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Final year medical students turned real life doctors attempt to liven up their studies with mnemonics and banter!


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Final year medical students turned real life doctors attempt to liven up their studies with mnemonics and banter!



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#60: You Tea Eye!

UTIs - who hasn't had one! Or... thinks they've had? We're talking all things UTIs, pyelonephritis, and all things that ...aren't quite UTIs. Chug some ural, fill your drink bottles, and get some good quality loo roll! Ps Scomo was not on our 2024 bingo card but here we are! Tune in and drink up!


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#59: There’s Clots to Worry About (DVT/PE)

Dig a Well('s score), PERC up your ears while we take your breath away chatting all things clots! Shockingly this is our most requested topic: DVT/PE. Jump in for the long haul but don't forget the compression tights! Cougulations!


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#58: 50 Shades of Chest Xray

What's black and white and read all over? You got it - chest xrays! Full transparency (boom) we're letting your imaginations take hold while we talk xrays sans any images. Who says you can't teach radiology via a podcast? Alex jumps from behind the scenes to right in front of the mic and it's a delight to have him on board! Tune in now!


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#57: How to HMO!

Sesh & Kesh chaotically chinwag about how (and honestly why) to junior doctor! We talk all things (and simultaneously, very little things) about HMO/regging and how to get through it. The best and the blurst of times! Tune in and zone out x


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#56: Early Medical Abortion (EMA)

Dr Chavy joins the podcast to talk about early medical abortion (EMA) otherwise known as medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) or medication abortion. We discuss stats, facts and figures, along with cultural and legal contexts. We give an overview of mifepristone and misoprostol. Note this podcast is for unofficial educational purposes and not for medical advice. Resources - 1800 My Options - Children By Choice - Sexual Health Victoria - Family Planning Australia - AusCAPPS References WHO 2021 Taft AJ, Shankar M, Black KI, Mazza D, Hussainy S, Lucke JC. Unintended and unwanted pregnancy in Australia: a cross-sectional, national random telephone survey of prevalence and outcomes. Med J Aust. 2018 Nov 5;209(9):407-408 Rowe, H., Holton, S., Kirkman, M., Bayly, C., Jordan, L., McNamee, K., McBain, J., Sinnott, V. and Fisher, J. (2016), Prevalence and distribution of unintended pregnancy: the Understanding Fertility Management in Australia National Survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40: 104-109 Mazza D, Burton G, Wilson S, Boulton E, Fairweather J, Black KI. Medical abortion. Aust J Gen Pract. 2020 Jun;49(6):324-330


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#55: Neurospicy! (ADHD)

Could this be our most requested ep yet?! Tune in as we hyperfocus on ADHD and break down this super topical topic! Dr Robbie Gillies shares his insights and knowledge and boy are we lucky to have him on the air. Heads up, this ep is made by and for clinicians and medical students with a focus on diagnostic criteria and a clinical lens. Shout out to Alex Dillon our brilliant producer!


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#54: Me, Myself & Migraines

Starry eyed? Feeling dizzy? Head pounding? Vision blinding? You might have a migraine! Or, just star struck by Callum and Karen's brand new episode on all things migraines. Immerse yourself in our aura as we probably cause all our listeners a headache. Oops. Shout out to Alex for editing and Bella for artwork!


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#53: Over the Borderline (Personality Disorder)

Did we make a podcast on BPD just to quote Madonna? Almost definitely. We're back baby and Psych Reg Robbie is here to talk all things Borderline Personality Disorder. As a trigger warning, this ep does discuss mental health issues and delves into some difficult topics. This ep is focused for health students and clinicians, and for more resources here's an excellent headspace link:


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#52: Full of S****! (Constipation!)

Feeling stuck? Like you just can't let it out? Sit back and relax(ative) while we talk all things ~ poop. Tune in to episode number (fifty) two to learn about constipation and how to always be a four.


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#51: Drugs 4 Bugs (Part 2)

Welcome to our 50th (& 51st!) extravaganza all about our #1 most requested topic: ANTIBIOTICS! Join us on our most chaotic episode to date as we spew out mnemonics for common antibiotics, how they work, and how to use them! Disclaimer: Antibiotics is a complex and constantly changing topic that ranges across countries and contexts! This episode is a simplified beginner's guide only - don't forget to always check your local guidelines!


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#50: Drugs 4 Bugs (Part 1)

Welcome to our 50th (& 51st!) extravaganza all about our #1 most requested topic: ANTIBIOTICS! Join us on our most chaotic episode to date as we spew out mnemonics for common antibiotics, how they work, and how to use them! Disclaimer: Antibiotics is a complex and constantly changing topic that ranges across countries and contexts! This episode is a simplified beginner's guide only - don't forget to always check your local guidelines!


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#49: WAP (Water Assessment Please)

Join Callum and Karen as we swim through all things fluids! Don’t sweat it, and just go with the flow as we discuss dry mucous membranes with some dry humour! So, water you waiting for!?


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#48: Baby food!

Baby whisperer Dr Dan Dorevitch (D3) joins us to talk about the what, why, when and how of taking a neonatal feeding history! Tune in for all things breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and baby KPIs! And remember, #fedisbest


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#47: A Pinch of Salt

Sarah, Callum and Karen jump on Zoom for a salty chat on all things sodium! Join us as we delve into hypOnatraemia, hypERnatraemia, even diabetes insipidus! This ep is peppered with mnemonics!


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#46: That lady swallowed a baby!

Guest star Sabrina Lee joins us from Canada, in London, for this international epon pergnante…? peregant..? PREGNANCY! You’re due to push play as we journey through the antenatal, perinatal and postnatal period!


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#45: Bloody Hell! It's Vascular Emergencies

Special guest Dale, a vascular surgery registrar joins Callum in this episode "Bloody Hell! It's Vascular Emergencies." Join us as we try not to get stumped by diabetic feet, ischaemic limbs and aortic aneurysms. Witness Dale try in vein to justify the liberal use of Tazocin and hear Callum attempt to unblock the path to finding the elusive pedal pulse.


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#44: How to FOAMed!

We're back baby! Jonny Guckian, our Medisense hero, joins us for this ep of 'How to FOAMed!' We're talking all things creative medical education: lessons learned, limitations and Leeds! Tune in to hear about the brilliant work of Medisense and how to create or be involved in the Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) world! (Ps: apologies for the intermittent clipping in this ep, the downside of recording in a hosp!)


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#43: Know Thy Thyroid

Special guest star Corrina, a junior doctor from London, co-hosts this episode all about the thyroid! Join us as we speed up your metabolism by exploring hypo and hyperthyroidism through a ...clubbing metaphor? Trust us on this one, it's a ride!


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#42: And the Clot Thickens...

This episode the Haem Dream Team talks platelet parties and the pathophysiology behind PEs. Tune in as Karen finds Karthik, our Haematology Registrar, at the blood bank to donate pints of their finest red before discussing the cheeky things our blood does. Listen varicose-ly, so it's not all in vein!


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#41: Oh my GORD!

Callum and Karen have a burning discussion about Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease a.k.a GORD! Join us as we regurgitate reflux-related facts - from self-experimenting with H.pylori and Pink-Mix shots to the diagnosis, management and complications of this very common but very painful condition. Email us questions at!
