Hans Christian Anderson
Thumbelina is a beloved fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, telling the magical story of a tiny girl born from a flower. Despite her small size, Thumbelina embarks on a grand adventure, encountering toads, moles, and a host of creatures as she searches for a place where she truly belongs. With bravery and kindness, she overcomes challenges and discovers a world of beauty, friendship, and love.
Narrated by Jennifer Kellams, this audiobook brings the enchanting tale of Thumbelina to life, capturing the wonder, charm, and magic that has made it a timeless story for generations.
Perfect for fans of classic fairy tales, children's literature, and heartwarming adventures, Thumbelina is a captivating story about finding one's place in the world.
Duration - 28m.
Author - Hans Christian Anderson.
Narrator - Jennifer Kellams.
Published Date - Tuesday, 02 January 2024.
Copyright - © 1835 C. A. Reitzel ©.
United States
Hans Christian Anderson
Jennifer Kellams
Anthony Pica Productions, LLC
English Audiobooks
Findaway Audiobooks
Thumbelina is a beloved fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, telling the magical story of a tiny girl born from a flower. Despite her small size, Thumbelina embarks on a grand adventure, encountering toads, moles, and a host of creatures as she searches for a place where she truly belongs. With bravery and kindness, she overcomes challenges and discovers a world of beauty, friendship, and love. Narrated by Jennifer Kellams, this audiobook brings the enchanting tale of Thumbelina to life, capturing the wonder, charm, and magic that has made it a timeless story for generations. Perfect for fans of classic fairy tales, children's literature, and heartwarming adventures, Thumbelina is a captivating story about finding one's place in the world. Duration - 28m. Author - Hans Christian Anderson. Narrator - Jennifer Kellams. Published Date - Tuesday, 02 January 2024. Copyright - © 1835 C. A. Reitzel ©.
Opening Credits
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