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Greatest Selection of Full Free Audiobooks of Foreign Language Titles, Spanish

Language Learning Podcasts

Please open ONLY on your standard browser Safari, Chrome, Microsoft or Firefox to download full audiobooks of your choice for free. Let Us Tell You a Story. We've got more than 400,000+ incredible audiobooks that will take you anywhere you want to go. We have it all! Bestsellers, classics, award-winners, romance, thrillers, Fiction, business, bios, young adult and more. What do you want to listen to? Take your books anywhere with our free apps for iOS and Android. Listening on-the-go has never been faster, easier or more enjoyable. We've introduced patent-pending technology that allows our members to listen in a whole new way. Start a book on your smartphone, pick up where you left off on your laptop and even fall asleep while listening on your tablet - you'll never lose your place. With more than 1,000,000 downloads and counting, we know you'll love it. Note: The authors receive royalties paid by the audiobook service provider for this free offer. If you do not want your audiobook to be in the podcast please send us an email to


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Please open ONLY on your standard browser Safari, Chrome, Microsoft or Firefox to download full audiobooks of your choice for free. Let Us Tell You a Story. We've got more than 400,000+ incredible audiobooks that will take you anywhere you want to go. We have it all! Bestsellers, classics, award-winners, romance, thrillers, Fiction, business, bios, young adult and more. What do you want to listen to? Take your books anywhere with our free apps for iOS and Android. Listening on-the-go has never been faster, easier or more enjoyable. We've introduced patent-pending technology that allows our members to listen in a whole new way. Start a book on your smartphone, pick up where you left off on your laptop and even fall asleep while listening on your tablet - you'll never lose your place. With more than 1,000,000 downloads and counting, we know you'll love it. Note: The authors receive royalties paid by the audiobook service provider for this free offer. If you do not want your audiobook to be in the podcast please send us an email to



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History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 2 Full Audiobook by Henry Charles Lea

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 2 Author: Henry Charles Lea Narrator: LibriVox Volunteers Length: 26 hrs 4 mins Language: English Release date: 8/10/2016 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Europe Publisher's Summary: Volume 2 of Lea's monumental work on the Spanish Inquisition. Volume 2 discusses the organizational structure of the Inquisition, methods used to financially support the Inquisition, methods used by the Inquisition to expose heresy, and numerous other topics. (Summary by JoeD)
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Popular History of Ireland, Book 11 Full Audiobook by Thomas D'Arcy Mcgee

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Popular History of Ireland, Book 11 Author: Thomas D'Arcy Mcgee Narrator: Sibella Denton Length: 5 hrs 19 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2016 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Europe Publisher's Summary: Thomas D'Arcy McGee was an Irish refugee and a father of the Canadian confederation. His work on Irish history is comprehensive, encompassing twelve books; Book 11 subtitled "From the Accession of George I to the Legislative Union of England and Ireland", addresses the 1700s, the Georges, the further oppression of the Irish people, and the final dismissal of the Irish Parliament. (Summary by Sibella Denton)
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History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688, Volume 1D Full Audiobook by David Hume

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688, Volume 1D Author: David Hume Narrator: Various Readers Length: 25 hrs 19 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2011 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Europe Publisher's Summary: David Hume is one of the great philosophers of the Western intellectual tradition. His philosophical writings earned him lasting fame and renown; his historical writing earned his bread and butter. His "The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688", published between 1754 and 1764, was immensely popular and Hume wrote that ""the copy-money given me by the booksellers much exceeded any thing formerly known in England; I was become not only independent, but opulent." The six volume work has had numerous editions and is still in print today. David Hume and Thomas Babington Macaulay have frequently been compared as the premier English historians but we don't have to choose because Macaulay begins where Hume leaves off. This is Volume 1D which covers the reigns of Elizabeth I to James I. (Summary by Richard Carpenter)
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Life in a Tank Full Audiobook by Richard Haigh

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Life in a Tank Author: Richard Haigh Narrator: William A Crenshaw Length: 2 hrs 13 mins Language: English Release date: 1/8/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Biography & Memoir, Military, Military Publisher's Summary: Richard Haigh was an Infantry lieutenant in the 2nd Royal Berkshire Infantry Regiment serving in the Somme area in 1916. Shortly after Tanks were first used in battle in September of 1916 the British Army asked for volunteers, Lieutenant Haigh signed up and was accepted in December of 1916. He describes the training and actions he participated in until the war ended in 1918. He was awarded MC in 1916 as Lt. (acting Capt.) Richard Haigh, Royal Berkshire Regiment. He was commissioned from the RMC (Sandhurst) to the Berkshires 16th Feb 1915; on resigning his commission in 1919, he joined the General Reserve of Officers. (Summary by William A. Crenshaw)
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Napoleón en Chamartín Full Audiobook by Benito Perez Galdos

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Napoleón en Chamartín Author: Benito Perez Galdos Narrator: Tux Length: 8 hrs 26 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2011 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Foreign Language Titles, Spanish Publisher's Summary: Napoleón en Chamartín es la quinta novela de la primera serie de los Episodios Nacionales de Benito Pérez Galdós. Continúa con la historia del joven gaditano Gabriel de Araceli, quien es también protagonista de los anteriores episodios, Bailén, El 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo, La Corte de Carlos IV y Trafalgar. Siguiendo a su amada Inés, Gabriel llega a Madrid. Tras la derrota sufrida por los franceses en Bailén, el propio Emperador Napoleón se dirige a Madrid con la intención de someter a la capital, y proclamar rey a su hermano José Bonaparte. Los madrileños se preparan para la batalla, pero su inferioridad frente a las tropas imperiales es evidente. Don Diego de Rumblar, el prometido de Inés, lleva una vida disoluta en Madrid, bajo la influencia de Santorcaz, de quien se sospecha, es un espía francés. Gabriel sabe que Santorcaz quiere secuestrar a su hija Inés, por las cartas que leyó en el anterior episodio Bailén, y decide poner en aviso a la Condesa. La Condesa le convence de abandonar la idea de amar a Inés, y le promete una ejecutoria de nobleza y una posición administrativa en Perú. El joven las rechaza, prefiriendo una vida honrada y patriota como soldado, pero promete a la Condesa abandonar Madrid tan pronto como termine el asedio de las tropas francesas, y no volver a ver nunca a Inés. Gabriel luchará junto con las milicias madrileñas en el asedio de Madrid, pero... (Resumen de Wikipedia)
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Libro III de la Historia de Heródoto Full Audiobook by Herodotus

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Libro III de la Historia de Heródoto Author: Herodotus Narrator: Tux Length: 3 hrs 56 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2011 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Foreign Language Titles, Spanish Publisher's Summary: Las Historias de Heródoto de Halicarnaso (484después del 430 a. C.) es una obra que tiene como objetivo narrar las Guerras Médicas. Se trata de la primera obra historiográfica griega que nos ha llegado íntegra y está dividida en nueve libros, cada uno de ellos dedicado a una musa. El Libro III contine: Causas que indujeron a Cambises a atacar Egipto. Campaña militar. Detalles acerca del carácter soberbio e impío de Cambises. Muerte de Cambises y entronización de Darío I. Las Historias de Heródoto constituyen, dentro de la prosa griega, el mejor ejemplo de composición literaria abierta; es decir, no opera de modo rectilíneo, sino que intercala todo tipo de retardaciones y digresiones en el argumento central. Este rasgo lo comparte con la Ilíada. - Summary by Wikipedia
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La Dama Duende Full Audiobook by Pedro Calderon de La Barca

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: La Dama Duende Author: Pedro Calderon de La Barca Narrator: LibriVox Volunteers Length: 1 hr 55 mins Language: English Release date: 1/16/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Foreign Language Titles, Spanish Publisher's Summary: Entre las comedias del fecundo y elegante Calderón merecía, sin duda, uno de los lugares mas distinguidos la que se conoce con el título de La dama duende. Con efecto la novedad original del argumento, la verdad de los caracteres, una multitud de escenas y de situaciones cómicas, y las gracias y sales derramadas con profusión en toda ella la hacían sumamente apreciable. Por otra parte el fin de esta obra era el de atacar una preocupación tan general como ridícula, que había llegado a apoderarse del pueblo español, y de la que aun está muy lejos de hallarse totalmente curado: La existencia de los duendes, fantasmas, trasgos, etc. estaba recibida entre nosotros en aquel siglo como un hecho seguro y constante; y, aunque esta errónea opinión no mereciese más que la risa y el desprecio, eran de tal trascendencia los males que ocasionaba que fue preciso hacer uso de cuantos medios pudieron emplearse a fin de procurar destruirla. (De la introducción de Antonio de Miguel a la edición de José Fernández Guerra de 1826.)
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Religion of Ancient Egypt Full Audiobook by William Matthew Flinders Petrie

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Religion of Ancient Egypt Author: William Matthew Flinders Petrie Narrator: LibriVox Volunteers Length: 1 hr 57 mins Language: English Release date: 1/16/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Ancient Civilizations Publisher's Summary: William Matthew Flinders Petrie the father of Egyptian Archaeology developed and applied statistical analysis to pottery from prehistoric sites and by this established seriation as a relative dating method as a major contribution to Egyptian Archaeology. In this scientific paper he describes special varieties of the conception of the supernatural in ancient Egypt. The source text also includes a list of "principal works on Egyptian religion" and a list of works "on religions ancient and modern". (Summary by Kajo and Piotrek81)
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Art of Kissing Full Audiobook by Will Rossiter

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Art of Kissing Author: Will Rossiter Narrator: LibriVox Volunteers Length: 2 hrs 20 mins Language: English Release date: 1/5/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Health & Wellness, Intimacy & Sex Publisher's Summary: The Art of Kissing is both a history of and a manual for the probably most widely practised enjoyment on the planet. (Summary by Availle )
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Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt Full Audiobook by James Baikie

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt Author: James Baikie Narrator: Sibella Denton Length: 2 hrs 24 mins Language: English Release date: 1/4/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Ancient Civilizations Publisher's Summary: Written primarily for children, James Baikie's 'peep' at ancient Egypt is a really well done, historical account of the ways of that fascinating land so many years ago. It has stood well the test of time, being both well researched and well written. It's a fun book for everyone, and families especially will enjoy listening together.
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Meno Full Audiobook by Plato

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Meno Author: Plato Narrator: Chiquito Crasto Length: 2 hrs 25 mins Language: English Release date: 1/4/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Ancient Civilizations, Science & Technology Publisher's Summary: Meno (Ancient Greek: ) is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. Written in the Socratic dialectic style, it attempts to determine the definition of virtue, or arete, meaning in this case virtue in general, rather than particular virtues, such as justice or temperance. The goal is a common definition that applies equally to all particular virtues. Socrates moves the discussion past the philosophical confusion, or aporia, created by Meno's paradox (aka the learner's paradox) with the introduction of new Platonic ideas: the theory of knowledge as recollection, anamnesis, and in the final lines a movement towards Platonic idealism.. (Introduction by Wikipedia)
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Bible (Reina Valera 1909) 19: Salmos Full Audiobook by Reina Valera

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Bible (Reina Valera 1909) 19: Salmos Author: Reina Valera Narrator: LibriVox Volunteers Length: 5 hrs 25 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Foreign Language Titles, Spanish Publisher's Summary: El libro de los Salmos es la mejor coleccion de cantos, oraciones y poesia en la que los autores, incluyendo al rey David, hablan con Dios de una manera abierta y sincera, expresando todo tipo de sentimientos humanos. Es una de las secciones mas poderosas de la Palabra de Dios, y se encuentra precisamente en el centro de la Biblia! (Summary by Joyfull)
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La Odisea Full Audiobook by Homer

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: La Odisea Author: Homer Narrator: Victor Villarraza Length: 14 hrs 2 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Foreign Language Titles, Spanish Publisher's Summary: La Odisea (en griego: ????????, Odsseia) es un poema épico griego compuesto por 24 cantos, atribuido al poeta griego Homero. Se cree que fue compuesta en el siglo VIII a. C., en los asentamientos que Grecia tenía en la costa oeste del Asia Menor (actual Turquía asiática). Según otros autores, la Odisea se completa en el siglo VII a. C. a partir de poemas que sólo describían partes de la obra actual. Fue originalmente escrita en lo que se ha llamado dialecto homérico. Narra la vuelta a casa del héroe griego Odiseo (Ulises en latín) tras la Guerra de Troya. Además de haber estado diez años fuera luchando, Odiseo tarda otros diez años en regresar a la isla de Ítaca, donde poseía el título de rey, período durante el cual su hijo Telémaco y su esposa Penélope han de tolerar en su palacio a los pretendientes que buscan desposarla (pues ya creían muerto a Odiseo), al mismo tiempo que consumen los bienes de la familia. (Summary by phileasfogg)
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Sex: Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English (Version 2) Full Audiobook by Henry Stanton

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Sex: Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English (Version 2) Author: Henry Stanton Narrator: Phil Chenevert Length: 1 hr 45 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Health & Wellness, Intimacy & Sex Publisher's Summary: Henry Stanton was appalled at the shocking lack of information given to young people about sex and reproduction in his time. He felt this was a crime that needed to be fixed and so he wrote this book explaining sex for young and old. Ignorance of basic reproductive processes he felt led to experimentation that then led to sin, crime and prostitution. While this book is definitely not written in what I would call Plain English, contains some very questionable 'facts' about masturbation and menstruation and might seem very moralistic and dogmatic to our current society, he does hold out high ideas for all in affairs of self respect, love and marriage. If nothing else, this is a delightful peek into the thoughts of almost all people our very recent country's past(Summary by the reader, Phil Chenevert )
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Treaty with China Full Audiobook by Mark Twain

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Treaty with China Author: Mark Twain Narrator: John Greenman Length: 46 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Asia Publisher's Summary: "A good candidate for 'the most under-appreciated work by Mark Twain' would be 'The Treaty With China,' which he published in the New York Tribune in 1868. This piece, which is an early statement of Twain's opposition to imperialism and which conveys his vision of how the U.S. ought to behave on the global stage, has not been reprinted since its original publication until now." (the online, open-access "Journal of Transnational American Studies" published it in the spring, 2010). (Introduction by Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Twain scholar and Director of American Studies at Stanford University, used by permission) (Transcription by Martin Zehr for the Journal of Transnational American Studies, American Cultures and Global Contexts Center, UC Santa Barbara


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How to Sing (Meine Gesangskunst) Full Audiobook by Lilli Lehmann

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: How to Sing (Meine Gesangskunst) Author: Lilli Lehmann Narrator: Ruth Golding Length: 5 hrs 24 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Health & Wellness, Instructional & How To Publisher's Summary: Lilli Lehmann, born Elisabeth Maria Lehmann, was a German operatic soprano of phenomenal versatility. She was also a voice teacher. She wrote: "Every serious artist has a sincere desire to help others reach the goalthe goal toward which all singers are striving: to sing well and beautifully." This is the 1915 second (expanded) edition of her book, and the accompanying online book scan includes many illustrations and diagrams, both physiological and musical, which the listener will find useful. Much of Lilli Lehmann's advice is complex and demanding - the standards which she set for herself were beyond the highest aspirations of most professional singers. However, there is still much in this book that is enlightening to all those who are interested in using their voice to best advantage, both in song and the spoken word. (Summary by Ruth Golding and Wikipedia)
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Platero y Yo Full Audiobook by Juan Ramon Jimenez

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Platero y Yo Author: Juan Ramon Jimenez Narrator: Joyfull Length: 1 hr 38 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Foreign Language Titles, Spanish Publisher's Summary: Platero y Yo es un diario en prosa acerca de un tierno burrito llamado Platero. El autor describe su pueblo, Moguer, sus paisajes, sus animales y su gente con una perspectiva de única y refrescante. Al leer cada corta estrofa, o capítulo, nos transportamos a las calles de Moguer, escuchamos sus ruidos, y hasta olemos el pan recién sacado del horno. El poetico estilo de Juan Ramón Jiménez nos inspira a experimentar el mundo de cada uno de nosotros de una manera diferente y a percibir la belleza de la vida ordinaria en todo lo que nos rodea. - Resumen por Joyfull. Platero y Yo is a diary in prose about a sweet little donkey named Platero. The author describes his town, Moguer, its landscapes, its animals, and its people in refreshing and unique perspective. When reading each short stanza, or chapter, we transport ourselves to the streets of Moguer, we listen to its sounds, and even smell the bread coming out of the oven! Juan Ramón Jiménez's poetic style inspires us to experience the world around us in a different manner and to perceive the beauty of ordinary life in everything that surrounds us. - Summary by Joyfull
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Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru Full Audiobook by Frederick A. Ober

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru Author: Frederick A. Ober Narrator: Patrick Eaton Length: 5 hrs 13 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: History, Biography & Memoir, Europe, Military, Military Publisher's Summary: Francisco Pizarro (1471 - 1541) was born into poverty, the illegitimate son of a Spanish soldier. After a brief career as a swineherd, he volunteered to join an expedition to the colony of Darien in Panama. He rose through the ranks to become right hand man of the governor. After hearing rumours of a rich country of gold to the south, he received permission from the king of Spain to lead an expedition to explore and attempt to conquer the Peruvian empire. This biography describes how, with an army of only 168 men, he was able to subjugate an entire nation. - Summary by Patrick Eaton
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What the Mother of a Deaf Child Ought to Know Full Audiobook by John Dutton Wright

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: What the Mother of a Deaf Child Ought to Know Author: John Dutton Wright Narrator: Rapunzelina Length: 1 hr 45 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Health & Wellness, Marriage & Family Publisher's Summary: Wright, a pioneer in the education of the deaf, was a strong advocate for acoustic and auricular training. In this little book, he tries to advise the parents of deaf children and reassure them that there can be a successful and happy life for them. (Summary by Rapunzelina)
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Sex Full Audiobook by Henry Stanton

Visit to listen to 400,000+ audiobooks of all genres in full for free Title: Sex Author: Henry Stanton Narrator: LibriVox Volunteers Length: 1 hr 45 mins Language: English Release date: 1/1/2017 Publisher: LibriVox Genres: Health & Wellness, Intimacy & Sex Publisher's Summary: Henry Stantons 1922 book Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English is intended as a frank (although consevative and moralistic) guide to human sexual behaviour and relationships. It is partly a self-help book, partly an attempt to relay the scientific knowledge of the day in relation to sex and reproduction in a way suitable for popular consumption.