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Publishing Is Insanity

Anonymous Publisher

Book 1: Publishing has become an opportunity for many authors, stay-at-home dads, hard workers, narrators, cover designers, writers and the like. However, evil giant companies (one in particular) are sucking the life out of customers and the creativity out of authors to feed their greed and crush competitors in unethical ways. You will read: - How one of the richest companies pays less taxes than you do, even though they make billions in profit. - Law transgressions and sleazy tricks the before-mentioned company has stolen money and/or market share to grow their monstrous empire. - Why most positive reviews and star averages on the company's enchanting website are actually fake, which makes a lot of sense if you really take the time to think about it. - Money-making loopholes in a flawed system that can help you make tens of thousands of dollars extra (not kidding), because they're too stupid or arrogant at headquarters to update their bots. Book 2: Publishing is not easy. In fact, it's super stressful, heart-breaking, frustrating, and sometimes bordering insanity. The fake reviews, the high volume, the corrupted companies that own monopolic market shares... it all adds up. May Azoo's sins be exposed to the infernal depths of hell. May they rot in their filth and the income they have stolen from thousands and thousands of hardworking dropshippers, publishers, and more honest competitors. May the taxes we paid and they have received by playing evasive games be the nails to their coffin. The truth has been buried long enough. Written by a fulltime publisher who has achieved six figures in revenue for 4 consecutive years with online book-pumping, and in which 4 years 3 years were six figures in profit. Learn from the best. Go through hell and you will achieve the rest. Don't be shocked. Good luck. Author - Anonymous Publisher. Narrator - Anonymous Narrator. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2020 Anonymous Publisher ©.


United States


Book 1: Publishing has become an opportunity for many authors, stay-at-home dads, hard workers, narrators, cover designers, writers and the like. However, evil giant companies (one in particular) are sucking the life out of customers and the creativity out of authors to feed their greed and crush competitors in unethical ways. You will read: - How one of the richest companies pays less taxes than you do, even though they make billions in profit. - Law transgressions and sleazy tricks the before-mentioned company has stolen money and/or market share to grow their monstrous empire. - Why most positive reviews and star averages on the company's enchanting website are actually fake, which makes a lot of sense if you really take the time to think about it. - Money-making loopholes in a flawed system that can help you make tens of thousands of dollars extra (not kidding), because they're too stupid or arrogant at headquarters to update their bots. Book 2: Publishing is not easy. In fact, it's super stressful, heart-breaking, frustrating, and sometimes bordering insanity. The fake reviews, the high volume, the corrupted companies that own monopolic market shares... it all adds up. May Azoo's sins be exposed to the infernal depths of hell. May they rot in their filth and the income they have stolen from thousands and thousands of hardworking dropshippers, publishers, and more honest competitors. May the taxes we paid and they have received by playing evasive games be the nails to their coffin. The truth has been buried long enough. Written by a fulltime publisher who has achieved six figures in revenue for 4 consecutive years with online book-pumping, and in which 4 years 3 years were six figures in profit. Learn from the best. Go through hell and you will achieve the rest. Don't be shocked. Good luck. Author - Anonymous Publisher. Narrator - Anonymous Narrator. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2020 Anonymous Publisher ©.



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