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Resiliency Within

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Elaine Miller-Karas will amplify the message of hope, healing and resiliency she has learned from our world community as she has traversed the globe after human made and natural disasters. Hope often springs forth in response to suffering and trauma. Our beliefs and our wellbeing are being challenged during these unprecedented times. The program Resiliency Within is about cultivating individual and community resiliency. Resiliency is the capacity to lean into our strengths with compassion during the most challenging of times and to remember what else is true? about our lived experience. Her guests are inspiring global leaders actively promoting healing and resiliency from a variety of backgrounds. The goal is to spread wellbeing and give individual and community examples to inspire how wellness skills, including ones based upon neuroscience and the biology of the human nervous system, can be integrated into one's life, family and community during challenging times.


United States


Elaine Miller-Karas will amplify the message of hope, healing and resiliency she has learned from our world community as she has traversed the globe after human made and natural disasters. Hope often springs forth in response to suffering and trauma. Our beliefs and our wellbeing are being challenged during these unprecedented times. The program Resiliency Within is about cultivating individual and community resiliency. Resiliency is the capacity to lean into our strengths with compassion during the most challenging of times and to remember what else is true? about our lived experience. Her guests are inspiring global leaders actively promoting healing and resiliency from a variety of backgrounds. The goal is to spread wellbeing and give individual and community examples to inspire how wellness skills, including ones based upon neuroscience and the biology of the human nervous system, can be integrated into one's life, family and community during challenging times.



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Encore Women in Leadership:The Double-Bind Dilemma

This encore episode explores the double-bind dilemma faced by women leaders. With the emergence of Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for President, gender politics have emerged with ferocity. Elaine and Analiza will discuss the double-bind dilemma - damned if you do and doomed if you don't and how women and women of color can manage it. They also discuss how allies and organizations can support women of color. Because our culture has an unconscious bias of how each gender should be, women are caught in a double bind. When caught in a double bind, doing one thing we need to do will undercut another equally important thing. In this case, if we act in ways consistent with gender stereotypes and are modest, collaborative, service-oriented, empathetic, and caring, we will be liked but not seen as a leader and not seen as competent. If we display leadership qualities like being confident, tough, aggressive, ambitious, and decisive, we might be seen as a leader, but we will also be seen as cold, unlikeable, and unlikely to reach a top leadership role. It is unfair that women must navigate the double bind, which takes an enormous amount of emotional intelligence.


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Making Peace with Life’s Uncertainties

TV reporter David Tereshchuk will be our guest on Resiliency Within as he shares his personal journey chronicled in his memoir, A Question of Paternity: My Life as an Unaffiliated Reporter. He has traveled the world questioning perpetrators and victims of war and injustice. He spent decades honing his skills as a journalist, getting tyrants and the oppressed to divulge their secrets. But there was one secret that always eluded him—that of his own origins. His mother, Hilda—the one person who knew—refused to tell him who his father was. Then, in his fifties—after some tense exchanges—she sent him a fax stating a priest had raped her at the age of 15 in the small, Scottish Borderland town where he’d been raised. So began a quest to determine the priest’s identity—years of investigations and dead ends. Could his mother—long gone by now—have been lying about the priest? Could rumors of her “walking out” with a German POW housed at a nearby prison camp be the real story behind his birth? In his book, A Question of Paternity, David Tereshchuk brings us with him as he searches for answers—not only to the question of who fathered him but to the larger questions of who he is himself. We learn of his struggle to overcome the shame of his impoverished childhood and his illegitimacy, the almost thirty years he lost to alcoholism, and the insecurity he felt despite national success as a TV journalist. Does Tereshchuk discover the truth of his father’s identity, or must he settle for simply a journey of self-discovery? Is it possible to find peace even when the uncertainties of life are impenetrable?


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Resiliency 2024: The Power of Connections

Dr. Joy Erlichman Miller returns to Resiliency Within to share her international work on resiliency. This year, on September 12, 2024, Dr. Miller invites the world to join her for RESILIENCY 2024 in spreading the word about how to develop and nurture well-being. This year, RESILIENCY 2024 will focus on the POWER of connections and explore the influence and healing power of connections. Dr. Miller's Resiliency events have had more than 35,000 participants from 112 countries around the globe. Resiliency 2024 is offered free of charge. Her resiliency events have included 85 Celebrities, Influencers, Scientists, Researchers, Psychologists, Artists, and Leaders have included: Dr. Jill Biden, Alanis Morissette, Arianna Huffington, Dr. Edith Eger, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, India Arie, Kristin Neff, Erin Brockovich, Leigh Steinberg, Marta Kauffman, Glenn Close, Dr. Andrew Weil, Bobbi Brown, Jericho Brown, Pete Buttigieg, Ray LaHood, Dr. Ian, Jewel, Tito Jackson, Harville Hendrix & Helen Hunt, Pat Love, Jeh Johnson, Dick Durbin, JB Pritzker, MILCK, Naomi Baum & Michael Dickson, Rhonda Ross, Alisyn Camerota, David Kessler, Jurie Rossouw, Richard Schwartz, Amit Sood, Elaine Miller- Karas, Cynthia Tuohy, Julianne Hough, and 50 other remarkable change-makers. All speakers generously donate their time and talent to this unbelievable event. Joy leads with compassion, heart, and generosity. Join the host of Resiliency Within, Elaine Miller-Karas as she has the honor to interview Dr. Miller.


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New Ground: Muslims and Jews creating Lasting Partnership

Elaine Miller-Karas, the host of Resiliency Within, will interview Aziza Hasan, Executive Director, and Andrea Hodos, Associate Director of New Ground, a nonprofit dedicated to bridging divides and convening constructive conversations around challenging social issues. They will share their wisdom on how New Ground envisions an America where Muslims and Jews are empowered to create lasting partnerships and engage in authentic communication and mutual cooperation. This vibrant model of engagement – not bound by history, theology, or politics – affirms that conflict is inevitable and yet not intractable. NewGround empowers Muslims, Jews, and allies to bridge divisions and leverage shared values to strengthen our communities’ well-being and our fragile democracy. NewGround is a community-building organization that creates, connects, and empowers Jewish and Muslim Change-makers in America. Through a professional fellowship, high school leadership council, and public programming, NewGround transforms Muslim-Jewish relations and advances a shared agenda for change. They will share what we need to do differently to bring about lasting change.


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Gender Discrimination and Empowerment: The Rebecca Effect

This encore presentation is of particular importance as we, again in the United States, face those who denigrate powerful women whether it be a female journalist, the first BIPOC woman running for President of the United States, or every person who speaks truth to power. Elaine Miller-Karas, the host of Resiliency Within, is interviewed by her colleague and friend, Dr. Michael Sapp. She will discuss a concept that she calls the “Rebecca Effect” with Dr. Sapp. The “Rebecca Effect is the empowerment and transformation possible for all of us who have been oppressed, marginalized, or shamed. Her ideas were sparked by the fictional character Rebecca Welton, the owner of the fictional Richmond football team in the Ted Lasso television show. Initially, Rebecca is consumed by a desire for revenge against her ex-husband, Rupert, who betrayed their marriage. She aims to destroy his beloved football team, which she received in their divorce, by hiring the soccer-illiterate American football coach Ted Lasso. Her eventual journey is littered with reminders of her ex-husband's public attempts to marginalize and shame her. Through her self-reflections, the support of friends, and her relationships with Lasso and her best friend, Keeley, she reclaims herself. Like Rebecca, many women and non-binary persons endure betrayal, marginalization, and oppression. Despite possessing great strength, they may experience doubt and question their value. Many of us encounter individuals who espouse misogynistic views and attempt to diminish our worth. The Rebecca Effect describes the process through which women can embrace themselves in totality—their gifts and their imperfections. They gain the courage to confront injustice. This transformation includes embracing vulnerability, acknowledging their inner child, and realizing their inherent power and worth. Compassion, strength, and courage co-exist. Elaine Miller Karas has also written a blog for Psychology Today called The Rebecca Effect: Woman Empowerment.


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Friendship for Life-Giving, The Resource of Friendship

Dr. Peggy Rowe Ward and host Elaine Miller-Karas will explore the meaning of friendships, the joys and sorrows that come from loving relationships, and reflect on their nearly two decades of friendship. Recent research indicates that friends can strengthen our immune system, help us recover from illness more quickly, sharpen our memory, and help us live longer. This knowledge reassures us of the healing and life-extending benefits of friendships, filling us with optimism and a sense of security. Dr. Rowe-Ward, Co-Founder of the Lotus Institute, will share the elements of an innovative offering - a soul mentoring program beginning in September 2024 called Anam Cara. Anam is Gaelic for soul, and Cara means friend, so Anam Cara signifies a soul friend. An Anam Cara was a person to whom you could reveal the hidden depths of your life. This friendship embodied recognition and belonging, transcending all conventions and categories. In Buddhist teachings, the Buddha was once asked about the importance of friends on our path. He responded that we benefit from friends who can support and celebrate with us. Ananda, a beloved senior student of the Buddha, knew that having good and encouraging friends was crucial for the path. He even wondered whether having good friends was half the path. “No, Ananda,” the Buddha told him, “Having good friends isn't half the Holy Life. Having good friends is the whole of the Holy Life.” This profound statement underscores the transformative power of good friends in our lives, inspiring us to seek and cherish such relationships. The Bible’s Proverbs also emphasize the value of friendship: A true friend shows love, no matter what; gives heartfelt advice, bringing joy to the heart; rebukes when necessary, but the correction is done with love; enlivens, influences, and sharpens; and forgives, not holding grudges. True friends are loyal and help in times of need. Join us for a lively, heartfelt dialogue as Elaine and Peggy share their friendship journeys.


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Encore Racism: How to Live Beyond Trauma

Drs. Larry Ward and Peggy Rowe-Ward will address how we are all as a world community are impacted by Racism and how we can heal from the traumas that arise from Racism. Dr. Ward’s book, America’s Racial Karma published in September 2020 addresses how America can begin to heal. They have been teaching and practicing with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered throughout the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. They received the lamp (teacher transmission) from him at Plum Village in 2001. They co-authored Love’s Garden and this book was featured in The Best Buddhist Writing of 2009. Peggy and Larry work with CEOs of Fortune 500 programs to integrate cultural diversity, corporate change and transformation. They will also address the Wisdom School they have created to bring healing to our global community.


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Encore International Healing: The Community and Trauma Resiliency Models

Join us for this encore show where Elaine dialogues with Reena Patel and Michael Sapp about the Trauma Resource Institute's international work. The Trauma Resource Institute (TRI) has brought their ideas about healing in the wake of traumatic experiences to Asia, Europe, the Mid-East, the Caribbean, Africa, Central America, North America, and the United States. They have created projects to help underserved individuals to learn innovative biologically based interventions (The Community and Trauma Resiliency Models) that can heal individuals and communities during and after human-made and natural disasters. So far, their work has been translated into 17 languages and has been brought to more than 75 countries. In February of 2022, TRI launched the Ukrainian Humanitarian Resiliency Project in collaboration with EdCamp Ukraine and have had over 80,000 views on Facebook. They are currently working with a number of projects in the Mid-East as a result of the tragedies that began in October 2023. The CDC Foundation (2022) describes public health as the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. The field of public health fundamentally tries to prevent people from becoming ill by promoting wellness and healthy behaviors. Identifying mental health as a public health issue is imperative to building healthier and more productive communities internationally. The Trauma Resource Institute’s Dr. Michael Sapp, CEO, and Reena Patel, the former Director of Education discuss with host, Elaine Miller-Karas, the Co-Founder of the Trauma Resource Institute their international work and the importance of biological based models that are a bridge to all nations because of our shared humanity. “I think this is what Nelson Mandela meant by the ‘rainbow nation’. Learning about how to stabilize the nervous system is equality and is beyond nations, culture, religion, and ethnicity.” Community Resiliency Model Teacher, South Africa


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Encore Neuroscience of Building Resilience to Trauma, Part 2

Elaine Miller-Karas and Michael Sapp will discuss Elaine's book, Building Resilience to Trauma, the Trauma and Community Resiliency Models, 2nd Edition, published by Routledge in 2023. Dr. Sapp will talk about the neuroscience of the Community and Trauma Resiliency Models. This is Part 2 of 2 Parts. Part 1re-aired on July 1, 2024.. Part 2 focuses on the neuroscience of the Trauma and Community Resiliency Models. Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW, will discuss the second edition of her book, Building Resiliency to Trauma, with Dr. Michael Sapp, the CEO of the Trauma Resource Institute. During and after a traumatic experience, survivors experience a cascade of physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, relational, and spiritual responses that can make them feel unbalanced and threatened. The second edition of Building Resilience to Trauma explains common responses from a biological perspective, reframing the human experience from one of shame and pathology to one of hope and biology. Using two evidence-informed models of intervention that are trauma-informed and resiliency-informed—the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) and the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)—chapters distill complex neuroscience into understandable concepts and lay out a path for fostering short- and long-term healing. CRM develops natural leaders who share wellness skills throughout communities as primary prevention, and TRM focuses on training mental health professionals to reprocess traumatic experiences. Studies have demonstrated that the models’ use leads to significant reductions in depression and anxiety, and both models also increase well-being. The models restore balance after traumatic experiences and can be used to cultivate well-being across cultures and abilities throughout the lifespan.


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Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW, will discuss the second edition of her book, Building Resiliency to Trauma, with Dr. Michael Sapp, the CEO of the Trauma Resource Institute. During and after a traumatic experience, survivors experience a cascade of physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, relational, and spiritual responses that can make them feel unbalanced and threatened. The second edition of Building Resilience to Trauma explains common responses from a biological perspective, reframing the human experience from one of shame and pathology to one of hope and biology. Using two evidence-informed models of intervention that are trauma-informed and resiliency-informed—the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) and the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)—chapters distill complex neuroscience into understandable concepts and lay out a path for fostering short- and long-term healing. CRM develops natural leaders who share wellness skills throughout communities as primary prevention, and TRM focuses on training mental health professionals to reprocess traumatic experiences. Studies have demonstrated that the models’ use leads to significant reductions in depression and anxiety, and both models also increase well-being. The models restore balance after traumatic experiences and can be used as tools to cultivate well-being across cultures and abilities throughout the lifespan.


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The Prophetic Lens and the Racial Solidarity Project

Dr. Phil Allen, Jr. returns to Resiliency Within to discuss his journey since the release of his documentary and his first book, Open Wounds: A Story of Racial Tragedy, Trauma and Redemption. In this episode, he will explore the themes of his second book, The Prophetic Lens: The Camera and Black Moral Agency, from Martin Luther King to Darnella Frazier, which examines the role of the camera in the fight for racial justice. Allen highlights both the prophetic potential of the camera and the context of Blackness as a liminal existence amid a context dominated by whiteness. He states, “Martin Luther King used news cameras to expose anti-Black violence by white mobs in the 1950s and 60s. Darnella Frazier used her phone to record and post the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin in May 2020. These are just two of many people who have captured images of injustice for the world to see. The Prophetic Lens delves into the camera's role as an indispensable prophetic tool for the security of Black lives and the pursuit of racial justice.” Using Walter Brueggemann's Prophetic Imagination as a framework, Allen demonstrates how the camera can be a catalyst for cultural change. He chronicles the use of the camera in film, from J.D. Griffiths' Birth of a Nation to Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing, revealing how this technology has effectively achieved the goals of its respective storytellers. Dr. Phil Allen, Jr. will also share the work of the nonprofit organization he founded, the Racial Solidarity Project. This organization aims to promote anti-racist, pro-community activism, and racial solidarity through its four pillars of sustainable activism: justice and equity advocacy, education, wellness, and intentional community-building. The Racial Solidarity Project believes that justice work requires solidarity, and solidarity invites healing. They emphasize the term “solidarity” because it reflects God’s work and is the central witness of God’s relationship with humanity.


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WorldBeing:The Power of Wellbeing Programs for Marginalized Youth

Join Resiliency Within as Kate Sachs Leventhal, Chief Program Officer, and Steve Leventhal, CEO, share their experiences with WorldBeing and how WorldBeing's vision and inspired programs are changing the lives of youth -- and the systems that support them. WorldBeing (formerly CorStone) is an internationally recognized nonprofit organization that conducts innovative in-school wellbeing programs to empower vulnerable and marginalized youth in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These programs help youth to re-frame their identities, unleash their potential, and transform their life trajectories. WorldBeing helps us understand that mental health concerns among LMIC youth are fueled by systems of entrenched inequities, discrimination, and resource scarcity, exacerbated by a lack of access to services. WorldBeing's programming particularly focuses on gender equality and building the skills of marginalized youth, especially girls, to advocate for their rights, stay in school, and resist early marriage. To improve mental health, WorldBeing believes it is crucial to target improving these systemic injustices and social determinants of poor mental health. WorldBeing’s Youth First and Girls First programs represent one of the first human-centered approaches to youth mental health promotion and prevention, taking injustices and social determinants seriously. Working from ‘the inside out,’ WorldBeing’s evidence-based wellbeing programs support youth to access their inner wellbeing and resilience, and cultivate their power as change agents within their families, schools, and communities. Since 2009, WorldBeing has developed, researched, and conducted well-being programs for nearly 500,000 youth and 250,000 teachers in 3,500 schools across India, Kenya, and Rwanda. Effectiveness trials of WorldBeing’s programs have provided some of the first evidence demonstrating that fostering wellbeing and resilience amongst vulnerable and marginalized youth significantly improves adolescent mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing; gender equality; and education-related outcomes. Additional impacts include improved school engagement, classroom behaviors, relationships with teachers, and delayed marriage.


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Encore Reflections of Courage and Resiliency in Ukraine

This is an encore presentation highlighting the work of Natalia Valevska in Ukraine. We must remember the brave and courageous Ukrainians like Natalia who are helping their country persons during this difficult time in their history. Natalia shares her insights from living within her beloved country, Ukraine, since the Russian invasion in February 2022. She will discuss her experiences and work with EdCamp Ukraine, an association of over 40,000 teachers, including her association with the Trauma Resource Institute. She will describe how, out of her despair over the war, she began helping with the resiliency support meetings co-sponsored by EdCamp Ukraine and the Trauma Resource Institute. She will express her passion for helping her country now and her vision of creating support for her people in the future when the war ends. She is dedicated to the children of Ukraine and how to support their teachers, parents, and community through SEE Learning. Since this was first broadcast, Natalia has been married and is now a Certified Community Resiliency Model Teacher. She has trained more than 1000 Ukrainians in the skills of the Community Resiliency Model.


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Systemic Trauma and Collective Healing

Resiliency Within welcomes back John Kania and Laura Calderon de la Barca. Join this conversation with the Collective Change Lab team who are at the leading edge of shifting how organizations, movements, and collective system change efforts are evolving towards more healing-centered ways of working. John Kania is the Founder and Executive Director of Collective Change Lab. Laura Calderon de la Barca is a psychotherapist specializing in individual, intergenerational, and collective trauma, as well as a collective healing researcher. The conversation will include thoughts on how, in the years since the massive disruption and unrest triggered by the pandemic, there is greater openness and receptivity to thinking about trauma more expansively than ever before. Engaging with trauma is increasingly vital as polarization worsens and challenges escalate into a poly-crisis - thankfully, a deeper conversation is taking root on how to mainstream trauma healing.


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Changing Your Life for the Better-Honest Engagement

A key component of personal growth and change is understanding the distinction between “White-Knuckle Change” and “Real Change.” White-Knuckle Change is trying to change behavior without addressing the underlying causes of the behavior. These causes may include health issues, interpersonal pressures, political conflict, and/or spiritual abuse. Real Change is changing behavior by virtue of addressing those causes. If you address the causes, behavioral change naturally follows suit. In this interview, therapist and author Steven Luff explores many of the realities that may cause any of us to experience negative emotion and/or acting out behavior and underscores the truth that Real Change is about honest engagement with the world, not the meeting of external standards. By virtue of this, Real Change requires education, a commitment to the pursuit of justice, and, most importantly, the construction of a faith life that opens us up to acceptance, uncertainty, and the Unknown.


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Building Resilient Communities in the State of Oregon

Shannon Biteng of the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is the Trauma Informed Organization Manager. She will share the development and implementation of the ODHS Trauma Aware Program. The program supports over 12,000 human services professionals dedicated to assisting 1.5 million Oregonians in accessing essential resources and enhancing their overall well-being. She will share how the Trauma Aware initiatives foster resilience, promote well-being, and strive to empower individuals affected by trauma and toxic stress. The Trauma Aware Program actively contributes to ODHS's mission of becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization by fostering supportive interactions at both individual and systemic levels, focusing on equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Their approach integrates evidence-based practices with the insights gleaned from the experiences of their workforce and the communities they serve. She will discuss an array of programs, which includes Trauma-Informed Practice, Resilience, Healing and Empowerment, Trauma Response Services, Employee well-being, Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention, and the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) program.


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Resilience, Empathy and the Body

Brendan Ozawa-de Silva will share the multifaceted concept of empathy, highlighting its various definitions in scientific literature. He expresses that most definitions of empathy overlook a crucial component: embodied joint action with others. From evolutionary and developmental perspectives, joint action emerges as pivotal to the function of empathy. Our nervous systems are inherently wired to resonate with one another, enabling us to synchronize our bodies by observing the intentions and movements of others. This synchronization encompasses both cognitive and affective dimensions. By exploring empathy through the lenses of shared intentionality, joint action, and movement, we broaden our comprehension beyond cognition and affect to encompass the embodied interaction of nervous systems. Such an understanding may illuminate pathways for cultivating compassion and bolstering mutual resilience.


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Grief & Resilience:Finding Light in the Midst of Darkness

Media Executive Michelle Hord was no stranger to trauma. Having started her professional career as an award-winning producer on America’s Most Wanted, she expertly guided families through every facet of unthinkable crises. Later, she covered heartbreaking stories while working at The Oprah Winfrey Show and Good Morning America. She sat with survivors of the unimaginable. When the unimaginable struck at home, her world changed forever. In her memoir, The Other Side of Yet: Finding Light In The Midst Of Darkness, Hord is confronted with a mother’s worst nightmare. She melds heart-wrenching personal narrative with tangible advice and wisdom that will inspire comfort, grace, and growth in the face of adversity. Determined that grief and despair would not become the entirety of her story, Hord has culled lessons learned from mental health experts, therapists, spiritual leaders and survivors. In The Other Side of Yet, she chronicles her journey from darkness and devastation to what she found on the other side. The Other Side of Yet is not only a profoundly moving memoir of grief and resilience, it is also a guidebook for anyone facing emotional crossroads or unexpected crises. With compassion and clear strategies, Hord explores the power of faith, hope, and love in the process of healing from loss. Her book serves as an active road map through personal crisis, with chapters offering clear, actionable directions such as “Face the Dark,” “Find Your Army,” “Control What You Can,” and “Make Room for Love”. Hord will share her perspectives on recovering from burnout, daily rituals for mental health, working through trauma using gentle healing techniques, and rituals for strength and momentum. The Other Side of Yet is a beautiful and emotional story about how to keep moving with bravery and defiant faith through life’s most challenging moments. *The paperback reprint includes an exclusive Readers’ Guide.


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Expanding Student Well-Being at Virginia Tech with CRM

Integrating the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) into the multifaceted landscape of higher education carries its own complexity. Under the guidance of Erica Coates, Virginia Tech’s CRM teachers are actively engaged in not only cultivating equilibrium within their own nervous systems but also disseminating Zone language and skills throughout their student body, faculty, and various departments. In our dialogue, we'll delve into the mental health needs of our transitioning young adults as they pursue higher education, examining Virginia Tech's comprehensive strategy for CRM integration. Their CRM team has delved into understanding the cultural nuances of the model with young individuals and identified the obstacles hindering its implementation within intricate systems. They are enthusiastic about the potential of fostering a common language across different initiatives, aiming to extend CRM into discussions surrounding team cohesion, inclusion, and a sense of belonging. Moreover, we are developing a research framework for future exploration into community resilience, conceptualizing innovative outreach tools such as a CRM Sensory Bike for campus engagement, and crafting a web-based quiz to enhance understanding of individual nervous system responses. Through these initiatives, they anticipate facilitating a more resilient and connected campus community while also contributing valuable insights to the broader field of mental health research and practice. We welcome this conversation with Erica Coates on Resiliency Within.


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Healing through Relationships: Transforming Complex Trauma

Across the globe, there exists a pressing demand for effective treatment of complex trauma. While a growing number of trauma-informed mental health professionals dedicate themselves to supporting individuals, relationships, communities, and systems, the daily confrontation with trauma can take a toll, leading to exhaustion and burnout. Who stands ready to provide support to these therapists and aiding professionals along their professional journey? Brad Kammer, a Somatic Psychotherapist, Educator, and NARM® Senior Trainer, serves as the director of the Complex Trauma Training Center (CTTC), a professional organization dedicated to offering therapist training, consultation, mentorship, and community for psychotherapists and mental health professionals working with Adverse Childhood Experiences and Complex Trauma. Brad will discuss the crucial need mental health professionals have for both continuous professional development and personal support. CTTC is dedicated to empowering therapists and aiding professionals to enhance their effectiveness in working with complex trauma while safeguarding against burnout. The vision is to cultivate a professional community centered on supporting mental health professionals across three dimensions of human experience: personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal. CTTC will offer comprehensive, ongoing professional development and mentorship opportunities for clinicians, including NARM® Therapist and NARM® Master Therapist training programs. Grounded in a mentorship framework, CTTC is committed to guiding mental health professionals through their professional voyage of addressing complex trauma, ensuring their sustained growth and well-being. The spirit of CTTC is encapsulated by its three guiding principles: depth, connection and heart. Discover how Brad and the Complex Trauma Training Center team epitomize this spirit and foster a thriving professional community committed to delivering effective, transformative, trauma-informed care.
