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Where They Stood

History Podcasts

A podcast dedicated to Michigan history and morbidly amazing stories buried deep (and not so deep) in our family trees.


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A podcast dedicated to Michigan history and morbidly amazing stories buried deep (and not so deep) in our family trees.



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S2E2: The Corrs part 2: The Offspring

Bernard and Rebecca Corr had many children. Meet their offspring: Ella, Frank, Tess, John, Lou, Bill, Earl, and Bridgie. These siblings not only shared parents and memories, they helped each other throughout life, even naming their offspring after each other. Learn more about these Corr siblings and their life stories. Included in this episode: the mysterious Grove Street, my fumbling of the word "interestingly," E.W. Sparrow, Frandor (of course), Edru, and Walt Disney. Also, please note how many times I edited the word "Mena." Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/tbh3fq/a_relative_of_mine_who_served_in_wwi_who_came/ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/peritonitis#:~:text=Peritonitis%20is%20a%20redness%20and%20swelling%20(inflammation)%20of%20the%20lining,must%20seek%20immediate%20medical%20care. https://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/battles-and-fighting/weapons-on-land/poison-gas/#:~:text=The%20Germans%20unleashed%20mustard%20gas,British%20and%2020%20percent%20American. https://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-me-stan-jolley-20120610-story.html Debra McKrill My step-mom Bill Castanier Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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S2E1: The Corrs part 1: Patrick and Bridget, Rebecca and Bernie

The Corr line started in Ireland, grew in Ann Arbor, MI, and rooted itself in Lansing, MI. This family's story includes a murder, a disappearance, and wanderlust. Join me and a special Corr guest...or two...or three to discuss this family's unique and tangled roots. Sources: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Flintstone#:~:text=Fred%20is%20a%20typical%20blue,%22%20is%20%22geological%20engineer%22. https://sta2.org/church/ Ann Arbor Courier-Register Nov 29, 1899, “New St. Thomas Church”, Newspapers.com https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ https://www.michigandnr.com/publications/pdfs/ArcGISOnline/StoryMaps/mhc_historical_markers/pdfs/MHC811984001.pdf Geneology bank.com https://www.iloveoldtown.org/about https://michmemories.org/exhibits/default/catalog/8b8617a9030830dbfca98e2aa285699a https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2024-07-10/kositcheks-menswear-temporarily-closes-after-storm-damage https://kositcheks.com/pages/kositcheks-history-1 https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2015/07/24/archives-frandor/30633057/ Historical Society of Greater Lansing Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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25: The April 2, 1977 Michigan Tornado

April 2, 1977, the day before Palm Sunday, was not supposed to include a major weather event. However, a supercell that touched down in Kalamazoo and wrecked havoc all the way to Bath, MI, changed that for many people. Hear the stories from survivors and of the victims on the 47th anniversary of this horrific day, the "last" F4 tornado to hit Michigan. Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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24: The Jinx of the Hastings Family Part 3

In this episode I dig deeper into the roots of the Hastings, Bennett and Gladding families. Also discussed are tips (and warnings) for your own research. Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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23: Just the Updates, Ma'am with Brittany Laidlaw

She's baaaack! Join us as I read more of the stories we discussed in episode 8! WARNING: The dates I give are a mess and so is the audio but that tracks! Sources: Newspapers.com, Ancestry.com Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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22: The Mighty Fitz

In this episode we take a closer look at the SS Edmund Fitzgerald. Topics discussed: the interior of the ship, different ways to describe the shape of the Upper Peninsula, and if Lake Superior does give up her dead. Please do not use this photo without seeking permission from Where They Stood podcast. Transmission between Captain Cooper and the United States Coast Guard on November 10, 1975: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyaEDWf_dG8 Caitlin Doughty, The Lake That Never Gives Up Her Dead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0Lg9HygEJc Partial list of sources. Please contact Where They Stood for all of the sources. https://orionmagazine.org/article/edmund-fitzgerald-shipwreck-lake-superior/ https://www.mybirthdayfacts.com/number-one-song.htm https://www.eekwi.org/great-lakes/lakes/lake-superior#:~:text=It%20is%20the%20deepest%20(1%2C335,F%20(4%C2%B0C). https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/watertrails/lswt/more.html#:~:text=Except%20for%20shallow%20bays%20and,average%2C%20less%20than%20two%20hours. https://www.jsonline.com/story/life/green-sheet/2023/05/03/what-to-know-about-the-edmund-fitzgerald-whose-wreck-inspired-song/70174467007/ https://www.jdpower.com/boats/shopping-guides/ship-abbreviations-common-prefixes-and-their-meanings#:~:text=SS%20%E2%80%94%20The%20Default%20Prefix,sail%20and%20oar%20propelled%20watercraft https://www.ksat.com/travel/2019/08/05/why-soo-locks-are-so-important-to-us-economy-unlocking-value-of-engineering-gem/#:~:text=Built%20in%201855%2C%20the%20Soo,Ocean%20(and%20vice%20versa). https://www.michigan.org/article/trip-idea/things-you-may-not-know-about-soo-locks https://www.thoughtco.com/ships-champagne-and-superstition-1774054 https://ssedmundfitzgerald.org/fitz-timeline https://www.mlive.com/entertainment/2017/09/here_are_the_12_things_people.html https://shipwreckmuseum.com/the-launch-of-the-edmund-fitzgerald-june-8-1958/ https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/education/geology/digging/taconite.html#:~:text=The%20taconite%20pellets%2 Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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21: Masked Michigan Natives

Let's play a little game, Dear Listeners. I tell you about some native, famous men from Michigan and you try to guess who they are! Intriguing stories, trivia, and perhaps too many Star Wars references. Oof. Also, no looking at the sources until after you listen!!! Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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20: SOS

A story about a man, stuck in the Colorado Mountains, with only one hope, using SOS to signal for help. But this story, while fascinating, is not what it seems. Learn more about the secret that just wouldn't keep and how familial DNA broke an unsolved case wide open. https://permies.com/t/136145/Wearing-wool-summer#:~:text=The%20obvious%20question%20was%3A%20'Wasn,summer%20and%20warm%20in%20winter. Morbid Knowledge https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/cadillac-mi-population Deep In The Heart Of Texas Song by Moe Bandy St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 09 Jan 1982 UPI “Survival, Motorist’s SOS Catches Eye of Passenger In Jet” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alan-lee-phillips-life-prison-dna-1982-killings-annette-schnee-bobbie-jo-oberholtzer-colorado/ https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/alan-lee-phillips-dies-murdered-annette-schnee-barbara-bobbi-jo-oberholtzer-colorado-near-breckenridge-cold-case/ https://lawandcrime.com/crime/alan-lee-phillips-convicted-of-murdering-annette-schnee-bobbi-jo-oberholtzer/ https://www.oxygen.com/buried-in-the-backyard/crime-news/bobbie-jo-oberholtzer-annette-schnee-murder-alan-phillips https://lawandcrime.com/crime/colorado-man-now-70-years-old-arrested-in-murders-of-two-women-the-cases-had-been-cold-since-1982/ Unsolved Mysterious, May 1991 Unsolved Mysteriousfandom.com Man Rescued in Colorado Mountain Pass Is Accused in 1982 Murders By Maria Cramer May 27, 2021 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/27/us/phillips-colorado-sos-murder.html https://www.colorado.com/articles/real-south-park-colorado sound effect from Pixabay.com Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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19: Halloweeney

Here are a few stories to get you in the Halloween mood! Music by ALEKSEY CHISTILIN, "Alice In Dark Wonderland" via Pixabay.com Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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18: The Haunting of Holly Corr

Okay, I wasn't really haunted...or was I? This is the story of Sleep Demons and Sleep Paralysis with some creepy Beaver Island tales thrown in the mix. Happy Halloween! Song and Sound effects: courtesy of Pixaby.com Episode Art: the picture of JFK that I personally took on my trip to Beaver Island in 1997 (picture is taken from the video I made that day) Sources: https://www.healthline.com/health/hypnagogia https://www.buzzfeed.com/danieldalton/wake-up-wake-up-wake-up https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-paralysis#:~:text=Sleep%20paralysis%20is%20a%20temporary,and%20certain%20mental%20health%20conditions. https://www.bibco.com/beaver-island-and-tours-2/island-history/ Violent Ends Podcast Episode 75 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Island_Head_Light https://www.lighthousefriends.com/light.asp?ID=205 https://99wfmk.com/lighthouse-ladies/ https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-demon https://www.detroitparanormalexpeditions.com/beaverisland https://www.clickondetroit.com/features/2023/10/09/detroit-ghost-hunters-reveal-their-scariest-paranormal-experiences-best-evidence/ Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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17: The Disappearance of Sarah Lonsberry

Sarah Lonsberry disappeared on January 1, 1905, one cold, Michigan January. No one saw her leave and her concerned husband contacted the police. After years without a lead in the case, a serious of strange events caused the search to reopen and this time, with results. This is the story of the Dimondale Lonsberrys and one sheriff who wouldn't let this cold case go. Wikipedia Detroit Free Press Jul 15, 1928 Ancestry .com The Evening News, Sault Saint Marie, Friday, September 11, 1908–Tipped Over, Two Drowned Lansing State Journal, W.E. Lonsberry is Arraigned On Murder Charge, July 13, 1911 Lansing State Journal, Lonsberry Threatened Wife, July 24, 1911 Lansing State Journal, Lonsberry Relates History of His Life Leading Up To The Murder of His Wife, July 29, 1911 Lansing State Journal, Mrs. Lonsberry Is Near Death, March 29, 1912 Lansing State Journal, Mrs. Lonsberry Send to Asylum, March 26, 1912 Lansing State Journal, Lonsberry’s Son Robs Employers, Aug 2, 1911 Detroit Evening News, Body of Woman Missing Six Years Believed Found, July 19, 1911 Lansing State Journal, Story of Inhumane Cruelty Recited, July 21, 1911 Lansing State Journal, Alleged Wife Slayer Pleads Not Guilty, July 21, 1911 Find A Grave Geneolgy Bank Newspaper.com So Dead Podcast Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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16: Frankenstein marries Dorothy Stine

What do Frankenstein's monster and Charlotte, MI have in common? More than you might realize. This week's story tells of purposeful poisoning, the life of Billy Pratt, and answers the question: did Boris Karloff ever visit Charlotte? Special thanks to: Julie Wheaton Myers and CGB for their monthly support of the podcast. Image: By Universal Studios, NBCUniversal - Dr. Macro, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3558176 Sources: Karloff: The Story of Boris Karloff by Peter Underwood, 1972 Boris Karloff: The Man Behind The Monster on Amazon Prime Wikipedia Newspapers .com Ancestry. Com Geneologybank .com Footloose https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a25686008/angels-with-filthy-souls-home-alone-gangster-movie/ Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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15: Buffett, Bests, and Bras--My Tribute to Jimmy

In reality, I have many *favorite* artists (as I have several *best* friends), but not every artist would garner an episode from me. This man most certainly does. Episode 15 is my own tribute to Jimmy Buffett but also a reflection of life itself: looking back, looking around, looking forward. Fins up, Parrot Heads. Sources: https://oldtimemusic.com/the-meaning-behind-the-song-one-particular-harbour-by-jimmy-buffett/ https://www.songfacts.com/facts/jimmy-buffett/one-particular-harbour https://www.al.com/life/2023/09/jimmy-buffett-was-one-of-alabamas-favorite-sons.html https://altoday.com/archives/53659-gov-kay-ivey-saddened-by-jimmy-buffetts-death#:~:text=Buffett%20was%20a%20student%20at,more%20than%20he%20loved%20academics. https://www.mcphagwara.com/bio/margie-washichek/ https://www.news4jax.com/entertainment/2022/01/15/jimmy-buffett-looks-at-50-years-after-his-1st-key-west-gig/ https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100/ Jimmybuffett.com The Jimmy Buffett Scrapbook 3rd Edition, by Mark Humphry and Harris Lewine Mile Marker Zero, The Movable Feast of Key West by William McKeen https://www.wideopencountry.com/its-5-oclock-somewhere/ A Pirate Looks at Fifty by Jimmy Buffett Two of my favorite Parrot Head friends: Shawn and Kelly Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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14: The Other Ballroom

The story of Bobby Kennedy's bid for the 1968 Democratic Nomination, his last speech in California, and a Michigan woman who was waiting for him to speak in the other ballroom. Also, the story of the killer Ferris wheel (that never killed anyone). Sources: "Authority Song" by John Mellencamp YouTube videos of Robert Kennedy and Edward Kennedy speaking Pete Hamil's first hand account: https://www.villagevoice.com/pete-hamills-eyewitness-account-of-robert-kennedys-assassination/ https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_Incomplete_Justice_-_At_the_Ambassador_Hotel.html Thurston Clarke recounts in his book, “The Last Campaign: Robert F. Kennedy and 82 Days That Inspired America.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/06/05/the-night-bobby-kennedy-was-shot-the-awful-scene-a-post-reporter-witnessed/ What Bobby Kennedy really meant when he said “Now it’s on to Chicago” Rosey Grier: The Lineman Who Tried to Save RFK—And Voted for Trump Gil Troy, Updated Jun. 03, 2018 https://www.thedailybeast.com/rosey-grier-the-linebacker-who-tried-to-save-rfkand-voted-for-trump Patricia Guadalupe, June 6, 2018 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/how-rfk-s-assassination-set-back-latino-civil-rights-talk-n880156 Wikipedia https://features.apmreports.org/arw/campaign68/a1.html https://pueblo.gpo.gov/Publications/pdfs/6099.pdf https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/05/us/robert-kennedy-california.html “Bobby For President” documentary on Netflix https://www.sos.ca.gov/archives/rfkanniversary https://www.fosters.com/story/news/2017/01/15/ask-jerry-just-3-requirements-to-be-us-president/22669349007/ Jerry Romansky Jan 15, 2017 https://www.npr.org/sections/politicaljunkie/2010/05/06/126563608/flashback-friday-on-this-day-in-1968-rfk-wins-indiana-prez-primary Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1968, RFK Wins Indiana Prez Primary May 7, 2010 8:03 AM ET by Ken Rudin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries#April:_McCarthy_triumphant,_Humphrey_enters https://www.latimes. Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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13: Love at the County Fair

They fell in love at the Eaton County Fair and then, they became parents of a country music legend. This episode takes a long look at some family history, the settling of Chester, MI (again) and the evolution of marriage. Oh, and I finally set a rumor to rest: NO, "he" wasn't necessarily from Charlotte, MI...but his momma sure was! And, "he" did live here... when he was one year old. Find out who "he" is and so much more in this episode! Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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12: Where I Stood

A long, long time ago (1988) I can still remember How that music used to make me smile...(Debbie Gibson, George Michael, Glen Medeiros) And I knew if I had the chance, I could share a dance and maybe be happy for a while... But March made me shiver Bad news on our doorstep and I absolutely cried.... But this isn't about the day the music died. This was about the day I almost died and it's about my first experience with losing someone I loved. This is a personal story, about Where I Stood in July of 1988, as I was moving out of my childhood and into a confusing, hormonal life as a teenager. Join me in reliving this event and growing up in the late 1980s. Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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11: Andrew Jackson, Eaton County and the Petticoat Affair

Berrien, Livingston, Van Buren, Barry, Cass, Livingston, Ingham and Eaton. No, I did not just read you a list of counties under a tornado watch. But, If you live in mid or Southern Michigan, you’ve heard these names before because of course, these are the names of… Andrew Jackson’s presidential cabinet members. Learn more about our country’s 7th president, a territory called Michigan (trying to become a state), John Eaton, (Andrew Jackson’s secretary of war caught in a scandal) and….Eaton trying to beat up Ingham??? This episode is FULL of it..."it" being amazing info to help you and your DJ Trivia Team. Picture of John Eaton, courtesy of Florida Department of State. Sources: https://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/andrew-jackson#andrew-jackson-s-early-life https://www.whitehousehistory.org/bios/andrew-jackson Taraross.com This day in history Britannica https://thehermitage.com/learn/andrew-jackson/childhood/ https://www.womenhistoryblog.com/2008/12/elizabeth-hutchinson-jackson.html https://michiganology.org/stories/steps-to-statehood-for-michigan/#:~:text=Congress%20said%20Michigan%20had%20work,85%2C000%20people%20living%20in%20Michigan. Steps to Statehood for Michigan--MICHIGAN HISTORY CENTER STAFF https://www.michigan.gov/dmva/about/history/military-events/highlights/the-toledo-war https://www.americanhistorycentral.com/entries/petticoat-affair/ Dictionary.com Wikipedia.com https://www.britannica.com/topic/Worcester-v-Georgia https://owlcation.com/humanities/3-Famous-Duels-Involving-Andrew-Jackson https://medium.com/omgfacts/the-true-story-of-andrew-jacksons-swearing-parrot-6189abaa3155 https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/Attempt_to_kill_King_Andrew.htm https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2015/05/crisis-chronicles-the-man-on-the-twenty-dollar-bill-and-the-panic-of-1837/ Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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10: The Wheatons Part 2

According to Marriage and Divorce 19th Century Style written by Margaret Wood, “A man could divorce his wife for one instance of adultery but a woman could only obtain a divorce if her husband was physically cruel, incestuous, or bestial in addition to being adulterous." Zella Belle Wheaton, from Charlotte, MI, was part of this 19th century marriage culture and caught in the snare of wanting a divorce but unfortunately, being a woman accused of adultery, she was thrown into a jail cell. Also discussed, the city of Detroit and Lou Gehrig?? Yes, Lou Gehrig. One last thing, I have some STRONG opinions about Warren "Woody" Woodbury. Soooorry if you find him likeable! Sources: https://99wfmk.com/chestermichigan/ Genealogybank Wikipedia https://www.eatoncounty.org/479/Sheriffs-of-Eaton-County https://www.legalchoices.org.uk/dictionary/culpa#:~:text=Blameworthiness%20or%20a%20fault.,culpa%20(I%20am%20at%20fault) https://www.historicdetroit.org/buildings/book-cadillac-hotel Ann Arbor Daily Argus Google Maps Charlotte Republican https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/arteriosclerosis#:~:text=What%20Is%20Arteriosclerosis%3F,diabetes%20and%20certain%20genetic%20influences. Cornell Law Schools, Legal Information Institute Detroit News Politicalsailor, a descendent of Zulla Delle’s daughter, Elizabeth. Politicalsailor is the Ancestry username of this person who uploaded some really cool photos of Wheaton family artifacts. Marriage and Divorce in the 19th century https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2018/02/marriage-and-divorce-19th-century-style/ https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-racist-slutshaming-history-of-adultery-laws Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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9: The Wheatons Part 1

A ghost town, pioneer days of Charlotte, MI and...wrestling a toothless bear? Meet the Wheatons which include the first sheriff of Eaton County, a two time mayor of Charlotte, MI and the descendants that brought these stories to us. Also, I have a returning guest and I'm SURE you're going to love the story I'm forcing him to share! Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks


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8: Just the Headlines, Ma'am with Brittany Laidlaw

Something different! Please join ma-self and my dear friend, Brittany as I read her some bonkers headlines I've found while researching, she tells me what she thinks the story is about and then, I read the rest of the story. Dipshitery and hilarity ensue! Hope you enjoy this episode! Sources: Newspapers.com Genealogybank.com WILX.com Support the show Music: Saint Kilda Wedding by Harpo Marks
