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The Opposing The Matrix Show

News & Politics Podcasts

Opposing The Matrix is dedicated to exposing the lies and deception that are presented by the matrix of our linear reality by presenting the truth using Scripture and common sense.Please note that shows aired on any particular night are adjusted for sound quality and clarity and reposted often the same night of the show. Downloading the show after midnight (Pacific Time) will often yield a show with even voice levels and little or no noise.Please remember that as time progresses older shows are removed to make way for new shows. You can go to our archive site to access each and every show that we have ever produced. A link to the page can be found in the header at The Delusion Resistance website.


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Opposing The Matrix is dedicated to exposing the lies and deception that are presented by the matrix of our linear reality by presenting the truth using Scripture and common sense.Please note that shows aired on any particular night are adjusted for sound quality and clarity and reposted often the same night of the show. Downloading the show after midnight (Pacific Time) will often yield a show with even voice levels and little or no noise.Please remember that as time progresses older shows are removed to make way for new shows. You can go to our archive site to access each and every show that we have ever produced. A link to the page can be found in the header at The Delusion Resistance website.





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Unwise and Immoral To Send Depleted Uranium To Ukraine

We've changed tonight's subject due to Brian not being able to attend tonight. Instead, we will be looking at the unwise and immoral act of sending the Ukrainians depleted uranium ammunition. The show starts at 7:15 PM Pacific


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Knowledgeable Experts Are Speaking Out Against Artificial Intelligence

While there are fools like Yuval Harari that promote Artificial Intelligence as salvation for mankind. They talk about melding human consciousness with computer technology. While this kind of melding is immoral and unethical it could eventually lead to the demise and/or extinction of humankind. So, if people like Elon Musk, Geoffrey Hinton (formally of Google’s AI Department), and many others with expertise in the matter warn again this technology then maybe they should be listened to. Tonight, Brian and Dave will talk about these concerns and maybe more scenarios that could arise should AI decide to go rogue and attempt to replace or terminate mankind.


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ANTIFA – An Old Idea That Has Resurrected Once Again

Although ANTIFA seems to be a new militant idea it actually has been around for about a hundred years. In each of its successive brief appearances, it has succeeded in causing mayhem in many sectors of society. They appear to be a loosely knitted band of brothers that do not have loyalty to each other, or to the cause that they are marching in favor of, but the loyalty lies in who pays them and how much they will be paid. They will hate anyone if the price is right. Their main financer is George Soros, a man that hates the ideas of democracy and self-determination. For lack of other words, it is the perfect example of political prostitution with Soros being the pimp and ANTIFA being his whores that find anarchy their perfect customer. So, let’s look into the enigma that calls itself ANTIFA and see if we can make sense out of the senseless, tonight (Tuesday) on Opposing the Matrix at 7 PM Pacific.


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They Are Changing Our Status To Justify Our Genocide

When a fly enters your house you kill it because it's just a fly, an insect, something grotesque. Society has always named plants and animals in categories because that makes it easier to find information and to catelog them. Technically, the lower that something is in category the more the justification for its elimination. Throughout history men have assigned other men a lower than human status so that it makes the enemy seem cruel, primitive, a burden on society that should be wiped off the face of the earth simply because they have been categorized as repulsive. These things have played themselves out all through history; The Inquisition, The Catholic Purging of Protestants, Muslims murdering the infidels that refuse to become Islamic and Nazis killing Jews and others that they classified as "less than human." Well, we see this same lie coming into view with the new social reforms purposed by the One World Order, and especially the World Economic Forum. Tonight I will look at these rehashed abominations to show that the idea of genocide of the "less desirable," is strongly considered and will someday soon be enforced.


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Something Big Is Coming Down The Pike – The Flipside

In our last show I talked about certain news sources that are publishing stories that make it seem like salvation will be coming to mankind in the way of something called, “The Great Awakening.” According to this awakening philosophy there are forces within the governments of the world that want to wrestle power away from the World Economic Forum and the Illuminati. They often cite the Bible’s mention of a Year of Jubilee in which all debts will be forgiven, stolen monies restored and the destruction of bad people. They also cite New Age sources and use a variety of New Age phrases, melding Yahweh’s Word with the writings and philosophies of just about every other world religion. So, what is this movement all about? Is any of this babble for real? Will such a “salvation,” really lead to the Beast System mentioned in Revelation and Daniel? Are many people being set up for disappointment or worse; a brainwashing that will cause them to accept Anti-Messiah when he arrives? We’ll look at the flip side of what could easily become melded with its antithesis to form the end of days final human kingdom on Earth.


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Something Big Coming Down The Pipe

When two rival conspiracy websites starting working with each other you have to wonder what is up. I've been watching Restored Republic news feeds for a long time now and they always seemed to be a bit rhetorical and repetitive without much movement except to change the dates of future events. Recently however Restored Republic has been sharing news that is only found on Real Raw News, which in itself is phenomenal. Could there be some truth to all of the crazy articles that RRN has been posting? Are things coming together like Restored Republic has been saying what seems like forever? And what about the fact that a third source, Natural News has been publishing some of the same material. Something seems afoot. Whatever the case maybe I think that it's important that we starting listening to what these two sites are reporting, even if it's taking their news with a grain of salt, so to speak. Tonight, I present Restored Republic's daily update for today. If even a quarter of what is being said and written about these subjects, it is worth taking note of their news and reserving it for when and if their reports are in fact true.


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Some Sort of Chinese Invasion of America Seems To Be Imminent

In prior broadcasts, we showed that there has been a buildup of Chinese Communist soldiers at the northern and southern borders of America. Why would the Chinese be so interested in posting so many soldiers north and south of America? Why are they strengthening economic ties with Latin America? Why has there been an increase in Chinese Nationals coming illegally across the southern border? Never before in our history have there been so many potential enemies of our nation while their compatriots amass around the border? There is only one possible conclusion. Let’s look at this eventuality tonight on Opposing The Matrix.


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The Resistance Seems To Being Placing A Crimp In The WEF Style

We have all had to listen to the 21st Century Hitler, Klaus Schwab as he has been spewing forth his baby that he calls the Great Reset. And like the authoritarian Hitler, Schwab doesn’t tell you what you might want to hear, he tells you the cold hard facts about his forthcoming regime, stating that you will have nothing and you will like that. Resistance has continued to grow against this Jabba The Hutt-looking character. There is one question that has been raised in my curiosity about this situation. That question is why Americans haven’t taken to the streets like they have in Europe? Have we not learned the lesson taught to us over the past three years? Do European people crave freedom more than Americans do? What the heck is wrong with the freest people on Earth? What will it take to piss off Americans enough to fight back the insidious slob from Germany? Will we ever get the gonadal fortitude?


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Natural and Cosmic Disasters - Quakes Volcanos Sun Flares, Asteroids And Intergalactic Waves

Two weeks ago Brian and Dave talked about natural disasters and cosmic disasters. Since that time more volcanos have erupted, and more strong earthquakes have occurred. Abnormally large solar flares have been cast off the sun and more intergalactic waves have rolled through our solar system bringing disturbances with them. Meteorites are hitting Earth now, escaping burn up in the atmosphere. Is there anything more in store? Will Nibiru still affect us here on Earth? Are we going through the debris field of Planet X? We'll talk about all these things tonight on Opposing The Matrix.


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The Jabbed Are Broadcasting From Their Graves Plus Cancer Cases Exploding In The Living

For all of the naysayers that boldly say that there is nothing odd in the COVID-19 jabs please allow me to ask how dead people broadcast Bluetooth signals from the grave. Yes, it's true, the dead are broadcasting. There are ways to tell if this is true; all it takes is a cellphone and software. In addition, since they started to administer the Jab, cancer rates have been exploding across the charts. There are no coincidences and the only factor that this rise in cancer cases has is that those getting new cancer cases, or those coming out of remission, or stable cancer cases exploding has to be the Jab. The Pfizer and Moderna Jabs, the gift that keeps on giving.


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In The Days of Noah - The Nephilim and Fallen Watchers

Yeshua (Jesus) said that when he returned society on Earth would be just like in the Days of Noah. If we want to see how close we are to His return we have to examine what the Earth was like in the antediluvian world. In tonight's episode we will look at the mankind, the fallen watchers and their offspring the Nephilim. We would be remiss if we forget that Noah lived before and after the Great Flood thus, we have to include civilization for the first 400 years after the deluge. This is the first part in what will be five-or six-part series. I think that we will discover that we are closer to the return of Yeshua (Jesus) than most of us imagined.


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You Are What You Eat - Genociding Us Through Our Food

Just when you feel like it’s safe to move on with life, we learn that the demonic powers that be are experimenting with giving everyone the mRNA kill shots via the food supply. Whether it is hitting livestock with the jab or introducing mRNA through fruits and vegetables, the evil bastards are hard at work figuring out how to give us the jab without the actual jab. So, what do we need to look out for? What exactly are they working on to pollute everyone and everything? Are there ways around their plans? I’ll share this information tonight on Opposing The Matrix.


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Strange Sun Effects – Asteroids – Intergalactic Waves – Artificial Intelligence – MRNA In Livestock – Leftists Might Try Trump Assassination

Tonight, Brian and David will be discussing a variety of subjects. We’ll look at strange things happening to our sun, sudden asteroids, and Intergalactic waves hitting our solar system with more of them to come. We’ll talk about a record number of volcanic eruptions. We will also talk about the government injecting livestock with mRNA Vaccines. Lastly, we will be talking about the Bolshevik plans to maybe assassinate Donald Trump.


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Vietnam’s Heroin - China’s Source of Trillions of Dollars

How did Mainland China become so wealthy? We can all agree that it is because of their trade practices, but is that the sole source of China's wealth? During the Vietnam War, it became apparent to those who investigated (and they were few in number) that China grew strong and powerful from their production and exportation of Heroin. Was there an American oil refinery in Haiphong Harbor during the war? What was the whole idea about a dredge in Hanoi’s waterways? Tonight, Ralph will discuss this subject and other things that helped America and the world become proverbial opium dens.


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Is Donald Trump A Time Traveler?

Nikola Tesla is credited with making some very awesome inventions. When Tesla died his work was handed to a man named John Trump for examination. Trump told the FBI that the writings were just notes that didn’t amount to anything important. Did John Trump keep Tesla’s writings and research? Did he discover that Tesla had invented a time machine? Did he give Tesla’s research to his nephew, Donald John Trump? Did Donald Trump learn how to time travel? Those who know him say that he seems to be a few steps ahead of his adversaries and current events. Is Donald Trump playing with his enemies with full knowledge of what they try to do and how and when they will try to trap him? Let’s look at these things tonight.


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Are We Being Visited By Extraterrestrials From Other Worlds

I wrote my "Unholy Communion" book back in 2010 because I saw that a lot of people were starting to affirm that they believe that we are being visited by beings from other planets, constellations, and galaxies. So are we being visited by space brothers? Have we been visited before by these creatures? Are they physical beings or interdimensional in nature? I found this video that explains things clearly, showing that they are not who they claim to be. It's like these guys read my book. It's freaky.


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Fight The Urge To Fly Anywhere For A While At Least

The jab that was forced on workers around the world is more than just a killing machine, it is designed to disable our infrastructure. Pilots of all kinds, truck drivers, mass transit drivers, and many others who ferry us around have received full courses of the jab and could be walking, driving, and flying time bombs waiting to go off. Heck, even regular folks who commute to work, or the mother who ferries her kids around are in peril of collapsing at the wheel and causing mayhem. Should those who got the jab maybe have quarterly physical exams? Should they be charged higher insurance rates because they are a potential danger to others? Should airlines be required to staff aircraft with an extra pilot and attendant staff? Should buses and trains be equipped with sensors that monitor an operator for signs of trouble and shut things down should it sense danger? We’ll go over these things tonight on Opposing The Matrix.


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A Human By Any Other Name Is A Clone

Hopefully, our internet problems are a thing of the past. Tonight, we'll find out, I guess. This whole clone thing is getting a little out of hand. Photo evidence has shown that there are at least three Joe Biden's. What died in Epstein's cell certainly wasn't the original Jeff Epstein. There are at least two Obamas running around. Is cloning possible? What would be the reason for making clones? Is the production of clones just a deep-state thing or are the good guys making them too? Do you have a clone? Do clones have souls? What could live within a clone? Can a clone be distinguished from the real article? What are some of the differences? Are fallen angels creating a race of clones? Tonight, I'll look at these questions and more.


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Why Do The Globalists Hate Putin – Does Zelensky Distort History – Is Ukraine A Haven For Neo-Nazis - Part 2

How has Vladimir Putin gone from a golden child of the Great Reset to a hated focus of the Global Elite? Did his invasion of Ukraine upset the time of the Great Reset? Did Zelensky distort history in order to elicit help from the west? Is Zelensky endorse Naziism? Tonight, we will look at Ukraine and Zelensky to see if they are victims or not.


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Why Do The Globalists Hate Putin – Does Zelensky Distort History – Is Ukraine A Haven For Neo-Nazis - Part 1

How has Vladimir Putin gone from a golden child of the Great Reset to a hated focus of the Global Elite? Did his invasion of Ukraine upset the time of the Great Reset? Did Zelensky distort history in order to elicit help from the west? Is Zelensky endorse Naziism? Tonight, we will look at Ukraine and Zelensky to see if they are victims or not.
