William Gruar

47 yr old male newly paraplegic views his situation from his bed, chair, toilet, shower, dining room, gymnasium, garden over a 24 hour period. His encounters with his fellow patients, nurses, doctors, psychiatrist, therapist, physiotherapist, and drugs are recorded in detail, a moving, truthful and often very funny account of an attempt to come to grips with a trauma. "An angry, funny, thoughtful book … proof that he can write very well indeed" - Sue McCauley- NZ Listener. "Spinal Dogs deserves to be read by a wide audience. It is a tragedy redeemed by courage and above all, the author's fine sense of humour" - Graeme Lay- North and South. "A remarkable book, neither sentimental nor as grim as I'd expected it to be" - Elizabeth Cayford- The Dominion. "It is a measure of how well it is written that the reader is left wondering what has happened in the life of this intelligent, amusing, enterprising and courageous man since he left the spinal unit. - Bill Moore- The Nelson Mail. Author - William Gruar. Narrator - Ian A Miller. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023. Copyright - © 1996 Valid Press - New Zealand ©.


United States


47 yr old male newly paraplegic views his situation from his bed, chair, toilet, shower, dining room, gymnasium, garden over a 24 hour period. His encounters with his fellow patients, nurses, doctors, psychiatrist, therapist, physiotherapist, and drugs are recorded in detail, a moving, truthful and often very funny account of an attempt to come to grips with a trauma. "An angry, funny, thoughtful book … proof that he can write very well indeed" - Sue McCauley- NZ Listener. "Spinal Dogs deserves to be read by a wide audience. It is a tragedy redeemed by courage and above all, the author's fine sense of humour" - Graeme Lay- North and South. "A remarkable book, neither sentimental nor as grim as I'd expected it to be" - Elizabeth Cayford- The Dominion. "It is a measure of how well it is written that the reader is left wondering what has happened in the life of this intelligent, amusing, enterprising and courageous man since he left the spinal unit. - Bill Moore- The Nelson Mail. Author - William Gruar. Narrator - Ian A Miller. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023. Copyright - © 1996 Valid Press - New Zealand ©.



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