The Tale of Tom Kitten
Beatrix Potter
In The Tale of Tom Kitten, Beatrix Potter tells the delightful story of a mischievous kitten named Tom, who, along with his sisters, manages to get into all sorts of trouble. Set in the beautiful English countryside, this charming tale explores the playful adventures and lighthearted misbehavior of Tom and his siblings as they navigate their surroundings and their mother’s attempts to keep them tidy.
Narrated by Tiffany Magnuson, this audiobook brings Potter's timeless characters to life with warmth and charm, making it a perfect listening experience for children and families alike.
Perfect for fans of classic children's literature and animal stories, The Tale of Tom Kitten remains a beloved tale of adventure, mischief, and childhood innocence.
Duration - 4m.
Author - Beatrix Potter.
Narrator - Tiffany Magnuson.
Published Date - Sunday, 14 January 2024.
United States
Beatrix Potter
Tiffany Magnuson
Anthony Pica Productions, LLC
English Audiobooks
Findaway Audiobooks
In The Tale of Tom Kitten, Beatrix Potter tells the delightful story of a mischievous kitten named Tom, who, along with his sisters, manages to get into all sorts of trouble. Set in the beautiful English countryside, this charming tale explores the playful adventures and lighthearted misbehavior of Tom and his siblings as they navigate their surroundings and their mother’s attempts to keep them tidy. Narrated by Tiffany Magnuson, this audiobook brings Potter's timeless characters to life with warmth and charm, making it a perfect listening experience for children and families alike. Perfect for fans of classic children's literature and animal stories, The Tale of Tom Kitten remains a beloved tale of adventure, mischief, and childhood innocence. Duration - 4m. Author - Beatrix Potter. Narrator - Tiffany Magnuson. Published Date - Sunday, 14 January 2024.
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The tale of tom kitten
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