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3 Martini Lunch

Radio America

Three Martini Lunch is a funny, edgy and fast-paced podcast of the day's major political stories, hosted by Radio America's Greg Corombos and Jim Geraghty


Washington, DC


Radio America


Three Martini Lunch is a funny, edgy and fast-paced podcast of the day's major political stories, hosted by Radio America's Greg Corombos and Jim Geraghty



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Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty, Charging School Shooters' Parents, GOP Senate Outlook

Join Jim and Greg for three complicated martinis to close out the week. They discuss Hunter Biden deciding to plead guilty to federal tax charges, whether parents of school shooters ought to face criminal charges, and the forecast for this years U.S. Senate elections. First, they focus on Hunter Biden abandoning his plan to go to trial and a subsequent plan to plead guilty without admitting guilt on federal tax charges. Now that he's simply pleading guilty, what does that mean for sentencing, the chances his father pardons him and more? Jim says it's all further proof of one thing - that the critics of Hunter Biden were right and Joe Biden and a lot of other Democrats and media apologists were wrong or flat out lying. Second, they examine this week's horrific, deadly school shooting at a Georgia high school and mull over whether officials are right to charge the shooter's father with two counts of second degree murder and four counts of involuntary manslaughter for failing to keep guns away from his 14-year-old son who had already been evaluated as a possible threat. Are charges like this a good way to keep parents more vigilant and accountable for their kids' actions and for their own actions or does criminal blame belong solely with the killer? Finally, they examine the U.S. Senate map this year. And while odds look favorable for Republicans to reclaim a slim majority, there are several other seats held by Democrats which should be vulnerable. But so far the GOP challengers are consistently trailing. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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The Debate is On, Russia & the Influencers, Kamala's Continuous 'No Comment'

Join Jim and Greg as they discuss Kamala Harris finally agreeing to debate Donald Trump next week, the DOJ's indictment of Russians accused of paying online influencers in the U.S., and how Harris is refusing to take positions on key issues. First, they're glad that next week's debate will go forward as scheduled after a lot of efforts to rework the agreement - from Trump demanding more debates to Harris insisting on unmuted microphones (which she failed to get). They explain the vapid reason Kamala wanted unmuted mics and whether this will be the final time she will take serious questions before Election Day. Next, they react to the Justice Department's indictment of two Russians accused of money laundering and failing to register as foreign agents. The indictment also refers to a lot of money being spent on a media company featuring six prominent online influencers here in the U.S. The indictment says those commentators had no knowledge of the arrangement and are not being charged. Defenders of the commentators allege this is simply a return to the government's Russian collusion narrative from eight years ago. Finally, they hammer Kamala Harris and her campaign for constantly dodging straightforward questions about her ever-evolving positions on many issues. The latest? Their refusal to say whether Harris would sign a legislative electric vehicle mandate that she sponsored while in the U.S. Senate. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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China Infiltrates NY Government, Tucker Platforms WWII Lunacy, Reviewing 'Reagan'

Join Jim and Greg as they assess a high-ranking former New York government official getting charged with spying for China, Tucker Carlson platforming an "historian" pushing insane ideas about World War II, and the 'Reagan' movie. First, they shake their heads as the former Deputy Chief of Staff to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is charged with spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They also roll their eyes that Hochul is shocked that the CCP would do such a thing, but they do appreciate her referring to Taiwan as a country. Next, they unload on Tucker Carlson for hosting a long, nonconfrontational interview with an "historian" who contends that Winston Churchill is the "chief villain" of World War II and that the Holocaust was simply the response to the Nazis capturing so many Russian prisoners who would have otherwise starved to death. Finally, they offer their reviews of "Reagan," the new film depicting Reagan's lifelong crusade against Soviet communism from Hollywood to the Oval Office. And while they both offer some constructive criticism, they both see the film as a good account of how Reagan viewed the communist threat and how he successfully dealt with it. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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Hamas Murders Hostages, Illegals Causing Criminal Chaos, The Constitution Is a Threat?

Join Jim and Greg for three lousy martinis that all have a strong crazy streak too. After Greg recaps his visit to the Calvin Coolidge presidential site in Vermont, they condemn Hamas for murdering hostages as well as the Biden administration's reaction. They also shudder as illegals are comprising a huge percentage of arrests in New York City but the laws are working against the law-abiding public. And they tear apart a New York Times column for saying the Constitution may be a threat to our politics. First, they recoil at Hamas murdering six hostages, including American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. But they're also staggered that the immediate media and Biden administration reaction is to put more pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cut a deal with the bloodthirsty terrorists who orchestrated the October 7th attacks and just slaughtered several innocent people. Next, they fume as police sources in New York report that 75 percent of assault, robbery, and domestic violence arrests in Midtown Manhattan are of illegal immigrants, and they estimate the number to be 60 percent in Queens. If that weren't bad enough, they explain how sanctuary city laws mean the perpetrators are often freed and officers can't check their legal status or work with Immigration & Customs Enforcement. Finally, they shake their heads as a New York Times column suggests the Constitution is a threat to our politics because of undemocratic aspects like the Electoral College and small states getting the same number of senators as larger states. Oh, and they they say the originalist bent of the current Supreme Court is a problem because the justices dare to seek out what the Founding Fathers meant when they wrote the Constitution. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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Three Martinis with Tevi Troy: 'Unprecedented' History, Presidents vs. CEO's, 'Die Hard'

As America pauses for Labor Day, Jim and Greg welcome in highly respected presidential historian Tevi Troy of the Bipartisan Policy Center. His latest book is "The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry." Tevi is also a huge fan of "Die Hard," so you know they won't miss a chance to talk about that! They begin by noting that Troy is well known for being the historian pouring cold water on politicians and their supporters, who are frequently and loudly insisting that whatever they are upset about is unprecedented and proof that the other side is on the brink of ruining the nation. Tevi says that over 235 years of the presidency we've seen a lot, and the people pulling their hair out don't know their history and are often substituting politics for religion. Next, they dig into Troy's book, "The Power and the Money" and how in the span of 150 years, America went from a posture of government and business being completely separate to now being very closely intertwined and impacting our lives regularly. They explore who deserves a lot of the blame for that disturbing evolution and which historical examples best inform of us of today's nexus between business and politics. Finally, as promised, they close out their discussion with a deep dive into "Die Hard," exploring why it remains a cultural phenomenon and what separate it from other great action movies. And they reflect on how it portrays institutions like the government and the media. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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Where Trump Needs to Focus, Kamala's Empty Campaign, Impact of the Switch

Jim and Greg are getting an early start on Labor Day weekend, so their assessment of the Kamala Harris CNN interview will have to wait for another day. Instead, they examine the state of both campaigns and what the long term impact of the DNC switching candidates will be on future election cycles. First, they look at the Trump campaign and the massive opportunity and challenge facing the Trump-Vance ticket. They stress that Trump has a huge advantage if he stays on message about the disaster that has unfolded on the watch of both Harris and president Biden. From the border to inflation to an unstable world to the left's radical cultural agenda, the path to victory is right there. But can Trump stay disciplined enough to focus on that all the way to the finish line? Next, they examine the Harris campaign and it's ongoing effort to make this an election about history and momentum rather than anything substantive. So far Harris has abandoned more positions than she has established in this campaign, and Democrats are actively encouraging her not to get more specific in order to attract more voters. Can this empty approach actually work? Finally, they consider how the Dems' swapping out Biden for Harris might impact future election cycles. There is clearly an advantage to avoid a grueling two-year campaign and making a three-month sprint to Election Day. So will we see shorter primary seasons or some other new approach as the parties seek the upper hand? Please visit out great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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Kari Lake Getting Swamped, The Vanishing President, Biden Nixed Gaza Pier Objections

Join Jim and Greg for what Jim is describing as the "we told you so" edition of 3 Martini Lunch! Today, they discuss a new poll showing Kari Lake getting crushed in the Arizona U.S. Senate race, the public disappearance of President Biden, and a report showing Biden overruled his advisers in insisting upon the ill-fated Gaza pier. First, they sigh as a new Fox News poll shows far-left Rep. Ruben Gallego leading Republican Kari Lake by 15 points in the Arizona Senate race. Even if the poll is a bit of an outlier, other surveys show Lake trailing by high single digits. The GOP should be able to field very competitive candidates in Arizona, but Kari Lake is not one of them. Next, they wonder whatever happened to the guy who is apparently still the president. Biden seems to be in the witness protection program since dropping out of the presidential race, with the exception of his late night convention speech. So is he actually on the job? Finally, they shake their heads as an inspector general's report shows that USAID officials tried to convince Biden not to construct the Gaza pier because even small waves would render it useless. But Biden rejected their advice and went forward with the operation anyway. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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Kamala's CNN Interview, Left Ignores Huge Oil Spill, Politico's Preposterous Partisanship

Join Jim and Greg as they discuss what to expect from Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Dana Bash now that Harris is finally agreeing to an interview. They also weigh in on Democrats and environmentalists ignoring a massive oil spill in the Red Sea caused by Iranian proxies and Politico being horrified that JD Vance is connecting Harris to the performance of the Biden administration. First, Jim is glad to see Harris finally agree to any interview after 37 days of ducking formal, on-camera interviews and press conferences. He and Greg also consider how CNN's Dana Bash will approach the event and which questions need to be asked. Next, they scratch their heads as the Biden administration, national Democrats and prominent environmental groups remain awfully quiet after the Iran-backed Houthis attacked an oil tanker in the Red Sea, triggering an exponentially bigger spill than the Exxon Valdez suffered back in 1989. Finally, they hammer Politico for reporting that GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance "tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally." Uh, she's the sitting Vice President of the United States. And Jim and Greg remark on how the media and the left are trying to convince Americans that Harris has no political past or involvement in the very unpopular policies of the Biden presidency. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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Dems & Wisconsin, Feds & Facebook, Kamala & the Wall, The Taliban & Your Tax Dollars

Join Jim and Greg as they squeeze four stories into today's podcast, from the DNC's absurd efforts to undermine democracy in Wisconsin to Mark Zuckerberg admitting the FBI, the White House and other federal entities pressured him over online speech and from Kamala Harris tacitly backing a border wall to the return of repression and terrorist safe havens in Afghanistan. Before the official martinis, they highlight how Democrats are trying to limit voters' options ahead of the presidential election. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has thankfully dismissed a lawsuit trying to kick the Green Party's Jill Stein off the ballot in the Badger State. And it has to be one of the dumbest arguments for removing a candidate that we've ever heard. Then, they react to Meta's Mark Zuckerberg admitting to House Republicans that the Biden administration urged him to censor COVID-19 content on Facebook, including humor and satire. And the FBI pre-emptively told him to be on the lookout for "Russian disinformation" about the Biden family and Burisma, so he was predisposed to spike the story of the Hunter Biden laptop when it was reported in the NY Post. Next, they assess an Axios story that suggests Kamala Harris has flip-flopped again, this time embracing a border wall since she's on the record backing the Senate immigration bill. This change in policy is not something her staffers have announced, but it's another sign she is running to the middle despite her long radical record - and its happening while Democrats are planning a very progressive agenda in Congress with her full blessing. Finally, they wince as the Taliban reimpose some of the most repressive policies against women just as we mark three years since the disastrous Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan. Jim also points out terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda, are thriving there again. And all of it happening with your tax dollars. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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RFK vs. Democrats, Cotton vs. Kamala & Her Media Allies, Trump's Vow vs. His Pro-Life Legacy

Join Jim and Greg as they serve up two good martinis and a definite bad one as they note RFK Jr.'s strong case for how Democrats trampled all over democracy in this election cycle, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton refusing to let ABC News promote a false pro-Kamala narrative, and Donald Trump trying to cozy up to the pro-abortion crowd. First, they discuss Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropping off the ballot in ten competitive states and endorsing Donald Trump. And while there is plenty to be skeptical about with respect to Kennedy, he delivered a strong indictment of the Democrats for squashing any attempt to challenge Joe Biden for the party nomination and keeping Kennedy and other candidates off the ballot for the general election. Next, they applaud Sen. Cotton for his masterful rejection of Harris talking points coming from Jonathan Karl of ABC News. As Cotton pointed out radical Harris positions from the 2020 campaign, like abolishing private health insurance, Karl interjected to say Harris no longer holds that position. Cotton refused to let Karl (or Harris) get away with that. Finally, they fume as Trump vows on social media that "my administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights." After scoring the biggest pro-life win in half a century, Trump is focusing on trying to coax some pro-abortion voters to his side while just assuming pro-life voters won't care and will show up for him as strongly as ever. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.


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The DNC's Absurd Reinvention of Kamala Harris

Join Jim and Greg as they react to Kamala Harris accepting the Democratic nomination on Thursday night. They examine her promise to be a president who will always put country over party, her vow to create an economy of opportunity, and her approach to the Middle East and other national security issues. First, they note how the Harris campaign is trying to replay the Obama strategy of staying vague on policy and denouncing the intense political rancor and division that she has been aggressively inflaming for the past eight years. The problem for Harris is that her record of far-left policies and partisan rhetoric is far more extensive than Obama's was in 2008. Next, they contrast Kamala's call for an "economic opportunity" agenda with her many earlier statements about the need for equity and "equal outcomes." They also mention her disingenuous stance on immigration and the border crisis and explain how one aspect of Thursday's convention story is a perfect metaphor for the left's rhetoric vs. the left's actions. Finally, they dig into Harris speaking on the Middle East crisis, as she delivered the most intense administration denunciation of the Hamas terrorist attacks in months - and then turned around and insisted there needs to be a Palestinian state.


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DNC Walz vs. The Real Walz, The Dems' Freedom Fiction, What Bad Jobs Report?

Join Jim and Greg as they discuss the third night of the Democratic National Convention and more. They comment on Bill Clinton's decline, the fictional Tim Walz highlighted at the DNC vs. the one with a real & disturbing record as governor, the Dems projecting the fantasy that they are the party of freedom, and Biden's commerce secretary giving a bizarre reaction to a lousy jobs report. First, after commenting on Clinton's speech that was underwhelming and way too long, they dissect the "strikingly shameless" portrayal of Tim Walz as an everyman and good neighbor instead of the far left politician who coddled rioters, threatened anyone reluctant to take a Covid vaccine, added a Covid snitch line, and has had a cozy relationship with China for decades. Next, they shake their heads as Democrat after Democrat pretended that they are the party of freedom and that Republicans are the party of federal intrusion into our lives. And yet, there's only a couple of "freedoms" that they really care about and got repeated over and over Wednesday night. Finally, they laugh as Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo accuses Donald Trump of issuing the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report showing the government overestimated the number of jobs created over the past year by 818,000. When confronted with the truth, Raimondo claimed she was not aware of the report.


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Obamas at the DNC, Kamala's Tax Plan Nightmare, RFK Jr. to Endorse Trump?

Join Jim and Greg as they assess speeches from Barack and Michelle Obama at the Democratic National Committee, recoil at Kamala's proposed tax hikes and current job revisions, and speculate on the impact of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. possibly ending his independent bid for president and endorsing Donald Trump. First, after lamenting that the Democrats temporarily took down the Bulls and Blackhawks championship banners, they react to Tuesday night's convention speeches from the Obamas. While they readily admit that both of them are very skilled at speaking and motivating their party's base, they also highlight how the former president is always right in the middle of the political mudslinging while pretending to stay above the fray. And they notice some very telling signs about what the Obamas really think of the Bidens. Next, they shudder as Kamala Harris endorses a long list of new taxes, including major hikes in the corporate and capital gains tax rate - and even a big tax on "unrecognized" capital gains, meaning people would be taxed on money they haven't even made yet. They also cringe at revised job numbers from the Labor Department showing 818,000 fewer jobs were actually created in the past year than previously reported. Finally, after RFK, Jr.'s running mate says there's a chance Kennedy will drop out and endorse Trump, Jim and Greg consider whether they think that will happen and whether such an event would have a major effect on the 2024 presidential race.


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Biden's Tiresome Rant, DNC's Lousy Logistics, Jill & Nancy Spin Joe's Exit

Jim is back today, joining the podcast from the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Today, Jim and Greg dissect Biden's angry & often false speech, the Democrats running way behind schedule at the convention, & Jill Biden and Nancy Pelosi offering very different explanations for why Biden abandoned his re-election bid. First, they break down Biden's long, loud speech that was full of debunked accusations and major distortions about his record. From his performance on border security to COVID & schools to job creation, Biden played fast & loose with the truth and, of course, had more than a few moments of mangling his words. Next, they're stunned at how badly run the first night of the DNC was. Jim explains what a hassle it was for media and delegates to get into the arena. And then, Democrats scheduled a bunch of barely known figures to speak past the prime time window. Did Democrats intentionally shove Joe to a time the viewership would be dwindling? Finally, they get a kick out of the very different explanations given last night for why Biden dropped his re-election bid, with First Lady Jill Biden stating that Joe made the decision after looking "deep into his soul" and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitting she "did what I had to do" but insisting that Joe made his own decision.


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Dems Retreat from Price Controls, Free Abortions at the DNC, Dems Want No Specifics from Kamala

Jon Gabriel, the Undisputed King of Stuff and columnist for Discourse magazine and the Arizona Republic is in for Jim. Today, Jon and Greg remember daytime talk show host Phil Donahue, get a kick out of Democrats inching away from Kamala's price control plans, condemn Planned Parenthood for offering free abortions and vasectomies near the Democratic National Convention, and react to Democrats not wanting any policy specifics from Kamala Harris until after the election. And they share what they wish Joe Biden would say in his convention speech tonight. First, they offer a quick remembrance of Phil Donahue, the far left daytime talk show host who nonetheless wanted to have substantive conversations with people he disagreed with. Next, they enjoy watching Democrats like Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer squirm when asked to defend the price controls on food proposed by Kamala Harris. They also stress what a terrible idea it is to think the government should be tasked with solving inflation problem with more intervention. Then, they recoil in horror as Planned Parenthood offers to provide free abortions and vasectomies at its mobile clinic near the Dems' convention site. Worse yet, the schedule for both filled up quickly. Greg and Jon express their disgust at how cavalierly the left discards precious human life and how it uses that disdain to push forward its political agenda. Finally, they examine the Dems being perfectly happy to let Kamala avoid specifics on issues until after the election. It shows how afraid they are if voters know just how radical their agenda. They also look ahead to President Biden's convention speech tonight - both what it probably will include and what they really, really wish he would say about the intraparty plot to end his re-election bid.


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Kamala & Price Controls, Trump & the Medal of Honor, Clueless Biden Corrected Again

Join Jim and Greg as they take the current president and both major party nominees to task today. They unload on Kamala's proposed government intrusion into the economy, Trump's cavalier comparison involving the Medal of Honor, and Biden's staff having to explain yet again that what Biden said isn't administration policy. First, they review more specifics from Vice President Harris's economic plan to reduce the cost of food, housing and more. They explain that the money she wants to give first-time homebuyers will only drive up prices - due to the infusion of money and higher demand. And they tee off on her plans to tell companies how much they are allowed to charge. And one of Jim's fellow Washington Post columnists - who is not on the political right - pulls no punches on condemning the agenda. Next, they address Donald Trump honoring donor Miriam Adelson by reflecting on the time he awarded her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In doing so, he compared that award with the Medal of Honor and remarked that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is "actually much better" because the Medal of Honor recipients are "either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets or they're dead" and Mrs. Adelson is "a healthy, beautiful woman." Finally, they rip the listless, lame duck presidency of Joe Biden, who once again wandered off script with the media - this time on Venezuela. And his national security staff once had to come out and tell us to ignore what the president just said. Please visit our great sponsors: Lumen https://lumen.me/3ML Head to lumen.me/3ML for 15% off your Lumen. Oracle https://oracle.com/martini Take a free test drive of OCI at oracle.com/martini today!


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Kamala's Economic Gaslighting, Walz's Drunk Driving Episode, Another Secret Service Blunder

Join Jim and Greg as they still struggle to locate a good martini. Instead, they highlight how Kamala Harris is trying to gaslight Americans about why everything costs so much, the details surrounding Tim Walz's drunk driving arrest back in the '90s, and a Secret Service agent found missing from her post just moments before Trump's arrival at a rally in North Carolina. First, they note Vice President Harris, just like President Biden, is planning to blame high prices on greedy, gouging companies instead of their reckless spending and other inflationary policies. They give Harris a quick review of why costs skyrocketed in the first couple years of the Biden-Harris administration and why demonizing corporate America is not going to help at all. Next, they dig into the details of Tim Walz's 1995 drunk driving arrest for going 96 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. In addition to documenting that Walz lied about it as recently as his 2006 congressional campaign. Jim also points to the final days of the 2000 presidential election to prove that drunk driving arrests can cause serious problems many years later. Finally, they groan as a Secret Service agent was discovered to be away from her post without permission just minutes before Donald Trump arrived for a rally because she was breastfeeding her baby. While they love kids, Jim and Greg don't think bringing kids to your protective detail is a very good idea. And they are stunned that anyone in the Secret Service would be cutting any corners right now. Please visit our great sponsors: Oracle https://oracle.com/martini Take a free test drive of OCI at oracle.com/martini today! Moink Box https://moinkbox.com/martini Sign up today and get free hot rolls in your first box only at moinkbox.com/martini .


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Harris's Fake Headlines, Kamala's Political Reinvention, Hunter Biden Evidence Emerges

Join Jim and Greg as they offer no good martinis but a whole tray of crazy ones. Today, they react to media reports that Kamala's campaign is doctoring media headlines in online ads, Harris trying to politically reinvent herself as the change candidate in 2024, and the media realizing it's now OK to admit Hunter Biden was up to his eyeballs in shady foreign deals due to his name and access to his dad. First, they fume at an Axios story explaining that the Harris campaign created fake headlines under the banner of real media outlets like Reuters, USA Today, and CBS News. The reporter who broke the story then immediately tried to downplay it and the media entities involved hardly seem to care. Next, they roll their eyes at another Axios report explaining how Kamala Harris is jettisoning some of her most far left positions and distancing herself from Joe Biden as part of her sprint to November. She's even trying to position herself as the "change candidate" after four years in the current administration. And why? Because Americans overwhelmingly don't like the direction our country is headed. Finally, they note multiple headlines noting that Special Counsel David Weiss and the State Department's own records reveal evidence of Hunter Biden influence peddling overseas - in one case he was paid to directly lobby for Romania while Joe Biden was vice president. Jim wants to know where to go for his award on being right about this story, President Biden's decline, and so many other stories initially branded as misinformation...until they could no longer be denied. Please visit our great sponsors: Lumen https://lumen.me/3ML Head to lumen.me/3ML for 15% off your Lumen. Oracle https://oracle.com/martini Take a free test drive of OCI at oracle.com/martini today!


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Dem Debate Narrative vs. Facts, Media is a Laughingstock, The Grift Goes On

Join Jim and Greg as they applaud Fox News anchor Bret Baier for easily blowing up the Democrats' ridiculous narrative about debates, enjoy watching a studio audience laugh at the idea of CNN being objective but highlight the disturbing truth beneath it, and they document the ongoing hall-of-fame level grift perpetrated by the Lincoln Project. First, they react to Bret Baier immediately shredding the weak argument from New York Rep, Dan Goldman that Donald Trump is afraid to debate Kamala Harris - and pointing out that Harris is the one refusing to commit to debates right now. Next, they get a kick out of the audience at "The Late Show" getting a good laugh out Stephen Colbert suggesting that CNN is "objective" and just "report the news as it is" - in front of a CNN anchor. Jim and Greg break down how just the few weeks are ample proof of how most media are purely activists these days, how politics have ruined late night TV and more. Finally, they reflect on the latest financial statement from the #NeverConservatives at The Lincoln Project, showing it spends more than 90 percent of its money on "overhead" and a lot of that money just ends up in separate "media" entities run by current Lincoln project figures and their allies. And all donors ever get for their money is amateurish videos that have no impact on any elections. Please visit our great sponsors: Lumen https://lumen.me/3ML Head to lumen.me/3ML for 15% off your Lumen. Oracle https://oracle.com/martini Take a free test drive of OCI at oracle.com/martini today!


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Virginia & the Voter Rolls, Kamala's Dodging & A Compliant Media, Walz & His Mom

Jim Geraghty is back after a much-deserved vacation and weathering the remnants of Hurricane Debby. Join Jim and Greg as they cheer Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and his team for their due diligence in preparing for the elections, scold the AP and other media for allowing Kamala Harris to dodge serious questions for three weeks and counting, and slamming Tim Walz for forcing his own 87-year-old mom to isolate after heart surgery during Covid. First, they applaud Virginia for doing what Jim calls the "basic blocking and tacking of government" and making sure the commonwealth's voter rolls are up to date. In doing so, officials found 80,000 dead people still eligible to vote along with more than 6,300 non-citizens. This shouldn't be that hard to update. So why isn't every state doing it? Next, they shake their heads as the media are still pandering to Kamala Harris and only offering the softest criticism for her refusal to take serious questions for more than three weeks since President Biden ended his campaign. Even worse, media outlets like the Associated Press are running stories downplaying the importance of candidates engaging in sit-down interviews. Finally, they shudder at video from the pandemic in which Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz says he made his 87-year-old mother live alone right after heart surgery because he feared negative headlines if his mom came to live with him. So instead of amending his own draconian stay-at-home orders to help his mom and to allow anyone to care for a loved one who needed assistance, he decided enforcing the shutdown orders were more important. Please visit our great sponsors: Lumen https://lumen.me/3ML Head to lumen.me/3ML for 15% off your Lumen. Oracle https://oracle.com/martini Take a free test drive of OCI at oracle.com/martini today!
