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Do you worry about money? Relationships? Faith? Work/Career? Health? Or feel like your hopes and dreams are passing you by? If so, you’re not alone. These are the five areas people worry about the most. Join your host and success coach Doug Fitzgerald every week for ONESHOT ONELIFE, where he will help you stop worrying and start winning in these five critical areas. Each show brings you practical, relevant, and life changing interviews and insights from Doug’s inspiring expert guests.


Lincoln, NE


Do you worry about money? Relationships? Faith? Work/Career? Health? Or feel like your hopes and dreams are passing you by? If so, you’re not alone. These are the five areas people worry about the most. Join your host and success coach Doug Fitzgerald every week for ONESHOT ONELIFE, where he will help you stop worrying and start winning in these five critical areas. Each show brings you practical, relevant, and life changing interviews and insights from Doug’s inspiring expert guests.



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The Retirement Answer Man, Roger Whiteny’s proven plan for a successful retirement ...

A PROVEN PLAN FOR A SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Roger Whitney. Roger is the host of one of the top retirement podcasts, The Retirement Answer Man, in iTunes with more than 8 million downloads and over 500 episodes (and counting!) He is also the author of: Rock Retirement: A Simple Guide to Help You Take Control and be More Optimistic About the Future Roger is ranked by Investopedia as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Advisors over 6 years and named by Inc. Magazine as one of the best blogs to follow. In this episode, Roger shares some great retirement advice to help you stop worrying about your retirement and put together a successful plan that will help you win in retirement!


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Jennifer Thumm shares how to protect ourselves from BURNOUT …

HOW TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM BURNOUT … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is grateful to have Licensed Professional Counselor Jennifer Thumm join us and share some proven and effective steps to take to keep us from burning out at work and at home. Do you feel that your life is too fast-paced today? I think two of the top used answers of all time when people are asked "How are you?" is "I'm So Busy!" or "I'm So Tired!" The truth is, many of our lives are so busy, that its causing so many mental health and relationship problems in our world. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. And an estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience any anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. So what can we do about it? Jennifer gives some powerful advice on how to protect ourselves from BURNOUT, plus she shares “7 Tips To Create More Margin In Our Lives.”


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Celebrating 2 Years Of ONESHOT ONELIFE With Amazing Guests …

HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY TO ONESHOT ONELIFE … ONESHOT. ONELIFE is excited to celebrate some powerful highlights from some of our shows over the past 2 years. In this show we hear from:


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Josh Luse shares how to forgive and accept forgiveness ...

HOW TO FORGIVE AND ACCEPT FORGIVENESS ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have Faith Expert Josh Luse to join us and walk us thru some thoughts about forgiveness. Here's the thing about when someone hurts you, most people become imprisoned by it. It becomes such a bitter strain in their lives that they can't let go of the pain and frustration, so they hang on to it and it grows like a cancer, impacting their emotional, spiritual and physical lives in such a negative way. Josh helps us break free from that pain by helping us better understand how to forgive, how to accept forgiveness, and ultimately show us what forgiveness from God looks like.


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Matt Schulte shares how to effectively communicate with today’s youth ...

HOW TO EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE WITH TODAY’S YOUTH & TEENS … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is grateful to have Youth Expert Matt Schulte on this episode. Matt has been working with thousands of youth for well over 20 years. If you have kids, grandkids, students, … then you know how difficult it can be to effectively communicate with today’s youth and teens. In this episode Matt shares with us "3 Powerful Tips To Effectively Communicate With Today’s Youth": - The first tip: Fill them up with words - The second tip: Learn to say I am Sorry - The third tip: How to "Talk About Difficult Things" with your young person. Plus, he provides us with action steps that we can start using right away.


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Wheels 4 Warriors & HeroStock … Overcoming Veteran Suicide 2 Wheels & 1 Event at a Time ...

Wheels 4 Warriors & HeroStock … Overcoming Veteran Suicide 2 Wheels & 1 Event at a Time ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have Wheels 4 Warriors & HeroStock on this episode to share about their vital work, along with 2 Veterans who share how these two organizations saved their lives! W4WUSA uses wind therapy to help Veterans who are struggling with depression, ptsd, and thoughts of suicide! In other words, they get these men and women on a motorcycle and let the ride clear their mind and soul. HeroStock is an annual event created to recognize and honor Veterans and Gold Star Families by providing them with a time and space to disconnect from their duties, connect with like-minded individuals who share their experiences and struggles, and live in the moment with music, food, and fun.


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Mike Sciandra almost destroyed his life from problem gambling ...

GAMBLING NEARLY DESTROYED HIS LIFE … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have Mike Sciandra join us to share his story of how his life was nearly destroyed because of gambling, how he turned his life around and what he's doing now to help those who are struggling with gambling addiction. Mike is doing incredible work by sharing his story to youth, college students and adults around the country to help them not fall into the gambling addiction trap that he did. Legal sports betting reached over $93 billion in the U.S. in 2022. And it is estimated that a record number of people will be betting on all sorts of athletic events and other wagering activities in 2023. Unfortunately, while gambling has become so prevalent in our society, along with it comes a devastating problem for a lot of people. Approximately 2 million people have severe problem gambling and another 4-6 million have a mild or moderate problem gambling. If you or someone you know struggles with gambling, this is a show you don’t want to miss this episode. Email Mike: Need help with problem gambling? Call 1-800-GAMBLER (800-426-2537)


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Tony Bradshaw shares how everyone can become a Millionaire!!!

LEARN HOW TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is pumped to have Financial Expert Tony Bradshaw on this episode! Early in 1996, Tony was sick and tired of being broke and in debt, so he set out to change his financial future and established the priority of becoming a millionaire by the age of 40. And in 2011 he accomplished his goal. Now his passion is to change communities across the United States by helping individuals get financially educated and on their way to a wealthy lifestyle with the purpose to positively impact those around them. Tony is an Author/Speaker/Podcaster/Entrepreneur/Business Coach and Mentor. He worked for the Dave Ramsey organization for about 15 years, including being their CIO & COO during that time. In 2019 he published his book The Millionaire Choice. And over the last few years Tony has been working hard help people become millionaires no matter their income, ethnicity or financial situation. This episode can literally change your financial situation and leave a legacy of wealth behind for your family.


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Brandon Peterson shares how to grow professionally and personally so that you know exactly why you were placed on this earth ...

YOUR LIFE MATTERS MORE THAN YOU KNOW ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is excited to have Business & Personal Growth Expert Brandon Peterson on this episode! Brandon is a CEO of two multi-million dollar corporations, taking them from $0 to over $100 Million in revenue under his leadership! During his amazing growth and company development, he also demonstrated his passion for professional and personal growth. Brandon shares his very inspiring story, proven tips to grow and develop professionally and personally so that you know exactly why you were placed on this earth, and reveals how your identity is not found in your job, position or accomplishments, but how its found in what truly matters in life. So, if you have ever questioned your value or worth as a person, or wondered why you were placed on this earth to begin with … then this episode is for you!


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Dr. Pat Luse shares how to lose weight fast and permanently ...

LOSE WEIGHT FAST & PERMANENTLY ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have Health Expert Dr. Pat Luse on this episode! Dr. Pat is a board-certified chiropractic orthopedic physician who has treated over 25,000 patients from all over the US and around the world. He's also a Best-Selling and Award-Winning Author of the book "7 Systems Plan". A proven plan to help people develop a healthy lifestyle. The 7 Systems Plan can help you: ● Lose weight fast and permanently ● Live up to 24 years longer ● Increase your energy by 600% ● Decrease your risk for cancer by up to 67% ● Decrease or eliminate your need for certain medications ● Significantly improve your sex drive ● And so much more ... Dr. Pat shares his powerful and proven system to get healthy and lose weight. He also shares practical solutions for … eating out, meal prep, stress, and exercise. Plus, he shares what he feels is the most destructive thing you can eat … So if you're struggling with losing weight, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, fatty liver, inflammation, OR, simply want to take your health to the next level ... this episode is for you!


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Paul Yates shares the grim reality of Sex Trafficking in the United States ...

I HAD NO CLUE HOW BAD IT IS … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is grateful to have Executive Director of “I’ve Got A Name”, Paul Yates, on the show. The sex trafficking stats for Lincoln, Nebraska (200 girls in Lincoln & 900 girls in Nebraska are sold for sex every month) and across the country are staggering, representing the individual lives of girls and women being exploited and abused. And this is happening in nearly every city in the United States. Paul and his team have been fighting hard to end sex trafficking right here in our backyard and are making a dramatic difference in lives of those caught in the middle here and across the United States. Paul will share the hard-core facts of sex trafficking, the mission of I’ve Got A Name, the life-changing stories of those they’ve served, and how we can join them in making a true impact.


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Michele Cushatt shares her devastating story of having cancer 3 times, how she beat it, and how she’s now helping others ...

KNOCKED DOWN IN LIFE? HERE’S HOPE!!! ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is grateful to have Faith Expert Michele Cushatt on the show. She is an international speaker who has inspired both corporate and faith based audiences with her incredibly inspiring story of trauma, faith and resilience from surviving head & neck cancer 3 times. Michele’s audiences have included Ramsey Solutions w/Dave Ramsey, Women of Faith, Compassion International, Michael Hyatt & Co, Life Today TV, Family Life and many more. Today she shares her story and how she leaned fully in on her faith to get her through the devastating trauma of cancer. Plus she reveals some amazing tips from her brand-new book: “A Faith That Will Not Fail - 10 Practices To Build Up Your Faith When Your World Is Falling Apart”.


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Lisa Moser shares how to handle extreme disappointment in life ...

DISAPPOINTMENT HURTS, HERE’S HELP ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have Communications Expert Lisa Moser back on the show. She is a former Miss Ohio USA, former Mrs. International, author, speaker and successful business woman. A couple of weeks ago we had scheduled Lisa to come on the show to talk specifically about creating a more powerful impact within your career and business. But on the day we were to record the show she had a situation come up where she experienced some deep disappointment. Ironically, Doug had been extremely disappointed the week before. So we decided to take some time to think through our situations and then come back and develop a show that could help all of us in the area of disappointment. So in this show Lisa shares “6 Vital Tips To Positively Handle Disappointment”!


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Chellie Phillips shares how to develop an exciting & fun work & home culture ...

CREATE AN EXCITING & FUN CULTURE AT HOME & WORK ... ONESHOT. ONE LIFE. welcomes Career Brand Expert & Award-Winning Author Chellie Phillips on the show. Over the years she has helped over 10,000 people across the country develop amazing careers. And through all of that and her own corporate experience, she became an expert in learning how successful companies, employers, and employees developed a culture that everyone in these companies really appreciated. For her latest project, Chellie spent a lot of time compiling info, interviewing some pretty amazing business owners and leaders, and writing it all down in her brand new book: Culture Secrets - Secrets Any Leader Can Use to Build A V.A.L.U.E. Culture.


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Celebrating the Amazing Guests of ONESHOT. ONELIFE. ...

WISDOM EVERYONE NEEDS … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is excited to celebrate some powerful highlights from our shows over the past 2 years. In this show we hear from: Fitness Expert & Creator of P90X Tony Horton Career Expert & Best Selling Author Dan Miller Relationships Expert Traci Morrow Small Biz Expert Pat Miller from the Idea Collective Small Business Incubator And … Corina Maher, Chellie Phillips, Dan Delgado, Billy Nino, …


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Michael Krause on how to beat high inflation and keep more of your money ...

KEEP MORE OF YOUR MONEY … ONESHOT. ONE LIFE. is excited to have Financial Expert Michael Krause back on the show. He's a Certified Financial Planner and who has been successfully helping clients with their money for over 10 years. Throughout the show Michael gives us practical tips to the following questions: - How best do I adjust my spending/budget with the increase in prices for my everyday needs? - What do I do if my income is falling behind spending and inflation? - How do I handle debt during this time? - Should I invest in the stock market? - If I have extra savings, where should I keep my savings? - And more ...


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Kristen Christy and the devastating impact of suicide on her life ...

THIS SHOW WILL SAVE LIVES … ONESHOT. ONE LIFE. is honored to have Suicide Prevention Warrior Kristen Christy on the show. Kristen is the 2018 Air Force Spouse of the Year, a 2019 Top Military Influencer, 2020 Remarkable Woman Finalist, International speaker, and a Master Resilience Trainer. Hear her life-impacting story of how she turned her pain into her purpose after losing her first husband to suicide. Plus, Kristen will share how a dramatic voicemail from her son on the night he tried to commit suicide and how that birthed the idea of having the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number changed to 988. You don’t want to miss this show!


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Traci Morrow on developing healthy relationships ...

MAKE A GREAT MARRIAGE ... ONESHOT. ONELIFE. welcomes Relationships Expert Traci Morrow to the show! Traci shares her powerful and fresh perspective on what it takes to make a great marriage (one you love coming home to), and develop successful relationships all around. Plus, we'll hear about her brand new & best-selling book "Real-Life Marriage”. Traci is the Relationships Expert for Maxwell Enterprises. She is also the co-host for the John Maxwell Leadership Podcast.


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Mike Sciandra shares his journey with gambling addiction and how he overcame it

GAMBLING NEARLY DESTROYED HIS LIFE … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. is honored to have Mike Sciandra join us. With nearly 68 million people gambling during March Madness, along with it comes problem gambling. Mike shares his story of how his life was nearly destroyed because of gambling and what he's doing now to help those who are struggling with addiction. FYI: Approximately 2 million people have severe problem gambling and another 4-6 million have a mild or moderate problem gambling. If you or someone you know struggles with gambling, this is a show you don’t want to miss.


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Dylan Fitzgerald & Jordan Peters from Boys Down Bad podcast talk about how to start your own podcast

A SON, A BEST FRIEND, A DAD & A PRODUCER … ONESHOT. ONELIFE. Is really excited to welcome The Boys Down Bad to the show. Dylan Fitzgerald & Jordan Peters will share about their pursuit of their dream and passion of their podcast The Boys Down Bad. They also give us proven tips on how to create our own podcast. Plus, Doug shares 8 very effective tips to help you, help your kids and grandkids, effectively pursue their dreams and passions.
