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Senior Fitness With Meredith

Salem Radio

A podcast discussing wellness for seniors, fitness trainers and healthcare industry with enriching topics such as physical and mental wellness, nutrition, positive spirits and motivation for a healthy and active lifestyle.


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A podcast discussing wellness for seniors, fitness trainers and healthcare industry with enriching topics such as physical and mental wellness, nutrition, positive spirits and motivation for a healthy and active lifestyle.



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6 Tips To Prevent Falls For Fall Prevention Month

Experiencing a fall can be devastating, especially as you age. According to the CDC there are about 3 million emergency department visits due to older people falls. Moreover, nearly 319,000 older people are hospitalized for hip fractures and falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). With statistics like these it is important to take necessary steps to help prevent falls and these types of injuries. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Why staying aware of Fall Prevention month is so important and how this helps keep this problem at the top of mind not just for one month but all year round. 2). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in learning about the consequences of falls from clients in assisted and independent living facilities. 3). Why it’s important to communicate with those around you whom you live with about your concerns for preventing falls especially if you’ve experienced a one in the past. 4). Some of the effects that experiencing a fall can have on you both mentally and physically. 5). Why it’s important to make sure your living space is not cluttered or crowded especially when it comes to items on the floor. /// We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know who may be prone to falling. Falls can be costly to one’s long term physical and mental health and making sure you take the necessary precautions will help ensure a longer and healthier journey in life as you age. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Take Care - MWM

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” — Jim Rohn This quote reminds us of how important it is to take care of ourselves, in order to live a happier and healthier life! Meredith See for privacy information.


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5 Helpful Ways To Be More "Mindful" While Exercising

Maintaining a regular exercise schedule is essential to a healthy life. However, life throws many curve balls at us and we are constantly challenged by adversity. This adversity can spill over into our personal lives and especially during exercising. How can you stay focused, present and mindful while you exercise so you can maximize the benefits? In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Meredith’s thoughts and personal experiences with being distracted mentally during exercise and how challenging that can be. 2). Some of Meredith’s experiences with clients and how they are challenged to stay focused when it comes time to exercise which is very common. 3). Some of the bad habits that can lead us to “stray” during a workout which can also mean missing out on some of the best benefits of regular exercise. 4). How going to a gym can be beneficial, but can also cause distractions as well. 5). Why practicing regularly to “be in the moment” when you’re exercising takes time but is worth it in the long run. /// We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode help if you are struggling to stay focused and mindful while exercising. Regular workouts benefit your physical and mental health and making sure you are “in the moment” during these periods will help you reap all the benefits that exercise has to offer. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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The Real Workout - MWM

“The real workout starts when you want to stop.” – Ronnie Coleman This quote reminds us how hard our workouts can be, but that is when you know you are doing good… Meredith See for privacy information.


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Is The Wellness Industry Actually Helpful?

The Health and Wellness industry has exploded over the past few decades and was worth 5.61 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. It is also expected to grow at a rate of 8.6 percent, reaching an estimated 8.47 trillion U.S. dollars by 2027. That’s a lot of growth! However, amongst the growth and hype surrounding the industry, are the things that are being promised and sold actually helping people? In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Why we thought it was a good idea to discuss this topic because of the massive growth we are seeing in this industry. 2). How the Wellness “industry” from many years ago compares to what we see today. 3). How addressing sleeping issues has become one of main pillars of this industry and the different remedies and products that “claim” are helpful. 4). How social media plays a big role in fueling the industry because of it’s focus on youth, beauty and vanity. 5). Meredith’s best tips on how to navigate the Health and Wellness industry so you can avoid financial loss and best determine what is right for you. /// Thank you for joining us for this informative episode. The Health and Wellness industry can be overwhelming and it can sometimes seem like there is a remedy or a fix for everything. Hopefully with our tips, you can determine what is best for you and avoid losing money on shady products and promises. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Exercising Regularly - MWM

“Once you are exercising regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it.” – Erin Gray This quote reminds us how exercise is addictive, in a good way…once started, it is so hard to stop! Meredith See for privacy information.


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5 Signs That You're Overexercising

Regular exercise is one of the staples of a healthy life no matter what age you are. Keeping your body physically active and mobile is the key to longevity and making it a habit will help you in every aspect of your life. But is there such a thing as overexercising or too much exercise? Feeling tired, dealing with aches and pains, not getting enough sleep or feelings of depression can all be signs of possible overexercising. These symptoms can detract from the benefits that regular exercise can provide. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Some of Meredith's personal experiences in working with clients over the years and their struggles with overexercising. 2). How injury caused by over use is a clear sign that you may be pushing your body too much without giving it enough time to recover. 3). Some of the factors that cause us to feel pressured into over exercising and how that can be unhealthy not just physically but mentally as well. 4). Why experiencing a loss of appetite can be a symptom of overexercising. 5). Why learning to listen to your body and prioritizing recovery is important in avoiding the common pitfalls of overexercising. /// We hope the tips we've shared in this episode help if you're dealing with possible overexercising. It is difficult to diagnose and can be mistaken for many other things. Making sure you continue to exercise in a healthy way that allows your body to recover and rest is key to maintaining a long healthy life for years to come. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Habits - MWM

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” –Aristotele This quote reminds us that creating habits help us become who we are meant to be. Excellence can be obtained but in the repetition of what we choose to do. Meredith See for privacy information.


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How To Communicate With Your Physical Therapist or Personal Trainer

Receiving physical therapy or signing up with a personal trainer can be known to have great benefits when it comes to living and maintaining and active lifestyle. But what happens when you don’t feel like you’re getting the right kind of care or training from them? It can be difficult or intimidating to communicate your goals and needs, especially if they have a large client list or insist that they know what is best for you. Your gut feeling could be right in many cases. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Why we decided to dedicate an episode to this topic and Meredith’s personal experiences with witnessing this problem. 2). How it can be easy to assume that your trainer or physical therapist knows what to do with you and how this can lead to feeling unsatisfied with their services over time. 3). Being aware that your PT’s should make hydration a priority and looking out for you when they feel you may not be hydrating enough. 4). The importance of having goals defined and clearly communicating them to your PT’s ahead of starting sessions with them. 5). Meredith’s suggestions on how to communicate with your PT’s when you are ready to move on and try a different approach. /// We hope the ideas we’ve shared in this episode help you or someone you know who may be struggling to communicate with their personal trainer or physical therapist. In most cases, clear communication is key and listening to your body first, will always lead you towards a better direction. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Results - MWM

“If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger This quote is a reminder that we must do the hard work if we want to achieve something…it will not just happen! Meredith See for privacy information.


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The 7 Best Moves You Should Do Everyday

Staying active and healthy is an everyday activity, even if you only do a little everyday. Keeping your body moving on a regular basis either through exercise or just regular activities like walking up stairs or carrying groceries is important to overall health. If you feel like taking your active time into your own hands, then we have some of the best movements to consider that can be done everyday and it’s much easier than you might think!:) In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Meredith’s explanation on what the “7 Best Movements” mean and how they can easily apply to your daily life. 2). How these movements don’t have to incorporate any weights or equipment and can be done easily anytime and anywhere. 3). Why the simple act of standing up and sitting down is considered and essential movement and how it helps contribute to overall health. 4). How strengthening your calf muscles through another essential movement helps with balance and gait while you move through the day. 5). The importance of upper body strength and the essential movement that you can easily do to help build up your strength in this area. /// We hope the movements that we’ve shared here in this episode are helpful to you especially if you feel like you aren’t getting enough exercise during the week. Small movements that are easy to do anywhere in your own home and on your own time can add up to big results! Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Hardest Days - MWM

“The hard days are the best because that’s when champions are made, so if you push through, you can push through anything.” – Dana Vollmer This quote reminds us that we can do it…push through the tough times knowing they will always come, but we will learn, and grow, and be better from them! Meredith See for privacy information.


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Is Fitness Still Important To Those With Dementia?

Caring for those who suffer from dementia or cognitive disabilities can be challenging from day to day. There are many aspects of this care that must be coordinated and planned to ensure a safe and meaningful quality of life for the patient. In this episode we focus on the role of physical fitness for these patients and how important is it to keep those with dementia physically active. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Why we thought this topic was important to bring to light and how there is very little information regarding the importance of physical fitness for those who suffer from dementia. 2). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in working with patients that have dementia and the challenges involved. 3). How being physically active helps improve balance and prevent falls which can occur frequently for these types of patients. 4). Ways to help motivate patients to want to exercise and help them be more open to movement. 5). How Meredith designed her Cognitive Series Workouts which are targeted towards those with dementia and cognitive issues. /// We hope the information we’ve shared in this episode is helpful to you or someone you know who provides care for those with dementia or cognitive disabilities. Being aware of all aspects of this kind of care is important to helping maintain a successful quality of life in these patients and their families. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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The Mind - MWM

“The body achieves what the mind believes.” – Napoleon Hill This quote is a reminder to stay positive in our thoughts about ourselves and what our abilities are now, and what we can do with hard work and perseverance. Meredith See for privacy information.


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Our Best Tips On Improving Your Bedtime Routine

Getting good sleep at night is a cornerstone to living a healthy lifestyle. The energy your body replenishes when you sleep at night is crucial to relaxing and repairing muscles, ligaments and even bones. It also works on improving your cognitive connections in your brain to help keep you mind sharp. If you’re having trouble with going to bed at night, there are a few things you can try that will help you fall asleep faster and longer to reap the benefits of a good night’s sleep. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in working with clients and the discussions she would have with them about their sleeping issues. 2). The myth that older people sleep better as you age and why that is misleading for most adults. 3). How scrolling on your phone or digital device before you go to bed affects your ability to fall asleep. 4). Why it’s important to limit or avoid stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol before you plan on sleeping. 5). Why napping for too long during the day could be making it harder for you to fall asleep at night. We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know who may have trouble dialing in their bedtime routine to get better sleep. Sometimes we may be self sabotaging our best sleep without even knowing it! We hope you try a few of these suggestions and get the sleep that your body deserves. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Don’t Quit - MWM#271

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali This quote is a great reminder that as we go through life, even the hard stuff, we must keep going, and get stronger and better as we go! Meredith See for privacy information.


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The 5 Best Benefits of Regular Stretching

Living an active lifestyle through regular exercise has many benefits and stretching plays a big part in keeping your body fine tuned for exercise. Making sure your muscles, joints and ligaments are properly cared for during exercise is important. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Why stretching sometimes gets overlooked when it comes to regular exercise or just being very physically active from day to day. 2). How stretching can be done both standing and in seated positions which makes it available to all fitness levels. 3). The importance of maintaining your Range Of Motion through regular stretching. 4). The dynamics of how your muscles tighten up over active periods of use and how stretching aids this process and helps keep your muscles relaxed after physical activity. 5). How stretching contributes to better levels of relaxation and stress relief. /// We hope this podcast episode is helpful to you, especially if you are interested in learning more about keeping your body healthy for years to come. Regular stretching is essential to physical activity and should be practiced regularly as the perfect compliment to your weekly exercises. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Time - MWM#270

“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of life that you will never get back.” – Dr. Amit Abraham This quote reminds us that time is ultimately the greatest gift, as we can never get it back…but it is the best thing we can give and share with others. Meredith See for privacy information.


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Our Best Tips On Improving Your Morning Wake Up Routine

Are you a morning person? This week we’re sharing some of our best tips to help you improve your wake up routine that will help start your day on the right track! Morning routines are very different for everyone. We all have the things we like to do that help us wake up and get motivated to face the challenges of the day and in this episode, we’re sharing some of our best tips which, you may or may not already do that can give you an extra “boost” when starting your day. In This Episode You Will Learn: 1). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in working with clients over the years and their feedback on how some struggle with morning routines and getting motivated. 2). How not getting good sleep can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and tiredness which then affects how you start your day in the morning. 3). Why drinking water in the morning is important because of the effects of dehydration during the course of the night. 4). How doing some gentle stretching in the morning will help “wake up” muscles that may have tightened during your night’s rest. 5). Why making sure you start with a good protein meal for breakfast is a great way to energize your metabolism and provide fuel to the muscles you’ll need to take on the physical aspects of your day. /// We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know that needs a little “pep in their step” in the mornings. Small adds or changes to your routine can make a big difference when it comes get started successfully with the rest of your day. Team Meredith See for privacy information.


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Age & The Mind - MWM#269

“Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.” – Jackie Joyner-Kersee This quote reminds us that no matter our age, we must keep believing in ourselves! Do not limit what we can do because we think our age says we can’t do something. Meredith See for privacy information.
