

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

Are you an adult fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Do you enjoy browsing the memes on 4chan's /mlp/ board? Then come hang out with other like-minded anons as we talk ponies, fandom drama, and the latest shitposts. A random group of six anons is selected as hosts each week, ensuring only the highest quality banter for you. Together we can persevere as we hope that Celestia will hear our prayers and grant us eternal happiness in the welcoming forelegs of our waifus. https://mlp.one/


United States


Are you an adult fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Do you enjoy browsing the memes on 4chan's /mlp/ board? Then come hang out with other like-minded anons as we talk ponies, fandom drama, and the latest shitposts. A random group of six anons is selected as hosts each week, ensuring only the highest quality banter for you. Together we can persevere as we hope that Celestia will hear our prayers and grant us eternal happiness in the welcoming forelegs of our waifus. https://mlp.one/



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What the buck did you just bucking say about me, you little foal? 🎖️

They say the fandom's dead, but why do is this the longest topic list we've ever had on a podcast? Let's start with the TwAIlight Navy Seal copypasta and the shitstorm that kicked off on Twitter, with VAs… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/108)


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ponies can have sex with humans in ponyville 😡

The title of this podcast was brought to you by our sponsor, Alicia Scott. Please check out her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5X5L4JXhQz-Bns4nuuwMww So apparently Applejack won some… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/106)


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Clopping with John Cena ✊🍆💦

Hey, remember that one guy? I think he was a wrestler or something. I forget his name. Oh wait, HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!! Apparently his Twitter account is following clop artists or something. So maybe he's… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/105)


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🎉 🎈 Two Year Anniversary Circle Jerk 👯‍♂️ 🎉

Oh shit, it's episode 104, you know what that means right? Time for the FiM series finale suicide pact! 🔫 Who would've thought when we started up this shit show we'd still be doing new episodes two years… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/104)


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>tfw it's over and there's nothing left to live for

Hey so remember that wonderful show about cute little pastel ponies? Remember your waifu and how much you loved her? Yeah, time to forget all that, cuz it's ALL OVER. Let's commiserate together over the loss… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/103)


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We're Old Now, Anon! ⚠️

Wow, I hope we still have listeners after last week's complete shitshow. Somehow the /mlp/odcast thread some faggot started last week is still alive, so maybe there are people out there who actually like… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/101)


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Slice of Autism 💯

We've somehow made it to episode 100. That's 5 score non-stop podcasts of this severe autism. Nearly two full years of not missing a single fucking week. And that's at least 100 hours you've wasted by… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/100)


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The Great and Winking Trixie 😉

I sure do love it when a mare winks at me. Whoa boy, and this last week's episode sure did have a nice quantity of that treat, I tell ya what! We're gonna talk all about it, including the new character… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/99)


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Fluttercord Now Canon, Thanks Angel! 🐇

The leaky sieve at Hasbro and DHX was apparently never plugged, as our boy BigHckintosh just dropped the final 5 episodes in English on us. Not only that, but the based anon also gave us EVERY SCRIPT TO EVERY… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/97)


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⚠️ Spoilerrific Spoilers About MLP Finale 🌈🔚

Is this how it all ends? The finale was leaked in Dutch, and we're going to talk about it. So if you don't want spoilers, I'd avoid this podcast. Hell, I'd avoid reading the rest of this description. We're… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/96)


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Stereotypical Twilight Bully #9,045,154 😡

Hey dad left again, so now we gotta do this shit on our own. Now, to preface before discussing this week's episode, Twilight is NOT retarded. She is obviously very passionate about the game, and it means a lot… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/95)


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BronyCon Is Dead! 🦀🦀🦀

BronyCon has come and gone and we're gonna talk about it! From the orgies to the autism to Chris Chan and our panel, we'll touch on all the happenings and explain why we didn't follow through on the BronyCon… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/93)


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Preparing for the Cringe 😬

BronyCon is fast approaching, and they finally released the panel schedule, less than two weeks in advance. We'll also celebrate Andrea Libman's birthday, shame the person responsible for the shitty meme faces… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/90)


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We're Going to BronyCon 2019! 🗺️

The /mlp/odcast is officially gonna be at BroCon 2019. We're having an official 21 and up panel on Friday at 9pm in the Hall of Chaos. So y'all better show up. Please don't leave us hanging. Wootmaster will… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/89)


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Falling Off the Rainbow Road 🌈

Let's all join our favorite ponies as we wander down that final Rainbow Road together into the end. The second and final special in the style of the movie was released last week, so we'll talk about this, the… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/88)


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My Anthro Pony: Furries In My Show 🐺

Hey did you see the episode last week where the ponies had all those epic anthro poses? God, I am so glad ponies are becoming anthro. i want to kms now. So much drama this week. From ILoveKimPossibleAlot… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/87)


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Summer Sun Sellabrayshun 🌞

It's that time of year again, where the sun's out for a really long time (for those of us on the proper side of the equator) and sunfags begin thinking this day is all about their waifu or something idfk.… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/86)


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Counselor Glimglam 👩‍🏫

Hi Ms. Glimmer, uhh you see there's this mare who's super hot and all I can think about is her. But the problem is, she's the headmare. Anyway, I was wondering, is there any way you could hook me up with her?… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/85)


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I'm Gonna Seed! 💦

And I'm spent. Man, that was one hell of a seed. So why not get together and talk about it with your least favorite anons? We'll also maybe talk about poni.fun, Luna's abilities in dream, MLP spin-off ideas,… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/84)


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Return of the Lyra Plush 🍩

THE PLUSH IS BACK!! Last week a thread popped up on /mlp/ from a guy who bought the plushie from the original owner. She's back and the OP promised us some future shitposts and maybe even an appearance at… (read more at https://mlp.one/ep/83)
