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The Health Quest with Dr. Sal


Unlock the Power of a Healthy Mindset Shift The concept of aligning our mindset with God's will for good health plays a significant role in our overall well-being. By understanding that God desires us to live healthy lives, we can develop a proper perspective when it comes to approaching our health. This mindset shift enables us to focus on truly getting better and living a life of vitality and wellness, rather than just seeking temporary fixes. In this informative and perspective-shifting podcast, Dr. Sal shares his passion for promoting good health through God's will and the importance of having the right mindset. He believes that understanding and embracing God's plan for our health is essential for long-term success and holistic well-being. Dr. Sal encourages you to consider your beliefs and attitudes toward health and use these insights to make the necessary mindset shift for a healthier and more fulfilling life.


United States


Unlock the Power of a Healthy Mindset Shift The concept of aligning our mindset with God's will for good health plays a significant role in our overall well-being. By understanding that God desires us to live healthy lives, we can develop a proper perspective when it comes to approaching our health. This mindset shift enables us to focus on truly getting better and living a life of vitality and wellness, rather than just seeking temporary fixes. In this informative and perspective-shifting podcast, Dr. Sal shares his passion for promoting good health through God's will and the importance of having the right mindset. He believes that understanding and embracing God's plan for our health is essential for long-term success and holistic well-being. Dr. Sal encourages you to consider your beliefs and attitudes toward health and use these insights to make the necessary mindset shift for a healthier and more fulfilling life.



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How to Easily Choose Healthy Foods (Best of Q&A)

What are the labels on your food actually saying? For this episode of the Health Quest Podcast, we’ve compiled a few of Dr. Sal’s answers to listeners’ questions from past episodes of the show. He explains how to be mindful of food labels and common misleading information they may offer so you can understand the full impact of the product on your health. He recommends using the Yucca app for scanning product barcodes to determine if they're truly good for you. Dr. Sal also offers his critical insights on the popular weight-loss medication, Ozempic. He provides evidence-based information that empowers you to make informed decisions about your health,and he doesn't hold back in debunking myths and shedding light on the truth behind certain health practices. Key takeaways: 1. When grocery shopping, focus on the periphery of the store, where you can find fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, and eggs. This helps to avoid processed and additive-laden foods usually found in the aisles. 2. Use the free app called Yucca (or Yukka) to scan barcodes and get detailed information about whether the product is good to eat. If not, the app will recommend healthier alternatives. 3. It's advised to stay away from genetically modified wheat products and to opt for alternative options like almond butter. When reading labels, be cautious of claims like "0 trans fat" as they can still convert to trans fats within the body after consumption. 4. It's important to focus on natural alternatives and healthy habits for weight loss, rather than turning to pharmaceutical solutions with potential side effects. Natural supplements like resveratrol, vitamin B6, and NMN when paired with a natural version of semiglutide can naturally reduce appetite and increase metabolism. 5. Embracing discipline in diet and exercise helps to reset neural networks and create healthier habits. Prioritizing good health and making conscious choices in line with God's will ensures a happier and healthier life. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to 


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Why People Aren't Healthy (Part 2)

Our bodies were miraculously designed for survival, so why are so many people unhealthy? On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is talking about the profound connection between our health and aligning our choices with God's will. As a practicing doctor and surgeon with 30 years of experience, Dr. Sal's insights shed light on the miraculous nature of our bodies and the impact of our daily decisions on our well-being. He addresses the changes in our food industry over the years, underlining the significance of consuming natural and authentic foods to support our health. Dr. Sal also emphasizes the role of God's will in guiding our choices and the importance of making mindful decisions to transform our health for the better. From the impact of biochemical reactions to the role of diet and lifestyle choices, Dr. Sal provides valuable insights into achieving and maintaining good health. Key takeaways: 1. Our bodies are intricately designed by God to function in miraculous ways, with each cell capable of 100,000 reactions. This design enables us to fight diseases, adapt to stress, and maintain good health. 2. The modern diet has been influenced by industrialization and genetic modifications, leading to the consumption of processed and unhealthy food. Dr. Sal emphasizes the importance of returning to natural, unprocessed foods and being mindful of food choices. 3. The power of choice is a crucial element in achieving good health. By aligning our will with God's, we can make responsible and healthy decisions for ourselves and our families. 4. Dr. Sal advocates for a holistic approach to health, integrating dietary changes, weight management, exercise, and supplement use. He emphasizes the need to constantly evaluate the role of God in our daily lives and align our actions with His will. 5. While conventional medicine has its role, particularly in acute situations, Dr. Sal emphasizes the profound impact of lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, in managing and even reversing health conditions, such as high blood pressure. He encourages co-creating with God to achieve and maintain good health. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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Why People Aren't Healthy (Part 1)

What does it take to change our ways? On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal dives into the key factors that can truly transform your health and well-being. He discusses the importance of dietary choices, exercise, and the impact of our environment on our overall health. Dr. Sal shares insightful stories, including meeting an inspiring 87-year-old gentleman who maintains exceptional health through his lifestyle choices. He sheds light on the critical role of diet, emphasizing the significance of consuming whole and organic foods while limiting exposure to harmful chemicals and preservatives. We're also discussing the New Year's resolution trend and why many people struggle to sustain their health goals. Dr. Sal offers practical advice and emphasizes the power of discipline in making conscious and beneficial choices for our bodies. Key takeaways: 1. Diet plays a crucial role in good health. The majority of one's health, 85%, is determined by what is consumed, while only 15% is attributed to exercise. 2. The aging and health of individuals like Harry, an 87-year-old who maintains robust health through consuming organic whole foods and regular exercise, illustrate the impact of diet and lifestyle choices on health. 3. The harmful effects of consuming chemically treated and processed foods, with an emphasis on the importance of consuming organic, whole foods as intended by natural processes and God's design. 4. The comparison between individuals like Harry, who prioritize a healthy diet and exercise, and others reliant on medications highlights the crucial role of discipline in making dietary choices for a healthy lifestyle. 5. God's design for good health implies making rational and disciplined dietary choices rather than allowing impulse and desire to dictate, attributing discipline to God's power in promoting better health and well-being. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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The Drug that Cures Malaria, Ebola, and Herpes

How did something that started as a textile dye end up curing malaria? On this episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is talking about the fascinating substance called methylene blue. Originally meant for dying fabrics, methylene blue was found to have a great number of uses, from medical stains to poison antidotes to treating several different pathogens. Dr. Sal also discusses how methylene blue has shown promise in inactivating the cellular replication of various viruses, including herpes, West Nile, hepatitis C, Ebola, Zika, HIV, and even COVID-19. It also has brain-boosting properties, the potential to improve cognitive function, and can reduce stress and chronic pain. Plus, we'll explore the ongoing research into the various potential applications of methylene blue, from postoperative pain relief to its use in treating migraines and metabolic disorders associated with neurological conditions. Key takeaways: 1. Methylene Blue as a Virus Inactivator: Studies have shown that methylene blue can effectively inactivate the cellular replication of a wide spectrum of viruses, including herpes, West Nile, hepatitis C, Ebola, Zika, HIV, and COVID-19. 2. Brain-Boosting Powerhouse: Methylene blue isn't just limited to virus-fighting properties. This remarkable compound has been linked to improved brain function and cognition, memory retrieval, attention, and emotional regulation. It also enhances mitochondrial efficiency, protecting brain cells from damage and increasing oxygen consumption and glucose uptake. 3. Pain Relief and Chronic Neuropathic Conditions: The benefits of methylene blue extend to pain management, including postoperative pain, chronic neuropathic pain, arthritic pain, and even refractory pain from mucositis related to cancer treatment. Recent studies are even exploring its potential in treating migraine headaches.


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Why Wheat is More Dangerous than Sugar

Wondering about the impact of wheat on your health? On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is exploring the way that wheat affects our health with the help of Dr. William Davis's book, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health. Dr. Sal shares eye-opening revelations from the book, discussing how wheat affects our body's response to insulin, contributes to visceral fat, and even shows addictive properties similar to opioid drugs. Listen to the episode to discover all the insights from Dr. Davis's book and start adjusting your own diet to improve your overall health. Key takeaways: 1. Wheat products, such as bread, can have detrimental effects on the body, including increasing blood sugar levels, leading to insulin resistance, and contributing to the development of conditions such as obesity, acid reflux, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, rashes, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma symptoms. 2. Wheat contains substances that can have addictive effects on the brain, causing behaviors similar to those observed with opioid drugs. Removing wheat from the diet can lead to a reduction in hunger and cravings, resulting in weight loss and improved mood and overall well-being. 3. Wheat consumption can lead to a variety of health issues, including the breakdown of proteins, aging, neuropathies, retinopathy, nephropathy, and increased susceptibility to allergens and irregular heartbeats. 4. Consumption of wheat contributes to an acidic burden on the body, which can lead to a disruption in the body's acid-base balance, potentially drawing alkaline stores from the body, including calcium from bones. 5. Contrary to common beliefs about cholesterol and heart disease, a cardiologist suggests that small low-density lipoproteins (LDL), particularly oxidized LDL resulting from excessive sugar consumption, rather than overall cholesterol levels, are the primary cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Increased fat intake has been observed to have little or no change in triglyceride levels. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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What Causes Cardiovascular Disease?

What is the cause of cardiovascular disease and, more importantly, can we prevent it? That's what we're going to find out on today's episode of the Health Quest podcast. Dr. Sal talks about the causes of cardiovascular disease, emphasizing the role of inflammation, oxidative stress, and dysfunctional immune system in contributing to atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. Through practical advice and scientific explanations, he highlights the significance of lifestyle modifications, dietary considerations, and the value of incorporating regular physical activity to combat cardiovascular disease. In this episode, Dr. Sal also shed light on the several ways we can adjust our diet to improve our health, including a discussion on intermittent fasting, the benefits of the paleo diet, and the role of antioxidants in our daily nutrition. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly are also critical in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, so Dr. Sal recommends a combination of weight training and aerobic exercises. Key takeaways: 1. Lifestyle Changes: Making lifestyle changes, such as consistently working out with weights for 40 minutes and incorporating 20 minutes of aerobics every day, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 2. Importance of Diet: It's important to focus on dietary choices, including avoiding fast foods, processed foods high in sugars and trans fats, and opting for a balanced and nutritious diet like the paleo diet. 3. Understanding Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: Inflammation and oxidative stress play significant roles in the development of cardiovascular disease. It's crucial to understand how these processes occur and their impact on the body's arterial system. 4. Role of Antioxidants and Supplements: Consuming antioxidants through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and supplements like vitamin A, C, E, and K, as well as fish oil, can help counteract oxidative stress and support cardiovascular health. 5. Lifestyle Modifications: Making ongoing lifestyle modifications, such as intermittent fasting, home cooking with healthy oils, and incorporating regular physical activity, are instrumental in managing and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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The Miracle Healing Herb

Can an herb have magical powers? Well, no. But gyneostemma has such powerful effects on our body that it may as well be magic. On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is talking about this miracle herb and the many benefits it offers. Gynostemma is an herb that has long been used in Southeast Asia for its medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants, it has been shown to improve resistance to DNA damage, support heart health, and provide cardiovascular support. It contributes to overall well-being by reducing anxiety and stress, and it can also help in metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. This powerful herb works through two key mechanisms, AMPK and PTP1b, which play roles in regulating glucose, fat, and energy metabolism in the body. When combined with a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, this herb has the potential to positively impact your health and well-being. Key takeaways: 1. Gyneostemma pentaphyllum, an herb used in folk medicine, has shown to contain valuable constituents similar to ginseng and rich in antioxidants. It is known to contribute to heart health, improve resistance to DNA damage, and provide cardiovascular support. 2. Gyneostemma pentaphyllum works to improve metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes through two main mechanisms - AMPK (AMP Kinase) and PTP1B (protein Tyronase phosphatase 1b). These mechanisms help in increasing energy expenditure, improving insulin sensitivity, and enhancing glucose tolerance. 3. The podcast emphasizes the importance of making dietary changes, including restricted calorie intake, elimination of refined sugars and carbohydrates, and implementing exercise, in combination with the use of gyneostemma for improved health outcomes. 4. Dr. Sal shares his personal recommendation of taking 500 milligrams of gyneostemma extract per day by adding it to his daily coffee intake. The studies showed that individuals who were obese and had type 2 diabetes benefited from taking 3 to 6 grams (3000 to 6000 milligrams) of gyneostemma per day. 5. The episode underscores the importance of healthy dietary habits, including lean proteins, healthy fats, high fiber carbohydrates from vegetables and low glycemic fruits, in conjunction with the use of gyneostemma to improve fat metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and overall health. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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The Best of Health Quest Q&As

You asked, we've answered. For this episode of the Health Quest Podcast, we've compiled a few of Dr. Sal's answers to listeners' questions from past episodes of the show. Dr. Sal addressed the issue of storing food in plastic containers. He emphasizes the importance of reducing exposure to harmful chemicals from plastics by switching to safer alternatives, such as glass containers. He also explains the link between chronic inflammation and brain health, highlighting the role of a healthy gut and lifestyle habits in preventing memory loss and Alzheimer's disease. He stresses the importance of staying mentally and socially active to maintain brainpower and overall wellness. To support optimal health, Dr. Sal recommends incorporating supplements, particularly antioxidants, to compensate for potential nutrient deficiencies in modern diets. By taking proactive steps and making informed choices, you can align your lifestyle with God's design for good health. Key takeaways: 1. Avoid storing food in plastic containers, as they can contain harmful chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates which can leak into food and disrupt metabolism and hormone levels. Consider using glass containers, such as Pyrex, for storing food as they are a safer alternative to plastic. 2. Reconsider reheating food in the microwave as the chemicals from plastic containers can leak into food when reheated, and consider using alternative methods such as a cast iron pan or toaster oven. 3. To strengthen brain power and reduce the risk of memory loss or Alzheimer's, focus on reducing inflammation in the body through means such as consuming fish oil and turmeric, as well as staying mentally active through activities like puzzles, reading, and learning new skills. 4. Socialization and maintaining an open mind contribute to overall well-being and may play a role in longevity, as observed in cultures with high numbers of centenarians. 5. Consider the use of supplements such as antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E) to ensure the intake of essential nutrients that may be lacking in modern diets. Find transcripts, videos, and more at, or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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Why We're Dying Early in America

Can what we eat cause us pain? In this episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is talking into the profound impact that diet and stress management have on our overall well-being.We're looking at two scientific articles: one on the relationship between diet and chronic musculoskeletal pain and one on the recently reported decline in life expectany in the U.S. These articles both support the idea that lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on our overall health. Exploring these articles, Dr. Sal discusses the effectiveness of various diets, including intermittent fasting, ketogenic, Mediterranean, and calorie-restricted diets, in improving chronic musculoskeletal pain. This evidence-based approach explores how dietary changes can lead to reduced inflammation, improved quality of life, and even extend life expectancy by positively influencing the immune system. With the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealing a decline in life expectancy to 76.4 years, the shortest in nearly two decades, Dr. Sal also discusses the role of chronic stress in this decline, including financial strain, unaffordable housing, inadequate healthcare, poor education, and lack of social support as contributing factors. These articles and Dr. Sal's insights make one thing very clear: our health is in our hands and we need to make an effort to improve our overall wellbeing. Key takeaways: 1. Chronic musculoskeletal pain can be improved through various diets, such as intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet, Mediterranean diet, and calorie-restricted and time-restricted diets. These diets showed improvements in pain intensity, quality, frequency, and inflammation, as well as benefits to overall quality of life. 2. The declining life expectancy in the United States is attributed to chronic diseases, which are largely preventable. Dr. Sal emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's health through dietary choices and lifestyle changes, rather than attributing it to hereditary or genetic factors. 3. Chronic stress has become a societal epidemic and is linked to shortened life expectancy, inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and neurologic disorders. Addressing chronic stress through spiritual and mental exercises, such as prayer, meditation, and focusing on positive activities, is crucial for maintaining good health. 4. Financial strain, inadequate healthcare, poor education, unaffordable housing, and lack of social support are contributing factors to chronic stress. Dr. Sal encourages reducing unnecessary spending, increasing education through focused learning, and seeking support from family and friends. 5. The key to good health is to adopt a natural, healthy diet, avoid overeating, get enough rest, and focus on positive activities. Dr. Sal emphasizes the importance of connecting with God, and finding purpose and happiness in life. He also suggests addressing chronic stress through prayer, meditation, and relaxation techniques. Find transcripts, videos, and more at, or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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How Chelation Therapy Removes Heavy Metals from our Bodies

Heavy metals are everywhere in our environment, but how do we keep them out of our bodies? On today's episode of the Health Quest Podcast, Dr. Sal is talking about chelation therapy and its role in removing heavy metals from our bodies. We're all unintentionally exposed to heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium through air, water, and soil, and these substances can be harmful to our health. Chelation therapy utilizes an amino acid called EDTA to reduce the body's burden of heavy metal toxins and improve physiological functions. This man-made synthetic amino acid is used for food preservation and has a fascinating "claw-like" action that helps dissolve unwanted substances to be excreted from the body. Dr. Sal explains the effects of chelation therapy on the cardiovascular system, from its role in preventing and reversing atherosclerosis to improving blood circulation and reducing blood clot formation. Key takeaways: 1. Chelation Therapy: Dr. Sal explained how EDTA can effectively remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and aluminum from our bodies. By clearing these toxins, chelation therapy aids in preventing and reversing atherosclerosis, improving blood circulation, reducing blood clotting mechanisms, increasing energy production in the cells, and exerting antiviral and antioxidant effects. 2. Identifying Heavy Metal Contamination: The episode shed light on the rampant presence of heavy metals in our environment, from air and water to soil. Dr. Sal emphasized the profound impact of lead contamination and its widespread prevalence, underscoring the necessity of addressing heavy metal exposure for overall well-being. 3. Mitigating Health Risks: Understanding the detrimental effects of heavy metals, especially in increasing free oxygen radicals and causing oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, points to the critical need for detoxification processes and chelation therapy to counteract these health risks. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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How to Naturally Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's

Are there potential long-term effects of giving children drugs like Ritalin or Adderall? In today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is exploring that question, discussing the topic of neurodegenerative disorders, and providing valuable insights into the impact of dietary choices and environmental factors on our brain health. According to Dr. Sal, there is a crucial link between dietary habits and neurodegenerative disorders, including harmful effects of certain food additives and neurotoxins, such as MSG, aspartame, sucralose, diacetyl, and aluminum. These substances have been shown to contribute to a decline in mental cognition and may lead to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Dr. Sal talks about the significance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and avoiding foods that disrupt gut health, discussing the role of neurotransmitters in brain function and sharing practical tips on nutrition and dietary choices. This episode will give you a deeper understanding of the factors influencing brain health and teach you actionable strategies to support your neurological well-being. Key takeaways: 1. Neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer's are on the rise and are now being recognized as type 3 diabetes due to the impact of elevated blood sugars from consuming grains and added carbs and sugars. 2. Five neurotoxins to avoid for mental health and memory preservation are MSG, aspartame, sucralose, diacetyl (found in artificial flavorings), and aluminum, all of which have detrimental effects on brain health. 3. Factors such as antidepressants, amphetamines, barbiturates, excessive sleep medications, excessive alcohol, and certain food additives can deplete neurotransmitters and contribute to cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's. 4. Strategies to promote brain health include maintaining a proper diet, avoiding harmful substances, chelation therapy to draw out heavy metals, fasting, and incorporating amino acid therapy. 5. Discipline and control over dietary choices, seeking strength and guidance from God, and intentional choices regarding what we eat and how we treat our bodies are essential for maintaining good health and preventing addiction and cognitive decline. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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A Comprehensive Guide to Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is self-induced, so is there a way we can reverse it? Dr. Sal says we can. On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is exploring that possibility and discussing the historical context of diabetes, its modern prevalence, and the self-induced nature of the disorder. Type 2 diabetes is largely a modern disease that has seen a staggering increase since the 1980s. He emphasized that it is not solely attributed to genetics or hormones, but is largely influenced by our lifestyle choices, particularly our dietary habits and the impact of excess fat on our body's function. Dr. Sal discusses a holistic approach to reversing type 2 diabetes, focusing on the significance of diet, fasting, and a variety of key supplements and nutritional strategies. From chelation therapy to detoxification, intermittent fasting, and the impact of specific nutrients and amino acids, this episode provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of managing type 2 diabetes. Key takeaways: 1. Nutrition Matters: Emphasize whole foods, healthy fats, and high-fiber carbohydrates. Avoid processed and junk foods. Opt for grass-fed meats and wild-caught fish. Limit wheat products and reconsider the sugar content in fruit juices. 2. Supplement Recommendations: Consider the benefits of antioxidants like vitamin C, D, and A. Chromium picolinate can improve receptor sensitivity. Other supplements such as leucine and GLP-1 peptide can help stimulate insulin production and manage cravings. 3. Lifestyle Choices: Integrate intermittent fasting, detoxification, and chelation therapy. Stay hydrated with water or carbonated water and steer clear of sugary drinks or diet sodas. Incorporate high-dose amino acid therapy to curb appetite and manage insulin resistance. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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Why Ozembic is Dangerous to Your Health (Q&A with Dr. Sal)

How can I get my migraines under control? Should I try Ozempic for weight loss? These are questions that listeners of the show have sent in and Dr. Sal is answering them on today's episode of the Health Quest podcast. If you have a question you'd like Dr. Sal to answer in a future episode, send it to us at Key takeaways: Migraine Management: Chronic pain issues, such as migraines, require a multidisciplinary approach. Developing a strong relationship with a knowledgeable neurologist is crucial for exploring options like IV vitamin therapies, dihydroergotamine treatment plans, and nerve blocks. Implementing strategies like reducing inflammation, adopting a ketogenic diet, and considering supplements can also play a pivotal role in managing migraines effectively. Weight Loss and Medication: When it comes to weight loss, it's essential to prioritize natural, sustainable methods. I emphasized the potential risks associated with medications like Ozempic, which is primarily designed for type 2 diabetes treatment. Rather than resorting to synthetic hormones that may lead to various side effects, focusing on a wholesome diet, regular exercise, and alternative natural supplements can offer a more holistic approach to weight management. Building healthier habits and incorporating physical activity can make a profound difference in the journey toward sustainable weight loss. Gratitude and Well-being: Acknowledging the marvel of the human body and the countless functioning processes within it can inspire gratitude and a renewed commitment to prioritizing our health. Recognizing the gifts of life and aligning our lifestyle choices with the intention of preserving and nurturing those gifts can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence. By making conscious choices that support our well-being, we align our will with God's design for good health, bringing about positive transformations in our lives.


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The Vitamins You Need to Fight Toxic Foods

Is buying vitamins just flushing money down the toilet? In this episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is exploring a topic that isn't even covered in medical school: vitamins and supplements. From the importance of B complex vitamins in preventing heart issues and neurologic disorders to the immune-boosting properties of vitamin C and the hormone-like benefits of vitamin D, this episode shares the impact that these supplements can have on your overall wellbeing. Key takeaways: 1. B complex vitamins are crucial for preventing heart issues and neurologic disorders, particularly due to the lack of these vitamins in processed wheat. Dr. Sal recommends taking B complex vitamins for neurologic health and energy production. 2. Vitamin C is essential for cartilaginous tissue, joint health, and immune system support. High doses of vitamin C can be beneficial during chemotherapy and for building the immune system. 3. Vitamin D is categorized as a hormone and helps improve the immune system, particularly in viral infections. It has historically been used in high doses to treat psoriatic arthritis. 4. Dr. Sal emphasizes the forgotten effectiveness of high-dose vitamin D treatment and criticizes pharmaceutical influences. He also briefly mentions the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. 5. Dr. Sal discusses the impact of modern agricultural practices on the nutrient content of fruits and vegetables, and the need for mineral supplements, especially as people age. He also encourages starting and maintaining healthy habits from an early age. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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Don't Take Xanax, Take This Instead

Are you tired of mood swings, depression, and anxiety ruling your life? On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, we're talking about Lithium Orotate: the natural mood stabilizer. Dr. Sal explores the benefits of this incredible substance, which is 20 times more bioactive than other lithium salts. Lithium Orotate has been traditionally used to treat bipolar disorder, but it offers so much more. It fights depression, reduces stress and anxiety, and helps stabilize your mood. Additionally, it boosts cognition, memory, concentration, and learning abilities and has shown potential in protecting brain cells and fighting Alzheimer's. If you have ever struggled with mood swings, depression, or migraines, Lithium Orotate might be worth considering as a natural and safe alternative. Remember, mental health is just as important as physical health, and finding a balance in both areas is crucial for overall well-being. Key takeaways: 1. Natural Mood Stabilizer: Lithium Orotate helps fight depression, reduce stress and anxiety, and stabilize mood, without the need for pharmaceutical medications like Xanax or Valium. 2. Cognitive Enhancement: This powerful supplement improves memory, concentration, and learning abilities. It also increases dopamine levels, the neurotransmitter responsible for motivation and reward, naturally elevating mood and overall well-being. 3. Brain Health Booster: Research suggests that Lithium Orotate may play a role in protecting brain cells, making it a potential treatment for Alzheimer's. It inhibits enzymes linked to neurofibrillary tangles and acts as an effective aluminum chelator, reducing harmful effects on brain tissue. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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How to Prevent Severe Headaches

What causes migraines and how can we prevent them? On today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal talks about these debilitating headaches that affect 12% of Americans. Dr. Sal sheds light on the complexities of migraines and emphasizes the importance of understanding their triggers, including emotional stress, poor diet, hormonal changes, and more. He discusses abortive and preventative medications, over-the-counter remedies, home remedies, and lifestyle changes that can help manage migraines effectively. If you or someone you know struggles with migraines, it's essential to find the right treatment approach. Dr. Sal shares some valuable tips and resources to help you navigate this journey and seek the best care possible. Key takeaways: Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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How Fast Food is Killing America (Rant)

Today’s episode is a little different from our usual show. In fact, it wasn’t even supposed to be a show. When issues come up that are negatively affecting the American people, Dr. Sal, like the rest of us, sometimes just needs to rant. This time, Dr. Sal has a spontaneous discussion about the societal issues that have a profound impact on our health. Drawing inspiration from the biblical story of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the desert, Dr. Sal emphasizes the importance of resisting negative influences and only worshiping God. He explores the connection between following God's will and experiencing miracles, while cautioning against the effects of following Satan's path on our health, thoughts, and relationships. Throughout the episode, Dr. Sal reminds us that taking care of our health is a reflection of God's plan for us. Sharing personal anecdotes and insights, he highlights the need to confront and address our underlying fears, as well as the importance of embracing healthier eating habits. Key takeaways: 1. Our choices and actions have a profound impact on our physical and mental health. By aligning our will with God's will and making healthier choices, we can experience improvements in our overall well-being. 2. Overindulgence, addiction, and emotional eating are detrimental to our health. By addressing underlying fears and addressing unhealthy habits, we can begin the journey towards healing and growth. 3. The importance of self-forgiveness and living in the present moment is emphasized. By letting go of past mistakes and focusing on the present, we can make positive changes in our lives. 4. Living by a moral compass and seeking God's guidance are key in navigating societal issues. By aligning ourselves with God's will, we can resist negative influences and make choices that lead to positive health outcomes. 5. Facing our fears and addressing deep-seated issues can lead to transformation and healing. By acknowledging and confronting our fears, we can overcome obstacles and experience personal growth. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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How the Ketogenic Diet Can Prevent Heart Disease and Strokes

What's the actual science behind the Keto diet, and is it really good for you? In the latest episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal explains how the ketogenic diet works, the impact of our dietary choices on our health, and how we can transform our bodies into more efficient, fat-burning machines. When we follow a Keto diet, our bodies enter a ketogenic state due to drastically reducing our carbohydrate intake and replacing it with higher fat consumption. This results in the production of ketones, which provide a superior source of energy compared to glucose, leading to numerous health benefits. This episode also explores the impact of the ketogenic diet on insulin sensitivity, inflammation reduction, and its potential to prevent diseases like diabetes and even Alzheimer's. Key takeaways: 1. Alzheimer's as Type 3 Diabetes: The episode highlights the link between Alzheimer's and excessive sugar consumption, stating that the United States has the highest per capita rates of Alzheimer's and dementia due to sugar intake. 2. Ketogenic Diet Basics: The ketogenic diet consists of high fat (55-60%), moderate protein (30-35%), and low carbohydrate (5-10%) intake. When on this diet, the body enters a state of ketosis, utilizing fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. 3. Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diet: The podcast discusses how the ketogenic diet can lead to weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, enhanced antioxidant capacity, and increased energy production. Additionally, it highlights how ketones may positively impact mental health and reduce the risk of conditions such as Alzheimer's and dementia. 4. Effects on Pancreas and Body Fat Cells: The ketogenic diet impacts the release of glucagon from the pancreas, which assists in breaking down fat for energy production. Additionally, the diet may cause a process called "beiging," converting white fat cells into more metabolically active beige cells and increasing energy expenditure. 5. Lifestyle and Diet Influence: The episode emphasizes the importance of making dietary choices aligned with overall health and well-being, urging listeners to refrain from excessive sugar and bad fats, and embrace good fats such as those found in omega-3 fatty acids. It encourages individuals to take control of their own health by making positive lifestyle changes. Find transcripts, videos, and more at or send a question to be answered on a future episode to


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The Diet of Sudden Death

Are the foods you eat putting your health at risk? In this episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal dives into the topic of atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the buildup of plaque in artery walls. He explains how this condition can lead to serious health issues such as heart attacks, strokes, and more. Dr. Sal also discusses the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis and highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of this condition. He specifically emphasizes the dangers of trans fats, which are often found in processed foods and can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Listen carefully so you can make conscious choices to protect your arteries and overall well-being. Key takeaways: Have a question you want to ask Dr. Sal? Email us at


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Why Nutrition is More Than What You Eat

Are you ready to take charge of your nutrition? In today's episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal is once again joined by special guest Dr. Joshua Henk for a deep dive into the impact of nutrition on our overall health. With a master's degree in nutrition, Dr. Henk talks about where nutrition starts: with our soil. He shares the concept of sustainability in nutrition and explores how our food choices not only affect our bodies but also the world around us. From the quality of our soil to the health of our gut microbiome, we uncover the various factors that contribute to optimal nutrition. Dr. Sal shares his perspective on nutrition, which he calls "God's diet" or a variation of the paleo diet. He emphasizes the significance of consuming whole, unprocessed foods and incorporating a variety of vegetables into your meals. From sustainable eating habits to the importance of gut health, we're uncovering the secrets to nourishing your body from the inside out. Discover how what you put in your mouth, eyes, ears, and even on your skin can affect your well-being. Key takeaways: Have a question you want to ask Dr. Sal? Email us at
