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The Ledger is your indispensable source of news, information and entertainment for and about Polk County, Florida. This is a playlist of audio clips from The Ledger's newsroom.
Kimberly Miller Game Day FLA GA Weather Forcast with Gatehouse Florida Weather Reporter
Kimberly Miller gives a weather forecast for Jacksonville, FL for Sat. Nov 2nd, leading up to the Florida Georgia Rivalry Football Game
Call 2: Three naked women lead police on a high-speed chase
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CALL AUDIO: 3 naked women spotted at a rest stop lead Florida police on a high-speed chase
"All three of them, standing in the nude. Putting on sun tan lotion."
The Big Nerd Podcast with Ray Beasock: Wrestlemania weekend is upon us
Wrestlemania weekend is upon us and Ray reunites his Wrestling Nerds "The Matador" and "JD" for a look at some of the key aspects of Sunday's Showcase of the Immortals. Come get down and nerdy with the Big Nerd.
The Big Nerd w/Ray Beasock: So, why the heck is he called Slinky?
The Big Nerd Podcast hits the hard-court as Ray interviews Florida Southern College senior Slinky Jones. Why’s he called Slinky? Of course I asked!
VOICEMAILS: Fort Meade Vice Mayor arrested for aggravated stalking
Fort Meade's Vice Mayor, Maurice Nelson Campbell, 59, was charged after an investigation opened into a complaint of numerous alleged harassing phone calls.
PCSO reported in a news release that the victim told detectives that she and the vice mayor had known each other for years, and said Campbell had repeatedly accused her of having an intimate relationship with Campbell's husband.
According to the arrest affidavit, the victim had contacted law enforcement about Campbell in the past, but refrained from pursuing criminal charges after Campbell would stop the harassing communication.
911 call: Elderly woman dies in North Lakeland house fire
WARNING: Please be advised that parts of this call may be disturbing to some listeners.
Loretta Pickard, 76, called 911 when she noticed her house, located at 13802 Rockridge Road in Lakeland, was on fire. She told dispatch that her husband, James, was at a ball game and she wasn't able to reach him by phone.
Loretta spent the last 20 minutes of her life on the phone with dispatch as her home burned down around her. She begged for someone to come rescue her and was assured they would. But rescue never came.
Now, her family wants to know why nobody went inside the house to try to save her life.
Radio traffic between dispatch & crews on scene of fatal fire in N. Lakeland
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The Big Nerd Podcast w/Ray Beasock: REAL Ring of Honor World Champion Matt Taven
He’s Matt Taven and he’s the REAL Ring of Honor World Champion. He’s also talking about his YouTube series Travel Taven, ROH’s future, his stable The Kingdom and even Harry Potter!
PCSO releases audio of calls Bobby Staley allegedly made while in prison
The Polk County Sheriff's Office says Bobby Staley made calls to banks from inside prison, telling call takers that he was the owner of the business. He established new mailing addresses in Jacksonville, where 5 of the suspects live, the PCSO said, and new credit cards were then linked to the victims' accounts. Staley bragged to witnesses about smuggling cellphones into prison to assist in the scheme, the Sheriff's Office said.
The Big Nerd Podcast w/Ray Beasock: DreadCentral.com editor Jonathan Barkan talks HORROR
It's October and that means horror movies are in season, so the Big Nerd decided to bring the lead editor of DreadCentral.com Jonathan Barkan onto the show to discuss horror movies and especially the new Halloween movie.
The voice of Ring of Honor, Ian Riccaboni joins The Big Nerd this week
The voice of Ring of Honor, Ian Riccaboni joined The Big Nerd this week. We talk this week's PPV, the experience of All-In, the future and past of ROH and what strikes a "chord" with him when he's not announcing PPVs and tv tapings.
Only in Polk: Episode 5: Only in Polk: Was Winter Haven really supposed to be named Lakeland?
Episode 5: "Was Winter Haven really supposed to be named Lakeland?"
In this episode, Brady Fredericksen talks to local historians to myth-bust a story that's floated around for years. And the answer is simpler than you'd think.
Submit your own question! theledger.com/onlyinpolk
Reporting & story: Brady Fredericksen.
Audio production: Laura L. Davis.
Only in Polk: Episode 4, Part 1: What's in a name? And how do you pronounce 'Seward'?
Episode 4, Part 1: "How do you pronounce "Seward"? Why's it called Lake Seward Drive?"
Submit your own question! theledger.com/onlyinpolk
Reporting & story: Gary White.
Audio production: Laura L. Davis.
Only in Polk: Episode 4, Part 2: Which Lake Miriam came first? The woman, that one lake, the other lake/phosphate pit or the shopping center?
Episode 4, Part 2: "How do you pronounce "Seward"? Why's it called Lake Seward Drive?"
In this episode, reporter Gary White unravels the source of a name within a name to answer a reader's two-part question. So, which Lake Miriam came first: the woman, that one lake, the other lake/phosphate pit or the shopping center?
Submit your own question! theledger.com/onlyinpolk
Reporting & story: Gary White.
Audio production: Laura L. Davis.
Only in Polk: Epsiode 3: What's behind those gates at Frances Langford Promenade at Lake Mirror?
Episode 3: "What’s behind the gates at the Frances Langford Promenade loggia?"
In this episode, Christopher Guinn shines some light on a mystery that's inspired rumors to swirl around Lakeland for years. Is it Blinky’s old home? Where lions made meals of criminals? Hidden tunnels for trysts, illicit deals by the wealthy? Well ... you'd better listen to find out. And we're still not entirely convinced.
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Reporting & story: Christopher Guinn.
Audio production: Laura L. Davis.
The Big Nerd Podcast w/Ray Beasock: SUMMERSLAM PREVIEW
WWE's annual SummerSlam PPV is here and The Big Nerd rounds up his wrestling crew to talk about the PPV and to give their predictions on one of the WWE's biggest PPVs of the year!
Applicant: Reececliff Family Diner in Lakeland canceled job interview because of pregnancy
On Tuesday evening, an employee at Reececliff Family Diner in Lakeland contacted her on Facebook Messenger to confirm a 9:15 a.m. interview. Moments later, the interview was canceled. Why?
Words: Christopher Guinn
Sounds: Laura L. Davis
READ MORE: http://www.theledger.com/news/20180808/applicant-reececliff-family-diner-in-lakeland-canceled-job-interview-because-of-pregnancy
Only in Polk Episode 1: What is the origin of Imperial Polk County?
Episode 1: "What is the origin of Imperial Polk County?"
Reporter Eric Pera goes back in time to explore the age-old question from a reader who moved to Polk in 1998.
Submit your own question! theledger.com/onlyinpolk
Reporting & story: Eric Pera.
Audio production: Laura L. Davis.
Only in Polk Episode 2: What is the status of Daylight Savings Time in Florida? I'm trying to plan a wedding.
Episode 2: "What is the status of Daylight Savings Time in Florida? I'm trying to plan a wedding."
In this episode, reporter Mike Ferguson dives into an act of Congress to find out if a couple will have sunset light on their wedding day in Ft. Meade.
Submit your own question! theledger.com/onlyinpolk
Reporting & story: Mike Ferguson.
Audio production: Laura L. Davis.