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Sabbath School Study Hour


You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.


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You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.





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Jerusalem Controversies

In this week’s lesson, when Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, He has a series of six controversies with the religious leaders. The religious leaders come to confront, confound, and defeat Jesus, but they never succeed. Part of this week’s lesson will include analyzing just what it is that brings people into opposition to God and consideration of what Christians can do to break through prejudice and speak to the hearts of those resisting the Spirit’s call.


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Teaching Disciples: Part II

This week covers Mark 10, completing the special section in which Jesus teaches His disciples in preparation for the cross. About half of the chapter deals with the disciples themselves, and the rest with issues important to discipleship but told through the lens of others who interact with Jesus. Pharisees come and argue with Him over the subject of divorce. Parents bring their children for Jesus to bless. A rich man asks about eternal life, and a blind man asks for sight. This chapter of Mark carries important teachings about what it means to follow Jesus, particularly as it relates to living in the here and now: marriage, children, how to relate to riches, and the reward and cost of following Him.
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Teaching Disciples: Part I

In the last part of Mark 8 through the end of Mark 10, Jesus focuses on teaching His disciples about His journey. In these chapters, He will give predictions about the cross. These will be followed by special instruction on discipleship. These powerful lessons remain relevant today.


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Inside Out

This week’s study is Mark 7 and the first half of Mark 8. At the beginning of Mark 7, Jesus stirs up controversy by His rejection of religious tradition. However, He does it in a way that is strikingly supportive of something deeply relevant to Christian life today.


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The Beginning of the Gospel

This week's first step will be to learn about Mark as reported in Scripture, to see his early failure and eventual recovery. Then the study will turn to the opening section of Mark with a look forward to where the story is headed and a look backward at why a failed and then restored missionary would write such a text.


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The Triumph of God’s Love

In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciting time in the history of the universe and His complete and total triumph in the great controversy between good and evil. The Bible’s last book, Revelation, gives us hope for today, tomorrow, and forever. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 39-42 of The Great Controversy.


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The Impending Conflict

The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study emphasizes Jesus’ strength to take us through earth’s final conflict. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 35 and 36 of The Great Controversy.


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Spiritualism Exposed

The aim of this lesson is to show that our only safeguard against Satan’s last-day delusions is a personal relationship with Christ and a solid grounding in the teachings of the Bible. This includes its teaching about death, regardless of what our eyes and ears and hearts might try to tell us. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 31–34 of The Great Controversy.


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The Foundation of God’s Government

The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, and the coming crisis over the mark of the beast. We will also explore the relevance of the Sabbath to an end-time generation. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 25–27 of The Great Controversy.


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Light From the Sanctuary

This week we explore Christ’s ministry in heaven. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 22–24 and 28 of The Great Controversy.


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Motivated by Hope

In this week’s lesson we will examine why the second coming of Christ has filled the hearts of believers with joy through the centuries and how we can be ready for that great event. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 18–21 of The Great Controversy.


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The Two Witnesses

This week, we explore one of the most vicious attacks on the Scriptures and the Christian faith. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 12-17 of The Great Controversy.


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Faith Against All Odds

In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-changing teachings of Scripture provide the basis for genuine purpose and true meaning in life. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 7–11 of The Great Controversy.


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The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?

We will study Satan’s twofold strategy both to deceive and destroy God’s people. What the evil one fails to accomplish through persecution, he hopes to achieve through compromise. God is never caught by surprise, and even in the most challenging times He preserves His people. Study this week’s lesson, based on The Great Controversy, chapters 1–2


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The War Behind All Wars

If God is so good, why is the world so bad? How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist? Why do bad things happen to good people? In this week’s lesson, we will explore the age-long conflict between good and evil.


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Wait on the Lord

If there is a final word that we can draw from the Psalms, it should be “wait on the Lord.” Waiting on the Lord is not an idle and desperate biding of one’s time. Instead, waiting on the Lord is an act full of trust and faith, a trust and faith revealed in action.


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Worship That Never Ends

The Lord’s people are identified with the righteous, who worship the Lord and whose hope is in Him and in His love.


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Lessons of the Past

Each generation of God’s people plays a small but significant part in the grand historical unfolding of God’s sovereign purposes in the great controversy.


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Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

In all the Psalms, through the psalmists’ laments, thanksgivings, praises, and cries for justice and deliverance, we can hear the echoes of Christ’s prayer for the salvation of the world.


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Wisdom for Righteous Living

Wisdom for righteous living is gained through the dynamics of life with God amid temptations and challenges.
