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Medicare Advantage – The Race to Value Podcast™


A health care podcast focused on value.™


United States


A health care podcast focused on value.™



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Ep 193 – Beyond Brick and Mortar: Home-Based Primary Care with Full-Risk Medicare Advantage, with Dr. Jeffrey Kang and Mike Stuart

The future of care is not confined by walls; it thrives in the heart of homes, where compassion meets innovation, and healing becomes a daily experience. Home-based primary care with ...


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Ep 188 – Connecting the Healthy Outcomes of Patients Directly to Healthier Profitability, with Kyle Wailes

Connecting the health and wellbeing of patients of patients directly to the bottom line isn’t just good business; it is a visionary approach that shows how healthier outcomes can actually ...


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Ep 171 – Unlocking the Future of Medicare Advantage to Save American Healthcare, with Don Crane

We are on an enlightening journey to transform American healthcare in the race to value. Medicare Advantage increasingly stands out as a superior vehicle for value transformation due to its ...


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Ep 158 – The Humana Value-Based Care Report: Collaboration in Achieving Better Outcomes, with Dr. Kate Goodrich

A large wooden ship encased in glass sits prominently in the lobby of Humana’s Louisville headquarters. Its placement seems out of the ordinary, until you understand its symbolic purpose. The ...


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Ep 130 – “The Value Game”: Achieving Success with Capitated Risk and Patient-Centered Primary Care, with Dr. Bill Wulf

When you hear about value-based care, do you get tired of hearing about concepts without tangible best practices? Do you ever wish you could just acquire insights from a leader ...


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Ep 126 – Accountable Physician Groups as the Superhighway to Value Transformation, with Susan Dentzer

Many roads will bring us to health value, but some roads will get us there faster than others. As we reimagine our nation’s healthcare system, we must build alternative avenues ...


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Ep 118 – A New Primary Care Model for the Future, with Steve Sell

Primary Care in the United States is flawed, especially for our most complex patients in the Medicare program. We have built this incredibly expensive primary care model around a fee-for-service ...


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Ep 107 – The Truth Agenda: Overcoming Tribalism for a Better World and the Superiority of Medicare Advantage for Value-Based Care, with George C. Halvorson

George Halvorson is a retired American healthcare executive who served as CEO of six health plans over the last 30 years. From 2002-2013, he was the CEO of Kaiser Permanente and ...


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Ep 78 – Taking Full Advantage of Medicare Advantage (…and How I Sold My Practice for $132M), with Dr. Tom Davis

How does a 3-physician practice sell for over $100 million dollars? The answer is simpler than it seems – full-risk contracting is better for providers and patients. Aligned incentives promote ...


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Ep 24 – Global Risk Capitation in Medicare Advantage, with Dr. Kevin Spencer

Dr. Kevin Spencer, Medical Director, Texas at Agilon Health, is passionate about improving the health care delivery system. He believes that by enabling physician-led organizations with technology, proven processes, and ...
