J-WAVE : Music Plus?M??
Music Podcasts
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Music Podcasts
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Year End Goals - Ep 029 - Really Simple Sales Success
The end of the year is the time when salespeople reflect on their achievements for the prior year, and begin planning and setting goals for the new year. If you don't already know, Mel has a interesting perspective on the annual goal setting process. In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss the typical goal setting process and an alternative approach. Auld Lang Syne by Fresh Nelly courtesy of the Free Music Archive
How to Really Beat Your Competition - Ep 028 - Really Simple Sales Success
In a competitive sales environment, many salespeople put more focus on beating the competition than on meeting the needs of the customer. While everyone wants to win the sale, trying to beat the competition may actually cost you business. In this episode Mel and Ray talk about how and when the competition should enter your sales presentation.
Maximizing Sales Opportunities During the Holiday Season - Ep 027 - Really Simple Sales Success
Although the holidays are fast approaching, that doesn't mean that it's time for a sales slowdown. You can actually make the "holiday doldrums" work to your benefit. In this episode Mel and Ray talk about some ways to take advantage of this quiet time to get a fast start in 2018.
Finding Your Referral Partner - Ep 026 - Really Simple Sales Success
Are One on One meetings worth it? In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss networking in both "referral groups" and at networking events and how to discover your perfect referral partner.
5 Incredible Tools Every Salesperson Should Know About - Ep 025 Really Simple Sales Success
In this episode Mel and Ray discuss a variety of free and low-priced tools that can increase your productivity and effectiveness as a salesperson.
The Salesperson's Formula for Increasing Profitability - Ep 024 - Really Simple Sales Success
In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss some key business metrics and how small changes can lead to significant increases in profitability for you as a salesperson and your business.
Trigger Based Marketing - Ep 023 - Really Simple Sales Success
If you're paying attention, your prospects will tell you when they are interested in doing business. In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss Trigger Based Marketing, and how you can create fresh opportunities to connect with prospects and even get your prospect to send a signal flare when they're interested.
The Business of Business Cards - Ep 022 - Really Simple Sales Success
Your business card should be more than just another piece of paper. In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss business card design, the mistakes they have made, and how you can make the most of this everyday business tool.
The Advantage of Using Advantages - Ep 021 - Really Simple Sales Success
Most good salespeople know the importance of talking about features and benefits, but how many talk about advantages in their sales presentations. In this episode Mel and Ray talk about all three, and how using advantages is to your advantage as a sales person.
A Different Approach to Starting in Sales - Ep 020 - Really Simple Sales Success
In this episode Mel and Ray talk about business newcomer Margo Aaron's approach to starting her business by building her network, and the sales process she developed.
Testimonials vs. Endorsements
Getting third-party confirmation of the value that you add as a salesperson can help you achieve a higher level of sales success. In this episode of the Really Simple Sales Success podcast, Ray and Mel discuss the difference between testimonials and endorsements, and how you can get convincing customer testimonials.
Overcoming Call Reluctance - Ep 018 - Really Simple Sales Success
Cold Calling. For some sales people, having to make cold calls is worse than having to see the dentist for a root canal. However there's no reason for it to be so intimidating. In this episode, Mel lays out one simple strategy that has helped many of his coaching clients overcome their call reluctance, and manages to confuse Ray in the process.
Bait & Switch - Ep 017 - Really Simple Sales Success
Intentionally making promises that you can't keep is not just unethical, it's a losing proposition when it comes to making sales. Mel and Ray discuss the pitfalls of engaging in a Bait & Switch with your prospective buyers.
Three Quick Steps to Closing More Sales - Ep 016 - Really Simple Sales Success
There are three small things every B2B sales person can do to help them gain the confidence of prospects and help them to close more sales. In this episode, Mel and Ray talk about these three things that can differentiate you from most salespersons and help you win more business.
The Importance of Next Steps - Ep 015 - Really Simple Sales Success
Most sales don't close on the first contact or after the first sales call. In fact, it may take several efforts to bring the sale to a close. In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss why it's so important that you and your prospect understand what is the next step in the sales process.
Making the Most of Networking Events
For many sales people, networking is just handing out business cards. In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss the in's and out's of networking, and how becoming a more effective networker can improve your sales success.
Forget the Leave Behind - Ep 013 - Really Simple Sales Success
In 2016, over $22 billion dollars was spent on promotional items. This figure doesn't even include the printing of business brochures and flyers. In this episode, Mel and Ray discuss why you should take a different approach with what you leave behind on your next sales call.
Dealing With "I Want To Think About It" - Ep 012 - Really Simple Sales Success
Hearing "I want to think about it" at the end of your sales pitch can be frustrating, but it's not the end of the world. It may feel like it your prospect is blowing you off, but it may be a sign that they're actually considering your offer. In this episode Mel and Ray talk about what it means when you hear those fateful words, and what you should do to move toward the sale.
Closing the Sale - Ep 011 - Really Simple Sales Success
While there's no magic bullet to closing a sale, in this episode Mel and Ray discuss a question that lets you know whether or not it's "closing time".
The CRM. Your Sales Coach. - Ep 010 - Really Simple Sales Success
In this episode, Ray and Mel talk about how using a CRM or Customer Relationship Management program or app can help your sales performance. Learn three tips that will help your success in getting started with a new CRM.