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The infamous Dean & Rog Birthday Scams are back. Check here for the latest episode.
Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/18/24
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/17/24
Mike’s MORTGAGE got BOUGHT by a new COMPANY and it’s been nothing but PROBLEMS ever since! Well, Rog, the new company’s mortgage MONSTER, calls Mike to say he’s 7 MONTHS BEHIND on his PAYMENTS, so either Mike settles-up TODAY or Rog is coming over to take the DIFFERENCE out of his BUTT!
Will this call give Mike a MORTGAGE MIGRAINE?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/16/24
Jerry put up a BASKETBALL HOOP without getting the HOA’s say so, what a REBAL, and thought he got away with it! Well, Rog, the HOA’s HEAVY HITTER, calls Jerry to let him know no one ESCAPES the LONG ARM of the Home Owners Association, so either the HOOP comes down TODAY or else Rog is going to put Jerry’s HEAD through it!
Will Rog and Jerry settle things on the COURT or in COURT?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/12/24
JJ was LIVING with his friend’s MOM for a while, but her NICKEL and DIMING on every LITTLE THING meant they left on NOT-so-GREAT TERMS! Well, Rog, the LAWYER looking for a PAY DAY, calls JJ to see if he can get the $2,000 his DEAD-BEAT BUTT still OWES from his prolonged STAY!
Will Rog get JJ to PONY UP the DOUGH to the LAND-LADY from HELL?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/11/24
Dennis BOUGHT a BOAT recently, but the thing’s ENGINE isn’t seated CORRECTLY, so he’s been trying to get it FIXED! Well, Dean, the SALTY salesman, calls Dennis to let him know if he wants his BOAT looked at, he’s going to have to bring it in RIGHT NOW unless he wants 6 MONTHS of ROWING!
Will Dennis’ PLANS for FUN in the WATER be all WET by the end of this CALL?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/10/24
Kim had his truck’s TRANSMISSION worked on, but not to worry, it’s under WARRANTY! Well, Rog, the RENEGADE repairman, calls Kim to let him know he’s on the HOOK for the FIX because the WARRANTY turned out to only be a PARTIAL WARRANTY!
Will Kim feel like a VALUED CUSTOMER by the end of this CALL?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/6/24
Mike just CLOSED on a HOUSE, but he didn’t notice until he moved in that the FLOORS in his brand-new KITCHEN aren’t LEVEL! Well, Dean, the real state RENEGADE, calls Mike to let him know that UN-LEVEL floors or NOT, he bought the house AS IS, so he better get used to cooking on at an ANGLE!
Will Mike’s FLOORS or Dean’s CALL have him more on the EDGE?! Listen FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/5/24
David had KIDNEY STONES removed but couldn’t pay the BILL, so the HOSPITAL put him on a $20 a month PAYMENT PLAN! Well, Rog, the MEAN medical professional, calls to say he wants David’s DEBT off the books TODAY! So, either he pays up NOW or else David’s going to be BACK in the HOSPITAL for a BOOT REMOVAL!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/4/24
Claudia SIGNED UP for a KARATE program, which came with a free UNIFORM, but she DROPPED OUT after 1 LESSON and decided to keep her new DUDS! Well, Dean, the dojo’s LEGAL TEAM, calls Claudia to say if she doesn’t have the DISCIPLINE to finish the TRAINING that’s her PROBLEM, but she either needs to GIVE BACK what she STOLE or meet KARATE MASTER Dean in the RING!
Will everyone be KUNG FU FIGHTING by the END of this CALL?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 12/3/24
Jodi just moved into a new NEIGHBORHOOD, so she put out a “WELCOME FRIENDS” sign to help fit in! Well, Rog, the HOA hardhead, calls Jodi to say her sign’s an EYESORE and it needs to GO! And if Jodi doesn’t take care of it, Rog will DUMP it in her POOL!
Will Jodi have to find a NEW, Rog-less NEIGHBORHOOD?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/21/24
Kim & her FRIEND got a little too ROUDY in a HOTEL JACUZZI, they got some COMPLAINTS, so they CALMED things DOWN and thought that was the END of it! Well, Dean, the HOSTILE hotel manager, calls Kim to let her know since her WET and WILD fun in the TUB got CRAZY, they had to REFUND a couple of GUESTS for their STAYS…So, Kim’s going to be in HOT WATER unless she PAYS UP!
How does Dean go from CONDESCENDING to CREEPY in RECORD TIME?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/20/24
Michelle loves HORSES, she’s got a COUPLE, and she knows how to keep them SAFE…Or does SHE?! Dean, the animal control A-HOLE, calls to let Michelle know her MARE got LOOSE and KICKED a member of Dean’s RECOVERY TEAM in the MEMBER! And since she was so IRRESPONSIBLE with her HOOVED fuzzy friends, she’s getting a $1,000 FINE in addition to a TALKING TO!
Will this CALL be a KICK TO HEAD for Michelle?! Listen FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/19/24
Mary was leaving a CERTAIN San Antonio based AQUATIC ANIMAL PARK, when she HIT a SIGN on the way OUT! Well, Rog, the big bad SECURITY MAN, calls to let Mary know replacing the SIGN she irresponsibly MOWED DOWN will cost $600…That is unless she wants to CLEAN the WALRUS TANK instead!
Will Mary be CLEANING with the FISHES?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/18/24
While Margie was RECOVERING in the HOSPITAL, they gave her a HOT PLATE to take HOME…How nice! Well, Rog, the hospital HOTHEAD, calls Margie to ask her why she STOLE a PIECE of MEDICAL EQUIPMENT?! And if she doesn’t bring it back right NOW, she might just end up BACK in the HOSPITAL!
How HEATED does this Call get?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/15/24
Rodney’s DAUGHTER’S getting MARRIED this SATURDAY, all the ARRANGEMENTS have been MADE, now they just need to get it DONE! Well, Dean, the scheduling SCOUNDREL, calls to ask if they could MOVE the WEDDING DATE to SUNDAY instead of SATURDAY, because his BUSINESS PARTNER needs the VENUE…That’s not going to be a PROBLEM, right?
Will Rodney have to FIGHT for his DAUGHTER’S RIGHT to get MARRIED?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/14/24
Pat’s been having ISSUES with her WATER BILL, no matter how she PAYS, the COMPANY says she still OWES THEM! Well, poor sweet innocent Dean calls Pat to SORT things OUT, but Pat’s not having any of it…She YELLS, she SWEARS, and Dean can barely get a CONDESCENDING word IN before she HANGS UP!
Will Pat make this the SHORTEST Scam EVER?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/13/24
Joe’s TRUCK is all DINGED UP, so he took it in to get FIXED under WARRANTY. Problem is there was a MISUNDERSTANDING with his INSURANCE, so Joe ended up having to pay HALF the BILL! Well, Rog, the ROUGHNECK repairman, calls Joe to ask why he’s being so CHEAP?! And if he doesn’t PAY UP right NOW Rog is keeping his WRECK of a TRUCK!
Will the WARRANTY cover Joe’s BRUISED EGO?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/12/24
John’s WIFE likes to SMOKE on her BACK PORCH now and then, NAKED! Well, MANAGER Rog calls from the CAR DEALERSHIP, that just so happens to be BEHIND John’s HOUSE, to let him know that some of his GUYS have been taking PICTURES of his WIFE and he wants to MAKE A DEAL for them!
Will John need a SMOKE by the end of this CALL?! Listen FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/11/24
Renee DUMPED her EX 4 YEARS AGO and hasn’t thought about him SINCE! Well, Dean, from the PHONE COMPANY, calls Renee to let her know the JIG is UP! They have RECORDS of her STALKING her EX using his PHONE ACCOUNT! And unless Dean and Renee can figure SOMETHING out right HERE and NOW, he’s going to the COPS!
Just how UNPROFESSIONAL can one Dean be?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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Dean & Rog's Birthday Scam - 11/8/24
Patrika just bought a NEW TRUCK, but the things AXEL is on BACKWARDS, and trying to get it FIXED has been a NIGHTMARE! Well, Dean, the dealership’s resident D-BAG, calls Patrika to first ask her how much she’s ENJOYED their SERVICE, and to somehow BLAME HER for the AXEL being on the WRONG WAY!
Will Dean get Patrika to CRACK?! Listen and FIND OUT!
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