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European UFOs

History Podcasts

UFO sightings are a global phenomenon. However, for more than 70 years discussions and research surrounding UFOs have mainly focused on sightings in the US. This podcast aims to shift the balance by focusing on European UFOs and related phenomena. Researchers, scientists, witnesses and experiencers will each provide their own unique perspective on UFOs across Europe. Please support the podcast so that I can keep it ad-free for all:


United States


UFO sightings are a global phenomenon. However, for more than 70 years discussions and research surrounding UFOs have mainly focused on sightings in the US. This podcast aims to shift the balance by focusing on European UFOs and related phenomena. Researchers, scientists, witnesses and experiencers will each provide their own unique perspective on UFOs across Europe. Please support the podcast so that I can keep it ad-free for all:



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16: UFOs, consciousness and spirituality

In this episode of European UFOs, we dive into a fascinating and often overlooked aspect of the UFO phenomenon: the intersection of consciousness, spirituality, and the unknown. Our guest, Guido Ferrari, a seasoned Swiss TV journalist and director, brings his unique insights to the discussion. With a career that includes interviews with prominent figures like the Dalai Lama and Karl Popper, Ferrari is no stranger to exploring the frontiers of science and the mysteries of consciousness. Together, we explore intriguing questions: How are UFOs connected to our state of consciousness? Can specific protocols be developed to engage with these phenomena? And what is the relationship between the physical aspects of UFOs and their reported spiritual qualities? This episode is presented in German. For those interested, a translated transcript is available upon request. Join us for a deep dive into the complex and mysterious world of UFOs and consciousness. More on Guido Ferrari’s work: Spiritual autobiography: Website: Youtube: @guidoferrari2246 Get in touch with the show: Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free:


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15: A sober look at the evidence

In this episode, we delve into the scientific study of UFOs with Karl Svozil, a distinguished Austrian physicist and retired professor from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Vienna Technical University. Despite the scarcity of rigorous studies on UFOs due to the ambiguous nature of the data and the often subjective interpretations within ufology, Svozil's new book, "UFOs: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Observations, Explanations, and Speculations," stands out as a beacon of rationality. Join us as we explore Svozil's meticulous research and his efforts to bring scientific rigour to the study of UFOs. With a background that includes significant contributions to quantum theory and theoretical physics, Svozil applies his expertise to UFOs. We discuss the key findings of his book and how they contribute to a clearer understanding of UFO phenomena, cutting through the haze of dubious claims and speculative theories. More on Karl Svozil’s work: His book, UFOs: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Observations, Explanations and Speculations: Research Gate: Get in touch with the show Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free:


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14: The physics of UFOs

In this episode, we explore the physics of UFOs with Dr Massimo Teodorani, an eminent astrophysicist with several decades of research experience. Anecdotal reports suggest that UFOs exhibit extraordinary physical characteristics, such as performing abrupt right-angle turns at high velocities and other manoeuvres that defy current technological capabilities. In addition UFOs have been observed to produce measurable impacts, including landing traces, electromagnetic disturbances, and, in some instances, medical effects on witnesses. Dr Teodorani, who holds a PhD in Stellar Physics, has conducted rigorous scientific investigations at numerous UFO hotspots, including Hessdalen in Norway, Arizona, and Ontario. His research aims to apply astrophysical measurement techniques to study UFOs, seeking to identify correlations among various physical parameters. This will make it possible to infer the propulsion mechanisms, physical composition, and overall behaviour of the UFO phenomenon. This episode delves into Dr Teodorani’s past and present research endeavours at the renowned UFO hotspot of Hessdalen. We discuss how the principles of astrophysics can advance our understanding of UFO phenomena through systematic data acquisition and empirical analysis. More on Dr Teodorani’s work: Personal website: ResearchGate (lots of downloadable scientific papers!): Get in touch with the show Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free:


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13: Scottish UFOs

Today’s episode of European UFOs delves into the captivating realm of Scottish UFOs. Nestled in the remote corners of Central Scotland lies a village that has served as the epicentre of UFO sightings and close encounters since the early 1990s. Bonnybridge, framed by rolling hills, farmland, and misty moors, has earned its reputation as one of Europe’s most notorious UFO hotspots. In Scotland, UFO encounters often extend beyond mere sightings, with reports of direct interactions and abductions. Notably, the Dechmont Woods and the A70 case provide compelling evidence, offering insights into the abduction phenomenon. Joining us to explore Scottish UFOs is Malcom Robinson, a seasoned researcher with over 40 years of experience. Malcolm's extensive investigations, documented in 12 books, include some of Scotland’s most haunted places and UFO incidents, such as those in Bonnybridge, Dechmont Woods, and the A70 abduction. Through our discussion, we uncover Scotland's profound and complex history of UFO activity. More on Malcolm Robinson Amazon: Strange Phenomena Investigations: Get in touch with the show Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free:


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12: The history of ufology in Spain

In today’s episode we explore the intriguing history of UFOs in Spain. Over the past seven decades, UFOs have captured the imagination, spawning diverse interpretations ranging from religious devotion to scientific exploration. Amidst conflicting government narratives, the allure of UFOs persists, blending confusion with fascination. My guest, Ignacio Cabria, an esteemed authority on the history of Spain’s UFO history, leads us through the intricate tapestry of Spanish ufology. From esoteric contactee movements to formal research groups, Spain's UFO landscape is rich with varied perspectives and beliefs. Together, we focus on a pressing question: How do societal frameworks shape our understanding and perception of UFO phenomena? Join us as we unravel the layers of ufology's cultural significance in Spain and beyond. More on Ignacio Cabria’s work: Get in touch with the show Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free:


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11: Alien abductions in France

In this episode, we delve into the enigmatic realm of UFO abductions, focusing particularly on how they unfold in France. Since the groundbreaking Betty and Barney Hill incident in 1961, the phenomenon of UFO abductions has captured public fascination, although it remains contentious within ufology. We confront two primary challenges: the surreal nature of abduction accounts, often involving inexplicable experiences like missing time, and the reliance on eyewitness testimony, which introduces inherent complexities. Despite these hurdles, exploring the abduction phenomenon unveils a fascinating psychological landscape. Our guest, Hélène Lansley, a Clinical Psychologist and Ph.D. student at the University of Lorraine, brings valuable insights from her research. Hélène's work involves analysing accounts of UAP and alien abductions, as well as providing support to individuals who report paranormal encounters through her role at CIRCEE (Center for Information, Research, and Consultation on Exceptional Experiences). Join us as we navigate the intricate terrain of UFO abductions, probing the intersection of extraterrestrial encounters and human psychology. Get in touch with the show Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free: Links mentioned in this episode Interpsy, Université de Lorraine: CIRCEE (Center for Information, Research and Consultation on Exceptional Experiences):


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10: European UFO crash retrievals

In this episode, we enter the world of UFO crash retrievals, a fundamental aspect of ufology. Following the significant developments of 2023 when terms like reverse engineering, exploitation programs, and non-human technology became popular, we turn our attention to European UFO crash retrievals. Our focus centres on the recently launched European Crash Retrieval Initiative (ECRI), aiming to map and analyse alleged UFO crash sites in Europe, both contemporary and historical. Join me and E.T. Persson, Senior Advisor to ECRI, as we discuss the initiative's background, setup, and objectives. Get in touch with the show Twitter/X: @EuropeanUFOs Instagram: europeanufos Facebook: European UFOs Email: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free: Links mentioned in this episode ECRI’s website: To report a UFO crash site:


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9: Do you know what you saw? UFOs and the Psychosocial Model

In today's discussion, we take a deep dive into a critical aspect of ufology: the concept of evidence. Together with Dr. Jean-Michel Abrassart, a psychologist and UFO researcher, we explore the challenges associated with eyewitness accounts and their reliability. Dr. Jean-Michel Abrassart advocates the Psychosocial Model, proposing that many UFO sightings can be explained by mundane factors. We examine specific cases, such as the Belgian UFO wave of the late 1980s and early 1990s, to illustrate the complexities surrounding UFO evidence. Throughout our conversation, we engage in a friendly disagreement regarding the significance of alternative forms of evidence, like official government documents, in indicating anomalous phenomena. This episode goes beyond the sceptics vs. believers debate, prompting a thought-provoking question: what is UFO evidence, and how can we study it objectively? Interesting links Dr Abrassart’s page: Support the podcast to keep it ad-free:


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8: Sweden. Archives for the Unexplained and Ghost Rockets

I am joined by Clas Svahn, international director of UFO-Sweden and chairman for Archives for the Unexplained, one of the largest UFO archives in the world. Together we explore the riches of this archive, with a particular focus on how it is currently used by researchers from across the world. In the second half of this episode we take a look at the Ghost Rockets phenomenon and two crash retrieval expeditions conducted by Clas. Interesting links/references: Archives for the Unexplained (AFU): AFU’s online archive: UFO Sweden: Clas Svahn’s new book: UFO. Närkonktakterna Som Skakat Världen


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7: Finnish UFOs

I am joined by Heikki Kulju, a veteran UFO researcher and Chairman of the Finnish UFO Research Association, to discuss UFO research in Finland as well as a particularly thrilling case. In this episode you will learn about More about Heikki Kulju’s work Website of the Finnish UFO Research Association (includes a digital database of sightings): TV show:


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6: Dutch crop circle research

I am joined by Dr Eltjo Haselhoff, a well published physicist and long-term researcher into the crop circle phenomenon, to discuss some key aspects of his work in the Netherlands and beyond. In this episode you will learn about More about Dr Haselhoff’s work: RearchGate: Website: Book on crop circles: The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles: Scientific Research & Urban Legends. Frog Ltd. Berkeley, California. 2001


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5: Modelling UFO activity in Ireland and beyond

I am joined by Dr Eamonn Ansbro, Director and Research Astronomer at Kingsland Observatory in Ireland, to discuss his more than 30 years of research into UFOs. Based on the systematic and critical analysis of thousands of UFO reports Dr Ansbro was able to develop a scientific theory to model UAP activity on a global scale. This theory could be successfully verified by fieldwork. In this episode you will learn about Dr Ansbro on ResearchGate:


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4: Germany's UFO files

I am joined by Andreas Müller, a well-known and highly respected researcher and journalist, to discuss Germany’s UFO files. The epicentre of the Cold War for more than 40 years, Germany provides a historically complex and rather unique example of government involvement with UFOS. In this episode you will learn about: Amazon com link to Andreas Müller’s book on Germany’s UFO files (discussed in this episode): Amazon de link to Andreas Müller’s new book on Germany’s historical UFO files: Andreas Müller’s news website on anomalous phenomena:


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3: The Hessdalen Lights

I am joined by Erling Strand, researcher and Assistant Professor at The Department of Computer Science and Communication, Østfold University College, to discuss the Hessdalen Lights - a series of strange luminous phenomena concentrated in a small valley in rural Norway. The Hessdalen Lights started to appear in the early 1980s and have since become the subject of international scientific research. Exhibiting characteristics that are seemingly irreconcilable with the current laws of physics, the Hessdalen Lights continue to puzzle researchers up to the present day. In this episode you will learn about: Website of Project Hessdalen with lots of data, photos and articles:


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2: Fatima 1917 & The STELLAR Project

I am joined by two Portuguese researchers of outstanding calibre, Dr Joaquim Fernandes and Francisco Mourão Corrêa. Our discussion focuses on: Fatima 1917: In 1917 a complex series of anomalous events unfolded near the small parish of Fatima, central Portugal. Culminating in the Miracle of the Sun, the Fatima sightings became enmeshed in a complex web of Catholic history, and have only relatively recently been submitted to scientific scrutiny. In this episode you will hear about The STELLAR Project: a project which is dedicated to the scientific analysis of anomalous phenomena, bringing together researchers from different countries, within different disciplines. Topics discussed: More about Dr Fernandes' work Latest book on Marian apparitions: Books on Fatima: Fatima Revisited: Celestial Secrets: Heavenly Lights: CTEC, Center of Transdisciplinary Studies of Consciousness: More about Francisco Mourão Corrêa, STELLAR and ICER Profile: The STELLAR Project: ICER, International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research: Get in touch Twitter: @EuropeanUFOs Facebook: European UFOs Email:


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1: Welcome to European UFOs

In this first episode we explore the idea of European UFOs. Why European? Why UFOs? And why does it matter? Tune in and find out. Twitter: @EuropeanUFOs Facebook: European UFOs Email:
