at best of times. But with a narcissistic mother in the picture, it gets even more intense! In this episode we talked about how & why a narcissistic mother will interfere with your wedding planning and what you can do to protect yourself! Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Share your experience and ask your questions emailing Matilde at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love!


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S2 Ep59: Infantilization with a narcissistic mother - How to spot it & protect from it

Does your mother still treat you like a child? Does she regularly interfere with your life because she knows better? Has she resisted any signs that you were growing up, like moving out, going to college, going out with your friends, getting married etc? Do you ever have to tell her “I’m an adult now, I know what I’m doing!” only to be met with incredulity? If your answer is yes, you may have experienced a manipulation tactic called infantilization. In this episode you'll get clarity: - on what this is, - why a narcissistic mother does it and how, - the impact it has - how to protect yourself from it. Access the Free Self Love Guided Practice here ⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Ask questions and share your experience with Matilde emailing at Matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love!


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S2 Ep58: 5 Steps to Survive Mother's Day with a Narcissistic Mother

Mother’s day is coming up and it is a challenging time for daughters of narcissistic mothers, so I decided to do a special episode to address this topic before the date. At this time... Demands are going to be at unusual high. Expectations are going to be loaded. Guilt tripping will reach a new level. Social pressure is going to be as intense as ever. Bottom line is, this one day of the year has the potential of being the worst ever and the days approaching it can be a true nightmare. So, how can we go about it? In this episode I share 5 steps to survive Mother's Day. Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Share your questions and your experience with Matilde by emailing at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love!


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S2 Ep57: Can a Narcissistic Mother Have Empathy??

Have you ever been confused by the fact that your mother fits in with a narcissistic mother description and yet she seems to have empathy? Have you ever felt her empathy manifests somewhat out of place when directed at you? If you felt that way, I get it! I've been confused over this for a while once finding out my mother was a narcissist, as she seemed to have some empathy at times. In this episode we get to dive into what empathy is and, most of all, answer the question, can a narcissistic mother have empathy? Is it real empathy or something else?? And how can you tell? Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/ Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circle here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/women-circles/ Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇ https://womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me/10-weeks-programme/ Email your questions and share your experience with Matilde at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me With Love!
