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Britt and Sax


We are Britt and Saxon, a married couple in Denver with 2 kids, ages 6 and 7. We are both full time parents and independent working artists (rapper/comedian Old Man Saxon and filmmaker/musician Baby Luck). Life is busy and messy, and we both do so much and feel so much the other person doesn't appreciate or even know about. So we decided to create this podcast, where we will each sit down separately for 3 minutes, 4 nights a week, Monday thru Thursday, to record what happened for us that day. We will not edit or do multiple takes. When our 3 minutes are up, we stop. Then it's the next person's turn. Simple! Making this podcast together is our way of doing something consistently and simply, in the midst of all our respective long term creative goals and projects, that often drain us and leave us feeling depleted. We hope you'll come along on this journey with us as we find our way by being candid, honest and most importantly, seeing and listening to each other. We'll do this as long as it helps our marriage. The shape of the podcast is evolving as we move through grieving Britt's mom. Thank you for your patience and flexibility. Sometimes only Britt goes, and sometimes she goes over!) Thank you for being here with us! We hope this makes you feel more connected in an increasingly disconnected world. Link to Our Patreon - to support us and you'll gain exclusive access to our special Weekend Edition episodes, dropping every Sunday night! On the weekends, we record our 30 minute Weekend Edition together, where we review the week and finish unfinished business, available exclusively on Patreon for as little as $5/month. Love, Britt and Sax


United States


We are Britt and Saxon, a married couple in Denver with 2 kids, ages 6 and 7. We are both full time parents and independent working artists (rapper/comedian Old Man Saxon and filmmaker/musician Baby Luck). Life is busy and messy, and we both do so much and feel so much the other person doesn't appreciate or even know about. So we decided to create this podcast, where we will each sit down separately for 3 minutes, 4 nights a week, Monday thru Thursday, to record what happened for us that day. We will not edit or do multiple takes. When our 3 minutes are up, we stop. Then it's the next person's turn. Simple! Making this podcast together is our way of doing something consistently and simply, in the midst of all our respective long term creative goals and projects, that often drain us and leave us feeling depleted. We hope you'll come along on this journey with us as we find our way by being candid, honest and most importantly, seeing and listening to each other. We'll do this as long as it helps our marriage. The shape of the podcast is evolving as we move through grieving Britt's mom. Thank you for your patience and flexibility. Sometimes only Britt goes, and sometimes she goes over!) Thank you for being here with us! We hope this makes you feel more connected in an increasingly disconnected world. Link to Our Patreon - to support us and you'll gain exclusive access to our special Weekend Edition episodes, dropping every Sunday night! On the weekends, we record our 30 minute Weekend Edition together, where we review the week and finish unfinished business, available exclusively on Patreon for as little as $5/month. Love, Britt and Sax



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No Undies, Dead Fish, Back to School, Separation after road trip bonding.

Woke up to our dead fish. So sad. The heater malfunctioned and it got to 110 degrees. How does that happen? He burned to death in water. Boiled fish. We are so sad. Nya and I cried. Saxon made jokes. Seylah tried to not go to school. Allergies and asthma and new germs are impossible for this child. Seylah sprained her wrist yesterday at the bike ramp park to try and celebrate a birthday. So many birthday parties. God help us. How do you allow your kids to seperate? Seylah wants to go to sleepovers alone. Nya wants Seylah to do everything with her. Some bday parties allow siblings, others don't. We invite everyone to avoid hurt feelings, but now they are growing into a new season. Bonds are being formed. I worry my kids won't have close friends but no point in worrying, they are amazing and social and it's only the 4th day of 1st and 2nd grade. Saxon says they're too big to take a bath together. I burst into tears. Seylah is already sick but has cute unicorn masks so that's good. In our dead fish haste this morning we were late and we forgot to put Seylah's underwear on! Omg. So I handled that with her sweet teachers. They have a sweet school. We're working a lot. We're making music together. JC came to visit - yeah! And business growth and expansion and more writing and creative output is on the horizon now that mercury is done being retro. Unsent is Sept 21st in Denver! I'm practicing Tantric meditation - resilience through devotion - with Nita Rubio - high recommend! Thank you for the connectiong there, Kamali - I start my Life Review interviews in sept at the Denver Public Library. Fun times. We're going to get back to this podcast soon...I hope! Love love love, B


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Unplanned Road Trip! (also rage room and dad's dog Gracie died)

Britt and Nya talk about the unplanned road trip (field trip), mommy hurting herself getting some rage (outrage) out at the Rage Room with a metal baseball bat, Gracie the dog died,...and more!


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Almost 1 year - permission to be happy - neighbors - insomnia - ego death - following bliss

Britt sits at City Park and tries to remember where she's been and what's happened since May, including her Feeding Your Demons retreat, being offline, cancelling airplane trips, the end of year busyness of school, talent shows and poetry - and now - summertime with camps and insomnia and mountain trips. Her mom passed away July 13th - somehow Britt's made it through this year. She has a new therapist, and new neighbors, and no idea where her ambition went. Saxon will be back joining her this week for a couple's episode. Until then, we love you.


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EP 160 - Missing mom, Philippines prep, rushing art, and they stole our free sign.

Britt misses her mom, immunizations for Philippines, marriage changes, and they stole the free sign from the front yard. Britt wishes she could laugh about this with her mama, so she records this instead. Winter is thawing out and the girls are riding bikes and becoming more and more of who they are. Britt tries to give herself grace and time around her creative projects and Saxon's at the gym. We will always be sad. And we are alive now.


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EP 159 - For The Record before LA and Britt's birthday

Before Britt goes to LA and Saxon joins her, Britt puts life on record in advance of flying tomorrow. For the record, she needs her kids to be cared for by Jaja and Pa. And she needs the godparents to step into the role. And if you don't know or aren't sure, let's talk. It will take a village. It already does. This is Britt's first birthday without mama. Nya doesn't want her to go. She is hella emotional, as usual. And needs to do her will and advance directive. We love you. I love you Seylah and Nya.


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EP 158 - Britt has Covid, our anniversary, welcoming winter and forced rest.

Britt has Covid as soon as she slows down. The universe will sit you down. Saxon and Britt's 8th anniversary (since they met in Palm Springs) is Dec 31st. Kuumba is the 6th day of Kwanzaa - Creativity - this is fitting for us, our life, what we are constantly creating and evoling and uncovering together. Looking forward to making and creating miracles in 2024.


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EP 157 - Break down on the train - everything cancelled except rest

On the train, en route to the airport in the snow with numerous flight delays, to see Britt's dad (Pa) on Dec 26th, Britt breaks down, flight is cancelled, Pa is called, we turn around and go home.


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EP 156 - Signing off for the year - crying in the car, rage room, wintering, how we love.

Britt cries in her car again. Saxon decides to stop doing the podcast. Our life is not content, may we find contentedness in being present more than recording. But I also really believe in recording and time stamping as a way to create culture and history and stay present and listen. A bit of a puzzle but we are figuring it out. Is it helpful to me, to our marriage, to our listeners? It's not helpful for Saxon so he's taking a pause. I am deciding what I want and need to do. For now, I am going into hibernation until January to cry, dream, winter, clean the house and grieve my mother. Thanksgiving was BRUTAL. I don't expect Christmas to be any easier. Seylah's birthday is this weekend. We are here. We love you. Thank you for going on this ride with us. We'll see in you in January - and you can always join Britt on The Overflow - her substack offering -


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EP 155 - Colonoscopy Prep

Britt and Saxon talk about what happened on 11/9/2023


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EP 154 - Scared Of The Sadness

Britt and Saxon talk about what happened on 11/8/2023


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EP 153 - Saxon & Britt convo - the day before traveling to Oakland for mom's memorial.

Lots going on - talking to kids about death and funerals, tears, slideshows, playlists, tasks, anxiety, gratitude, tapping, regrets, anger, resistance, love and family members. All of it's going down as we prepare to fly to Oakland to have this memorial/service/celebration of life - like a surprise party because you don't know who's coming - and a wedding in the size and scope of planning and prep. Wish us luck and we'll see you on the other side!


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EP 152 - Everyone's home on a school day

We've all been sick (except Saxon) for two weeks. Kids are coughing so much they have to stay home. Saxon's pitching me a horror film where a kid coughs for a year and the parents slowly descend into madness....


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EP 151 - Couple's Therapy (without the therapist!)

It's couple's therapy with no therapist! We finally sit at the same table to check in about what's been happening. Grief is the main attraction. Also work, non profits, money, poop, shame, farts, medical issues, horror films, bodies, botox, wrinkles, love, marriage, sex therapy and lots of trucks drove by. Thanks for your patience and flexibility with us as we move through this intense season of grieving. Love B and S


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EP 150 - Our horoscope readings for Saxon's 35th Birthday - just incredible!

high recommend - Tibetan Imports - Sarita will tell you what's up in the stars. It's spectacular, helpful, healing and calming.


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EP 149 - Spit in a cup at fed ex, sax's bday, fall, tummy, memorial, hormones. oh and grief

Britt finally spits in the cup, in 2 weeks she'll know what's happening in her genetic body. Scared but needs to know. Saxon and B went to Vail for an adult's only birthday weekend. Talked about money, investment, love. We got our horoscopes done. Britt's so bloated the kids asked if they were going to be big sisters. Lots of grief and stress around the memorial and going through old photos of Britt's mom. Saxon is sick.


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EP 148 - Also, lots of cooking. My mom loved my cooking.

I can't cook for my mom anymore, but I can cook lots of chili, vegan tacos and meatballs for my family. All alive. Always hungry.Instead of making a long list and plan and calendar events I am forced to adhere to or else I feel tremendous guilt, what if I did wake up and see how I felt and what I felt like doing? Why does that feel so irresponsible?


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EP 147 - Britt home alone. FUCK THE PLAN. Anxiety. Neck pain. Therapy.

Britt finally has a moment alone at home to feel into what is actually going on and faces her anxiety and realizes making plans is for the birds. I'm anxious, just like my mom. And - rebirth. I don't have to be like her to love her and miss her. I can pick up where she left off....growth instead of repetition.


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Episode 146 - Bluetooth Britt's Broken Neck

Britt and Saxon talk about what happened on 9/6/2023


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Episode 145 - Last Few Days for Britt

Britt and Saxon talk about what happened on 8/31/2023


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Episode 144 - Good Grief Day

Britt and Saxon talk about what happened on 8/24/2023
