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Lunchtime Quickies Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Hey romance fans! Welcome to the new love and relationship podcast delivering tantalizing talk of love, romance and sex in 30 minutes or less, your “lunchtime quickie”. We’ll be talking with romance authors, relationship coaches, matchmakers and everyday people just like yourself (both men and women) that have real life love stories to tell. Hosted by Betsy Johnson, Founder of


United States


Hey romance fans! Welcome to the new love and relationship podcast delivering tantalizing talk of love, romance and sex in 30 minutes or less, your “lunchtime quickie”. We’ll be talking with romance authors, relationship coaches, matchmakers and everyday people just like yourself (both men and women) that have real life love stories to tell. Hosted by Betsy Johnson, Founder of







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19 Encouraging Covid Relationship News

Hey romance fans! On this episode we continue the discussion on dating and relationships during Covid. Betsy speaks with CJ, one of her soulmate program partners and who also happens to be a therapist. She shares some fun stories (especially the one about meeting Sam Heughan, aka Jamie Fraser from Outlander!) and encouraging couples news. Wishing you love and good health as always! As discussed on this episode - Christina McMahon's Opening to Sacred Love program


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18 Dating Safely During Covid-19

Hello love seekers! I put out an ask in my dating circles for some stories on dating during these last months and was pleasantly surprised to hear some good news. Listen in as I talk with my friend Anne Marie from TX who has been actively talking with and meeting guys during Covid (AND she's an essential worker)! You will especially want to hear about the virtual yoga/massage date ;) As always, be safe out there and wishing you lots of Love! As discussed on this podcast, check out...


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17 Divine Sexuality with Victoria Vives, Intimacy Expert

Ohhh boy do we have a very special treat for you! Meet Victoria Vives, intimacy expert, author, martial artist and healer. This is one amazing woman! Victoria shares her journey from the ghettos of Spain to the City of Angels where she's found her voice and shares all her many talents. Learn what divine sexuality means and how you can have a more rewarding relationship with your partner and with yourself. And to better take care of ourselves especially during these times, Victoria is...


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16 Rewire Yourself for Love with Orit Krug, Dance Therapist

Hello lovers! Do you agree that dancing is good for you? Who doesn't love a serious jam-out to Beyonce, J.Lo, Pink or your favorite artist, right? What if we told you that movement (ok not exactly those hot dance moves) could release and heal past trauma and blocks, rewiring you to bring in more Love into your life? Meet Orit Krug, dance therapist and creator of the Wired for Love program (FREE for our fans). Listen in as Betsy learns all about this alternative healing method and one that...


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15 Self-Love, Quantum Leaping & Mae West

Hey friends! We continue to be in the most interesting times and all we can hope for is that we grow and learn however we can. We are still coming out of our Covid holes and still not quite sure it's safe to come out haha. But this time certainly has afforded us the opportunity for reflection. Listen in as Betsy shares some of the things she's learned about herself, her relationships and preparing for a quantum leap. Oh and she's super excited to share some new found inspiration thanks to...


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14 Emerging from the Covid-19 Hole

Hey romance peeps! What an interesting world we live in, right? It's hard to talk love, romance and dating when our everyday lives can seem so uncertain. Yet, for some of us it's the new or pending relationships that keep us hopeful and expectant of a brighter future. In this episode, Betsy & Vince discuss the emergence of being in a Covid hole and what dating life might look like as our cities and states attempt to reopen. What has been your experience? We'd love to hear from you. As...


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13 Living Your New Truth with Kate Harlow & Catherine Danieli

Hello lovers! Hope you are feeling some relief now that the quarantine restrictions are lifting a little. We are definitely feeling more hopeful, not just about love but life as the world heals and hopefully learns from our past. It's time for a new truth and our guests this week give us just that! Listen in as Betsy talks with Kate & Catherine from the New Truth Podcast, a revolutionary movement guiding women to experience pleasurable dating, deeply fulfilling relationships and a life and...


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12 Unleash Your Sparkle with Sherri Nickols

Hey beauties! We know this can be a challenging time so we have a special treat for our ladies. Betsy talks with Sherri Nickols, relationship and female empowerment coach, about her journey and mission to help women unleash the diamond within. Her "Heal Your Heart" program is based on the 4 C's of a diamond and will help you become the leading lady of your life in just 4 short weeks. During this Covid time, take control of your life and get ready to be a shining star once we've emerged from...


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11 A Big Announcement

Hey Lovers! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. We're sharing a very special episode this week. We can never know what Life might bring our way, especially during these times. Listen in as Betsy shares what happened when suddenly she was brought to a big fork in the road. As always, wishing you much Love and support. Thanks to our sponsor, LetsGetChecked - enter code HEALTHYLIFE20 for 20% off any home test kit. To your health! xoxo


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10 Love the Space You're In

Hello lovers! We hope you are navigating these times with grace, hope, patience and lots of love whether that is the romantic kind or with (virtual) friends and family. Since some of us have some extra time on our hands, we decided to feature Christel Ferguson, professional organizer, on this episode. But not only can she help us love our spaces more these days but she shares her new romance with her Italian man with us. That's amore! Wishing you lots of Love and good health! xoxo Learn...


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9 Dating in the Time of Covid-19

Hey romance fans! We hope you are all staying safe and healthy these days. We know it's a crazy time but we're still talking about love, dating and relationships over here. On this week's episode, Betsy discusses virtual dating (because that's all we can really do now, right?) with her trusted producer and sidekick, Vince. She shares some recent stories and has some advice for being real and current with your online profiles as well as being compassionate and kind when reaching out. As...


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7 Swipe Right to Love

Hey lovers! We have a special treat this week with guest Neil Charles, comedian/actor and happily married man of 3 years. He and his wife found love after swiping right on Tinder and they've been going strong ever since. Neil has some great advice for all the single men out there and we are loving his perspective. Known to his friends as the Voice of Reason, we tend to agree. Wishing you happy swiping & lots of love! xoxo Find out more about Neil at and follow him on FB & IG...


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6 Sober Sex & Cosmic Orgasms

Hey Romance Fans! It's Throwback Thursday and we're spicing things up with a re-release of one of our favorite episodes from Season One. The Love Gurus share how they've reached cosmic orgasm status by tuning into each other's energy while being stimulant-free. Betsy admits she knows alcohol lowers her frequency and connection to her partner even if it helps her relax initially. This is a conversation not to be missed! Wishing you cosmic orgasms and Love that takes you to the Moon and back....


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5 Valentine's Day with Carol Allen - Vedic Astrologer/Relationship Coach

Happy Valentine's Day, lovers! Or Happy Galentine's Day, Palentine's Day and Self-Love Day! We have a special treat for ALL of you. Listen in as Betsy talks with one of her "soulmates", Carol Allen, about the oldest and most accurate form of astrology (Indian Vedic). There are lots of quickies in this one that will leave you feeling loved, supported and cherished. On this day, fall in love with YOU most importantly. Love is in your stars and we love you to the moon and back! xoxo Chart your...


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4 The Betsy & Vince Show - She Met Someone

Hey romance fans! Welcome back to the Betsy & Vince Show, a fun format we try once in a while here on the podcast. Listen in as Betsy talks with her trusted producer about the new man in her life, what she's already learned and is grateful for and navigating beyond the NOW. Have you ever had a relationship start out fast and furious? We'd love to hear your story so leave us a comment. To read the Pure Wow article Betsy is quoted in (Tip #1), click Here Check out Eckhart Tolle's book The...


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3 Soul Mate vs. Life Mate

Welcome back, romance fans! This week's episode is a special treat. Betsy talks with her BFF, Heather, who has been happily married for over 20 years. Yay, a real life love story that we are thrilled to share! Listen in as they discuss some surprising revelations about soul mates and life partners, especially in light of Betsy's new romance and navigating a soul connection. It might not be what you think and it may be others that actually feed your soul. We'd love to know your thoughts. And...


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2 Relationships are Mirrors

Hey Romance Fans! Hope your new year is off to a beautiful start. This week's episode offers a different perspective on relationships and dating. What if each person you dated was your mirror? What would be reflecting back to you? Better yet, what if each person held a gift for you? Would you recognize it and accept it? Listen in as Betsy explores the concept and oh, introduces Lawrence the Lover, her trusted feline friend. Sending you much Love until next time! xoxo


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1 New Year Love with Christina McMahon, Soulmate Coach & Love Mentor

Happy New Year, romance fans! We have a special treat to get your year off right. This week's episode Betsy talks with Christina McMahon, soulmate coach & love mentor. If you desire true love, the good news is that love is in your timeline somewhere even if it's not exactly when you'd like it to be. Make sure you listen to the end for a new "quickie" that's sure to get your love life off on the right foot this new year (and it only takes 5 minutes a day). Wishing you so much love in...


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28 Boxing Day with Brian MacMahon, Expert Dojo

Happy Boxing Day & Merry Everything! Betsy has a fun chat with Brian MacMahon, her entrepreneurial coach and Irish hottie (he's blushing) from the Expert Dojo in Santa Monica. They talk quickies, love stories and the beauty of allowing Lunchtime Quickies to find it's most ideal path (this podcast). Wishing you & yours a beautiful rest of the season and a very happy and prosperous new year! We can't wait to share what we have in store for you in 2020. xoxo To find out how Brian and the...


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27 Holidays for Couples - Dana McNeil, LMFT

Romance fans, we are in the holiday home stretch now and we've got one more treat for you! Meet Dana McNeil, LMFT and listen in as she shares some great insight especially for couples. She discusses working with millennials, polyamory and navigating the holidays as a new couple. Also the importance of having a safe place to work on your relationship and not waiting too long. This is such a fun and enlightening episode that we know you'll love even if you're single. Listen to the end for a...
